Channel 9 show

Channel 9

Summary: Channel 9 is a community. We bring forward the people behind our products and connect them with those who use them. We think there is a great future in software and we're excited about it. We want the community to participate in the ongoing conversation. This is the heart of Channel 9. We talk about our work but listen to the customer.


 DevOps with | The DevOps Lab | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 774

Abel Wang is joined by Asaf Yigal to discuss streamline observability with's open source-based Cloud Observability platform. See how the platform unifies the best breed open source monitoring tools (Kibana, Grafana, and Jaeger) on a single pane of glass for faster troubleshooting and root cause analysis. Learn about additional benefits such as's Azure-native integration, out-of-the-box alerts, machine learning Insights and collection cost-efficiency features. Jump To: [02:54] Demo start time[04:11] Grafana and Kibana correlation[04:56] Create an Alert[06:00] Log Patterns[07:08] Jaeger Integration[07:19] Insights[09:37] Cost Efficiency[11:08] Azure IntegrationLearn More: Better Open Source Cloud Observability PlatformWhy We Founded Logz.ioFree Trial DevOps Lab Favorite Links: Create a Free Azure DevOps AccountAzure DevOps DocsWrite Cool CodeGitHub Actions

 Home automation with Hubitat and .NET Core | On .NET | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 925

Who doesn't love a good DIY (Do It Yourself) IoT project? There are so many interesting things that we can do with a few components and a little creatively. In this episode, Cam Soper comes on to show us how he automated his home with .NET Core, Hubitat, and Azure with his open source project called Puppet. [01:00] - Taking a look at the setup[02:29] - Triggering Hubitat events[05:15] - Using .NET for interaction [08:52] - The motivation behind Puppet[13:35] - Running your own Puppet server Useful Links Puppet - A .NET Core framework for automating Hubitat ElevationBot Framework.NET Core Guide

 Digital ecosystems deep dive: Developer experience on alternative ledgers - local development | Block Talk | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 490

In this episode, we continue our look at the developer experience for other ledgers and take a brief overview into Truffle's beta version for a Corda local network using Truffle's Ganache beta builds which include Corda support. Additional details and sample code are available on GitHub: Related Links: Azure Blockchain SolutionsAzure Blockchain ServiceAzure Blockchain WorkbenchAzure Free TrialAzure Blockchain Dev KitAzure Blockchain DocumentationFollow @CH9 Follow @MSFTBlockchain

 Azure Maps Weather services for developers | Internet of Things Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 654

Azure Maps Weather services ( add a new layer of real-time, location-aware information to Azure Maps portfolio of native Azure geospatial services. Bringing Weather Services to Azure Maps means IoT developers have a simple means of integrating highly dynamic, real-time, historic and forecasted weather data and visualizations into their applications through their existing Azure subscriptions. The Weather Service APIs for Azure Maps are brought to life in partnership with Accuweather. Weather is a critical factor for many scenarios—whether it's to ensure the safety of mobile assets, model and forecast need for renewable energy, or predict risk and assess claims in the insurance industry. Outi demonstrates how a few of these APIs can be used to enhance data visualizations with radar and infrared map overlays with an Azure Maps Web SDK, and how call APIs to make weather-based decisions with current and forecast based weather, as well as weather along route.

 TWC9: Remote Edition! .NET 5.0, Windows Terminal, Python in VS Code, and more! | This Week On Channel 9 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 475

This Week on Channel 9, Christina is back to bring you some of that sweet, sweet weekly dev news. Join us (from a virtual 6ft distance) to get caught up on what's going on this week. [01:11] Microsoft Build is coming up [T 1:46] .Net 5.0 Preview 3 [T 3:09] Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 3 [T 3:22] Windows Terminal v 0.11 [T 4:12] Python in VS Code April 2020 [T 4:42] GitHub is Free for Teams [T 5:14] Tips and Tricks [T 5:22] Channel 9 shows! [T 6:05] Christina's Pick of the Week Follow @CH9 Follow @CH9 Create a Free Account (Azure)

 Start using the Common Data Service on the Power Platform with Ryan Jones | #LessCodeMorePower | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 811

Join Dona and Sarah in this amazing episode where we talk to Ryan Jones, the master of the Common Data Service. The Common Data Service provides a 'Home of Applications' across the Power Platform, and we discuss what power this gives and why this is SO important to companies looking to take their app making to the next level.Ryan Jones is the Group Program Manager at Microsoft, managing all things Common Data Service and has been about from the very beginning of Power Apps. We also learn some fun facts about Ryan that you may not already know! (You will have to watch to find out!). Ryan is also a big supporter of the community and has had many engagements across the world, sharing knowledge about the Power Platform. Learn more about Ryan here To learn more, visit:

 Source Link - Debug Third-Party Libraries | The Xamarin Show | The Xamarin Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1130

This week, James is joined by friend of the show Gerald Versluis, Xamarin.Forms Engineer, who shows off one of the coolest feature ever for app developers and library creators, Source Link. When a library is Source Link enabled you can debug INTO the source code when you are running debugging your app. This helps you diagnose issues faster than ever, check it out. Show Links: GitHub: Source LinkGitHub: Demo CodeBlog: Source Link + Xamarin.FormsDocs: Source Link + .NET LibrariesFind James on: Twitter, GitHub, Blog, and his weekly podcast Merge Conflict.Follow @JamesMontemagnoNever Miss an Episode: Follow @TheXamarinShowUseful Links: Learn more about Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, & Cross-platform developmentXamarin Developer Center & BlogMicrosoft Learn Self-Guided TrainingCreate a Free Account (Azure)Xamarin Developers YouTube ChannelXamarin on Twitter

 Load data from Azure Blob storage into Azure SQL | Data Exposed | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 413

In this video, Anna Hoffman and Jeroen ter Heerdt discuss and show one way for loading data from Azure Blob storage into Azure SQL Database. For more info, see [00:25] Background[01:25] Azure SQL Notebook in Azure Data Studio[02:06] Step 1: Create a table and schema[02:20] Step 2: Create a master key[02:37] Step 3: Create a database scoped credential[03:16] Step 4: Create an external data source to the container[04:15] Step 5: Bulk insert a single file and tips[06:18] Summary

 Entity Framework Core Part 4 | Visual Studio Toolbox | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1381

In this episode, Robert is joined by Phil Japikse for part 4 of a 5 part series on Entity Framework Core. Aimed at folks new to EF Core, Phil shows how to start with an existing SQL Server database, create entities/objects for each table and then how to perform basic CRUD operations on the data. Querying related data is simple in EF Core. In this episode, we demonstrate creating joins in our LINQ queries with Include and ThenInclude. We also discuss how you use projections to shape the queried data into other objects, anonymous or strongly typed. Find the sample code here. Episode list: Part 1: Working with Existing Databases. We scaffold the DbContext and the Entities from the Northwind Database, discuss navigation properties and relationships.Part 2: Change Tracking. Change Tracking is one of the most compelling reasons to use an object-relational-mapper (ORM) like EF Core. In this episode we discuss how the change tracker works, see it in action, as well as load data outside of the change tracker.Part 3: Basic Queries. This episode covers querying data using EF Core. We discuss the basics of Where clauses, retrieving single items or lists of items, as well as when queries actually execute.Part 4: Querying Related Data and Using Projections (this episode). Part 5: Putting the CUD into CRUD. Wrapping up our starter series on EF Core, this episode covers adding, updating, and deleting data.

 Azure Sphere: Defense in depth for IoT devices | Internet of Things Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 943

Even as threats to IoT devices increase, very few of them are being designed with security in mind. Azure Sphere introduces a trusted and secure platform to build software upon, combining the security of open source with Microsoft's Seven Properties of Highly Secured Devices. Let's walk through our security model and what it takes to keep a system secure for the next decade. Learn more:

 Recognizing words on a microcontroller using TinyML | AI Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 872

AI on IoT is moving from the cloud to the edge, running models closer to the data. Traditionally the hardware to run these models on the edge has been powerful, with GPUs or compute sticks. But what if you could run a model in only a few kilobytes of memory on a tiny micro-controller drawing less than a milliwatt of power? In this video we look at doing just that, training a wake word model in the cloud using Azure ML Studio, then compressing it to 18KB and running it on an Adafruit EdgeBadge, a small, low-powered micro-controller based device. Jump To: [02:00] – The history of IoT[04:25] – Intro to TinyML[05:12] – Intro to the EdgeBadge[06:04] – Training the model[08:03] – Demoing the notebook[10:12] – Using VS Code to program the EdgeBadge[11:41] – Demo the wake wordLearn More: Adafruit Edge BadgeAll the Conent you need to Create a sampleThe AI Show's Favorite links: Don't miss new episodes, subscribe to the AI Show Create a Free account (Azure) Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning Get Started with Machine Learning

 Entity Framework Core Part 3 | Visual Studio Toolbox | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1413

In this episode, Robert is joined by Phil Japikse for part 3 of a 5 part series on Entity Framework Core. Aimed at folks new to EF Core, Phil shows how to start with an existing SQL Server database, create entities/objects for each table and then how to perform basic CRUD operations on the data. This episode covers querying data using EF Core. We discuss the basics of Where clauses, retrieving single items or lists of items, as well as when queries actually execute. Find the sample code here. Episode list: Part 1: Working with Existing Databases. We scaffold the DbContext and the Entities from the Northwind Database, discuss navigation properties and relationships.Part 2: Change Tracking. Change Tracking is one of the most compelling reasons to use an object-relational-mapper (ORM) like EF Core. In this episode we discuss how the change tracker works, see it in action, as well as load data outside of the change tracker.Part 3: Basic Queries (this episode). Part 4: Querying Related Data and Using Projections. Querying related data is simple in EF Core. In this episode we demonstrate creating joins in our LINQ queries with Include and ThenInclude. We also discuss how you use projections to shape the queried data into other objects, anonymous or strongly typed.Part 5: Putting the CUD into CRUD. Wrapping up our starter series on EF Core, this episode covers adding, updating, and deleting data.

 Xamarin.Forms 101: Controls for boolean, numeric, and date and time input | The Xamarin Show | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 436

Let's take a step back in a new mini-series that I like to call Xamarin.Forms 101. In each episode we will walk through a basic building block of Xamarin.Forms to help you build awesome cross-platform iOS, Android, and Windows applications in .NET. This week we take a look at different controls you can use to get boolean, incremental, date, and other types of values from your users. Show Notes: Switch DocumentationCheckbox DocumentationSlider DocumentationStepper DocumentationDatePicker DocumentationTimePicker DocumentationNever Miss an Episode: Follow @TheXamarinShowUseful Links: Learn more about Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, & Cross-platform developmentXamarin Developer Center & BlogMicrosoft Learn Self-Guided TrainingCreate a Free Account (Azure)Xamarin Developers YouTube ChannelXamarin on Twitter

 Deploying to Azure with GitHub Actions | The DevOps Lab | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 972

GitHub Actions lets you take code in your GitHub repository and add automation around it. You can create workflows that respond to issue comments, handle pull requests, or perform CI/CD on macOS, Windows and Linux. It's easy to create workflows that build your code to validate pull requests or deploy it when you create a release. Jump To: [01:25] - What is GitHub Actions?[03:50] - Demo: Getting started with GitHub Actions [08:38] - Demo: add a deployment workflow [12:26] - Extending GitHub Actions Learn More: Automate Your Work Flow Built For DevelopersDevOps Lab Favorite Links: Create a Free Azure DevOps AccountAzure DevOps DocsWrite Cool CodeGitHub Actions

 Working with Channels in .NET | On .NET | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1660

Channels enable a producer to safely pass data over to a consumer along with the appropriate notifications in both directions. In this episode, Stephen Toub chats with Rich about the what, why and how of using the System.Threadding.Channels library. They walk us through a simple demo of using channels and also discuss the various strategies at our disposal. [00:55] - What are channels used for?[01:35] - Creating a basic channel implementation[09:15] - Moving to System.Threadding.Channels[11:34] - What are the benefits of using the System.Threadding.Channels?[14:11] - What are some of the available back pressure strategies?[20:58] - Working with varying number of producers or consumers[21:54] - What are the merits of Channels compared to Pipelines?[23:35] - Can channels be used out of process scenarios?[24:30] - Can channels be used with pub/sub[25:28] - What's next for channels? Useful Links An introduction to System.Threading.ChannelsSystem.Threading.Channels NuGet packageSystem.Threadding.Channels on GitHub


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