Commentary Magazine Podcast show

Commentary Magazine Podcast

Summary: Commentary is America's premier monthly magazine of opinion: General, yet Jewish. Highly variegated, with a unifying perspective.

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 The Good Vaccine News and the Bad Governor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:31

Today's podcast expresses optimism and relief at the continuing good news on the vaccine front and expresses schadenfreude at the continuing troubles of Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Also, Trump returns to CPAC. Give a listen.

 The Biden Game on Iran and Stimulus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:32

The podcasters end the week arguing over the meaning of the Biden administration's decision to strike Iranian targets even as they attempt to reenter Obama's Iran nuclear deal. And wonder as well at the bribery and fecklessness in the $1.9 trillion relief/stimulus bill and what it portends. Give a listen.

 Cuomo’s Ugliness and the Horror at Smith College | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:17

Today's podcast takes up the consequences of Andrew Cuomo's unambiguously repellent sexual harassment of an Albany aide as well as the nightmarish false accusations of racism against workers at Smith College. Oh, and Trump at CPAC. Give a listen.

 The Seductions of Top-Down Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:50

With the good news about the vaccine, the question that faces us (and the podcast crew today) is how will the politicians who have exercised such extraordinary powers over the past year behave now that they should no longer be used or necessary? Once they've tasted the sweet ambrosia of control, can they give it up? And hey, notice that Biden now has "kids in cages" too? Give a listen.

 Woke Self-Destruction: Should We Enjoy It Or Worry? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:49

Today's podcast examines the latest blowup in the Cultural Revolution overtaking journalism, as Slate defenestrates a staffer who actually did something woke—but thought it over first. Should we care, or does this mean no one is safe from this marauding band of cancellers? How about the Biden people trying to use ethnicity and gender to protect and advance the cause of a controversial appointee's confirmation? And how did Biden do in commemorating the horror of half a million American lives lost to COVID? Give a listen.

 Why Do They Want Us to Be Depressed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:05

The vaccine news, especially out of Israel, is startlingly good—especially as regards the transmissibility of the coronavirus. So why, the podcast crew asks, are the elites focusing on the bad, bad, very bad? Is this just a matter of habit, or is there something political going on? And why did Biden even nominate Neera Tanden, who is almost certainly not going to get confirmed as OMB director? And why do liberals think there's no dignity in work? Give a listen.

 Cuomo and Cruz: Politicians In a Pickle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:52

The podcast crew enjoys watching Andrew Cuomo's halo turn into a shackle, and wonders at the larger meaning of Ted Cruz's self-inflicted disaster of a trip to a beach while his constituents freeze in their homes. Give a listen.

 Here Comes the Overreach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:26

Congressional Democrats haven’t even passed their proposed $2 trillion COVID relief package and they’re already talking about teeing up a multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill. Are Democrats repeating the mistakes of Barack Obama’s first term? Also, the delusions of Ben Rhodes and Rush Limbaugh’s legacy.

 Why Is Joe Biden Afraid of ‘Normal?’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:42

The podcast dissects Joe Biden’s CNN town hall and tries to parse his administration’s conspicuous fear of affirming that society will ever return to something resembling “normal.” Also, the battle for the soul of the GOP continues with Trump in the wilderness.

 Biden's Freezing Out Bibi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:27

Why are Andrew Cuomo's poll numbers still strong? Why is Joe Biden making anti-Israel personnel moves at the State Department and refusing to talk to Benjamin Netanyahu?  Why is Nancy Pelosi forming a commission to investigate the January 6 storming of the Capitol? And why is a 16-year-old's mental health fodder for a reality show? Give a listen.

 Trump Isn't Going Anywhere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:25

The podcast achieves new heights, or lows, of crushing morosity today as we contemplate the botched impeachment trial—botched by Democrats!—and the new "how to open schools" guidance from the CDC that seems not to follow the science but rather the desires of liberal and leftist "stakeholders." Oh, and some interesting Democratic appointments round it all out. Give a listen.

 Impeach... Cuomo? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:22

Today's podcast looks at the third day of the impeachment trial and raises questions about the effectiveness of the Democratic case. Then we talk about the admission of guilt by Andrew Cuomo's top aide relating to the undercounting of nursing-home deaths. And Christine Rosen's brilliant new article. Give a listen.

 The Rioters Were Role-Playing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:05

Today's podcast looks at the narrative presented at the impeachment trial and how it reveals the disturbing nature of a riot whose participants seemed to have themselves taken on the roles of avenging angels and villains in a dark superhero movie. What does this say about us? And what does it say about us that a doctor trying to find willing arms into which he could inject a rapidly expiring vile of COVID vaccine was fired and charged with a crime for not pursuing "equity"? Give a listen.

 Unfrozen Caveman Impeachment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:13

How bad were Trump's lawyers? Does it matter? How good were the House managers? Does it matter? Does anything matter? How about opening schools—and why are John's kids' schools open while yours are closed? And what does Philip Larkin have to tell us about the world under COVID? Give a listen.

 The Democrats Are Bailing on Their Own Impeachment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:47

The podcast today takes note of the Democratic hunger to get the Senate impeachment trial over with as quickly as possible so they can hand out $2 trillion worth of goodies to the public and what this says about the seriousness of the liberal conviction about Trump being a threat to the republic. And what on earth is going on at the New York Times? Give a listen.


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