Channel 9 show

Channel 9

Summary: Channel 9 is a community. We bring forward the people behind our products and connect them with those who use them. We think there is a great future in software and we're excited about it. We want the community to participate in the ongoing conversation. This is the heart of Channel 9. We talk about our work but listen to the customer.


 Visual Studio for Mac .NET productivity [3 of 4] | Intro to Visual Studio for Mac | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 476

Visual Studio for Mac is packed with features to help developers be more productive. You can spend hours learning about different features on this channel, but first here is a whirlwind tour of .NET features that developers love. Download Visual Studio at or learn more about the most used Visual Studio 2019 productivity features at:

 Install Visual Studio for Mac and run C# Tutorial [2 of 4] | Intro to Visual Studio for Mac | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 334

This tutorial takes you through installing a FREE copy of Visual Studio for Mac on your machine to create your first C# app, compile it, and debug it. Start downloading Visual Studio 2019 Community at:

 How to use Jupyter Notebooks in Azure Data Studio | Azure Friday | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 849

Vicky Harp joins Scott Hanselman to show how Azure Data Studio combined the simple and robust SQL query editing experience of tools like SSMS with the flexibility and collaboration of Jupyter Notebooks. The November 2019 release of Azure Data Studio included SQL Server 2019 Guide as a Jupyter Book, which provides a richer troubleshooting experience. [0:04:00] - Demo Announcing Jupyter Book support blog postDownload and install Azure Data Studiomicrosoft/azuredatastudio GitHub repoLatest news on the SQL Server BlogCreate a free account (Azure)

 How to use HTTP overrides on Azure CDN from Microsoft | Azure Friday | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 695

Sohamn Chatterjee joins Scott Hanselman to show how to customize HTTP requests including header override, URL redirects/rewrites, and change caching policies using the rules engine for Azure CDN from Microsoft. You can add combinations of match conditions and actions per rule to do complex HTTP overrides at the CDN edge network, which improves overall performance and reduces costs at the origin. [0:03:53] - Demo Standard rules engine reference for Azure CDNMatch conditions in the Standard rules engine for Azure CDNAzure Content Delivery Network (CDN)Azure CDN pricingCreate a free account (Azure)

 Visual Studio Online | Visual Studio Toolbox | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 927

In this episode, Robert is joined by Burke Holland, who introduces us to Visual Studio Online, which provides a cloud-based development environment you can access from anywhere. Burke shows how easy it is to spin up a new environment, point it at a repo and start coding. Get started with Visual Studio Online Visual Studio Online talk from Ignite

 Build NodeJS apps with Windows Subsystem for Linux | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 195

Learn how to develop NodeJS apps using Linux on Windows with VS Code. It's fast and you're going to love it! Install and sign up links: Install WSL 2 Install VS CodeInstall the VS Code Remote Extension for WSLInstall Windows TerminalSign up for an Azure account (12 months free + $200 credit) Learn more: Develop with NodeJS on Windows docsWSL 2 docsHost NodeJS apps on AzureCreate a Node.js web app in Azure (Quickstart)

 Optimization, Machine Learning Models, and TensorFlow (Part 2 of 4) | AI Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 702

This is Part 2 of a four-part series that breaks up a talk that I gave at the Toronto AI Meetup. Part 1 was all about the foundational concepts of machine learning. In this part I get into more advanced machine learning concepts. These include: [00:13] Optimization (I explain calculus!!!) [04:40] Gradient descent [06:26] Perceptron (or linear models – we learned what these are in part 1 but I expound a bit more) [07:04] Neural Networks (as an extension to linear models)[09:28] Brief Review of TensorFlowHope you enjoy Part 2! As always feel free to send any feedback or add any comments below if you have any questions. The AI Show's Favorite links: Don't miss new episodes, subscribe to the AI Show Create a Free account (Azure) Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning Get Started with Machine Learning

 How To: Creating a Persistent Log Buffer in SQL 2019 | Data Exposed | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 540

Persistent Log Buffers, sometimes referred to as tail of log caching, uses persistent memory to persist the database log buffer, eliminating bottlenecks that may occur on busy systems waiting for the log buffer to flush to disk. A process known as log hardening. learn more here: [00:00] Intro[00:45] Positioning persistent log buffer[01:13] Persistent memory (PMEM) devices[01:58] Usecase for and benefits of persistent log buffer[02:31] Best practices for SQL Server with PMEM in Windows[03:38] Best practices for SQL Server with PMEM in Linux[04:01] What is persistent log buffer?[04:43] What is forced delayed durability?[05:30] Difference between persistent log buffer and forced delayed durability[06:42] Demo: setting up persistent log buffer[07:54] Wrap-up

 Azure ESP32 Dev Kit Board and resources | Internet of Things Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1388

Want to use Azure IoT service with your Azure ESP32 Board?Eric and Tara from the Azure IoT team join Pamela on this demo heavy IoT Show episode to tell us how to use the Azure IoT C SDK port for ESP32 you can find in our new Github repo.

 How to connect and deliver services privately on Azure with Azure Private Link | Azure Friday | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 953

Narayan Anamalai joins Donovan Brown to introduce Azure Private Link. In this episode, Narayan demonstrates how you can secure Azure PaaS resources and your Azure network using Private Link, and provide protection against data exfiltration. [0:08:45] - Demo Azure Private Link overviewAzure Private Link documentationWhat is Azure Private Endpoint?Create a free account (Azure)

 Learn how to create your first SQL Notebook | Data Exposed | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 379

You may have heard about SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio, now you can get started creating your very first SQL notebook. In this video, you will learn how to use text and code cells to build an interactive document experience. In addition, we will show you some basics to edit your SQL notebook. Learn more about SQL Notebooks here: [00:00] Introduction[00:27] Notebooks definition[00:50] Notebooks in Azure Data Studio, including SQL kernel[02:00] Tutorial: using Notebooks in Azure Data Studio[05:33] Next steps[06:02] Wrap-up

 VS Code Integration with GitHub and Azure | Visual Studio Toolbox | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1158

In this episode, Robert is joined by Aaron Powell, who demonstrates Visual Studio Code and its integrations with GitHub and Azure. Aaron shows that VS Code provides a complete developer experience that enables you to spend more time and effort on coding and less time switching between tools. Visual Studio developers are used to this. Now, Visual Studio Code developers have this experience as well. Resources Trivia-API repositoryWorking With Azure Functions in VS Code and GitHub hands on lab

 Mary Spio from Ceek VR | Source Code: Real Stories from Startup Founders | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 968

Our first episode is with founder of Mary Spio, a serial entrepreneur and former NASA engineer who has overcome multiple hurdles to become a successful founder. To learn more about the Microsoft for Startup program head to

 Microsoft France: Developer Community at Ignite the Tour | CodeStories | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 597

In this episode of CodeStories: France – Seth joins some of the developer relations team, Christopher, Maud, and Olivier, and local developer community leaders at the Microsoft office and the Ignite Tour stop to learn about what they're doing in developer communities across France and how they're helping people get skilled on Azure. [02:35] #MSDevRoadshow[03:33] About Station F[04:53] Paris TypeScript community organizers[06:48] Microsoft UG Rennes organizer[07:59] Microsoft UG Lille organizer[09:07] Microsoft.Source newsletterLinks from this episode: Microsoft Learn#MSDevRoadshow Microsoft Ignite the Tour IoT Workshop Sign up for Microsoft.Source developer newsletter Community groups from this episode:Paris TypeScriptMicrosoft User Group Rennes Microsoft User Group Lille Like and subscribe at to catch more from our Microsoft Ignite The Tour France stop.

 Expanding Azure IoT Central portfolio with IoT Edge | Internet of Things Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1121

Businesses can now run cloud intelligence directly on IoT devices at the edge managed by Azure IoT Central ( This new feature helps businesses connect and manage Edge devices, deploy edge software modules, publish insights, and take actions at-scale – all from within IoT Central.In this episode of the IoT Show, Ranga Vadlamudi, Principal PM in the Azure IoT team joins Olivier to demo how the integration works.To learn more about IoT Edge devices support in Azure IoT Central, visit


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