Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition show

Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition

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 The Mercatus Center is a Part of George Mason University — Until It’s Not | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 765

This past Sunday, when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was interviewed on CNN’s “State of the Union”, Jake Tapper quizzed her about a working paper that had concluded “Medicare for All” would cost the government $32.6 trillion over a10-year period. CNN’s chyron told viewers the research came from George Mason University. The paper touched off controversy when it was released in July, because buried in the findings was an estimate that the $32.

 Time to Kill the Zombie Argument: Another Study Shows Trump Won Because of Racial Anxieties — Not Economic Distress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 661

Then-candidate Donald Trump greets guests after speaking at a campaign rally at Burlington Memorial Auditorium on Oct. 21, 2015 in Burlington, Iowa. Photo: Scott Olson/Getty ImagesDo you remember “economic anxiety”? The catch-all phrase relied on by politicians and pundits to try and explain the seemingly inexplicable: the election of Donald J.

 Justice Department Attempts to Suppress Evidence That the Border Patrol Targeted Humanitarian Volunteers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1060

Four volunteers with a faith-based humanitarian group drove onto a remote wilderness refuge in southern Arizona last summer hoping to prevent an unnecessary loss of life. A distress call had come in, a woman reporting that two family members and a friend were without water in one of the deadliest sections of the U.S.-Mexico border. For hours, the volunteers’ messages to the Border Patrol went unanswered.

 Florida Has Been Stealing Votes From Black People Since the Civil War. That Could Change in November. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1104

One in 10 eligible voters in Florida are effectively disenfranchised, thanks to a draconian law that bars former felons from voting and a broken clemency system. When it comes to black voters, the numbers are even more grim: More than 20 percent of otherwise eligible black voters from Florida cannot cast a ballot. In total, more than a quarter of all disenfranchised felons in the entire country are in the Sunshine State.

 Kerri Harris Rallies With Nina Turner in Wilmington on Eve of Primary Against Tom Carper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1052

On the eveof Thursday’s Democratic primary contest between Kerri Harris and Delaware Sen. Tom Carper, a crowd of about100 gathered in a grassy, open-air courtyard in the middle of downtown Wilmington to rally for the challenger. The modest but enthusiastic crowd was pressed on all sides by humid, unmoving air and revivalist architecture. The flags at ground level remained limp as an energetic band went to work stirring up the crowd.

 IBM Used NYPD Surveillance Footage to Develop Technology That Lets Police Search by Skin Color | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1255

In the decade after the 9/11 attacks, the New York City Police Department moved to put millions of New Yorkers under constant watch. Warning ofterrorism threats, the department created a plan to carpet Manhattan’s downtown streets with thousands of cameras and had, by 2008, centralized its video surveillance operations to a single command center.

 The New Yorker Dropped Steve Bannon, but Misses the Point of Why the Invite Was a Mistake in the First Place | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 717

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist for U.S. President Donald Trump, speaks at an event hosted by the weekly right-wing Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche on March 6, 2018, in Zurich, Switzerland.

 Massachusetts Primary Offers Contrast to Races That Pit Progressives Against Establishment Democrats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 642

This Tuesday, Ayanna Pressley is hoping to unseat longstanding incumbent Mike Capuano in Massachusetts’s District 7.

 Are We Making Elections Less Secure Just to Save Time? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 845

Something strange happens on election night. With polls closing, American supporters of both parties briefly, intensely align as one: We all want to know who’s going to win, and we don’t want to wait one more minute. The ravenous national appetite for an immediate victor, pumped up by frenzied cable news coverage and now Twitter, means delivering hyper-updated results and projections before any official tally is available.

 A 5-Year-Old Girl in Immigrant Detention Nearly Died of an Untreated Ruptured Appendix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 959

The death of a Guatemalan child soon after leaving immigration detention made national news this week amid speculation that conditions in detention were responsible for her demise. It is not clear why 19-month-old Mariee Juárez became fatally ill, or if she suffered medical neglect at the South Texas Residential Center, the family detention center better known as “Dilley.

 The FBI Used the #MeToo Moment to Pressure an Environmental Activist Into Becoming an Informant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1950

Julie Henry was jogging when she got the call from the FBI. She didn’t recognize the number, which had a Washington state area code, but she answered anyway. The FBI agent identified herself as Kera O’Reilly, and said that Henry wasn’t in any trouble. O’Reilly was there to help. The phone call, which Henry received on February 22, 2018, brought her back to an internal conflict that she thought she’d finished wrestling with two years earlier.

 Donald Trump’s Former ICE Chief to Be Honored at Notorious Anti-Muslim Convention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 285

The former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is listed as the “special dinner gala honoree” at an upcoming convention forACT for America, an organization accused of having links to white supremacists andthat is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “an anti-Muslim hate group.” Thomas Homan served as ICE’s acting director under President Donald Trump until June of this year.

 Zephyr Teachout’s Fundraising Spikes In Wake of New York Times Endorsement in Attorney General Race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 498

The New York Times endorsement of Zephyr Teachout has supercharged her campaign for New York attorney general, with more than 3,000 contributions coming in the five days since it was announced, according to the Teachout campaign. The contributions averaged $62 a pop, totaling more than $200,000, a significant boost as the race heads into its final stretch. “The wind has really shifted in the last few weeks,” Teachout told The Intercept in an interview Friday.

 German Neo-Nazis Rally Again in Chemnitz, This Time Without Hitler Salutes or Mob Violence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 457

For a third night this week, far-right protesters vented their rage at the killing of a German man during a fight with immigrants from Iraq and Syria in the eastern German city of Chemnitz. On Thursday evening however, the crowd of about 900 anti-immigrant, German nationalists chanted slogans but refrained from the violent attacks on foreigners and Hitler salutes witnessed during rioting on Sunday and Monday. Allmählich füllt es sich vorm Chemnitzer Stadion.

 NYC DSA, Ocasio-Cortez Stand by State Senate Candidate Julia Salazar, Despite Story Disputing Her Biography | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 599

The state Senate campaign of Julia Salazar, a prominent member of the New York City Democratic Socialists of America, was jolted last week when Tablet Magazine published a story casting doubt on several parts of the candidate’s biography — from self-describing as animmigrant to her claim of Jewish lineage. The controversy represents a new chapter for DSA, as it grows from a marginal player on the fringes of politics into an organization with serious political clout.


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