Mere Fidelity show

Mere Fidelity

Summary: From the Mere Orthodoxy Podcast Network: thoughtful weekly conversations about theology, the culture, and the church, hosted by Matthew Lee Anderson, Derek Rishmawy, Alastair Roberts, and Andrew Wilson.

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 Projects | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:11

On Mere Fidelity it’s not just the guests that are experts. All four of our hosts have projects of their own that will be of great interest to our listeners. Three of our hosts (alas, Derek is not on this episode) open up about what has been taking up their intellectual space this past year: from 1776 to Dante to YouTube to Gossip and more. Full show notes at

 ‘The Deep Places,’ with Ross Douthat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:11

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss his harrowing experience with Lyme disease as told in his new book, The Deep Places: A Memoir of Illness & Discovery. Alastair and Matt take the conversation in some interesting directions that you’ll probably only find on Mere Fidelity, like how the sociological experience of chronic illness compares with the psychology of witness in the Christian community. That, and more, in this episode. Full show notes at

 The Last Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:37

The church year begins with Advent. But Advent begins by looking forward to the Second Coming of Christ. Why would we start with the end? The doctrine of the Last Things sheds some light on this tradition. Matt, Derek, and Alastair examine Advent and the Last Things by taking a close look at Charles Wesley’s classic Advent hymn, “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending.” Full show notes at

 ‘You Are Not Your Own,’ with Dr. Alan Noble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:28

What is our only comfort in life and in death? It’s that we do not belong to ourselves, but that we belong body and soul to Jesus Christ. Alan Noble thinks that if we will embrace this teaching, the church will be able to weather modernity. How exactly does that play out in our daily lives? That’s what he talks about with Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew(!) on this episode. Full show notes at

 ‘Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew,’ with Rev. Hans Boersma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:02

What’s gone wrong in Biblical theology? We’ve turned the Bible into an object to master, instead of letting it master us. Rev. Hans Boersma’s new book, Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew, opens this conversation up very well, reminding us the job of the Biblical scholar is not primarily historical. Matt and Derek talk with Rev. Boersma, and things get a little spicy when the topic of Sola Scriptura comes up. Full show notes at

 Evangelical Elites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:34

A conversation has erupted in Evangelical circles about elites and their willingness to accommodate worldly powers. But who counts as elite? Which worldly powers are they cozying up to? The answers can change depending on who’s doing the accusing. Alastair, Matt, and Derek take up the conversation to pick apart confusing threads and lower the temperature of the argument. Will they succeed or end up disagreeing with each other? Full show notes at

 ‘Funerals,’ with Dr. Tim Perry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:11

Death is an uncomfortable subject for many people. That makes funerals difficult at the least, and even worse, confusing and traumatic. How does the Christian understanding of death influence the way we do funerals? Dr. Tim Perry, author of Funerals: For the Care of Souls, published by Lexham Press, joins Matt and Derek to liven your understanding of what it means for a Christian to die. Practical considerations are covered as well, like cremation vs. burial, whether to eulogize, and which parts of funerals should be customized and which shouldn’t be. Full show notes at

 ‘The Trinity and the Bible,’ with Scott Swain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:15

Dr. Scott Swain is the President of Reformed Theological Seminary, and he is the author of The Trinity & the Bible: On Theological Interpretation published by Lexham Press. In this conversation with Derek, Matt, and Alastair, Dr. Swain helps ask and answer some big questions about the Doctrine of the Trinity: How do we find it in the Bible? Is it just imported Greek categories? Why do we use the terms Father, Son, and Spirit? How do you pronounce ‘prosopological’? And what use is the Doctrine of the Trinity anyway? Full show notes at Join the Merrie Band™ and hear the +1 at

 Exvangelical Deconstruction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:07

What’s the difference between someone “deconstructing” their faith and plain, old apostasy? Are Exvangelicals really leaving Christianity? Andrew, Alastair, and Matt discuss the new trend of Evangelicals prominently deconstructing their faith and what it means for the church and the doctrine of assurance. Full show notes at

 ‘Jordan Peterson, God, & Christianity,’ with Dr. Christopher Kaczor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:36

The Jordan Peterson phenomenon is worth looking into. Even Aquinas scholar Dr. Christopher Kaczor is writing about the effect that Jordan Peterson is having. Matt and Alastair join the discussion, bringing a particular emphasis to how Peterson reads Scripture and what Christians can learn from his approach. Full show notes at

 ‘A Spacious Life,’ with Dr. Ashley Hales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:36

With the ideas like technology, progress, and liberty shaping our lives, we are formed to believe that reality is tending toward an ever greater number of choices and ever fewer limits. But is this limitless ideal a good way to live? Dr. Ashley Hales has a different idea, which she explores in her new book, A Spacious Life: Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits. She returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss about how limits can actually increase our liberty and what this looks like for the modern Christian. Full show notes at

 Bad Church Leadership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:51

Many Christians and ex-Christians have experienced severe trauma because of bad, even abusive, church leadership. Using the story of Mark Driscoll as a basis for comparison, Matt, Andrew, and Alastair discuss the causes and outcomes of bad leadership. They compare and contrast the US and UK churches, look at the sociology of trust, and ask how to examine one’s own leadership to avoid becoming abusive. Full show notes at

 ‘Wonderfully Made,’ with Dr. John Kleinig | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:36

Dr. John Kleinig joins Matt and Alastair to discuss a Biblical approach to a theology of the body. More specifically, they talk about how we can acquire the vision with which God sees our bodies. Some questions that they cover are how ritual trains the body, what the significance of the body is in Protestant theology, and why Jesus’s physical body is so emphasized in the Gospels. Dr. Kleinig’s latest book also focuses on these issues. (There’s also a particularly spectacular +1 that you can hear if you are one of the Merrie Band of Patreon supporters.) Full show notes at

 Healing the Schism, with Dr. Jennifer Rosner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:26

You may think that Christianity and Judaism have gone their separate ways; that they have nothing to do with each other. But this is not necessarily the case. On this episode, Dr. Jennifer Rosner, author of Healing the Schism: Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig, and the New Jewish-Christian Encounter, joins Matt and Alastair to talk about how Christianity and Judaism should relate to one another. Full show notes at

 ‘What’s Wrong with Rights?’ with Dr. Nigel Biggar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:06

Is the theory of natural rights really the best way to protect ourselves from tyrannical governments? This is the big question of Dr. Nigel Biggar’s book, What’s Wrong With Rights? Dr. Biggar is Regius Professor of Moral & Pastoral Theology, and Director of the McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics, & Public Life, University of Oxford. Matt and Alastair push on this argument with Dr. Biggar to examine the relationship between morality and law. Fun connection: Dr. Biggar is Dr. Matt Anderson’s former Ph.D. advisor! Full show notes at


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