Now Playing - The Movie Review Podcast show

Now Playing - The Movie Review Podcast

Summary: A movie review podcast that traverses the stream of Hollywood sequels, reboots, and franchises by reviewing every installment in a series, start to finish.

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  • Artist: Venganza Media, Inc.
  • Copyright: Copyright Venganza Media Inc. 2017 All rights reserved.


 Ocean's Eleven (2001) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:36

In 2001 it's doubtful anyone was begging for a remake of the 60's Rat Pack film Ocean's 11. It was the cast that grabbed moviegoers' attention, filled with leading men George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Brad Pitt, plus a strong supporting cast and Julia Roberts as the female lead. But such star-studded films can often be debacles where the fun is had on the set, but not translated on the screen. Can director Steven Soderbergh pull off this intricate heist? Join Now Playing's Three -- Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob -- to find out!

 Willow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:31

​A young farmer must learn magic and join with a rouge warrior to travel to far away lands and save the world. No, this isn't a review of Star Wars, but Willow--the 1988 action-fantasy film based on a story by George Lucas. Though this film closely follows the Star Wars formula can it recreate that saga's excitement? Join Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob to find out in their review of this tale of Leprechaun meets Lord of the Rings!

 Ocean's 11 (1960) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:32

Before there was Clooney, Pitt, and Damon there was Sinatra, Martin, and Davis starring in Ocean's 11. This 1960 crime caper was the first film to feature The Rat Pack, with Ol' Blue Eyes himself playing Danny Ocean. In this original vision Ocean was a former World War II commander once again gathering his troops for one final mission--to rob five Vegas casinos in one night. The film has an impressive cast, but does it hold up over fifty years later? Go all in with Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart to find out!

 Maniac (2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:33

Horror film remakes have been non-stop for a decade. Of course the big films were redone, including Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Yet even smaller horror films, such as Black Christmas, I Spit on Your Grave, and Willard have seen updates for the 21st century. In 2012 another cult splatter film was added to that roster--Maniac. Closely based on the 1980 original, but with some daring style choices, this new Maniac did not find wide release but is slowly growing its own cult following. Can Hobbit Elijah Wood compete with Joe Spinell's personification of serial killer Frank? Listen to find out!

 Maniac (1980) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:16

​​1980 saw the release of several memorable slasher films, including Friday the 13th, Silent Scream, New Year's Evil, and Prom Night. Yet of all the 1980s slashers none may be more controversial than Maniac--a low budget splatter film with its unrated violence and Tom Savini's gore effects. The film has grown a cult following through home video but maniacal murderer Frank still lacks the name recognition of a Jason or a Michael Myers--yet it did warrant a 2012 remake starring Elijah Wood. Does Joe Spinell's psycho killer deserve a place in the pantheon of horror icons? Listen to find out!

 The Stand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:10:21

​​It's considered by many to be Stephen King's best novel of all time -- The Stand. King's fourth novel told of a superflu that wipes out humanity and sets the stage for an epic battle of good versus evil. In 1994 ABC aired a mammoth, four night mini-series that took the top three spots in the Nielsen ratings. Now it's time for Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart to take their Stand and review this miniseries. Can the book's epic quality be captured on a TV budget? Listen and find out!

 Big Hero 6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:59

Ever since Disney purchased Marvel Comics a family-friendly superhero cartoon was all but guaranteed. But it's not the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, or the X-Men who star in Disney's first Marvel animated feature, it's the little-known Asian team Big Hero 6. Many changes have happened adapting the team from the page to the screen, but is the result super? Join the Podcast Hero 3 of Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob to find out!

 Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:40

George Lucas' 1977 space fantasy Star Wars changed the way American audiences consumed films. More, though, it also changed the landscape for movie merchandising, with more money being made on toys, games, and collectibles than on the movies themselves. Now the documentary Plastic Galaxy looks back at the first generation of Star Wars toys, released between 1977 and 1985 from Kenner. Does this film capture the childhood magic of Star Wars figures, and can the documentary appeal to anyone not already obsessed with little plastic Stormtroopers? Find out in this special Now Playing/Star Wars Action News crossover podcast hosted by Marjorie, Arnie, and Jerry!

 Interstellar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:47

​Christopher Nolan's film Interstellar tells of an Earth that is dying; those who don't starve to death will suffocate in an atmosphere turning toxic. Our only hope comes in the form of Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), a farmer who crashes NASA's secret base thanks to mysterious messages from beyond. It's an ambitious film filled with hard science and lots of discussions of love. Is it a film that has found its place in the stars, or that has crashed to its place in the dirt? Join Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob to find out!

 The Prestige | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:26:58

​After bringing respectability back to the Dark Knight with the 2005 film Batman Begins Nolan reteamed with two of that film's leading actors, Christian Bale and Michael Caine, for The Prestige--an 1899 period piece about two competing illusionists. Does Nolan's non-chronological storytelling and slight of hand produce a prestigious film? Join Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob to find out!

 Insomnia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:44

​After directing the indie hit Memento director Christopher Nolan was chosen by producer Steven Soderbergh to direct Insomnia--a ​crime thriller based on the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name. The result was Nolan's first mainstream studio film starring Al Pacino and Robin Williams. Does a film about a man who can't sleep live up to a film about a man with no memory? Don't lose any sleep thinking about it, just join Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob to find out!

 Memento - Chronological Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:57

​In 2001 Christopher Nolan broke into mainstream filmmaking with Memento--a noir murder mystery about a man who had no short-term memory trying to find his wife's killer. With a quirky concept and an editing style specifically used to play with the audience's own memories the result was an indie hit that launched the director into the public eye. Is this Tarantino-styled film remembered fondly by Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart? Do they remember it at all? Listen to find out!

 Memento - Reversed Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:14

​In 2001 Christopher Nolan broke into mainstream filmmaking with Memento--a noir murder mystery about a man who had no short-term memory trying to find his wife's killer. With a quirky concept and an editing style specifically used to play with the audience's own memories the result was an indie hit that launched the director into the public eye. Is this Tarantino-styled film remembered fondly by Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart? Do they remember it at all? Listen to find out!

 Following | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:21

Christopher Nolan is one of the most acclaimed directors currently working in American cinema. His films bend the mind and break the box office--his Batman film The Dark Knight is the fourth highest grossing film in the US. Now Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart flash back to the director's first film--the micro-budgeted Following. With almost no money did Nolan's talent shine through, or is this a glorified home movie? Join us to find out! Playing during their Fall, 2014 donation drive you can join Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob and find out!

 Annabelle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:28

Last summer's supernatural horror film The Conjuring scared up big profits for Warner Bros. Pictures. While ghostly Bathsheba terrorized the house, it was possessed doll Annabelle that stole the show. Now the porcelain poltergeist is back in her own spin-off film! The film scored much green in its opening weekend, but will it get green arrows from the Now Playing hosts? Listen to find out!


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