The KrisAnne Hall Show - Its Moving Day! show

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Its Moving Day!

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 Another Letter From Congress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Apr, 2015 ICE is about to release an illegal alien into our communities that has been diagnosed with "drug resistant tuberculosis. How does congress respond? Not with threats of impeachment but a letter asking policy questions. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.

  Budget Ignorance Budget Lies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2308

Sep, 2015 Another budget crisis. The real crisis is the ignorance in Congress that allows this to happen. Let me show you, so you can show your Representative, just HOW the budget is supposed to work & WHY the Congress must stop the spending NOW!

  RFRA: Liberty Sacrificed At the Alter of Govt Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Apr, 2015 The majority is not necessary to secure Liberty. Liberty only requires unity. Liberty and government are enemies so its no wonder why government WANTS to encourage division. Division ensures government power. The question is why do we fall for it every time?

  Bernie, Robin Hood, and Son's Of Liberty Looting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2308

Oct, 2015 How Lies Become Accepted Truth. Can we trust the news? What is the responsibility of a journalist to bring the truth? What if they are not giving truth but we don't even notice the lies?

 Enough Complaining Here Are The Solutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2308

Oct, 2015 I don't about you but I am sick to death of hearing our govt. employees complaining about how powerless they are and how they can't get anything done. If they are that inept...time to find a new job. Enough complaining. HERE are the solutions!

 Declaration, Courts, & Budgets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4575

There really are very few things that are new under the sun. Especially as it relates to the insatiable lust for control that drive our rulers. The remedy to their pathology is simple though: We must make them accountable to the Constitution and the way to do that is through education. Then the smoke of their deception will be rendered transparent. Then we will recognize the purposeful delusion they engage in when they talk of the newly discovered version of the "Declaration of Independence" that (supposedly) diminishes the power of the states. Then we can hold our Congressman accountable for funding unconstitutional programs as they stoke our fears about the cataclysmic consequences of a government shutdown. Time to start holding them all accountable.

 A New Government Monopoly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Feb, 2015 An an executive agency voted by no one, just passed a law read by no one, using a power delegated by no one, to create a monopoly that will benefit no one...except those in government and in power. Feel oppressed yet?

  Common Core and Cavemen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Mar, 2015 Our government engineered educations system has created the exact society of people they wanted...people ignorant of their power and ability to control government; a people that just accept with docility the will and the control of government. Its time to change all of that.

 Virtues and Vices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Mar, 2015 Samuel Adams said, "There is seldom an Instance of a Man guilty of betraying his Country, who had not before lost the Feeling of moral Obligations in his private Connections." Morality matters. And we need to be electing moral people

 Oklahoma, Gay Marriage, & Separation of Church and State | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Mar, 2015 What is the root of the marriage debate? How does separation of church and state fit in? What is Oklahoma doing to end the conflict? All revolve around Liberty, some good, some bad.

  Why Healthcare is Not a Federal Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2308

Oct, 2015 Obamacare should not be replaced at the federal level because it is not a federal power. Today's show will give you the ammunition to defeat your politicians error and win back a power that is reserved to the States.

 God, Guns and Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4575

Of all the enemies of liberty you can imagine, there is one in particular that is the most toxic. This toxic element clearly demonstrates why the most critical requirement for the preservation of liberty for generations is not a piece of paper written a couple hundred years ago. It's a very seductive and compelling element, few have the strength to resist; even churches.

  Syrian Refugees: Fundamentally Transforming America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2308

Sep, 2015 If America takes in more Syrian Refugees it will destroy America. I will give you the proof to that statement.

 Changing the Status Quo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Mar, 2015 Do NOT tell me we have to "go along to get along." Do NOT tell me I am ignoring reality. I am not ignoring reality. I just don't accept it! I choose not to accept and encourage the current staus quo and make excuses for our failings. I am not a "go along to get along" person. I am not powerless to the forces around me. I choose to CHANGE reality.

 Kicking the Government Out | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2307

Mar, 2015 Liberty breeds more Liberty. Servitude breeds more servitude. Isn't it way past time for us to squarely kick the government out of out lives and experience a life of Liberty again.


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