Parenting Teens: The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have Podcast show

Parenting Teens: The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have Podcast

Summary: Do you feel that parenting teens is the biggest job you’ll ever have? Are you wondering about how to help your child discover his or her unique potential? Are you dedicated to raising a child with character and integrity? Based on the Hyde School’s philosophy of “parents are the primary teachers and the home is the primary classroom,” this podcast was created to help parents understand just how to put this philosophy in place in the home, and to discover the transformative outcomes that happen in families who implement it. You will hear from not only experts in the field of raising teenagers, such as educational consultants, authors, and therapists, but also hear from former Hyde parents and students who share their stories of challenges and triumphs on this journey. We welcome you to jump in and start discovering some “ah ha” moments and practices you can implement right away to bring your family closer together and raise self-confident teenagers with character who become inspiring adults.


 32: Clues on how to teach and model trust, grit, & respect - Mantras 16-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:32

Do you want your children to grow up trusting their instincts? Of course you do!  You want them to take responsible risks, trust themselves, have grit, and be respectful – of themselves as well as to others. This podcast, covering the last five mantras or lessons of Parenting Fundamental # 1: Understand Your Job as Parents, will give you clues on how to teach and model that, as well as many other tips on making parenting just that much easier and fun.

 31: The Next Right Step - Mantras 11-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:24

In this podcast, Laura Gauld and I look at parenting lessons that will teach us about the different moments we experience in parenting; there are many easy ones, but then there are some that are “calculus moments.” (Tune in to see what these are!) Be prepared for these calculus moments by listening to the third group of lessons or mantras of Parenting Fundamental # 1: Understand your job as parents.

 30: Dawn Menken: Raising Parents, Raising Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:52

"If we are awake, children will show us the kind of parenting they need," says Dawn Menken, author of Raising Parents, Raising Kids: Hands-on Wisdom for the Next Generation. What would that look like? Wouldn’t that be letting the kids be in charge? Not at all says Dawn; it would mean listening differently to our kids and realizing that it’s our job to help them discover their uniqueness, and if we follow their process, the job of parenting becomes one that teaches us more about ourselves along the w

 29: Elizabeth Berger: The Book I Wish I Had Read Before My Children Were Born | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:57

"Sometimes parenting is two steps forward and one step back," says author Elizabeth Berger in her book, Raising Kids with Character: Developing Trust and Personal Integrity in Children, "But don’t let that discourage you. Your job as a parent is to control the situation, not the child." Dr. Berger, a board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist with 30 years’ experience treating children & families, shares with us the importance of the parent being intensely real.

 28: Parents, Stop That Dance of Deception! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:03

Did you like the first 5 lessons that taught us more about Parenting Fundamental #1? If so, you’ll also like this quick session with Laura Gauld on the second five lessons for this fundamental. Tune in, and discover the courage to stop your own dance of deception and embrace your job as parent. As we say with parenting, it's hard, it's doable, and it's never too late.

 27: Mary Moore: Family Meetings Changed Our Lives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:21

Tune in and find out from Hyde School's Mary Moore the difference she saw in her family relationships when her family started having family meetings. She'll share how you can do family meetings in your home. With commitment and letting go of outcomes, you, too, might establish a deeper level of trust between you and your kids.

 26: Jamy Bechler: The Leadership Playbook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:43

Pam Hardy interviews Jamy Bechler about his latest book that teaches anyone who wants to be a leader on a team, or in life, the importance of having core principles and living by them; the importance of leading yourself, and how to do it; how to lead regardless of your role on a team.

 25: Robin Sabag: A Guide to Raising Teenage Girls in a New Era | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:31

Are teenage girls really difficult to raise? Not according to Robin Axelrod Sabag, who is the author of Strong Girls, Strong Parents: A Guide to Raising Teenage Girls in a New Era.

 24: Laura Gauld: Parenting Fundamentals, The First Five Lessons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:02

Take your parenting to the next level! Laura Gauld's "Parenting Fundamentals" serve as your map and compass in this often-uncharted territory. In this podcast, she lays out the first 5 of 100 mini-yet-mighty lessons.

 23: Mom & Daughter on Raising Responsible Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:06

23: Mom & Daughter on Raising Responsible Kids

 22: Malcolm Gauld: How Brother’s Keeper Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:38

22: Malcolm Gauld: How Brother’s Keeper Works

 21: John Rigney: Every Kid Has Character | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:30

21: John Rigney: Every Kid Has Character

 20: Louise Kreiner: Parents, Teens, and Privacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:19

20: Louise Kreiner: Parents, Teens, and Privacy

 19: Lenore Skenazy: Free Range Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:34

19: Lenore Skenazy: Free Range Kids

 18: Laura Gauld: The 5 Fundamentals of Parenting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:48

18: Laura Gauld: The 5 Fundamentals of Parenting


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