BizNinja Entrepreneur Radio show

BizNinja Entrepreneur Radio

Summary: Join Tyler Jorgenson, lifelong entrepreneur, as he interviews business owners, authors, CEO's, marketers and innovators. If you're looking for a podcast on entrepreneurship that is under 30 minutes and jam packed with awesome info, this is it. Past guests include Tim Ferriss, Neil Patel, Peter Shankman and many other successful entrepreneurs. Currently BizNinja - Entrepreneur Radio airs on ABC News Radio KMET-1490 out of Redlands, California


 Ep 071 James P Friel - Systems Give You Leverage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:14

Ep 071 James P Friel - Systems Give You Leverage

 Ep 070 Dr. Shawn - From Vet to Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:52

Dr. Shawn isn't your average entrepreneur. From a young age, Dr. Shawn took an interest in animals and caring for them. While in school, he dug into natural medicine for pets and how it differs from standard medicine. Pets are being over vaccinated and over treated for symptoms they don't have and owners are being recommended unnecessary and toxic solutions.  From the information Dr. Shawn gained about natural medicine, he started a holistic line of pet products to help heal without harming. 

 Ep 069 Ben Ryan Schwartz - Managing your Business on Amazon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:13

Ben previously worked for Amazon on the marketplace and for Amazon Fresh and is here to discuss. His business journey started in the entertainment industry for video production and grew into his love for technology transferring him to Apple and then Amazon. Tune in and listen to Ben discuss his life journey, and what he is doing now to help others grow their businesses on Amazon. 

 Ep 068 Trey Lewellen - Click Funnels and E-commerce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:51

Trey Lewellen has been a part of the Click Funnel industry since the beginning but hasn't always been a part of the entrepreneurial world. Trey started his business journey as an insurance agent while attending events around Facebook ads and funnels. As he grew into the e-commerce world, his success grew with him. Tune in and listen to Trey's amazing life story and business advice. 

 EP 067 Bryan Bowman - Amazon-proof E-commerce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:06

Bryan Bowman worked his way into becoming an entrepreneur starting in the professional golfing world. Through injuries and setbacks, he made the choice to pursue a degree and to start his own business. Tune in and listen to him discuss his entrepreneurial journey and how he went from flipping books from eBay to Amazon into a succesful e-commerce business.

 EP 066 Stuart Draper - Digital Courseware | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:42

Stuart Draper lost his job in 2008 and began his entrepreneurial journey through Google Ads. In 2011 he began teaching at BYU and saw the opportunity to teach digital marketing and launched his business Stukent around this idea. Their mission is to help educators help students help the world through providing digital courseware to institutions all over the world. Tune in to listen to the details and Stuart talk about his business journey.

 Ep 064 Myles Clifford - Click Funnels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:11

Myles Clifford began his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 23 with no experience or knowledge of the entrepreneurial world. As the company grew, costs did as well, causing the company to close and his efforts to switch to click funnels. Listen to his full story, how he found click funnels, and what he does with Click Funnels today! 

 EP 063 Sangeeta Badal - Born to Build | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:19

Sangeeta Badal is the principal scientist for the builder initiative, and author of Born to Build. She displays expertise in data and analytics and removing the bias from entrepreneurial companies. Born to Build seeks to inspire entrepreneurs and ambitious, self-motivated people to build something that will change the world. Listen to Sangeeta discuss how to build anything that creates economic growth and make a lasting impact on society.

 Ep 062 Earnest Epps - Dropshipping & E-commerce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Earnest Epps went above and beyond and did something that nobody thought was possible. Dropshipping has become an extremely popular way for entrepreneurs to grow or add to their business, and Earnest saw an opportunity. Listen to how Earnest grew in his entrepreneurial journey and how he mastered the art of sales, communications and marketing across several different industries.

 Ep 061 Nathan Hirsch - Hiring Virtual Assistants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Nathan Hirsch was an aspiring entrepreneur through college and became frustrated with the hiring process. This is what sparked his business FreeUp, a service that sets up interviews and helps match up the top 1% of applicants to your business. Listen to Nathan talk about how he got started as an entrepreneur and what his company, FreeUp, is all about. 

 EP 060 Howard Yu - Leap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

One of the world's top 40 business professors under 40 is here to tell us his experience and knowledge in the entrepreneurial and business world and his newest book, Leap. As competition grows and copycat competition continues to put a threat on all businesses, Howard Yu explains how to shield yourself and your business ideas from being copied. A tool that every entrepreneur and business owner should know. 

 EP 059 Murray Nossel - Powered by Storytelling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:50

Looking for a way to improve your business communication? Murray Nossel is here to discuss the secrets of storytelling and how your business can grow through telling your personal story. Nossel's book, Powered by Storytelling, explains how to transform your business all through communication. Everyone needs great communication skills to run a business, and everyone has a story. Tune in to listen how to tie the two together to connect with your audience and achieve results.

 EP 058 Geoff Tuff - Detonate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:18

The co-author of Detonate, Geoff Tuff is here to talk about his book and the choice of his title. He explains why and how businesses should focus and detonate their best practices in order to survive. With more than 25 years of experience, as well as a degree from Dartmouth and Harvard business school, Geoff has helped businesses grow and thrive in nontraditional ways. Tune in to listen to his personal experiences and methods. 

 EP 057 Debbie Levitt - UX and Product Design | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:18

Debbie Levitt took a turn after graduating with a music degree by diving into the entrepreneurial life. As she began concept creation, or UX, she realized the importance of product or software design. Debbie is here to inform you on the importance of not skipping steps and asking the right questions when it comes to product design and concept creation. 

 Ep 056 Stephen Larsen - Building Click Funnels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:56

Stephen Larsen's personal story and background drove him to Click Funnels and also working right alongside Russel Brunsen. Tune in to listen how Stephen built himself up as an entrepreneur and gained experience in Click Funnels just to help his family survive. Little did he know that the money he was making was also his passion and drove him to excellence today.


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