Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition show

Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition

Summary: The Intercept produces fearless, adversarial journalism, covering stories the mainstream media misses on national security, politics, criminal justice, technology, surveillance, privacy, and human rights. A SpokenEdition transforms written content into human-read audio you can listen to anywhere. It's perfect for times when you can't read - while driving, at the gym, doing chores, etc. Find more at www.spokenedition.com


 Northern Ireland Mourns Lyra McKee, Journalist and LGBT Activist Shot at Nationalist Riot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 794

Lyra McKee, a young journalist and activist for LGBT rights in Northern Ireland, was killed Thursday night by a bullet fired in the direction of police officers during a riot in the northwestern city she advised people to call neither Derry nor Londonderry, but “LegenDerry.” Beautiful photo released by the family of murder victim Lyra McKee. pic.twitter.

 Nancy Pelosi’s Drug-Pricing Talks With the Trump Administration Are About Mediating Fights Between Corporate Interests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 653

A lobbyist for the hospital and insurance industries, as well as pharmacy benefit manager middlemen who negotiate with drug companies for discounts, is among the small handful of policy experts advising House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her drug-pricing legislation strategy. The lobbyist, Lauren Aronson, has been working closely with top Pelosi policy aide Wendell Primus and in consultation with the Trump administration to find a drug-pricing compromise solution.

 The Best Hot Take on the Mueller Report Is From 1796 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 720

The Mueller reportis now (mostly) public. The lurid speculation from Democrats and chunks of the corporate media that President Donald Trump was somehow a Russian agent was false. But the report, and Mueller’s previous indictments, should persuade any reasonable person that the Russian government did indeed intervene in the 2016 election in support of Trump. The response from the U.S.

 House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Is Facing a Primary Challenge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 650

Mckayla Wilkes, a 28-year-old administrative assistant, part-time student, and mother of two, has had enough. In late March, she announced that she was mounting a bid for Maryland’s 5th Congressional District, aiming to unseat one of the oldest and most powerful Democratic members, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Wilkes is running on a host of progressive policies, but plans to put particular focus on Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and affordable housing.

 Silicon Valley-Funded Privacy Think Tanks Fight in D.C. to Unravel State-Level Consumer Privacy Protections | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 549

Afteryears of ignoring the issue, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are suddenlyengaged in a furious fight over enacting national legislation to establish basic online privacy rights for consumers. As with the crafting of much legislation dealing with complicated issues, legislators are relying on experts to help codify the consumer protections. In a twist that is all too familiarin Washington, D.C.

 Julian Assange Languishes in Prison as His Journalistic Collaborators Brandish Their Prizes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 622

While Julian Assange languishes in south London’s maximum security Belmarsh Prison, a British court is weighing his fate. The 48-year-old Australian founder of Wikileaks is serving time for the minorcrime of jumping bail by taking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden. His fear at the time was that the Swedes, with a track record of assisting rendition of suspects sought by the U.S., would send him straight across the Atlantic.

 Secret IDB Proposal Would Give $48 Billion Infusion to Boost Venezuela’s Economy — But Only After Regime Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 801

The Inter-American Development Bank is quietly circulating an analysis that foresees an up to $48 billion infusion ofcapital into the Venezuelan economy should President Nicolás Maduro be removed from office. A pair of confidential documents, both called “Venezuela: Challenges and Opportunities,” outlines a four-year plan to open the country’s beleaguered economy to foreign corporations through privatization, structural reforms, and public-private partnerships.

 A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 645

Today, The Interceptlaunches “A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” a seven-minute film narrated by the congresswoman and illustrated by Molly Crabapple. Set a couple of decades from now, it’s a flat-out rejection of the idea that a dystopian future is a forgone conclusion.

 These House Democrats Pledged Not to Take Corporate Cash — but They’re Using a Loophole to Do It Anyway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 701

Jason Crow wasoneof the victorious Democrats who ran in last year’s midterm election on a promise to reject campaign cash controlled by business interests. In one of his first televisioncommercials in the campaign,Crow, now a member of Congress from Colorado, touted his pledge not “to take a dime of corporate PAC money.

 How Democrats Did, and Did Not, Defend Ilhan Omar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1054

Democratic presidential candidates, led by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, spoke out forcefully in defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar this weekend, after the president of the United States risked inciting violence against the Muslim Congresswoman by endorsing the false claim that she downplayed the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won't back down to Trump's racism and hate, and neither will we.

 Secret Report Reveals Saudi Incompetence and Widespread Use of U.S. Weapons in Yemen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 854

Since the brutal murder of Saudi dissident and Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi last October, Congress has increasingly pressured the Trump administration to stop backing the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen and halt U.S. arms sales to Riyadh. In response, President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that if the U.S. does not sell weapons to the Saudis, they will turn to U.S. adversaries to supply their arsenals.

 How a Former Death Row Prisoner and a Murder Victim’s Daughter Joined Together To Fight the Death Penalty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 933

If you ask Cynthia Vaughn and Sabrina Butler Smith how they met, there’s a good chance they’ll erupt in laughter. It’s not your typical funny story — not as awkward first encounters go. But it’s pretty epic. “Tell it, Cynthia,” Sabrina says. “Take it away!” “It was at this big church,” Cynthia begins. Somewhere in Memphis.

 A Honduran Asylum-Seeker Was Brutally Murdered After Being Deported —From Mexico | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1425

Terror raced through Teresa Gonzales as both the clarity of the message and the ambiguity of the threat hit her at once. “We have a present for you waiting outside,” read the text, which appeared on her daughter Rosa’s cellphone during Saturday worship. “Mom, they’re threatening me,” said Rosa, eyes wide.

 Betsy DeVos Quietly Making It Easier for Dying For-Profit Schools to Rip Off a Few More Students on the Way Out | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 699

Betsy DeVos’s Education Department quietly dropped requirements for risky for-profit colleges to set aside funds in case the schools closed, according to documents from a lawsuit filed last year. Two of the for-profit networks subsequently shut down without owing the Education Department any money; in one case, the department actually gave $10 million back to a for-profit on the brink of bankruptcy.

 The U.S. Government’s Indictment of Julian Assange Poses Grave Threats to Press Freedoms | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1129

The indictment of Julian Assange unsealed today by the Trump Justice Department poses grave threats to press freedoms, not only in the U.S. but around the world. The charging document and accompanying extradition request from the U.S. Government, used by the U.K. police to arrest Assange once Ecuadorofficially withdrew its asylum protection, seeks to criminalize numerous activities at the core of investigative journalism.


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