Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Today's Fed Announcement: Central Planning At Its Worst | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:24

This afternoon the Federal Reserve is expected to announce the first interest rate hike of the year and only the second since June, 2016. What do they base this on? Do they have the right data?

 Will Congress Roll Over On Trump's Economic Stimulus? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:35

What happens when you combine tax cuts with massive increases in domestic and military spending? A debt tsunami. With the waters churning around Donald Trump's "guns and butter" approach, can Congress be counted on to step in and rein in spending?

 Election 'Hack' - Do We Believe Snowden And Assange...Or McCain And Graham? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:10

According to MSM outlets like the Washington Post and NY Times, the CIA has concluded that the Russians hacked last month's presidential election to put Trump in charge. The evidence? It's secret. Who to believe? Let's look at who has what to gain...

 Myth-Busters: Common Sense From a Labor Secretary? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:53

President-elect Trump will nominate Andy Puzder, who runs the popular fast-food chains Carl's Jr. and Hardee's as Labor Secretary of the incoming administration. Pudzer has some very promising views, that if acted on can actually improve working conditions in the United States. Ron Paul discusses on this week's Myth-Busters!

 Will Gen. Kelly Re-Militarize The Drug War? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:27

Trump's pick for Homeland Security, Gen. John Kelly, comes back to government fresh off his last assignment as commander of the US military's Southern Command (SOCOM). Will he bring his experience using the US military to fight the drug war in Central and South America to the drug war at home?

 After Libya, NATO Looks To Montenegro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:48

Libya looks poised to sink into all-out civil war as we approach six years since NATO "liberated" the country. Not content to rest on its mistakes, NATO now wants to add tiny Montenegro to its alliance. Will the Senate take the bait?

 Gen. Mattis: Can Trump Leash His Pentagon 'Mad Dog'? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:43

President-elect Trump's choice of Gen. James Mattis to be Defense Secretary has raised more than a few eyebrows. Not only as a military officer in a traditionally civilian position, but also as an executive at a leading defense contractor. His views on Iran are also considered extreme and not grounded in reality. Will the mad dog be leashed?

 Trump's Taiwan Call - What's The Motive? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:33

President-elect Trump made waves with a recent telephone conversation with the president of Taiwan. It was the highest level conversation in some 25 years. Is this a foretaste of a more aggressive US policy toward China?

 Myth-Busters: Trump & The Carrier Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:51

Ron Paul delves into this week's news that Donald Trump saved 1,000 U.S. jobs with his Carrier deal. He also debunks some very common protectionist myths. Don't miss it!

 Obamacare Reform? Ron's Top Three Fixes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:21

Healthcare reform is in the news with president-elect Donald Trump naming Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services. Price has been a critic of Obamacare, and in today's program we offer Dr. Paul's top three fixes as suggestions for where to start the reform.

 The Coming Fall Of Aleppo: Victory For Whom? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:47

The Syrian government is said to have captured up to 40 percent of rebel-held east Aleppo over the past week, raising the likelihood that this major population center will fall from rebel hands. What does this mean for the US policy of "regime change" for Syria and what does it mean for US military involvement in the country?

 More Fake News: Who's On The Washington Post Blacklist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

The Washington Post recently featured a front page article accusing over 200 websites of being part of a vast Russian propaganda campaign to steal the election from Hillary and give the presidency to Trump. Major sites like Drudge and Zero Hedge are allegedly part of this vast conspiracy, as is the Ron Paul Institute. The Post article links to a "study" by an anonymous group as its source for the wild allegation. And that source calls for a federal criminal investigation of these alternative news sources. Is this neo-McCarthyism about to turn dangerous for free speech?

 Myth-Busters: Thanksgiving - What you're not supposed to know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:48

There's an economic aspect to Thanksgiving that you're not supposed to know. Ron Paul's Myth-Busters gives this important history some life.

 Things We Are Thankful For, Thanksgiving 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:08

Dear Viewers: We have much to be thankful for. Today we take a break from complaining about what is wrong and take a look at what we appreciate and are grateful for. Ron Paul's Thanksgiving reflections and recollections in today's program.

 After 2016: What Is The Future Of Libertarianism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:12

Today's Liberty Report discusses the future of the liberty movement in the era of President Trump. Future of Freedom Foundation president Jacob Hornberger joins us to add his views on whether we should be cheering, jeering, or something in-between...


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