The KrisAnne Hall Show - Its Moving Day! show

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Its Moving Day!

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 Daily Journal: The Deception of Federal Power & How Ignorance Attacked Ted Cruz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

There is a serious political deception falling across America, designed by professors, pundits, & politicians to diminish the power of the people and increase the power of government. The liberals love government, so they want it. The politicians love power so they want it. The professors & pundits love money so they want it. It is up to us, lovers of liberty, to know this deception and spread the truth to defeat it. It is actually an offspring of that deception that attacked Ted Cruz & his wife in the restaurant. Fortunately, you have us to bring the truth, that no one else will.

 Daily Journal Dealing with Trolls - Firing Rosenstein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

What a fun and powerful show today! KrisAnne talks about dealing with social media trolls and the propaganda behind firing Rosenstein. Plus today is an important day in history, find out how this History is being taught through lies!

 Trump Declassifying FISA & Dissecting FBI Jurisdiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4593

Today we are going to go deep into the issue of declassifying FISA and address the true jurisdiction of the FBI as it relates to Kavanaugh's accuser. Plus the Attorney General in Missouri does his duty according to State Sovereignty! All from a Constitutional perspective!

 Daily Journal: Project Veritas: Impeach Sessions & The "New" Budget Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Project Veritas does not expose the "insider opposition" to Trump. It exposes the "I can't get fired" government gravy train. It also exposes the negligence and arguably criminal nature of Jeff Sessions at the head of the DOJ. Beware! Here comes October and in this election time there will be much Kabuki Theater created in the name of a new budget crisis. Just giving you the warning... or is it political prophecy?

 Daily Journal: AP says Texans Now Supporting Gun Laws? Can Trump Fire Sessions? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Happy Constitution Week! Today we answer these two questions, not from a political or personality perspective, but from truth, logic, and Constitution. If we are to have a government that protects liberty, we must be a liberty minded people.

 Daily Journal: Emmy Leftist Hypocrisy & Trump's Proper Presidential Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Welcome to Constitution Week! Today we review the hypocrisy that should actually direct us to truth. We examine the proper exercise of presidential power and how that will actually help Trump be a better more effective president. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your "door" everyday!  Subscribe Here:

 Daily Journal: Kavanaugh Complains & Constitutional Truths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Celebrate Constitution Day with us as we do what we always do: We put Constitution over party politics and personal agenda. We will discuss the Kavanaugh accusations and what kind of impact that ought to have. We also bring to you a compelling local story that just isn't getting the discussion it deserves.

 Trump Wins Law Suit - Cali Court Overturns Gun Law | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4593

Two current events, very important from a Constitutional perspective:  Freedom of Speech, Gun Control, President Trump's power. What is the corporate media telling you? I guarantee NOT THIS! This is why you listen to this show, this is why you need to tell others to listen to this show, because ONLY HERE can you get this information that is truly important to us...and the future of our children.

 Govt & Colleges Denying Rights- People Defending Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Two real life stories: Govt denying the Right to keep & bear arms & a University denying the Right to freedom of speech. Listen as we share the real life struggles to maintain our Liberties and Natural Rights, and their champions in the face of ignorance in government and the education system.

 Daily Journal: How Democrats Fight to Keep People Victims & Slaves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

This is a must listen to show! This show will equip you with some essential truths of how Democrats, the government education system and political prostitutes FIGHT to keep Americans ignorant and enslaved. We must break free from the politically dictated narrative of victim-hood. We must help others who do not know, break free!

 Daily Journal: The Real Collusion? Continued FBI & DOJ Corruption! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of the corruption that continues to exist in the FBI & the DOJ and today I let loose! We had better start speaking boldly and plainly, demand our members of Congress not only publicly condemn these agencies, but also tell them to stop begging for permission and start seizing control, they are the OVERSIGHT committee after all, aren't they?

 Daily Journal: Kamala Harris, The Constitution, & The Rights of the People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Kamala Harris, in Senate Committee, calls the Constitution "That book." Let's look at Kamala and that book, how Kavanaugh responds and the difference between Rights of the People and government given benefits. PLUS a prediction from KrisAnne about the NY Times Op Ed author!

 Shadow Banning, Free Speech, Facebook Commies, & Obama's Return | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4593

This show is slam packed with the current events of the week explained by fact, constitution, & principle. Facebook shadow banning is real and facebook is a liar- here is the evidence Kaepernick, Nike, NY Times Trump OP Ed, and freedom of speech And look out... Obama is BACK!

 Daily Journal: Kavanaugh Talks Guns & NY Times Talks Trash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Preparing for Day 3 of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings. This is an amazing and historic event, we hope all Americans are watching and learning the good, the bad and the ugly. We also look at the New York Times anonymous OpEd trashing Trump's personality and the conversations and conclusions we ought to be having. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your "door" everyday!  Subscribe Here:

 Daily Journal More Kavanaugh Fireworks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2344

Day 2 of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings gives us more crazy lefty disruptions, but we finally get to hear from Trump's nominee for Supreme Court.  Let's look at this process and statements given today from a principled and Constitutional perspective; unique to today's media portrayal of the events.


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