The Happy Hour Effect: Leadership | Sales | Performance | Kristen Brown show

The Happy Hour Effect: Leadership | Sales | Performance | Kristen Brown

Summary: Discover a fresh philosophy to inspire your team to love coming to work every day and give their best while they’re there to boost personal and bottom-line growth. Kristen Brown is a bestselling author, team performance expert, work/life strategist, and professional speaker who shares her proven Happy Hour Effect message to amplify leadership potential, sales, service, work/life happiness, goal-getting, personal branding and less stress. During Happy Hour, we’re at our best – connected, open-minded, relaxed, creative and energized all at once. By creating Happy Hour Effect moments throughout the day, we harness those same mindset shifts that allow us to grow and thrive personally and professionally. Why does this matter? It matters for PEOPLE because we all need to feel secure, respected and supported in our goals and stress levels at work AND at home to flourish. And when we flourish, we’re motivated to do well and step into leadership in all areas of our lives – work, family, hobbies, friends, spirituality, health and more. It matters for COMPANIES because a workforce that lives by the Happy Hour Effect philosophy is productive, happy, innovative, and effective when it comes to sales, customer service, engagement, and creating opportunities to impact the bottom line. So you see – the Happy Hour Effect is more than just a clever term. It’s a powerful philosophy that can change your thinking, change your workforce and change the world.

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  • Artist: Kristen Brown: Keynote Speaker | Bestselling Author | Media Contributor
  • Copyright: © Copyright 2017 | Happy Hour Effect LLC


 #13: Don't Hire a Coach Until You Hear This | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:10

A good coach can help you see a challenge in a new light, but a GREAT coach will help you solve that challenge - so don't hire a coach until you hear this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast. You will get deeper insight on how to know when you're ready for or need a coach and what to look for once you've decided it's time to invest. Like an Olympic athlete has a team of coaches and trainers to help him or her reach peak performance, we need that support in place in our personal and professional lives too. There are coaches for business, health, relationships, parenting, spirituality and pretty much any topic you are interested in. This episode will give you the tools you need to pick a good one to help you close the gaps and grow.

 #12: 7 Secret Weapons for Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:09

The most common complaint most people have is that there are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything they want to do. In order to maximize our time and reach our goals, we must ensure we have the right support systems in place. Most people don't know what support they need or how to value their time to pick the right support for their goals. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, I will share 7 secret weapons for success that can help you regain hours in your day and even put money in your pocket if harnessed the right way.

 #11: What and When to Pitch the Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:40

How do you know what the media is looking for and when is the right time to pitch them your idea? And what the heck do you even pitch in the first place from all the great stuff you know? When it comes to getting the attention of a producer or editor, it's not easy to find the perfect pitch. Their needs vary greatly across media channels and may even be different between their live, on-air, printed and/or online versions. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, I will share five easy ways to pull out the most relevant and attention-getting ideas from what you already know so you can pitch the RIGHT things to the media and know when to pitch the media with those great ideas.

 #10: Get Paid What You're Worth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:15

This episode's topic comes from one of the podcast launch contest winners. Tracy Fixen won the iPad Mini and boy was she excited! Watch her video here. And be sure to follow her on social media - she is so funny! I asked her if she had any burning questions and she had a lot, but this one really jumped out at me because it's a common problem among both newbie and seasoned entrepreneurs. How do you know when to start charging - and if you're getting paid what you're worth? We all want to get paid for our hard work and expertise, but sometimes our passion for helping others clouds our financial foresight. In this episode I will give you a checklist of 16 things (or maybe more if I think of things on the fly) to help you determine when and how much you should be charging for your work.

 #9: 7 Ways to Blow It With the Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:36

I'm always surprised when my media friends tell me guest horror stories. From last-minute cancellations to diva behavior, there are many things that you should absolutely not do if you want to be successful as a media personality. In this episode I will share 7 ways to blow it with the media. These are directly from producers, hosts, editors and media experts who have seen the best and worst guests, experts and media personalities. Hopefully these lessons will carry over into your real-life media strategy so you become one of the best and not one of the nightmare guests that make the media's job stressful.

 #8: Q&A Quickie - How to Write a Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:42

One of the most common questions I get is "how do I write a book?" In fact, 80% of people say they want to write a book but only 2% actually do. Why are the statistics so low? Most people don't know how to get started, how to navigate the publishing industry or how to build a fanbase to make their book marketable. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect, I will share a really quick overview on how to write a book so you get the overall structure of your plan. There is much more that goes into it, but this will give you a starting point to get your book out of your head and into the marketplace.

 #7: Is Your Personal Brand Killing Your Career? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:07

We all know that crabby-pants person we try to avoid. Chances are YOU have been that person a time or two in your life too. The ways we behave, look and sound impact how others perceive us and are all a direct part of our personal brand. There are several elements at play in our personal brand that have the power to affect our relationships, happiness, health and career success. If you struggle with sales, getting a promotion, creating connections at work or at home or you notice people avoiding you, chances are your personal brand needs an overhaul. In this episode I will share some red flags that could be telling you it's time for some changes. We will also discuss ways to spin your personal brand for success in your work and life.

 #6: How to Set GOALS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:28

We all have personal and professional goals that fight for our time and attention. How can we prioritize the right things so we reach our dreams faster and easier - and have fun while doing it? Using her simple GOALSS criteria for decision-making and strategy, Kristen Brown gives you ideas that will get you one (or 100) steps closer to success in your work and life.

 #5: The Work/Life Balance Myth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:28

Entrepreneurs, 9-5'ers, healthcare workers, students - we are all bombarded by messages about how important it is to have work life balance. But have you ever really thought about what that really means? In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect, we will talk about why this concept is flawed, what mindset to embrace instead and three ways to take back control of your stress and your life for greater personal and professional happiness. Using the proven Life Map framework, we will identify stress cues, stress cures and ways to eliminate de-energizing activities from your life.

 #4: Q&A Quickie - Dealing with Difficult People and the High Cost of PR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:55

Every week I get questions from listeners on really diverse topics which has evolved into the Q&A Quickie episodes you will hear periodically on The Happy Hour Effect podcast. This week I had several people ask about how to deal with difficult people and why PR costs so much. In this episode I share insights and ideas to answer these two questions. Both are crucial to success professionally and personally. Whether you're an entrepreneur, author, start-up, big brand or work a 9-5 job, these two questions are important to your happiness.

 #3: 3 Crucial Steps to Get More Exposure for Your Brand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:33

Every organization needs and usually wants to get more exposure to grow. But there are myths about PR and exposure that cause entrepreneurs, authors and organizations to seek out fame without thinking through why, how and where a media appearance can impact their business. They go into it blind not knowing where to find opportunities, who to connect with or how to showcase their message so it’s media-WORTHY in the first place. In this episode we will talk about the three things every entrepreneur, author or brand must know BEFORE you go after media appearances and mentions to ensure that you are putting out the right message and communicating the right benefits for the audience. View the Show Notes at:

 #2: 3 Ways to Attract More Customers, Fans and Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:36

Whether you're an entrepreneur, author or you work for someone else, it's always a top priority to attract more customers. Not only are they spending their money on your product or service, but their word-of-mouth is invaluable to your reputation and future growth. Many brands get so caught up in their logo, advertising and social media that they forget that people buy from people. Sure a slick image or clever tagline are important, but they aren't the MOST important. You must create a memorable presence, personality and experience for everyone who comes into contact with you online, in person, at events or in the media. Touching people's hearts with real, unique and personal stories will naturally create a deeper connection to your prospects and customers and increase the chances that they will buy from you over and over again. Plus it will deepen your relationship with your fans, family and friends. Get the show notes:

 #1: 3 Ways to Buzz Up Your Business and Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:55

Welcome to the very first episode of The Happy Hour Effect! In this episode you will hear about my personal journey that created opportunities in my professional life and the evolution of the Happy Hour Effect. You will also get started on the right path to embracing a life of creativity, relaxation, connection and ideas - the hallmarks of the Happy Hour Effect lifestyle. With just a few small mindset and behavior tweaks, you can begin to ignite your work and life. You will make progress on your goals and create the right plans for growth. Plus, you will leave inspired to take action in your life to make your dreams a reality. Click here for show notes:


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