Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition show

Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition

Summary: The Intercept produces fearless, adversarial journalism, covering stories the mainstream media misses on national security, politics, criminal justice, technology, surveillance, privacy, and human rights. A SpokenEdition transforms written content into human-read audio you can listen to anywhere. It's perfect for times when you can't read - while driving, at the gym, doing chores, etc. Find more at www.spokenedition.com


 As Female Imprisonment in Brazil Skyrockets, a Heavy Burden Falls on the Women Left at Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 740

Jessica Rodrigues opened the door of her small brick house in Sapiranga, a city in southern Brazil, to discover her cousin’s three young daughters huddled in the rain. Rodrigues’ cousin had just been sent to jail on drug-related charges and she had namedRodrigues as the children’s new caretaker. “They looked lost and confused,” recalled Rodrigues, 26. She didn’t think twice about taking in the girls, whose ages ranged from three to eight.

 Bank Earnings Are Soaring, but Congress Wants to Gut Post-Crisis Safeguards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 852

Dick Bove, a high-profile banking analyst, was feeling contrite. For years, Bove, a regular on CNBC, has been arguing for the rollback of regulations imposed after the 2008 financial collapse. “But lately I’ve been trying to figure how regulation has hurt the banking industry,” Bove confessed in an interview last spring. “And I’m having a lot of trouble coming up with an answer.

 The NYT’s Bari Weiss Falsely Denies Her Years of Attacks on the Academic Freedom of Arab Scholars Who Criticize Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 973

Afterthe New York Times last April hired Bari Weiss towrite for and edit its op-ed page, I wrote a long article detailing her history of pro-Israel activism and, especially, her involvement in numerous campaigns to vilify and ruin the careers of several Arab and Muslim professors due to their criticisms of Israel.

 Secret Surveillance and the Legacy of Torture Have Paralyzed the USS Cole Bombing Trial at Guantánamo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 775

Last month, a judge at Guantánamo Bay suspended indefinitely the trial of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, paralyzing one of the most high-profile cases to go before the island prison’s military commissions system. The February 16 decision ended a monthslong standoff with defense lawyers who claimed that they could not do their work for fear of government surveillance. Nashiri’s story now spans four consecutive presidencies.

 Another Failed Execution: The Torture of Doyle Lee Hamm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 865

As the white van rolled toward the death house at Holman Correctional Facility last Thursday night, 57-year-old Danny Hamm began to sweat. The vehicle was emblazoned with the logo of the Alabama Department of Corrections. Two uniformed officers guarded the passengers inside. They drove through a series of sally ports and pulled up to the execution chamber, stopping just short of the red door. Parked in front was a large black coroner’s vehicle.

 Consumers Are Revolting Against Animal Cruelty — So the Poultry Industry Is Lobbying for Laws to Force Stores to Sell Their Eggs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1066

This article includes graphic imagessome readers may find disturbing. Over the last decade, thanks to a cascade of undercover exposés of factory farms and slaughterhouses by animal rights activists, it has become increasingly difficult to ignore the horrors of industrial animal agriculture.

 New Orleans Surveillance Program Gives Powerful Tools to a Police Department With a History of Racism and Abuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 981

As you walk down Felicity Street in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans, red and blue flashing lights radiate from around the corner. But when you turn on to South Liberty Street, you won’t find a patrol car. Your gaze will rise to the peak of a street lamp where the lights are fastened to an NOPD surveillance camera that, just like the lights, runs 24 hours a day.

 As the Trial of Omar Mateen’s Wife Begins, New Evidence Undermines Beliefs About the Pulse Massacre, Including Motive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1588

Newly released evidence today calls into serious doubt many of the most widespread beliefs about the 2016 shooting by Omar Mateen at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, which killed 49 people along with Mateen himself.Because the attack occurred on the club’s “Latin night,” the overwhelming majority of the victims were Latinos, primarily Puerto Ricans.

 Polish Law on Holocaust Draws New Attention to Anti-Semitism in Poland’s Past and Present | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 976

There is no doubt that Polish Jews were not the only ones singled out for terror, persecution and murder by the Nazis during the German occupation of Poland that began in 1939 and lasted until 1945.

 ICE Shackled 92 Somalis for 40 Hours On a Failed Deportation Flight. That Was Just the Start of the Abuse. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1650

For a brief moment in December 2017, the international spotlight shined on the case of 92 deportees who were on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement-chartered flight to Somalia. Most such flights unload their human cargo once they land, but this flight, for logistical reasons, returned home — and brought witnesses back with it.

 Instead of Taking on Gun Control, Democrats are Teaming with Republicans for a Stealth Attack on Wall Street Reform | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2877

Kate Aronoff contributed reporting from New York, Aída Chávezand Ryan Grim from Washington, and Lee Fang from California. In mid-January,Citigroup executives held a conference call with reporters about the bank’s fourth quarter 2017 earnings. The discussion turned to an obscure congressional bill, S.

 NSA Used Porn to “Break Down Detainees” in Iraq — and Other Revelations From 297 Snowden Documents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1355

He was an NSA staffer but also a volunteer, having signed up to provide technical expertise for a wide-ranging, jointCIA mission in Iraq. He did not know what he was getting himself into. After arriving in Baghdad “grungy and tired,” the staffer would later write, he discovered that the CIA and its partner, the Defense Intelligence Agency, had moved beyond talking to locals and were now intent on looking through their computer files.

 DCCC Goes Nuclear, Slams Dem Candidate As Corrupt For Same Behavior It Engages In Regularly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 665

On Thursday evening, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the extraordinary step of publicly attacking a prominent Democratic candidate in a contested Texas primary. The party committee’s move was made all the more jarring given the background of the candidate, Laura Moser, who in 2017 became a hero of the Trump resistance movement as the creator of Daily Action, a text-messaging tool that channelled progressive anger into a single piece of activism per day.

 Trump Blames Gun-Free Zones for School Shootings, Echoing Myth Spread by NRA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 560

For a second straight day, President Donald Trump suggested that school shootings, like the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, last week that claimed 17 lives, could be prevented by repealing the federal law banning guns at the nation’s schools. At the White House now, President Trump said schools should not be gun-free zones — but the opposite. "You come into our schools. You're going to be dead. It's going to be fast.

 The Story Behind the California Democratic Party Convention’s Floor Fracas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 592

A ruckus broke out on the floor of the California Democratic Party Convention on Sunday following a contested endorsement for a congressional seat in Orange County, California, that Democrats hope to flip, leading to recriminations across the state between the competing ideological wings of the party.


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