Triple Play Performance Podcast show

Triple Play Performance Podcast

Summary: The Triple Play Performance podcast is the #1 leading authority on total body wellness hosted by Dr. Mike Okouchi, a holistic integrative chiropractic physician. Our episodes focus on weight loss, detoxification, nutrition and natural remedies.


 Episode 68: The Great Vaccine Mandate Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:22

Episode 68: The Great Vaccine Mandate Debate

 Episode 67: The Top 3 Things to Help your Immune System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:50

Episode 67: The Top 3 Things to Help your Immune System

 Episode 66: How to Detoxify Your Body Effectively | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:48

In this compilation podcast episode, we go over all the things you’d need to do to detoxify your body effectively.  

 Episode 65: The 3 overlooked healing fundamentals that actually work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:59

In this episode… We’re going to discuss how to start taking your health back from a chronic health issue. This is a growing epidemic in our world and we need to do something about it. Unfortunately, the current medical paradigm doesn’t address chronic health issues properly. In the News The missing link to scoliosis? Intermittent Fasting and Type 2 Diabetes  Show Notes What is the definition of a chronic health issue What’s the ultimate cause of a chronic health issue  The 3 facets you must address to actually start the healing process  Here’s what I want you to do… Post on Instagram what is the one thing that you’re going to do to take back your health and tag me “@tripleplaydoc”

 Episode 64: Which Nutritional Supplements Do I need? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:08

Let’s clear up the confusion Choosing nutritional supplements can be a very confusing task. Who do you believe? Which ones are effective? Which ones are just expensive pee? In this episode, I go over which ones I think are essential on a daily basis and which ones are on an as-needed basis. Link to Episode 61: How to Choose a Nutritional Supplement When should you supplement * Times of higher stress * Traveling * Heavier workouts * Sluggish/Fatigue * Recovering from an illness * Poor Diet * Exposure to toxins/pollutants Supplements You Need on a Daily Basis * Minerals – Magnesium & Zinc * PQQ/Ubiquinol * Alkalete * Molecular Hydrogen Go to our ONLINE NUTRITIONAL dispensary and set up an account to purchase the other “Daily” recommended supplements Supplements You can take on an “as needed” basis * Omega-3’s * Vitamin D * Proteolytic Enzymes * Probiotics * L-Carnitine * Green Drink Specialty Supplements I recommend * Exogenous Ketones * Nootropics * B Vitamins: Folinic Acid, Methylcobalamin, TMG, DMG * Phytonutrients: Resveratrol/Pterostilbene, EGCG, Curcumin, Quercitin * Iodide/Iodine * Detox Enhancers * Anti-Microbials * Protein Shakes * CBD * Essential Oils * Homeopathics * Herbal Remedies * Fiber * Joint Support Episode Transcript    

 Episode 63: Can Chiropractic Enhance Fertility, thoughts on Colloidal Silver, and Using Adaptogens for Adrenal Fatigue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:43

Work with me:

 Episode 62: How to change your mindset, How do I know where to start and Can you be healthy by not eating meat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:58

How to change your mindset… How do I know where to start with all this information available? Can you be healthy without eating meat? Sign up for my group coaching:  

 Episode 61: How to Choose a Nutritional Supplement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:58

Episode 61: How to Choose a Nutritional Supplement

 Episode 60: The 5 Overlooked Causes of Low Back Pain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:47

Low back pain is just one of those things that will literally keep you from doing the normal things in life Even using the bathroom can become very difficult. One surprising statistic that I ran across was that low back pain actually costs our country more money than cancer. Wow! And one main reason for that is due to the fact that everyone will experience it in their lifetime. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits. And the common treatment they usually give is rest and pain medications.But in our clinic (Velocity Wellness Center) we find that there are 5 commonly overlooked reasons for low back pain. Once these are identified (the key) and overcome, you’ll be on the road to being pain-free in no time. 5 overlooked causes of back pain #1: digestive issuesWhen you start to have digestive issues (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, etc.) your nervous system will refer pain to your back. Depending upon where you’re having issues in your digestive tract will determine where the pain will refer to. #2: dehydrationNot having enough water in your body will cause your kidneys to work harder. Kidney issues will refer pain to in the low back area. This will also place a strain on your colon to reabsorb and extract every last drop of water from the foods you eat. This will then start the constipation process. #3: shortened psoas muscleThe psoas muscle sits on the front of your spine (this is the tenderloin) and often becomes shortened due to inactivity and sitting for long periods (i.e. desk jobs). When this muscle is shortened it will put undue stress on the low back when you stand up or do some sudden movement. This can also cause lumbar disc issues because the psoas muscle is attached to the discs. #4: emotional stressEmotions have a huge part in how your body functions and emotional stress will cause the tightening of muscles. This is due to the stress response of “fight or flight”. Your muscles become hyper-contracted in preparation to fight against an attacker or run away. #5: underlying heart issueThere’s a syndrome that’s really unknown to most called “cardiac low back” where you may have an underlying heart issue that causes your low back to hurt. This is a reactive/protective mechanism your body instantiates to stop you from exerting more. Get the Total Gut Restore course (Discount Code: INSTAGUT)  

 Episode 59: The Lab Tests you need for optimal health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:32

Let me clear the air…the standard lab tests your doc is running on you isn’t giving you the information you need for optimal health. And it sure isn’t helping you to prevent diseases from happening. In today’s podcast, I’m going to discuss the lab tests I recommend to patients that will give information for predicting health outcomes based on the current research.  Tests for Optimal Health HS-CRP (goal < 0.5mg/L): a great measure for inflammation. Inflammation is at the core of most chronic degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancers. If you have high levels of inflammation in your body first make sure to stop doing the things that will increase inflammation. Then flood your body with antioxidants and polyphenols (green tea & olive oil are great sources). You also want to search for the cause of the inflammation, which can be a food sensitivity or gut infection. 25-OH Vitamin D (goal 50-75 ng/dL): Vitamin D deficiencies is another core issue for chronic degenerative diseases. It is synthesized in the skin from sun exposure and then activated in the liver and kidneys. Most people are deficient in this nutrient due to being indoors during the day! If you are deficient 2000IU – 5000IU per day should suffice. Homocysteine (goal: < 5 mMol/L): a byproduct of metabolizing Methionine to Cysteine, high levels is indicative of a folic acid, B12 or B6 deficiency. Common in people who have MTHFR SNP or those who have a lower intake of B12, B6, Folic acid. If you have high levels of homocysteine, you must supplement accordingly and take in foods that help to convert homocysteine into cysteine (garlic, onion, eggs, ginger, broccoli, sprouts). Blood Sugar: Fasting Blood Glucose (goal 75, HbA1c goal < 5%, Glucose Tolerance Test goal slow rise, and fall): Maintaining optimal levels of blood sugar will ensure proper cellular functioning. Higher levels here means that you need to make some serious changes to your lifestyle. This incorporates both diet and exercise as studies have shown that you need both to lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. Cut out the higher sugar foods. Look for hidden sugars in your food. Eat a whole food diet. Urine pH (goal 6.5-7.5): take a pH strip and measure your first urination in the morning. Most people will fall in the acidic range which is typically indicative of lowered alkaline reserves and higher acidic stress on the body (which has numerous causes). Magnesium oil, Alkaline diet and Alkalete helps to buffer the acidic load. Listen to this episode to see the effects of an acidic pH on your body. Omega 3:6 Essential Fatty Acid ratio (goal > 8%): Omega-3 essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, while omega-6’s are pro-inflammatory. You need a good balance of BOTH. Modern diets are predominantly omega-6 based. This is the reason you’ll see HS-CRP levels higher. If you’re lower than 8% on this test, you’ll want to consume more grass-fed meats, smaller fishes like anchovies & sardines and also supplementing with fish or krill oil. Flax & chia seeds, as well as spirulina/chlorella, are a great vegan/vegetarian alternative. Shoot for 4-6g of Omega-3 consumption per day. Lymphocyte Response Assay (goal NO REACTION): this measures your immune tolerance. You don’t want any reaction here. BONUS tests Salivary Hormone Panel: this measures the “active” hormones. Here’s an episode where we talk about balancing your hormones. DUTCH test: this measures the “active” hormones and it’s “metabolites”. In my opinion, the best way to go in taking a look at your overall hormonal picture. Organic Acid test: this test will show us nutrient deficiencies that are ...

 Episode 58: 5 Surprising Things Bad Posture does to You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:01

We were meant to MOVE! Posture affects movement and movement affect how your nervous systems functions. If your nervous system isn’t functioning at optimum, then I can guarantee your organs aren’t functioning at optimum as well. Today’s podcast we dive into the 5 surprising things bad posture does to you! What causes poor posture? * Habit * Shortened muscles * Shortened fascia * Inhibited muscles Idea of central integration It’s been shown that the joint mechanoreceptors in the spine will cause different parts of the brain to become activated or not. If you have bad posture, the joint receptors will not send the proper input to the brain and thus the brain will not send proper signals to the corresponding organs. Plus, abnormal posture causes your rib cage to close down and decrease your lung capacity and really puts a strain on the rest of your vital organs to function. Above all, abnormal posture will demand more energy just to keep you upright and moving. This will increase fatigue. 5 Surprising Side Effects of Bad posture * Chronic Headaches: with the advent of electronic devices we’re constantly looking down. This puts extra strain on the posterior muscles of the neck to keep your head from falling forward. Prolonged forward & downward head posture will induce a strain on the muscles which will display as headaches. The sub occipital muscles can pinch the sub occipital nerve * High Blood Pressure: typical bad posture will result in forward rolling in of the shoulders and rounding of the upper back. This will decrease lung capacity which will lead to decrease in oxygen intake and increase in carbon dioxide buildup in the blood. The kidneys will then have to work harder to buffer the pH in the blood from going too acidic due to the increased carbon dioxide buildup. The kidneys also make hormones that regulate blood pressure, but if it has to work harder to balance blood pH, then it will not be able to regulate blood pressure optimally. Plus there are receptors within the neck that affects blood pressure. * Constipation: altered posture alters how your internal organs function. This has a profound effect on how your intestines move food matter through. Bad posture slows the movement of your intestines and can back you up Important fact with those suffering from IBS * Fatigue & Weight Gain: the body has to work harder just to keep you upright. Your nervous system wants to maintain a posture that is upright and demands the least amount of muscle activation as possible. The more you deviate from center, the harder the system has to work and thus you expend and require more energy. This means you get tired faster and you crave quick energy…this quick energy is often obtained in the form of high sugar consumption. Then the body puts on more weight which will then alter posture even further. It’s a vicious cycle. Upright posture improves fatigue in people with depressive symptoms * Depression: Studies have shown that posture affects mood (see study: 74 participants, randomly assigned to either slumped or upright seated posture. Upright participants reported higher self-esteem, more arousal, better mood, and lower fear, compared to slumped participants. The slumped participants used more negative emotion words,

 Episode 57: All about your Chronotype with Dr. Michael Breus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:44

You may be doing the right things for health, but at the wrong time! In this podcast episode we discuss your CHRONOTYPE. Listen and and then get the book authored by Dr. Michael Breus. Show Notes Take the quiz to find out your chronotype: Buy the book: “The Power of When”

 Episode 56: The Truth About Vaccines with Ty Bollinger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:44

Vaccines are a hot topic right now. Many parents are faced with the decision: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. There are many truths and many myths that surround this topic and I find that people are very emotionally involved in this conversation. In this episode I interview Ty Bollinger on his new docu-series “The Truth About Vaccines”. It’s a crazy world we’re living in right now. It is truly “the best of times and the worst of times.” Vaccines…a very polarizing topic. Some claim that it is the cause of autism. Others claim that it’s perfectly safe. But what does the science show? Show notes: * Welcome [2:20] * The Truth About Cancer Recap [2:40] * Why Ty Chose to do TTAV [5:56] * Vaccine Ingredients…are they safe? [6:50] * “The Vaccine Trust” – Are you being taxed for vaccines? [12:30] * The Birth of Vaccines – Edward Jenner [14:08] * What really eradicated small pox? [16:00] * Pasteur vs. Bechamp – does the bug cause illness? [17:50] * The Measles outbreak and SB277 [22:37] * Medical Mandates & Medical Exemptions [27:17] * What to do when you’re required vaccinations for school or work [31:57] * Homeoprophylaxis [33:49] * Alternative schedule for those who want to vaccine (the vaccine friendly plan) [36:30] * Are there any SAFE vaccines? [38:12] * Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax…where should you fall? [41:50] * Herd Immunity [45:35] * Closing words [48:25] Links to other things we talked about in this episode * Vaccine ingredient list from CDC * Vaccine companies can’t be sued * Edward Jenner – History of Vaccinations * Germ theory vs Terrain Theory * Vaccinated with measles poses to be a silent carrier * Polysorbate 80 effects * Hannah Pauline awarded 1.5 million for vaccine injury * Dr. William Thompson * Watch the docu-series THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES

 Episode 55: The Miracle Mindset with JJ Virgin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:17

Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin teaches clients how to lose weight and master their mindset so they can lead bigger, better lives. She is author of 4 NY Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet, and JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook. Her memoir Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, & Life’s Hardest Lessons explores the powerful lessons in strength and positivity that she learned after her son Grant was the victim of a brutal hit-and-run accident. JJ hosts the popular JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show podcast and regularly writes for Huffington Post, Rodale Wellness, and other major blogs and magazines. She’s also a frequent guest on TV and radio and speaks at major events. In addition to her work with nutrition and fitness, JJ is also a business coach and founded the premier health entrepreneur event and community, The Mindshare Summit. Find articles, recipes, helpful online programs, and more at   $rfsn_creative.generate('refersion_client/7479/creatives/dynamic/15776-16527689681a1493919561ee9c553711.json', { aid: '430287.eb7c4' });  

 Episode 54: The Top 5 Things that cause relationship stress with Robyn D’Angelo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:36

Relationships can be very tricky and one of the highest sources of joy and stress in our lives. In this episode, relationship expert Robyn D’Angelo, helps us navigate through the top 5 things that cause relationship stress.  About Robyn: Robyn D’Angelo is a rogue psychotherapist turned relationship coach and the founder of The Happy Couple Expert private practice in Orange County, California. Robyn’s clinical work and/or writing has been featured on:,,, HuffingtonPost, and she has been a guest on The Big Change of Heart Podcast, Coaching Through Chaos Podcast, and The Couples Expert Podcast. Robyn helps frustrated and disconnected couples and singles learn to LOVE + BE LOVED, better. She walks them through how to connect deeply while creating space for fun. She helps couples master the messiness of couplehood together and create their very own Epic relationships that last. She’s a true #LoveGeek. And when she’s not tossing love and kindness around like confetti, she’s helping anxious people learn to make anxiety their superpower. ======>GET THE CONFLICT REPAIR KIT HERE<======= You can find her at and Twitter @YayCoupleExpert and Facebook and Instagram Robyn D’Angelo, LMFT + Relationship Coach 23151 Verdugo Drive, Suite 201 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (714) 390-1652 As featured on: Big Change of Heart Podcast Coaching Through Chaos Podcast  


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