The Jennifer Allwood Show show

The Jennifer Allwood Show

Summary: Welcome to my podcast where I help business owners grow their social media following and then use it to make money in the online space. Each week I share topics that will help you learn how to build an audience, sell online, and grow your business. I also bring in business experts to share their invaluable insight, wisdom and best business tactics, and we talk about how to apply this to your business. We discuss how to overcome and be aware of mindset challenges that creative business owners usually face. We talk about effective ways to brand, market, price and scale your business so you can reach more clients, make more money and work less. And there is so much to share with you! I grew my local Kansas City decorative painting business to a 7-figure online brand and it's my heart's desire to help, empower and encourage other creatives! I know what you're going through as a creative business owner and you are not alone. I want to help you share your gifts, run a successful business and become an expert in your industry. You don't have to be miserable in a 9-to-5. You don't have to fall for the starving artist lie. You can make money with your passions. You don't have to be the best in the industry, you just have to know how to out market your competitors. Please subscribe to get my podcasts and listen in weekly to learn how to turn your hobby into a full-time gig. Get more business tips + encouragement + DIY fun: Instagram: @jenniferallwood Facebook: @themagicbrushinc Show Notes:

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  • Artist: Jennifer Allwood: Business Coach
  • Copyright: All Rights Reserved


 Special Series: Revenue Rundown 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:46

Here is the content from video 2 of my free video series. I want you to be able to listen right here on the podcast! I am sharing all about 7 ways you can make money in the online space. My passion is to help as many people as possible find freedom in their time and finances and this series talks all about how to do it. There are still 2 more special episodes in the series so be on the lookout!

 What is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Need it in Your Business | Episode 152 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

I love to talk about revenue streams all day long! Today I want to talk about one of the easiest passive income streams you can add to your business right away—affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is so awesome because you can get started right away with basically no expenses and no complicated set-up. I remember the first time I was able to pay bills with the money I made from affiliate sales. It was a game-changer in my business and I want that for you to have that too!

 Special Series: Revenue Rundown 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:45

Right now my free video series is being released and I wanted you to be able to listen right here on the podcast! I am sharing all about 7 ways you can make money in the online space. My passion is to help as many people as possible find freedom in their time and finances and this series talks all about how to do it. So be watching out for these special episodes over the next week along with our regular programming!

 Monday Fire 33 | Money Mindset Series: God is a God of Order | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:34

My pastor is a great man and he always says that God is a God of order and that order affects outcome. We have been focusing these Mondays in January on money mindset and specifically on Proverbs 13:22 that says a sinner's wealth is being stored up for the righteous. We need to do the right things in the right order to position ourselves to be in a place to receive that wealth. We need to get our business in order and get the order of our priorities in line first!

 Family, Life, Health, and Business with Chalene Johnson | Episode 151 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:33

Interviewing Chalene Johnson is a dream come true. She has so much wisdom to share. She is real and relatable and an open book when talking about her journey in business and in health. She is a researcher and has lots of knowledge to share about brain health. She is also super-intentional as a wife and mom and a true inspiration. This was one of my favorite interviews and I know will bless all who listen!

 Monday Fire 32 | Money Mindset Series: Change Your Poverty Language | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:43

One goal with this Money Mindset series is to help you position yourself in a way where you are ready to receive money and steward it well. In more than one place, the Bible says, "Out of the depths of the heart, the mouth speaks." This includes what we say about poverty and money. Simply changing "We can't afford that" to "We are choosing to spend our money differently" will make such a huge difference. What are things you say about money that you should reframe and reword?

 Networking in the Online Space | Episode 150 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:13

Networking online is all about building relationships and connecting with others. There is so much value in having other business owners in your online circle of friends. Not only does it give you a support group and people to call on, but it also opens up lots of opportunities. The key is to start with a pure heart and good intentions and to let it happen organically. Let's talk more some keys of networking like networking outside your industry and networking with people that are where you want to be!

 Monday Fire 31: Money Mindset Series: Refuse a Poverty Mindset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:31

Proverbs 13:22 The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. Friends, this scripture had been on my heart lately. There is plenty of money to go around and it is being stored up somewhere. I want you to be ready for money to come to you and through you. So many women have been raised with misconceptions about money, and I want to spend the next several Mondays talking about money mindset to clear up these misconceptions. The first challenge I have for you is to refuse to have a poverty mindset.

 Time Hacks to Start 2020 Off Right | Episode 149 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:49

Time is a key commodity to us all! As moms and wives and entrepreneurs, time management is a constant struggle. While I can't make more minutes in the day, I can give you some hacks to help you gain more freedom in your time this year! Gaining time will not only be great for your family and awesome for your business, but it will also allow you to have more margin in your life. When our days are so packed, be barely have time to breathe, how is God supposed to use us? Creating margin gives God room to work!

 Prayer Time Highlights: Perspective, Resistance, Moving On, & Margin | Episode 148 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:41

I have been praying over on my Facebook page every morning lately and God has given me a lot to share during these times. For those of you who have missed some of the messages or even for those who have been faithfully watching, we have compiled some of the highlights here for you on this podcast episode. Listen in to this highlight reel as I talk about perspective and reframing, what resistance can mean, how some of you may need to move on from something, and about the magic of margin!

 Monday Fire 30 | Take Your Foot Off the Gas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:19

Well, it is a holiday week and I hope you are geared up for...not a whole lot of work. My personal goal is to take 2 weeks off from work, and I give you permission to take off as much as you want as well. The clients will still be there, the work can wait, but this is a great time to get some order back in your life. Focus on your family and your faith so that when it is time, you can focus on your business, but have the right perspective. Let's take our foot off the gas for the holidays! Merry Christmas!!

 Million Dollar Business with Kelly Roach | Episode 147 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:06

I have someone I want to introduce to you this week. I heard her name several times recently and then we met in real life and I knew I wanted to have her on the show! Kelly Roach is doing business right! She is set to exceed $20M in 2020. If you are looking for hit seven figures or just want to be inspired by someone ahead of where you are, listen in. She shares about her biggest challenges when hit $1M, $5M, etc., gives us her predictions for business in 2020 and so much more!

 Monday Fire 29 | Closing Loops | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:39

I don't know about you, but when I have too many things going on in my head I feel very unsettled. This is especially true when there are lots of open, undecided issues. Sometimes, I just have to sit down with Jason and close some loops! It feels so good just to get things decided and settled. And, of course, it doesn't mean things can't change. It just means that decisions have been made so progress can occur! I want to give you some tips on how to close some loops in your life!

 Black Friday Recap: What Can We Learn? | Episode 146 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:49

Is Black Friday becoming a non-event? What do the major retailers and analysts say? Well, malls were dead and foot traffic was down, but overall sales were up! Shopping habits are changing and we as small business owners have to respond. We need to give consumers lots of options and really be intentional in what we offer and how we market. Listen in as I share lots of stats and some keys things you need to do before the next Black Friday/Cyber Monday season!

 Monday Fire 28 | Permission Granted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:33

I have women message on the regular looking for permission. It may be a new business idea or a change to what they are currently doing or just an idea they want to investigate, but they feel like they need to be told it is okay. While I am happy to grant them the permission they feel they need, I really want them to find it for themselves. If the Lord has given you an idea to implement or a message to share or a plan to pursue, you don't need anyone's permission. He already gave it to you!


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