Spam Spam Spam Humbug show

Spam Spam Spam Humbug

Summary: The unofficial podcast of the Ultima Dragons.

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  • Artist: The Ultima Codex
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 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 98 - It’s Good That Nobody Else Owns EA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:35

Rumours have been circulating that Microsoft might be looking at buying up EA. Or Valve. Or the PUBG developers. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry, Slegnor, and Bruce. New Patrons & Shout-Outs We'd like to give a shout-out to Dennis, who wrote in thusly: I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed the Spam Spam Spam Humbug podcast. I caught up with all the episodes over the last few months and they are great! Keep it up!I grew up playing the Ultimas with my older brother. Such good memories. I'm replaying Ultima 7 now, and plan to replay 6 soon after. Thanks a bunch for your email, Dennis; we appreciate hearing from people. Indeed, sometimes it's just the shot in the arm we need to keep the podcast going! Podcast Topic(s) A few weeks ago, some rumours started circulating that Microsoft was looking at the possibility of buying up Electronic Arts. Or possibly the developers of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). Or, perhaps, Valve. Some of these possibilities make a degree of sense; buying Valve would give Microsoft an ironclad hold on PC gaming, as well as access to a stable of IPs that would make for quite compelling platform exclusives for the Xbox (which said platform sorely needs). And while some might salivate at the idea of EA being itself acquired — and, presumably, dissolved as a label — those of us involved in the Ultima fan project community should really take pause before entertaining (or wishing for) that particular fever dream to come true. Because whatever other criticisms can be directed at EA, one thing we cannot despise them for is the very laid back approach they've taken to the fan project community. And, sure...Microsoft is very open to the idea of mods (see: Minecraft). But there's more to the Ultima fan project scene than just mods; there are fan-made patches, and even projects like Exult and Nuvie (which could be considered re-engineering of extant, licensed game engines). Would Microsoft be as laid back about these sorts of things? Some publishers certainly wouldn't be (e.g. Disney or Square Enix). Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Podbean Patron |

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 97 - Not Looking for Group & Shroud of the Avatar’s Launch Date | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:56

Quest chains and narrative storylines are commonplace in MMORPGs now, but do the inclusion of these elements break the group play experience? Also, Shroud of the Avatar is slated, possibly, for launch this March. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry, Slegnor, Bruce and Christopher. New Patrons & Shout-Outs New this week, we welcome Christopher as a patron of the podcast; he just began supporting us on Patreon, which is now one of two different ways that you can help support the podcast and the Ultima Codex. Many thanks to Christopher!   Podcast Topic(s) What begins as a discussion about Shroud of the Avatar and its projected March 2018 launch date turns, after a while, into a discussion of the game's technical merits, and then broadens out into a discussion about how many MMORPGs feel more like single-player games with a bunch of people cluttering the map. Some in the discussion feel that quests and narrative elements have hurt the MMO genre more than they have benefitted them; they ostensibly destroy creativity and promote a play style in which players become drones who consume quests and new items, but who don't know what else to do once they are done with them.Others feel that quests aren't actually bad for MMOs; it's making them single-player experiences that breaks the group experience which should be central to an MMORPG. Having quests helps introduce new players to the game universe by dispensing lore and guiding early character progression. But the argument could be made that, at some point, player progression should be capped until that player belongs to a group. Oh, and apparently the discussion also shifts to the recent trailer and screenshots that were released for Underworld Ascendant. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Podbean Patron | Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 96 - Meetup in Atlanta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:43

What better way to kick off a new year of Spam Spam Spam Humbug than to do a “live” recording at a meetup of Ultima Dragons? Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry, Slegnor, and Bruce. Podcast Topic(s) WtF Dragon's company — well, the part of it that he works for, at any rate — kicks off each new year by holding a training conference, and this year the venue for it was in Atlanta, Georgia. Since both Houston Dragon and Boolean Dragon (who have been on the podcast before — Boolean many, many times) live in the area, the idea was hatched to have a meetup at some point during the week that WtFD would be in the area. Alas, Medieval Times didn't have any showings during that week, but Houston Dragon suggested a geeky, gamer pub called Battle & Brew as an alternative. And although there was a fair bit of background noise, it proved to be the perfect spot for a few Ultima Dragons to sit down and have a chat...about whatever came to mind. Link of note: PC Gamer's list of RPGs — both indie and mainstream — slated to come out in 2018. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Podbean Patron | Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Where to Find Us Online WtFD -

 Byte-Sized Virtue S05E03 - Humility in Ultima | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:39

This being an Ultima-themed podcast, let's take a look at how that series of games understands and presents the Virtue of Humility. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Podcast Topic This week, we take a look at how the Virtue of Humility is understood and presented in the Ultima series, mostly drawing upon the entry for Humility at the Codex of Ultima Wisdom: Humility is the opposite of Pride, and independent of the principles of Virtue, is about perceiving one's place in the world, not according to one's own accomplishments, but according to the intrinsic value of all individuals. It is the recognition of the worthiness of all beings, and the perception of one's own place among them, regardless of one's own personal accomplishments or mistakes in the world. New Magincia is a towne built on the ruins of old Magincia by a colony of humble people who understand well the dangers of false, self-serving pride and the beauty of humility. And we connect these concepts back to what has been discussed in the last couple of episodes, in which Humility — rather than being the abasement of the self — is to be the most authentic version of oneself. Music New Magincia,from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack 

 Byte-Sized Virtue S05E02 - Humility by Example | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:26

How would you respond if your child turned out to be the King of the Universe? Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Podcast Topic In listening to the most recent — well, not actually the most recent, but rather an encore presentation of an episode from three years ago — of The Lanky Guys (a Catholic podcast, published weekly, that looks at the Mass readings for the coming Sunday), I was struck by an observation that was made. In discussing the presentation of the infant Jesus to Simeon, the old man in the temple, it was observed that even after Mary was told that her little baby was the fulfillment of all history (including history yet to unfold)...she responded with quiet contemplation. It's a subtle — but stunning if you think about it — example of Humility, one that I can relate to as a parent. Because it's natural, as a parent, to want to talk up your children to others, to praise their abilities and gifts to other people. And yet, with a baby who was literally the newborn king of the Universe, Mary instead quietly pondered His reality in her heart. Music New Magincia,from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 95 - Alternate Histories of Ultima | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:37

In which we explore headcanon, what-if scenarios about Sosarian and Britannia history, and even where some Ultima games themselves took canon in a different direction. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry, Slegnor, and Bruce. New Patrons & Shout-Outs We acknowledged Bruce in a previous episode, but it's fitting to actually mention him and thank him here; he's a recent backer of the podcast on Patreon. And we'd like to also thank Slegnor, who recently bumped his pledge up a bit. New Ultima Dragons Facebook: Ruben, Cindy, Daryl, Dan, Salvador, Ian, Sebastien, Jeremy, Amicis, Jeremiah, Daniel, Vicssy, Jeff, Breno, Diogo, John, John, Matt, Wanis, Paolo, RJ, Amber, Mark, Ryan, Rayme, Jeff, Michael, David, Didier, Eddie, Nicolas, Michael, Pat, Joe, Cory, John, Daniel, Jon, Kerry, Luke, Andrew, Karl, Seer Hawkwind, Hawkwind Legacy, Tony, Chris, Andrew, Jan, Matt, James, Andrew, Petra, Matt, Rich, Markus, Peter, Glenda, Sam, Stefan, Daniel, Bill, Daniel, Steven, Tim, Dan, Tommy, and Phillip Google+: Colin, Jason, Jihad Podcast Topic(s) This discussion had its genesis back in October, in the #topic-suggestions channel on the Spam Spam Spam Humbug Discord server. We started down the rabbit hole of “what it?”-type scenarios with different events and figures from Ultima lore, and within the span of a few hours had expanded into competing headcanons and comparisons of how various games — such as Ultima Online and Ultima Forever — had addressed changes to the continuity of Ultima. Inasmuch as we can say that there is any continuity in Ultima, since the canon of the series tended to be a very malleable thing from game to game; retcons and contradictions were common. We come up with a few interesting ideas about those as well; give it a listen! In Other News A friend of Withstand the Fury's donates to a charity called Worldbuilders every year. The campaign may have ended by now, in which case...well...apologies to all and sundry for the lateness of this and the vagaries of a publishing schedule. Worldbuilders is hosted by author Patrick Rothfuss, whom a number of you have no doubt heard of. Be that as it may: the campaign had a set goal of $500,000, but as the end of it drew near, they extended the de

 Byte-Sized Virtue S05E01 - Simplicity and Attachments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:53

With the dawn of another Advent season, let’s take a look at the Virtue of Humility. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Podcast Topic A couple of weeks ago, I created a poll on the Ultima Dragons group on Facebook, soliciting a topic for this season of Byte-Sized Virtue. The Virtue of Humility was the overall winner of that poll, and so for this first episode I recorded some initial thoughts not on Humility directly, but on the concept of ontological simplicity as applied to persons and the roles they find themselves in. A lot of inspiration from this episode came from some comments in this episode of The Liturgy Guys, a podcast about the Catholic liturgical tradition, with some additional inspiration coming from a recent homily given by Bishop Robert Barron. Music New Magincia,from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 94 - The Lost Richard Garriott Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:31

A previously unpublished 2014 interview with Richard Garriott, in which he discusses Ultima 9, Ultima X, Shroud of the Avatar, and other things besides. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry, Slegnor, and Bruce. Podcast Topic(s) Back in 2014, I had a lengthy chat with Richard Garriott on the occasion of Ultima 9's 15th anniversary. Even recording the interview was a bit of a challenge; I wound up having to record audio off of my phone on the built-in microphone on my laptop. As such, the audio quality is...not all that great. But the interview itself is fantastic. In addition to talking about Ultima 9 and its development history, the iterations of its story, and the internal politics at Origin Systems and Electronic Arts, we get into a discussion about the cancelled Ultima X, and (of course) about Shroud of the Avatar. Richard Garriott even explains, quite pointedly, just how the lore of Shroud of the Avatar connects to that of Ultima, and how we can understand the relationship between Novia (the setting of Shroud of the Avatar) and Britannia. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Where to Find Us Online WtFD - Twitter | Facebook | The Ult

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 93 - Getting Caught Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:50

We talk about Ireland, hurricanes, Star Wars, and eventually Shroud of the Avatar. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry, Slegnor, and Bruce. Podcast Topic(s) This episode was originally intended to be a discussion about Shroud of the Avatar and the current state of that game. And, to be fair, Boolean Dragon does lurch us over to that topic when he joins the conversation roughly halfway through the episode. But before then, we just...talked. We haven't done a session recording like this in a goodly long time, and so the opportunity to just get caught up — and to banter — proved too great to resist. We cover such topics as WtFD's recent trip to Ireland, hurricanes and Atlantic storms, Star Wars, LEGO, and Ultima along the way. And Gradilla Dragon also introduces us to a new podcast concept — not yet launched — that he and Boolean Dragon are working on; if you're an enthusiast for old CRT technology, this will be one to watch for! Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Where to Find Us Online WtFD - Twitter | Facebook | The Ultima Codex | About.meBoolean - Twitter |

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 92 - Musings on MMOs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:20

A lengthy discussion on multiplayer games, community management, and other topics. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, Cranberry and Slegnor. Podcast Topic(s) Fortran Dragon joins the podcast this week to discuss MMORPGs, from Ultima Online to Star Wars: The Old Republic. We also get into the topic of online communities and community management, including toxic players and other sundry topics. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Where to Find Us Online WtFD - Twitter | Facebook | The Ultima Codex | Fortran - WowPiper | Star Wars: Beyond the Stars Music Ultima VI Gates of Creation by OC ReMix

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 91 - Ultima Online Again (With Raph Koster) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:59

In which Raph Koster — Designer Dragon, the original designer working on Ultima Online — tells still yet more stories from that game's earliest years. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, and Cranberry. Podcast Topic(s) So it has been far, far too long since we last held a recording session, but what a way to return to form this episode was! We set out to discuss Ultima Online's 20th anniversary, and on a whim I sent a last-minute invite to Raph Koster (Designer Dragon, the original systems designer for UO) to join us on Discord for the discussion. And happily, he accepted the invitation and turned up for what turned into a three hour discussion about the early history of the game. Some of what is discussed has been discussed before, in other places and sometimes by other people. However, Koster peppers the discussion with more than a few never-before-told stories from the development of the game. Multiple references are also made to this article at Koster's blog. Now, three hours is a lot of audio, so this episode includes roughly the second half of the discussion. As with the first discussion, this one ranges over a variety of topics, and Koster tells a few tales that have never — at least as far as he is aware — been told before. Give it a listen; there are some old secrets about the earliest days of Ultima Online herein! Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email |

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 90 - Ultima Online Turns 20 (With Raph Koster) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:31

What better way to mark the 20th anniversary of Ultima Online than by hearing stories from the original designer thereof? Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, and Cranberry. Podcast Topic(s) So it has been far, far too long since we last held a recording session, but what a way to return to form this episode was! We set out to discuss Ultima Online's 20th anniversary, and on a whim I sent a last-minute invite to Raph Koster (Designer Dragon, the original systems designer for UO) to join us on Discord for the discussion. And happily, he accepted the invitation and turned up for what turned into a three hour discussion about the early history of the game. Some of what is discussed has been discussed before, in other places and sometimes by other people. However, Koster peppers the discussion with more than a few never-before-told stories from the development of the game. Multiple references are also made to this article at Koster's blog. Now, three hours is a lot of audio, so this episode includes roughly the first half of the discussion. Topics covered include the Ultima Online alpha test, art development, the dangerous offices that the Ultima Online team were situated in, the development and continued use of eScript, the beta version of the game and the pressure from Electronic Arts to finally ship the game, and a curious (and long-running) prank being played out between Richard Garriott and his then-girlefriend, which culminated in a full-page ad in the Austin Chronicle. Also: Here's a link to the Zack Booth Simpson talk that Koster mentions partway through this part of the discussion. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 89 - The RPG Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:22

What exactly is an RPG, anyway? Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Avatar's Radio, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Neil, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, and Cranberry. Podcast Topic(s) The long-overdue episode in which various contributors attempt to answer the question: “What is an RPG?” The idea for this episode was not that it be structured as a debate, but rather as more of a documentary. A number of people contributed their thoughts, all of which are presented herein as standalone segments. Except for the final (and longest) segment, which follows the more typical discussion format of SSSH. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Special Thanks Goldenflame Dragon ESG Dragon Andrew Joyce El Zoof (Library Dragon) Sir Klaus Dragon Music Ultima VI Gates of Creation by OC ReMix

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 88 - Random Dragonly Rabble, Yet Again! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:08

Another round of random Dragonly rabble. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Avatar's Radio, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Neil, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, and Cranberry. Podcast Topic(s) Work travel has kept me away from having either the free time or internet bandwidth to pull together the long-awaited “what is an RPG” episode. As such, here's another segment of audio from the Episode 77 recording session, a lengthy discussion about the Ultima Dragons, first video games, and other truly random topics. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Where to Find Us Online WtFD - Twitter | Facebook | The Ultima Codex | Dr. Cat - Furcadia | Matt Barton Chats | Twitch | Mobile Game Doctor | Facebook | Twitter Merrik - SotA Forums | SotA Discord |

 Spam Spam Spam Humbug 87 - Random Dragonly Babble, And Also Dr. Cat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:48:46

I honestly have no idea what's in this episode. Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Podbean | Subscribe on Android Co-Producers This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Avatar's Radio, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Neil, Helgraf, Aaron, the Hearth of Britannia, Edward, Stirring Dragon, and Cranberry. Podcast Topic(s) Because it has been three weeks — at least! — since the last Spam Spam Spam Humbug episode was published, I've taken the unusual turn of diving back into the archives of recorded audio that I maintain, and I've pulled out a lengthy segment of the postamble discussion that I recorded after Episode 77. This was, you may recall, the follow-up episode to our discussion about the Ultima Dragons' 25th Anniversary Bash in Disneyland, and it was the episode that Dr. Cat joined us for. I have no idea what is discussed in this episode; I left my computer recording audio and went to bed, and woke up to nearly four hours of random conversation, all recorded dutifully by Audacity. Hopefully there's nothing untoward or inappropriate herein...but you'll really have to listen for yourself to find out. Support Spam Spam Spam Humbug Patreon | Buy Games at GOG | Like Ultima on Facebook | Follow the Ultima Codex on Twitter Join the Ultima Community | Ultima Dragons on Facebook | Ultima Dragons on Google+ | Follow the Ultima Dragons on Twitter | Ultima Dragons on Slack | The Weyrmount | Ultima Dragons on Discord Send Feedback Send Us an Email | Leave a Voice Message | Join Us on Discord Where to Find Us Online WtFD - Twitter | Facebook | The Ultima Codex | Dr. Cat - Furcadia |


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