Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience show

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Summary: "Intelligence is as fixed as a person's height." Right? But guess what - you're part of the species that invented platform shoes, stilts, elevators, helium balloons and rocket ships. Smart Drug Smarts is for people interested in maximizing their brains -- both in health and utility -- using the latest findings in neuroscience. Join Jesse Lawler as he chats with neuroscientists, biochemists, futurists, and multi-domain researchers into cognitive enhancement. Sleep, optimal nutrition, supplements and nootropics, cognitive enhancement, Artificial Intelligence, ketogenic diets, psychedelics, and tDCS are all on the table. Smart Drug Smarts doesn’t advocate any particular approach -- we’re here to provide an accurate-as-possible body of knowledge in a field where the options available are growing daily.

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  • Artist: Jesse Lawler: Brain Enthusiast, Biohacker, Nootropics Nerd, Multichannel Eccentric
  • Copyright: Jesse Lawler


 #200: The Cognito Awards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:29

We celebrate our 200th episode by looking back at some high points of past Smart Drug Smarts episodes in an award-show format: the "Cognito Awards."

 #199: The MIND Diet with Dr. Martha Morris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:26

The "MIND Diet" makes a strong claim in its very name. Is it the best nutritional strategy to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's Disease? Dr. Martha Morris explains.

 #198: Wisdom and Risky Teens with Dr. Dan Romer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:13

Teens take risks. But they're not "just plain stupid." And according to Dr. Dan Romer - facing off against conventional wisdom and neuroscientific consensus - the risks they take may be "the right risks" to prepare for adulthood.

 #197: Metacognition with Dr. Stephen Fleming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:55

Without the ability to think about thinking, how would you know if you're even thinking right? If the brain is the command center for the body, then metacognition is the control system for the command center.

 #196: Psychedelics vs. Inflammation with Dr. Charles Nichols | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:17

You wouldn't think to take LSD to fight atherosclerosis. But - strange though it may seem - psychedelic compounds may have still more hidden surprises: Powerful anti-inflammation properties that, in mice at least, show effects at psychologically invisible levels.

 #195: Dognition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:47

Domestication has changed ancestral wolves into hundreds of breeds of modern dogs. What has happened to their brains along the way? Meet the only purebred brains in the animal kingdom.

 #194: Brain Implants – Medical and Beyond with Dr. Brett Wingeier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:12

You've got to have a pretty good reason to open your skull on purpose. Dr. Brett Wingeier designs such reasons.

 #193: How Far Will Expertise Go? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:33

We know experts "make it look easy." What we want to know is how they got that way - and how we can too. And, for what it's worth, how easy are nearby domains for experts in a given field?

 #192: Testosterone vs. Alzheimer’s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:34

Alzheimer's Disease and male virility aren't often thought of together, but most people don't consider this a clue to preventing the much-feared disease. Maybe we should. Dr. Ralph Martins explains.

 #191: Finding Your Place with Dr. Mayank Mehta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:22

How do you know where you are? How can you sense when you are lost? And what happens when your senses get conflicting info as reality "leaks" through imperfect Virtual Reality environments?

 #190: Sulforaphane with Dr. Jed Fahey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:14

You know broccoli is good for you. The phytochemical Sulforaphane is a key reason -- and it may deserve to be called not just "health food," but an actual medicine.

 #189: Head in the Game with Dr. John Sullivan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:31

Peak physical performance requires peak mental performance. This is obvious, but also easy to forget. Dr. John Sullivan explains how to make the brain and body perfect teammates.

 #188: The Pleasure of Novelty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:38

We have pleasure-inducing chemical systems in our neural pathways dedicated to vision. What gives?

 #187: “Structured Water” with Dr. Gerald Pollack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:42

Steam, Water, Ice: The three classic phases of water are almost as familiar as water itself. So is it conceivable that the substance we know so well has secrets not only hiding in plain sight, but also hiding inside every cell in our body?

 #186: The Replication Crisis with Dr. Rolf Zwaan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:25

If scientific findings can't be replicated, what have we really found? That question is at the root of the "Replication Crisis" dividing the halls of science. Researcher and reform advocate Dr. Rolf Zwaan explains.


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