The Propaganda Report show

The Propaganda Report

Summary: Political talk-show host, Monica Perez, and her propaganda obsessed side-kick, Brad Binkley, analyze media propaganda and news events, providing clarity from the chaos. As an anarcho-capitalist (i.e., extreme libertarian), Monica is an uncompromising defender of personal liberty. As a humorist with a fetish for propaganda analysis and psychology, Brad just likes exposing the lies of the elites. Politics is a con game. Conspiracies exist. And the world doesn't make the news, the news makes the world. Join us.

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  • Artist: Monica Perez and Brad Binkley
  • Copyright: Brad Binkley & Monica Perez 2017


 Ep. 114 - Stacey Abrams after a 2020 Bid? & Breaking America with Compulsory Voting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:46

On today's show we are going to talk about Stacey Abrams is using Saul Alinky's "lose well" tactic to perfection and how it might lead her to the very opportunity she's truly after. And we're going to talk about the plan by some on the left to break the constitution using compulsory voting. 

 Ep. 113 - Stacey Abrams Burned Flag for Civil Rights, or For Her Own Power? (Aired Saturday October 20th on WSB Atlanta) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:42

Stacey Abrams burned the GA state flag on the steps of the capital on 1992, but did she do it for Civil Rights? Or did she do it in pursuit of what she's always been after, power? Today we show that Abrams history seems to indicate that she puts the pursuit of power above all else. (Show Aired Saturday October 20th on WSB Atlanta)

 Ep. 112 - The Real Goal of All the Protesting & The Media Ignores Kanye's Good Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:15

Today we discuss activism in America through the lens of the community organizer to expose the true purpose of the madness. We use Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals to guide us. We also talk about Kanye West's oval office meeting with President Trump and the good ideas he had that the media ignored while they were calling him crazy. 

 Ep. 111 - Kavanaugh Fallout Reveals True Purpose of The Madness (Originally aired on 9.7.18 on WSB) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:52

The focus on the salacious aspects of the Brett Kavanaugh circus distracted away from the true purpose of the madness surrounding his Supreme Court nomination. The protests, the sexual assault allegations from Christine Blasey Ford and others, and the endless news coverage of all things Kavanaugh had a primary objective. Stopping Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court was not it. In today's show, we explore what was really going on and what was accomplished. (Aired 9.7.18 on WSB)

 Ep. 110 - Guilt By Accusation - The New Standard In America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:26:33

The case of Brett Kavanaugh has shown yet again that when it comes to politics in America, the accused are no longer innocent until proven guilty. Instead, they're presumed guilty as soon as they're accused. Thank you to everyone who has supported the show in a variety of ways, and any who is interested helping out, you can Donate and Support the Show Via Patreon, or PayPal.

 Ep. 109 - We Were Purged from The Internet (Originally aired 8.25.18 on WSB ATL) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:58

Without notice, Wordpress removed our websites and all of our content. On today's show, we tell you how it went down and how Wordpress baited us into getting banned. (Originally aired 8.25.18 on WSB ATL)

 Ep. 108 - 4 Propaganda Goals, Bob Woodward's Role, & the Brett Kavanaugh Protests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:58

The four strategic objectives and three tactical objectives of propaganda. The propaganda purposes of Bob Woodward's new book and the anonymous New York Times op-ed. And we discuss who is behind the Brett Kavanaugh protests and what the true purpose of the protests are, which has little to do with Bretth Kavanaugh.

 Ep. 107 - This Is What You Defend When You Defend Antifa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:01

Fueled by Trump hate, more and more people are thoughtlessly defending, endorsing, and even joining Antifa without having a clue what the group truly represents or what potential consequences may come from associating with them. On this episode of the Propaganda Report, we pull information directly from Antifa's official site and resources to illustrate exactly what people are defending when they so thoughtlessly and uncritically defend Antifa.

 Ep. 106 - Is Alex Jones Ban Corporate Fascism? Originally Aired on 8.11.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:20

Alex Jones has been banned from Apple, Facebook, Youtube, and many other social media platforms. Is this a violation of free speech or an exercise of private property rights? Or could it be something else all together? On the show we talk about what happened, the dangerous precedent the banning of Jones sets, and how the broad ranging implications of the ban could affect the rest of us.

 Ep. 105 - Georgia Governor's Race - Is it Bad vs. Worse? (Show Originally Aired on July 28th, 2018) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:40

On the show we talk about Stacey Abrams strategy and we expose a past that shows her to be anything but a candidate of the people she claims to represent. Her history appears to indicate quite the opposite as she has been highly connected to some of the most powerful people and institutions in the world since she was a teenager. Her history is truly eye-opening and indicative of she will truly represent if she wins the Governor's seat.  

 Ep. 104 - How To Talk To Rabid Trump Haters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:54

How to talk to rabid Trump haters, the 10 Commandments of Propaganda, and you'll never guess how long James Clapper has had national security clearance. Plus, we deconstruct the propaganda of CNN's media analysis show, Reliable Sources.

 Ep. 103 - Trump & Putin Sittin' in a Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:44

Trump's meeting with Putin declared treason.....before it even happened and we deconstruct a radical and dangerous Micheal Moore interview.

 Ep. 102 - The Border Crisis - What Are We Really Being Sold? (Show Aired 6.23.18) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:26

Children separated from their families at the border is the latest media meme. But what exactly is the media trying to sell us on? Show originally aired on June 23rd, 2018 on WSB radio Atlanta

 Ep. 101 - The Inspector General Report Is About Total Information Control (Show Originally Aired on June 16th, 2018) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:56

The Inspector General issued a controversial report showing bias and denying bias at the same time, but what he really did was move us one step closer to totalitarianism. (Show Originally Aired on June 16th, 2018 on WSB Radio Atlanta, WSB 750) A new board was being installed in the studio during recording and it affected our audio levels. Our apologies for any audio fluctuations. 

 Ep. 100 - The Summer of Race-Baiting Has Begun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:23

The summer of race-baiting officially kicked off last week with 3 events that all occurred on the same day; the Starbucks racial bias training, MSNBC's 'Everyday Racism In America' Town Hall, and the Roseanne tweet controversy. On this 100th episode of the Propaganda Report, we talk about how the Roseanne tweet controversy is being used to push the blue wave agenda and we go through the Starbucks training material to show how it is far more likely to cause more racial division than anything else.


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