Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Tillerson Threatens Iran: 'The Great Destabilizer'? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:40

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson openly threatened Iran yesterday, accusing the country of sending troops to fight in Syria and of destabilizing the region. He vowed that the US would solve the Iran problem and not leave it to the next US Administration. Another war?

 More US Troops To Afghanistan: Will A New 'Surge' Work? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:31

Some 300 US Marines are headed to Afghanistan, as the Taliban continue to gain and ISIS persists. The US Commander for Afghanistan wants several thousand more. The 2009-2010 "surge" was supposed to produce a victory in the 16 year war. It did not. Will doing the same thing over this time work?

 'Doing Time Like A Spy' - With Guest John Kiriakou | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:52

Former CIA Officer John Kiriakou joins the Liberty Report to discuss his upcoming book, as well as his whistleblowing on CIA torture and the consequences. Kiriakou was the only person to go to prison for the CIA torture program -- and he was the whistleblower who exposed it! What advice does he have for others?

 Who 'Provoked And Destabilized' North Korea? China? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:19

As President Trump reportedly considers "kinetic military action" against North Korea, we must look at how we got to this point. What are we doing in the region? Is a US first-strike the solution to North Korea's nuclear ambitions?

 Myth-Busters: The Un-American Income Tax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:19

Tomorrow is the dreaded April 15th. Once again, Americans have to hand over their earnings to the biggest government in the history of the world. It's been 104 years since the 16th Amendment was ratified. Ron Paul makes the case for getting rid of this albatross on today's Myth-Busters!

 Does Anybody Know What Our Russia Policy Is? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:59

From "what's so bad about getting along with Russia" to "Russia helped Syria gas civilians" and back, this Administration's Russia policy is all over the place. How can we explain such inconsistencies?

 Liberty In Maine - With US Senate Candidate Eric Brakey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:29

The veterans and activists of Ron Paul's presidential campaigns are running for their own political races. We catch up with US Senate candidate Eric Brakey to see how his campaign is going.

 Why Does Assad Have To Go? -- With Lew Rockwell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:39

Why the sudden turn toward regime change in Syria, just days after the White House said it no longer viewed removing Assad as a priority? We are joined in-studio by Lew Rockwell to discuss this and other issues.

 After Trump Bombed Syria, Are We All Neocons Now? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:15

Republican political leaders in Washington who condemned Obama's plan to bomb Syria in 2013 are gung ho over President Trump's bombing last week. Even "progressives" are jumping on the bomb band wagon. Are we all neocons now?

 US Bombs Syria - National Security Or Aggression? With Guest US Rep. Thomas Massie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:27

President Trump's decision to fire 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria in retaliation for an alleged Assad chemical attack is said by the president to be in the "vital national security interest of the United States." Does he think Syria is about to attack us? US Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) joins the show live from the studio.

 WWI Anniversary- 100 Years Of 'Making World Safe For Democracy' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:18

One hundred years ago, President Woodrow Wilson, who was elected on his antiwar slogans, asked a joint House-Senate session for a declaration of war on Germany. His war has launched endless wars ever since...and only made the world safe for the emergence of Hitler, Mussolini, and Lenin.

 Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing...Or False Flag? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:21

Just days after the US Administration changed course on Syrian President Assad, saying he could stay, an alleged chemical weapon attack that killed dozens of civilians has been blamed on the Syrian government. Did Assad sign his own death warrant with such an attack...or does some other entity benefit?

 Susan Rice Spy Scandal: Was Trump Right? And What It Means. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:05

Did Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice order the unmasking of the identity of Americans affiliated with the Trump campaign for political reasons? Has the intelligence community been drawn into politics...or were they always there? This should be expected in the surveillance state.

 Threatening China Over Korea: Grandstanding...Or Wise Diplomacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:25

President Trump has said that if China does not "solve" North Korea, the US would solve it themselves. It is an unusual preview for Trump's meeting this week with his Chinese counterpart. Where will it go from here?

 Myth-Busters: Please Jean-Claude...Break Up The U.S.! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:31

EU President Jean-Claude Juncker issued a threat to President Trump. He said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if Trump didn't change his tune and become more supportive of the EU. Libertarians have two words for Junker: "Yes, please!" Ron Paul talks the decentralization of power versus globalist tyranny on today's Myth-Busters!


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