The Homemaking Foundations Podcast show

The Homemaking Foundations Podcast

Summary: The Homemaking Foundations podcast exists to give you the tools, inspiration, and encouragement that you need to craft a Gospel-Centered Home! Join Jami, author behind, as we explore various aspects of homemaking including Biblical womanhood, marriage, healthy living, organizing, cooking, and so much more! If you feel like your home is out of control - or if you ever feel overwhelmed in your role as homemaker - then join Jami each week as she interviews other homemakers and provides Gospel-Centered encouragement for bringing Glory to God every day within our homes.

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 Summer reading challenge update & Books I’m loving – Hf #85 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:16

At the beginning of June, I shared a summer reading challenge and some ideas for reading more this Summer. Now more than a month later, I wanted to do a quick update.  Listen to the Podcast: We also recorded this blog post as an audio podcast. If you want to listen in instead of reading,... Read More

 Fun Summer Hospitality Ideas – Hf #84 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:59

I know how overwhelming hospitality can be. I felt really overwhelmed as a new wife inviting people into my home. I didn’t feel confident in my homemaking skills. And I certainly didn’t feel confident in my cooking skills.  One of my biggest concerns was knowing what to cook for other people! And I know this... Read More

 Does my “Quiet time” need to be first thing in the morning? – Hf #83 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:42

Most of us know that we should be reading God’s Word. We want to work it into our schedule, but some days it just feels so overwhelming.  Maybe you don’t even know where to start. Or maybe you are asking “does my Bible reading time reallllllly need to be first thing in the morning?” Someone else... Read More

 A family, ministry, & business update – Hf #82 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:18

Today is a little big different. Instead of talking about a homemaking topic, I’ve got Jason with me today and we are going to share a little update about our family and our ministry.  About 18 months ago we shared a ministry update in episode #26. This was our announcement that Jason had left his... Read More

 A Summer Reading Challenge – Hf #81 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:19

It’s June! And that means the beginning of Summer. And that means it’s the perfect time to set some fun summer reading goals!  Do you want to set some reading goals this summer? Or pick up your first book(s) of the year? Nows the perfect time!  Listen to the Podcast: We also recorded this blog... Read More

 How God is Different from us (and why that’s a good thing)! (PTFH Part 5) – Hf #80 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:52

Growing in our faith and learning to love the Lord more, all starts with knowing God more. If we can grow in our knowledge of God, then we can come to love him more and more with each passing day.  And that’s a big part of why we study theology. But I know that studying theology can... Read More

 Planning Out Your Homeschool Year with MacKenzie Monroe – Hf #79 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:26

Throughout my blog and ministry, we chat a lot about being intentional in your home and with how you raise your kids. We put a huge emphasis on Gospel-centered parenting and homemaking. And because of that, I get a ton of questions homeschooling. But this is certainly not my area of expertise since my oldest... Read More

 Studying the Attributes of God (PTFH part 4!) – Hf #78 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:13

Do you wish you knew the Lord more? Do you ever feel confused when you read certain parts of the Bible and don’t understand why God does the things he does? Do you yearn to love him more and more with each passing day?  That’s the motivation behind this new series, Practical Theology for Homemakers.... Read More

 When no one appreciates what you do – Hf #77 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:11

Mother’s Day was a few days ago. Maybe you got a small bouquet of flowers. Maybe you got a hand written card. Maybe you got a half-hearted “Happy Mother’s Day” from your teen. Maybe your husband did the dishes for you.  Maybe. And maybe you are now feeling a little disappointed. Maybe you are feeling hurt... Read More

 So what’s the big deal about studying God’s Word? (PTFH Part 3!) – Hf #76 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

It’s one thing to pay lip service to the importance of reading God’s Word – it’s another thing to actually cherish God’s Word and to dig into it as often as we can. It’s one thing to hear God’s Word preached on Sunday and then move on with our week and forget about it –... Read More

 How do you choose what to read next? – Hf #75 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:32

I talk about reading a LOT. It’s a hobby of mine but it’s also an important tool I use in my Spiritual growth. Because I read a lot and talk about it a lot, I get a ton of questions about reading and the best ways to fit it into a busy homemaker’s schedule.  I... Read More

 The Goal of Our Christian Life (Practical Theology for Homemakers, Part 2) – Hf #74 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:25

It seems like we are always working. Always striving. Always doing and always trying. As Christians, we can easily feel pulled in a million different directions as we try and figure out what we should be spending our time on.  What’s the ultimate purpose and goal? What is the goal of our Christian life?  Last... Read More

 When you spend all your time managing THINGS! – Hf #73 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:06

A few weeks ago I got a comment from a friend who was feeling overwhelmed and like her work in the home is just plain pointless sometimes. And my heart went out to her!  Last week I addressed the first part of her question: When Your Work Just Doesn’t Feel Worthwhile. In that episode I... Read More

 Why Theology Matters for Homemakers – HF #72 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:27

I love to read. I get excited to see the new releases each month and typically read anywhere from 4-10 books a month. I love to read fiction books, but my real love lies in Christian non-fiction.  In fact, I issued a Christian reading challenge for women this year and several thousand women are all... Read More

 When Your Work Just Doesn’t Seem Worthwhile – Hf #71 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Throughout college as I was writing papers on Ancient Near Eastern History and learning how to read the Bible in the original Hebrew (yeah – I was a double major – History and Biblical Studies and loved every minute of it), it was easy to feel like I was spending my time on extremely worthwhile... Read More


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