The Kibbe and Friends Show  show

The Kibbe and Friends Show

Summary: Internet automotive personalities Rob Kibbe (kind of famous-ish), Justin "Corndog" Cornette (less famous-ish) and sometimes Mike Finnegan (actually famous) talk cars, funny movies, and give a fanboy review the Dukes of Hazzard TV series, episode-by-episode. If you grew up idolizing flying orange Dodge Chargers, ever climbed through your mom's station wagon window, or just like to laugh so hard Diet Coke comes out your nose, this is the show for you. Weekly monthly in iTunes.

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 K&F Show #19{Hazzard Connection – S2 Episode 8 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:38

Since they're lousy at making money farming, Bo and Luke take a side job delivering crash-up-derby cars to a local race promoter. The catch? He's cooked, and somehow the Dukes will be mistakenly blamed for whatever bad is about to happen. I know. It's mind blowing. Anyway, they figure out he's smuggling stolen racing engines out in old smashed up cars so they continue working with him until they can catch up with the goods. Bo has to demo derby the General against a "slammer" car. The bad guy wears an ascot like Fred on Scooby Doo. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #18{Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough – S2 Episode 7 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:55

Bo and Luke completely and accidentally run into NASCAR superstar Cale Yarborough while he is testing a turbocharger for an upcoming NASCAR race. To suspend reality further, Cale's test car is a white 1969 Dodge Charger wearing the 10-spoke Turbine style wheels that the General wears (which looks suspiciously like the car from the show we covered in Episode 17). Even zanier, is that upon meeting the Dukes he gives them the chance to test drive the car, fix his mechanical mistakes with it, and then fend off his mysterious NASCAR enemies The Jethro Brothers from stealing the unusable-in-NASCAR-but-they-want-it-anyway turbocharger for their own race car. To cap things off, the Dukes escape from Boss, Rosco, Enos, and the bad guys simultaneously by using the confusion tactics of having two other Chargers painted up like the General, thereby giving all bad guys a different one to chase. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #17{The Ghost of General Lee – S2 Episode 6 of The Dukes of Hazzard….and RIP Carrie Fischer! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:53

Bo and Luke - for some reason - decide to get naked and go swimming in a pond together, leaving their clothing and keys in the General Lee. Shockingly enough, bad guys steal it. Rosco and Enos chase them (thinking they are the Dukes) but the General ends up jumping into a lake, and Rosco and Enos are convinced (and mortified) that they are dead. The entire town weeps (and it's a serious tear jerker - this episode may have the best acting ever done in the history of The Dukes of Hazzard). Boss decides to cash in on their death and claim they stole things from him. The boys (not being dead) retaliate by ,making Rosco think that both they - and the General Lee - have come back from the dead to haunt him. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #16{Road Pirates – S2 Episode 5 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:59

Hazzard County is plagued by a rash of semi-truck hijackings. To do their civic duty the Dukes modify Cletus' patrol car with a shot of nitrous oxide in order to give him a speed advantage on the crooks. At some point Boss Hogg gets involved to profit from the thefts, only to be (shockingly) double crossed by the crooks. Even zanier is that he believes that Cletus - working with the Dukes - were the ones to steal from him. Cletus is called stupid by everyone (even Waylon Jennings). Daisy poses on top of - and underneath - her car for passing by truck drivers. The General Lee jumps. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #15{The Great Santa Claus Chase – S3 Episode 9 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:24

So, you may have noticed that we're reviewing this episode out of order. We had to. It's Christmas time and through the entire 7-season run of the Dukes of Hazzard they only made one Christmas show. If it helps, we also covered Die Hard (a great Christmas movie) in this podcast too. In this episode: the Dukes save Christmas by stealing a truckload of Christmas trees back from Boss Hogg (that he initially stole from them) and deliver them to the good people of Hazzard, all on Christmas Eve. To keep Boss and the real bad guys confused, Bo, Luke, and Cooter all dress as Santa Claus and deliver trees using identical Ford long bed trucks all going in different directions with as much zaniness as possible. To add to the mix, the 3 crooks are also dressed as St. Nick making for a total of 6 wacky Santas. After the crooks are foiled Boss and Rosco spend Christmas Eve sharing gifts and singing carols with the Dukes. The General jumps a loaded car carrier. Santa Claus is heard doing a low fly-by over the farm. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #14{The Meeting – S2 Episode 4 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:10

The mob shows up. The freaking mob. Why? Because they need a place for all of the crime bosses to meet - and they know through previous moonshine dealings that Boss Hogg will give them cover to do so. They claim to be working on their new project - a toy company product - but are really there to take back from their sons their old businesses of gun running, gambling, prostitution, and all sort of tomfoolery. The Dukes find the guns, decide to intervene to save the general public, and defeat the mob without a hitch by trapping them in a net that (somehow) thwarts off bullets. The mobsters all wear pinstripe suits. The General Lee jumps (twice). Daisy fakes skinny dipping. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #13{The Rustlers – S2 Episode 3 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:17

The Dukes help some super poor neighbors get their super-secret and uber fast horse entered into a race. If they win the race the massive amount of proceeds will solve all of their worldly problems (crushing mortgage stress, morning breath, etc.). The catch? The race has been commissioned by Boss Hogg who will for numerous reasons attempt to screw everyone out of happiness so that he may pad his own pockets. Even zanier is when out-ot-town horse thieves get into the mix too. The General races a horse (General wins). Boss mocks his wife's weight. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #12{Finnegan’s Twin Turbo’d Big Block HotBoat at SEMA 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:13

Loyal listeners, have no fear! Since SEMA 2016 has impacted our recording schedule a bit we're putting out this short update done live from the Holley booth at SEMA 2016. Here you will learn everything awesome that went into the motor and Mike's super-secret tactics for timing a drag boat launch that leaves the competition in tears of frustration.

 K&F Show #11{Gold Fever – S2 Episode 2 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:29

Bad guys come to Hazzard with fake gold and store it in Boss Hogg's bank. They trick Boss into thinking it's real gold and that if it is stolen from his bank he'll be financially liable for millions of dollars to them. Shockingly enough, the gold is then stolen. The Dukes come to the rescue in the RV of a driving Dentist, and throw molotov cocktails at the bad guys until their car explodes. No one gets hurt and all wrongs are righted. Cars jump. Daisy wears a French Maid outfit. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #10{Days of Shine and Roses – S2 Episode 1 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:19

Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse get into a tiff trying to decide who was the better moonshine driver back in the day. To resolve their feud they decide to have a moonshine running race against each other, to settle to skirmish once-and-for-all. As expected though, Boss Hogg wants to ensure he'll win so he goes out of his way to cheat, lie, and sabotage Jesse's car. It doesn't work. Jesse wins and the Dukes prevail despite the odds, an angry neighbor-county Sheriff with a penchant for stabbing thins with a railroad spike chases them, the racers drink beer before racing, engines scream, and cowboy-boot wearing stunt guys jump onto moving cars with reckless abandon. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #09{Sting, Double-Sting – S1 Episode 13 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:27

A band of criminals come to Hazzard to rob the bank, led by two guys that dress (and look) just like Laurel and Hardy...and that drive an RV for some reason. Their third partner fakes "the plague" which magically traps Bosco, Rosco, Enos, and The Dukes all in jail, allowing the crooks to rob the bank and get away easily. Daisy tracks them down, Cooter helps, and the General rips up the countryside followed by his most epic jump ever. All problems are solved, but Boss ends up owning the Dukes mortgage, setting up the plot for the next 6 years of shows. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #08{Route 7/11 – S1 Episode 12 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:38

An out of town crime-boss lady named Helen Hogan comes to Hazzard with a “rolling casino,” a semi-truck with a full blown casino in the trailer. Bo & Luke take a job for her as drivers to gain money to repair the General Lee, not knowing she’s a crook. Boss Hogg realizes what they’ve done and hopes to cash in on the casino action while simultaneously putting the Dukes behind bars. An old friend of Jesse’s gets swindled by the evil casino, thus forcing the Dukes to illegally right a moral wrong. Cooter drives the General. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #07{Money to Burn – S1 Episode 11 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:11

Boss Hogg is morally offended when his bank must send in $1Million dollars in old U.S. currency to the Federal Mint in order to be exchanged for new money. To aid in his unhappiness he creates a scheme to pretend the money was stolen, then to bury it in a fake casket, then dig it back up later after the Feds stop checking into it. Somehow Bo and Luke get involved, to put right what once was wrong. Body snatching takes place. The General Lee jumps. Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #06{Deputy Dukes – S1 Episode 10 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:50

Bo and Luke get caught with their pants down (literally - long story) by Rosco. He puts them in jail and takes the General Lee. To get our of jail and recover the General they must be order to move Public Enemy #1 from Springville to Hazzard, a duty that Rosco doesn't want to do for fear of being killed. They pull it off, but have to fight off Dolly Parton's sister to do it (not a joke). Hijinks ensue.

 K&F Show #05{Limo One is Missing – S1 Episode 9 of The Dukes of Hazzard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:08

Cooter steals Limo One, out of love and stupidity. Bo and Luke save him, out of loyalty and stupidity. Boss Hogg tries to do something bad. The General Lee jumps. It's awesome.


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