Everything Stay At Home Mom show

Everything Stay At Home Mom

Summary: Join two sassy moms who are recovering corporate world professionals and now rocking the mom profession. Listen as they share their joys and challenges as stay at home moms. They share resources and lessons learned to help make your mom job less stressful.

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  • Artist: Everything Stay At Home Mom
  • Copyright: Copyright Marisela Morales (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Five Kids and Counting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

This is a catch up episode so you can find out what's going on with Claudia (our co-host) and her family now that they have two babies. Hear all about the labor and adjustments with two babies.  Life is busy and not easy . . . but definitely a blessing.  If you have more than one child and sometimes feel overwhelmed by your mother role, listen in for some encouragement.  Although being a mother may sometimes be a thankless job, it is the best job ever.

 Balancing Mom And Work At Home Responsibilities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities as a mom?  Do you work at home as well but are trying to figure out the right balance between work and personal life?  Come listen to one of our Everything Stay At Home Mom's community members share her experience as a from home entreprenuer and mother.  As if things weren't hard enough, she also has a special needs child and rocks the mom role.  Things aren't always easy, but she'll share how she keeps going in the right direction.  

 Choosing The Right Preschool For Your Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Are you a first time parent with a tiny little tot that is ready to start preschool?  Do you know what to look for in a school?  It is a huge decision since you are trusting your little person to another person's care.  Plus, their preschool learning will affect how prepared they are for Kindergarten.  Listen in as a child specialist walks us through the process of choosing the right preschool for your little one.

 Mystery Shopping 101: Better Than Couponing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Would you love to have your groceries paid for?  What about not having to budget in that pesky oil change?  Don't usually remember to set aside money for date night?  No problem!  In this episode, an 8 year mystery shopping veteran tells us how to get all this paid for by someone else.  Think of it as another way of couponing.  Shop, provide feedback to the company you are shopping for, and get some of your expenses paid.  It's a win, win!  

 The Joy of Organization: Tips and Tricks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Do you ever feel like everything you do throughout the day is just maintenance . . . or even survival?!  Do you wish your home could be just a tad bit more organized?  There has to be a sane way to organize those craft supplies and toys, right?  Listen in for some easy tips and tricks to organizing your home from certified professional organizer Bonnie Joy Dewkett from The Joyful Organizer.

 Teaching Native Spanish In An American World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Are you a first, second, third, or beyond Latin generation parent with hopes of teaching your children Spanish?  Or perhaps you have no Latin background but think Spanish is a great language for your kids to learn.  Teaching native Spanish in an American world is a challenge, especially when taken on as a home project.  The tools available to us here in the U.S. are limiting in many ways or just unfamiliar in context.  Listen in on a valuable resource we've discovered to make this journey fun and familiar.

 A Day In The Life Of A Work At Home Dad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Have you ever wondered what work at home parents do? . . . let alone a work at home dad?  I've always been curious how they can make a living from home and why they choose to.  I was intrigued when I found out my former boss had kissed his Director of Engineering job good bye and was not turning back.  Listen in as he tells us what led him to kick Corporate America to the curb and shares details of his new fulfilling life.  

 Get Fit 90 day Challenge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Join us during week 1 of Marisela's 90 day fitness challenge. We'll discuss her strategies and questions that are still lingering on how to get fit and reach her ideal weight.  It's not too late to join.  We'll help you stay accountable and cheer you on.  If you're in, message us on our facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/everythingsahm

 8 Months Pregnant: Miserable Nights, Hopeful Days | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

This week’s podcast is dedicated to our pregnant mommies.  If you are pregnant, your body and soul are probably going through a lot of ups and downs.  Claudia knows first hand.  Since we’re all about keeping it real, we decided to take this opportunity to talk about her current experience.  We wanted to use it as an opportunity to encourage other pregnant mommies.  If you’re not pregnant, you’ll probably find this episode encouraging as well. 

 Mevoked: Protecting Your Child's Mental Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

As parent's we have the responsibility of young lives in our hands.  So it is normal to feel shame, guilt, blame, when our child does something wrong or hurtful towards others . . . or themselves.  Worst of all, it is possible to be caught totally off guard.  With bullying, beating, suicides, murders, and so forth going on amongst kids, one is left wondering what the adults could have done to prevent it.  Join us as we talk about children's mental health and what we can do as parents to be aware of our children's mental state.  We will share a fantastic on-line tool that can track children's mental state much like the search engines track our shopping tendencies.  

 Potty Training For The First Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Happy New Year!!!  Hope the new year is starting out strong for you all.  We have so many goals, we don't know where to start.  One of them being potty training.  Join us as I (Marisela) talk about my fears and questions regarding potty training and veteran mom (Claudia) counsels and encourages me.  This should be a very helpful episode for any parent potty training for the first time or who hasn't done it in a while.

 Everything SAHM: Helping Mommies Keep Their New Year's Resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Do you have a hard time keeping your New Year's resolution?  Would it help you to have an accountability team?  Check out what we're doing for our mommies.  We'll be sharing our personal resolutions as well.  

 EverythingSAHM: Couponing Basics, Beyond Sunday Inserts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Do you coupon or have looooong considered couponing?  Does it seem overwhelming or too time consuming?  Come get some tips from our long time couponing friend . . . . in fact, I've been astonished at the deals she gets to the point that I personally consider her a couponing genius :)  She takes couponing beyond Sunday inserts getting deals even at Victoria Secret and Bath and Body Works. Surprising, I know.  You won't want to miss this episode.  

 EverythingSAHM: Keeping Christ in Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

With all the crazy marketing going on during the holiday season, it sometimes requires extra effort to keep Christ in Christmas.  Join us as we review the history of Christmas and share fun proven ideas on how to keep Christ in it all.

 EverythingSAHM: Holiday Detox, How Momma Gets Her Groove Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Getting back into the swing of things can be hard after the holidays. Let's chat about how we can get our spiritual, mental, and emotional groove back if needed . . . .  


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