The Dig show

The Dig

Summary: The Dig is a podcast from Jacobin magazine that discusses politics, criminal justice, immigration and class conflict with smart people. Please support us on Patreon:

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  • Artist: Daniel Denvir, from Jacobin magazine.
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 The Dig


 Adrian Chen: Won’t Save America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:45

Is the internet good or bad? The debate is more often than not a proxy for one about politics more generally and populism in particular. But the real issue with the internet is this: unaccountable businesses wield oligopoly power over the digital public sphere. Support us with some cash And check out Adrian’s article

 Alex Pareene: Trump’s Happy Place Is Racism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:31:42

Dan talks to Splinter Politics Editor Alex Pareene about his recent piece “Charlottesville Was a Preview of the Future of the Republican Party” and about why Phoenix is Trump’s happy place. This second weekly episode costs time and money. We can only keep it up if you contribute at Check out Pareene’s article and podcast

 Andrew Bacevich: This Is the War That Never Ends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:57:28

This is the war that never ends. The War on Terror’s permanence should be remarkable. It should be an outrage. But it is precisely because the war has become permanent that it has long since been rendered normal. Dan’s guest is historian Andrew Bacevich. Please note: they spoke before Trump’s recent announcement that the US would double down on the Afghanistan War. And please support the show at We can't do it without you.

 Sarah Jones: Why Establishment Dems Punch "Alt-Left" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:24:09

New Republic writer Sarah Jones joins Dan to talk about Trump's invocation of the "alt-left" and to explain the term's unseemly centrist history. And more. We're gonna try doing two episodes each week now: the regular long Dig on Tuesdays and a shorter, hotter-take Diglet on Fridays. This will take more time and more money. If you listen to and love the show please support us at

 Forrest Hylton: What's Next for the Colombian Left? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:00

The FARC peace accord is a historic victory for Colombian society. But the struggle to build an urban left strong enough to take on the country's powerful right remains a daunting one. Today's guest is Forrest Hylton, the author of Evil Hour in Colombia. Check out a great article from Forrest here And also Forgotten Peace: Reform, Violence, and the Making of Contemporary Colombia from our supporters at University of California Press

 Christy Thornton: Confronting the Neoliberal Narco-State in Mexico | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:22

With Trump, Mexico is the symbol and source of so many things that are wrong with the United States. Oftentimes, these stories told about Mexico in the United States aren’t just wrong but serve to obscure the true source of our shared problems—which, more often than not, are both countries’ ruling classes. Today's guest is Christy Thornton, a professor of history and international studies at Rowan University, and soon to be fellow at the Weatherhead Research Cluster on Global Transformations at Harvard. Thanks to our supporters at University of California Press.

 R.L. & Ella: Here Comes the DSA Convention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:54:45

We’re taking a quick break halfway into our four-part series of interviews on Latin America because this week is a big week for the American left: Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, is holding its first national convention since the organization has undergone a massive explosion in size. This episode is long as hell and we apologize that some of the audio quality is a little crappier than normal. But the debate and discussion are great.

 Alejandro Velasco: Explaining Venezuela's crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:54:11

Hugo Chávez's rise to power inspired leftists around the world. But today, Venezuela is in a profound economic and political crisis. A huge decline in oil prices gutted the revenue stream that Venezuela depended on to bankroll its social spending. The government led by Chavez’s successor Nicolás Maduro is increasingly turning to repression in response to constant, and often violent, protests from the opposition. NYU historian and NACLA Executive Editor Alejandro Velasco explains what's happening in Venezuela, how it happened—and how the promise of the Bolivarian Revolution might still be salvaged. Thanks to our supporters at, an unrivaled source for left-wing news on Latin America.

 Thea Riofrancos: Left Power and Environmentalism in Ecuador | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:51:50

In Ecuador, the left won reelection this year, after Alianza PAÍS candidate Lenin Moreno, former President Rafael Correa’s vice president, narrowly won election this year. It was a major victory given the crisis hitting the pink tide of left governments throughout the region. But it was perilously close to a loss. Correa accomplished a lot for the country’s poor majority but did so thanks to a commodity boom that has since gone bust, a strategy that put the left government in conflict with indigenous and environmental movements. Dan’s guest today is Thea Riofrancos, a political scientist at Providence College. Thanks to our supporters at, the best source for left-wing analysis on Latin America.

 Dara Lind: Trump's uncomfortable resemblance to Obama on immigration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:06

What Trump has accomplished is spread fear through immigrant communities and, with the Muslim and refugee travel bans, made bigotry the explicit cornerstone of immigration policy. But on immigration, as on other matters, Trump does not emerge from a vacuum. Mainstream Democratic and Republican politicians have for decades built a giant deportation machine. Dan talks to Dara Lind, the immigration reporter at Vox and one of the smartest reporters on the beat to put Trump's deportation campaign and nativist agenda in context.

 Sarah Jaffe: We Didn’t Start the Class War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:57

Workers have for years faced a neoliberal onslaught administered by a bipartisan establishment of technocratic elites who have ensured the redistribution of wealth into the hands of the rich. This is an elite that has abetted the decimation of labor unions and whose primary disagreement are over how severely those expelled from the labor market should be allowed to suffer. My guest today is journalist Sarah Jaffe. We’re going to talk about the state of work, particularly the manufacturing and retail workers she writes about in recent pieces at The Nation and Thanks to our sponsors at Verso and University of North Carolina Press.

 Naomi Klein: No Is Not Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:44:00

Donald Trump appears to many in the guise of a terrifying aberration. But in reality, he is the outcome of trends that are far too normal. We need movements to come together to not only defeat Trump but to take on the system that made him possible. Naomi Klein takes on Trump’s brand, and offers some thoughts as to how to tarnish it, in her new book “No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need.” Thanks to our sponsors at and at FSG, promoting the excellent new book "Locking Up Our Own" by James Forman Jr.

 James Forman Jr.: Locking Up Our Own | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:28:58

Mass incarceration controls poor people and populations that have been excluded from the labor market. Politically, tough-on-crime rhetoric has for decades been a tool for politicians to appeal to white voters’ racism. But what’s less discussed is the complicated history of criminal justice politics within black communities and amongst black politicians. Yale Law professor James Forman talks about his new book Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America. Thanks to sponsors at and

 Richard Seymour: Labour's Got Momentum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:41

Bernie would have won. And in the UK, he sort of did last week. The Labour Party, under left-wing leader Jeremy Corbyn (full name: Jeremy Bernard Corbyn) came far from behind and stripped Prime Minister Theresa May of her majority in parliament — after the punditocracy had confidently predicted that radicals had doomed Labour to electoral oblivion. Dan speaks to Richard Seymour, the author most recently of Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical politics, and a founding editor of Salvage.

 David Dayen: Consider the Vampire Squid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:52

Nothing that so exposes Donald Trump as a snake oil salesman as the fact that he ran a campaign pitched at white working-class anger toward so-called globalism and then stacked his administration with representatives from Big Finance. A decade after Wall Street blew up the global economy, it is now very much in the drivers seat, sucking up as much wealth as possible from regular people and redistributing it upward to the super rich. Thanks to our advertisers at The Nation! Get a deal on magazine subscription at and find their podcast at


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