Unbelievable show


Summary: 'Unbelievable?' engages in fundamental questions on Christianity with the intention to openly discuss different opinions between Christians and non-believers. http://unbelievable.podbean.com/feed/

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 Unbelievable? 27 Feb 2010 - Faith in Britain - Andrew Copson of the BHA vs David Robertson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:22

A year ago the British Humanist Association launched the "Atheist Bus Campaign" declaring "There is probably no God.  Now stop worrying and enjoy your life". Would we enjoy life and be less worried without belief in God in modern Britain?  Where do humanist values come from? What about the role of faith in school and society?  Their latest poster campaign urges that children should not be "labelled" with a faith position. Andrew Copson Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association discusses the issues with Scottish minister and apologist David Robertson. For the BHA see http://www.humanism.org.uk For David Robertson see http://www.stpeters-dundee.org.uk/davidblog For more Christian/Non-Christian debate visit http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable of get the podcast http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 19 Sep 2009 - "Would Europe be better off as an atheistic or Christian society?" David Robertson, Ed Turner & Richard Morgan Unbelievable? 2 Aug 2008 - Faith & School - do they mix? Jan Ainsworth & Andrew Copson debate. Check out the "Unbelievable?" TV debate on "Christian Origins" that won Gold at the 2010 Christian Broadcasting Council Awards here. http://player.premier.tv//Premiertv.aspx?AssetId=23b04461-0eec-4668-bc56-b93d6df14693 Join the discussions at the Premier Community http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable

 Unbelievable? 6 Mar 2010 - Which is more trustworthy - The Bible or Koran? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:32

James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries is on the show this week and next defending the Christian faith.  Today he argues the Bible is historically more reliable than the Koran.   Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute argues for the Koran and criticises the transmission of Biblical writings. How were both scriptures written and passed on?  Among other things the Koran and Bible disagree on an important event - Jesus' crucifixion.  So which should we trust? For James White visit http://www.aomin.org/ For Adnan Rashid visit http://www.hittininstitute.com/ For more Christian and non-Christian debate visit http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable get the MP3 podcast http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=267142101 If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 15 Nov 2008 Does the Trinity lead to polytheism? James White of Alpha & Omega ministries debates Abdullah Al Andalusi Unbelievable? 5 Jul 2008 Which is more relevant to 21st Century Britain: Islam or Christianity? Join the discussion at the "Unbelievable?" Group of the Premier Community http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable

 Unbelievable? 13 Feb 2010 - Two views on Divorce and Remarriage - David Instone-Brewer & Andrew Corn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:47

This week: As part of Premier Radio's coverage of National Marriage Week we look at two different Christian views of Divorce and Remarriage. Andrew Cornes is Vicar of All Saints Crowborough.  He holds to the traditional understanding that Jesus taught divorce is only permissible for adultery, and that the Bible forbids remarriage. David Instone-Brewer is a New Testament scholar from Tyndale House Cambridge.  He believes the church has misunderstood Jesus teaching on divorce.  He claims that Jesus was responding to "any cause" divorce - a Rabbinical view of divorce popular at the time. They debate the Biblical and pastoral issues involved. For David Instone-Brewer visit http://www.divorceremarriage.com For his book "Divorce and Remarriage in the Church" (Paternoster) Click here For Andrew Cornes visit http://www.allsaintscrowborough.org For his book "Divorce and Remarriage: Biblical Principle and Pastoral Practise" (Christian Focus) Click here For Christian/non Christian debate and theology visit http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via itunes If you enjoyed this show you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 8 Aug 2009 Debating doctrine: Hell - Conditional immortality vs. Eternal conscious torment - James White debates Roger and Faith Forster Unbelievable? 3 Jan 2009 Bart Ehrman & Peter Williams - "Misquoting Jesus: Do we have the original writings of the New Testament?" Join the discussion at the ""Unbelievable?" Group of the Premier Community. http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable

 Unbelievable? 20 Feb 2010 - “Is Christianity good for us?” Michael Shermer vs. David Robertson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:48

Are societies better off with the influence of Christianity?  Are Christians more caring than atheists?  What role should faith play in society? Just some of the questions explored by atheist Michael Shermer and Christian David Robertson. Michael Shermer is president of the US Skeptics Society and Editor of its magazine "Skeptic".  He claims that there are various ways in which Christianity has had a negative influence on society and that a Christian worldview is unnecessary for living a good life. David Robertson is pastor of St Peter's Free Church in Dundee, Scotland and author of "The Dawkins Letters".  He says that true Christianity has been a force for good and continues to empower people to live better lives. For Michael Shermer visit http://www.michaelshermer.com For David Robertson visit http://www.stpeters-dundee.org.uk/ You can hear more Christian/non-Christian discussions at http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 25 Jul 2009 - Do miracles happen today? Atheist Michael Shermer vs Christian Adrian Holloway Unbelievable? 12 Sep 2009 - From Atheism to Christian faith via richarddawkins.net - Christians Richard Morgan, David Robertson and Atheist Ed Turner Join in the discussions at the "Unbelievable?" group of the Premier Community http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable

 Unbelievable? 30 Jan 2010 - Where was God in Haiti? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:05

Hundreds of thousands died in the Haiti earthquake of Jan 2010.  Many more are still suffering.  So where was God? Can we believe in an all loving, all powerful God in the face of such suffering and destruction? Roger Forster of The Ichthus Christian Fellowship argues that God suffers with those affected.  Atheist Gordon Livesey believes that if God existed he would act to intervene.  Nick Peters, who himself suffers from disability, argues that the existence of evil does not preclude a loving, almighty God. For Roger Forster's book "Suffering and the Love of God" visit http://www.ichthus.org.uk/Shop/ To support the DEC appeal for Haiti visit www.dec.org.uk You can hear more Christian/non-Christian discussion at www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes. If you want to hear similar programmes: Unbelievable? 10 Jan 2009 Bart Ehrman & Richard Swinburne - "God's Problem: does the Bible fail to answer the problem of suffering?" Unbelievable? 19 Apr 2008 problems with God - an Atheist and Christian philosopher debate Join the discussion at the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 6 Feb 2010 - Do we need God to do Science? Steve Fuller & Thomas Dixon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:43

As we look forward to the screening and debate around the film Expelled at Imperial College London on Sat 27th Feb (See www.premier.org.uk/expelled for info on extra screening & debate) two of the panellists join Justin to debate Intelligent Design. Steve Fuller is Professor of Sociology at Warwick University.  He features as a pro ID advocate in the film "Expelled" and was an expert witness in the USA "Dover Trial" of 2005 when ID was judged non-scientific. Thomas Dixon is Senior Lecturer in History at Queen Mary University of London.  He is critical of the film and the ID movement. For Steve Fuller see http://www.warwick.ac.uk/~sysdt/Index.html For his book "Dissent over Descent" click here For his forthcoming book "Science: the art of living" Click here For Thomas Dixon see http://www.history.qmul.ac.uk/staff/dixont.html For his book "Science and Religion: a very short introduction" Click Here Hear more faith debate at www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes If you enjoyed this show you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 16 Jan 2010 - "Expelled" the Movie - Intelligent Design theorist Stephen Meyer vs. Atheist scientist Peter Atkins debate Intelligent Design Unbelievable? 27 Jun 2009 - "Is Christian faith at odds with science?" Atheist biologist PZ Myers & Christian biologist Denis Alexander For tickets to the newly added screening and debate on Sat 27th Feb at 6.30pm visit www.premier.org.uk/expelled

 Unbelievable? 9 Jan 2010 - Bill Dembski & Norman Hansen on Natural Evil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:59

William (Bill) Dembski is an American mathematician, theologian and professor of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, TX.   Bill returns to defend his latest Book "The End of Christianity" -an argument defending the Christian God against the argument of Evil. How can natural evil and death that have existed for millions of years on an Old Earth view be reconciled to the view that the Fall brought these things into God's good world?  Why does God answer some prayers and not others?  Does free will exist? Just some of the questions tackled by Bill as he engages with Former Christian Norman Hansen. For Dembski's blog see http://www.uncommondescent.com/ For his book " The End of Christianity" Click here For Norman Hansen see http://www.nrhansen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ For more Christian/non Christian debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast  or via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy Unbelievable? 10 Jan 2009 Bart Ehrman & Richard Swinburne - "God's Problem: does the Bible fail to answer the problem of suffering?" Unbelievable? 19 Apr 2008 Philosophical problems with God - an Atheist and Christian philosopher debate Join the discussion at the Unbelievable? Group at the Premier Community  

 Unbelievable? 16 Jan 2010 - “Expelled” The Movie - Stephen C Meyer vs. Peter Atkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:03

The documentary film "Expelled" is presented by US Actor Ben Stein and makes the case that scientists who question Darwinian orthodoxy and support Intelligent Design are being "expelled" from academia. As the UK edition of the DVD is released we ask "Is freedom of thought at stake or is Intelligent Design out of bounds when it comes to biological science?" Stephen C Meyer is co founder of the Discovery Institute in the USA and a major proponent of Intelligent Design.  Peter Atkins is Professor of Chemistry at Oxford University and an outspoken atheist. They both feature in "Expelled" and join Justin to debate the pros and cons of Intelligent Design theory. Mark Haville who is bringing the film to the UK also joins the discussion. You can order Expelled the DVD (UK edition) at Amazon Play.com and HMV (click for direct links) or via http://www.christianvideos.co.uk/ For details & booking for the Unbelievable? Screening of "Expelled" and debate at Imperial College London in February visit www.premier.org.uk/expelled For Stephen C Meyer's book visit http://www.signatureinthecell.com/ For info on Peter Atkins visit http://www.secularism.org.uk/prof.peteratkins.html For more Christian/non Christian debate visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast at http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy Unbelievable? 2 Jan 2010 - Is there design in biology? Intelligent Design proponent William Dembski vs. Biology Professor Lewis Wolpert Unbelievable? 21 Feb 2009 - DNA & the origin of life - the cosmic fingerprints of God? Perry Marshall and Peter Hearty debate. Join the discussion at the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 23 Jan 2010 - Abortion - Pro-choice Evan Harris MP vs Pro-life Sarah Macken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:56

A re-broadcast of a compelling debate with listener input on the issue of abortion. When does human life begin?  Whose rights come first - the mother or foetus?  Is disability grounds for abortion?  Should the time limit for abortion in the UK be lowered?   This debate between Liberal Democrat Shadow Science minister Evan Harris MP and Pro-life advocate Sarah Macken is joined by listeners and emails as the questions get discussed from both perspectives. For more Christian/non-Christian discussion visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may want to listen to: Unbelievable? 19 Jan 2008 Abortion - pro-life vs. pro-choice. Unbelievable? 12 Jan 2008 Human Fertilisation & Embryology - are we playing God? You can join the debate at the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 26 Dec 2009 - Are the two Christmas accounts contradictory? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:04

Matthew and Luke are the two Gospel writers that include narratives of the birth of Christ.  The traditional Nativity Story is an amalgamation of the two accounts.  Critics claim the two stories do not match up.  Barrister Charles Foster wrote "The Christmas Mystery" to show that Matthew and Luke are different, but reliable accounts of Jesus' birth.  Atheist Robert Stovold believes that the stories are a blend of Pagan myth and later invention. Evangelical scholar Anthony McRoy also joins in the conversation. They debate issues such as Matthew's use of Old Testament prophecy, the Virgin birth, Bethlehem as the birth place and whether Luke dates the Census correctly. For Charles Foster see www.charlesfoster.co.uk  To buy "The Christmas Mystery" click here For Robert Stovold and his booklet "Did Christians Steal Christmas?" click here Hear more Christian/non Christian discussion at www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy Unbelievable? 22 Dec 2007 - Did Christians steal Christmas? Unbelievable? 20 Dec 2008 Virgin Birth: Fact or Fiction? Revd Michael Sayward debates Unitarian Sarah Tinker Join in the discussion at the "Unbelievable" group on The Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 2 Jan 2010 - Intelligent Design - William Dembski debates Lewis Wolpert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:38

One of the world's leading Intelligent Design proponents joins Justin to explain why he believes biological life exhibits "specified complexity" that runs against Darwinian evolution. William (Bill) Dembski is an American mathematician, theologian and professor of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, TX.  He debates the issue of ID with atheist Lewis Wolpert, Emeritus Professor of Biology at University College London. For Bill Dembski see  http://www.designinference.com/ or his blog http://www.uncommondescent.com/ For Lewis Wolpert's Wikipedia profile see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Wolpert For more Christian/non-Christian debate visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or Get the podcast or via Itunes If you enjoyed this porgramme you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 18 Jul 2009 - Intelligent Design vs Evolution - Peter S Williams and Peter Hearty debate Unbelievable? 30 Aug 2008 - Darwin vs Design - Dr. Tom Woodward & Peter Hearty Join the discussion at the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 5 Dec 2009 - Dan Barker on losing faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:45

Dan Barker was a Christian evangelist and musician for 19 years before he lost his faith.  He tells the story in his book "Godless: How an evangelical preacher became one of America's leading Atheists".  Dan is now President of the Freedom from Religion Foundation in the USA. Charles Foster is a writer, barrister and traveller.  A committed Christian he has written books defending the Christian faith including "The Jesus Inquest: the case for and against the resurrection".  He says that, unlike Dan, when doubt came knocking he found the Bible to be trustworthy and the Christian story to be fulfilling.  They discuss Dan's deconversion, the case for the resurrection, and whether we are better off free from religion. For Dan Barker see http://ffrf.org/about/bio_dan.php For his Book "Godless" click here For Charles Foster see http://www.charlesfoster.co.uk/ For his book "The Jesus Inquest" click here For more Christian/non-Christian discussion visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 8 Mar 2008 Can we trust the Gospels? Unbelievable? 26 Apr 2008 Proof for the Resurrection - Evangelist Tony Costa & Atheist Ken Humphreys debate Join the discussion at the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 12 Dec 2009 - Dawkins Debate on Atheist fundemantalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:50

Atheists Richard Dawkins, and AC Grayling recently squared up against Christians Richard Harries and Charles Moore for a debate on the motion "Atheism is the new fundamentalism". Justin Brierley reviews the debate with audio clips from the speakers and Q&A session, as well as interviews with those who attended, including AC Grayling and the Chair of the debate Anthony Seldon. For the full debate visit http://www.intelligencesquared.com/ For more Christian/non-Christian debate visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or Via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy Unbelievable? 8 Nov 2008 Dawkins & John Lennox's Oxford debate - a review with interviews and comment. Unbelievable? 19 Jul 2008 Masters of Apologetics Pt 2: William Lane Craig Join the discussion at the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 19 Dec 2009 - What does science tell us about God? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:18

Professor Lewis Wolpert is Emeritus Professor of Biology at University College London.  Professor Russell Cowburn is Chair of Nanotechnology at Imperial College. Wolpert is an atheist, Cowburn a Christian. Following on from a debate at Gunnersbury Baptist Church, the two scientists tackle the question "does science tell us anything about God?"  Wolpert believes it does - that belief in God is a product of evolution.  Cowburn believes that both science and scripture witness to a God who reveals himself to us. Their conversation ranges over evolution, the new atheism and whether God should reveal himself through the miraculous. To hear their original debate from November 2009 visit http://www.gunnersburybaptistchurch.org/events/opentoquestion/ For more Christian/non-Christian debate visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes If you enjoyed this discussion you may also enjoy Unbelievable? 21 Jun 2008 - Keith Ward on "The Big Questions in Science and Religion": Why Christians CAN believe in evolution Unbelievable? 21 Feb 2009 - DNA & the origin of life - the cosmic fingerprints of God? Perry Marshall and Peter Hearty debate. Join in the discussion at the "Unbelievable?" group of the Premier Community

 Unbelievable? 14 Nov 2009 - Alister McGrath interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:13

Alister McGrath combines a background in science with a passion for theology and apologetics.  "The Dawkins Delusion" - his critique of Richard Dawkins and the New Atheism has been a bestseller. In this wide-ranging interview McGrath shares his own journey of faith and why Christianity makes best sense of the world as he sees it.  He addresses the way atheism is currently making its case, as well as fine tuning of the universe, the resurrection, heresy and much more besides! You can read the Christianity Magazine profile of Alister McGrath here For Alister McGrath's website visit http://users.ox.ac.uk/~mcgrath/ For more Christian debate and dialogue visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or Get the podcast or via Itunes If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy the following: Unbelievable? 12 Jul 2008 Gary Habermas - American Masters of Apologetics pt 1 American Masters of Apologetics Pt 1: Gary Habermas Unbelievable? 19 Jul 2008 William Lane Craig - American Masters of Apologetics pt 2 American Masters of Apologetics Pt 2: William Lane Craig To join in the debate visit the Unbelievable group of the Premier Community


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