Healthy Talk show

Healthy Talk

Summary: Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD, is committed to providing listeners with the most current health information available. His weekly show is the place to listen to respected experts in the fields of integrative health, wellness, fitness, and medicine. Dr. Mike's engaging ability to present complex medical topics in a clear, conversational manner has attracted a sizable following of anti-aging and disease-prevention enthusiasts who have dubbed him "the country doctor with a city education." Healthy Talk is produced in conjunction with the Life Extension Foundation.

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 Are You Taking the Wrong Supplements? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Trying to find the right supplements can be overwhelming and frustrating. How can you identify the best ones for YOU?There are hundreds of supplements to choose from at health stores, online stores and your grocery stores. Not knowing which supplements you need makes the searching and buying process overwhelming. Everyone's body is different and can require more or less intake of specific nutrients, but your body -- just like everyone else's body -- needs the same foundation of nutrients. How do you know which supplements are best for you? A supplement pyramid can make the process of picking out what your body needs fairly simple and can save you from frustration and confusion. Moving up from the bottom of the pyramid to the top, the supplements become more personalized. At the bottom is the foundational level, or the basic nutrients that every person needs in order to maintain function in everyday life. Nutrients in this category are multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10 and probiotics. The middle of the pyramid is more personalized and looks at your risk factors, symptoms and what supplements best fit those symptoms. At the very top of the pyramid is the optimization level, adding supplements to help with the aging process. Dr. Mike explains the three levels in the supplement pyramid, how to find which supplements are right for you and the supplements recommended within each level.

 Aging Erasers: Top 3 Supplements for Youthful Skin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Powerful antioxidants can help reverse the signs of aging skin. Which ones are most effective?There are so many nutrients that can help with anti-aging. What's important to remember is that your skin differs from anyone else's skin. There are also various theories about why you age; some of them being the loss of hormones, the loss of cell membranes, the loss of neurotransmitters or the most recognized theory is the loss of cell energy. Why do your cell energy levels decrease over time to cause aging? What are some supplements to help your skin? The first supplement, Coenzyme Q10, is essential to your cell energy. By taking COQ10, you are allowing your mitochondria (a membrane-bound organelle found in your eukaryotic cells) to produce more energy. Dr. Mike shares his top three supplements for anti-aging and explains why they are so essential to your skin. Top 3 Anti-Aging Supplements: 1. CoQ-10 2. PQQ 3. Creatine

 Tips for Coping with Your Child's Asthma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

An asthma attack can be truly scary, especially for a kid. Avoid feeling helpless and learn how to help your child prevent these attacks.Did you know that an average of 36,000 children miss school every day because of asthma symptoms, which leads to roughly 14 million lost school days each year? Allergens, the environment and changes in temperature can all cause an increase in your child's mucus production and inflammation in your child's large and small airways, making it harder to breathe. Most parents are unaware of the symptoms associated with asthma, and most children's cases are left untreated. But you don't have to feel helpless; there are some ways to be proactive. Be careful, though. No matter how hard it may be, try not to take matters into your own hands, especially now when everything is searchable online. If you must turn to the internet, a valuable resource is Get Smart About Asthma. Ultimately, it is most important to take your child to a physician to check their inflammation levels in order to determine whether or not your child has asthma. A way to monitor your child to see if the symptoms are present is to look for shortness of breath or chronic coughing. Another symptom to keep an eye out for is if your child is waking up in the middle of the night or has a hard time falling asleep. Board certified allergist, Dr. Bassem Chahine, discusses with Dr. Mike ways you can help your child overcome asthma.

 More Magnesium: Soooo Many Health Benefits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Your body has over 300 enzyme systems that depend heavily on magnesium; The tricky part? Your body cannot produce magnesium on it's ownMagnesium is an essential mineral that is found inside your body. In order for you to be functioning at your best, you need normal-to-high levels of magnesium. You may think there's a different reason why you have chronic headaches, indigestion and even high blood pressure... but did you ever think to check your magnesium levels? Probably not. Many Americans have no idea that they have low levels of magnesium or what the benefits of magnesium are. Your body has over 300 enzyme systems that depend heavily on magnesium. The tricky part? Your body cannot produce magnesium on it's own and constantly needs replenishment. One of the main benefits of magnesium is lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease and your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. In this segment, Dr. Dennis Goldman shares the top benefits of magnesium and why you should always be aware of your magnesium intake.

 Dangerous Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lack of magnesium can cause you to feel fatigued or weak and induce chronic headaches, muscle aches, digestive issues and more.Magnesium is a key mineral in your body and has several important functions that help you maintain a healthy life. Magnesium is essential in more than 300 chemical reactions in your body, such as the detoxification process, muscle and nerve function, energy production and blood pressure regulation. Did you know that roughly 80 percent of Americans are magnesium deficient? Why is this percentage so high? You may think that you're getting enough through the foods you eat. However, this is simply not the case. Many acres of land where most of our food comes from has low levels of magnesium in the soil, causing the food you love to be lacking in optimal amounts magnesium. Without magnesium in your body you simply cannot function properly. Lack of magnesium in your diet can cause you to become fatigued or weak and induce chronic headaches, nausea and vomiting, heart palpitations, muscle aches and digestive issues. The scary thing about magnesium deficiency is that most people don't know about it. Left untreated, magnesium deficiency is associated with heart attacks, stokes, diabetes, obesity, arthritis and problems with your immune system. Dr. Dennis Goodman talks with Dr. Mike about the scary truths of magnesium deficiency, as well as ways to make sure you get enough.

 Undergoing Cancer Treatments? 5 Ways to Replenish Your Body with Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The first thing you want to do while undergoing treatment is find foods with a detox benefit.If you or a loved one is fighting cancer, it's essential to know that your food choices can help the outcome of your treatments. Now, you're probably thinking you will have to spend money and time looking around for fresh, organic food. You're wrong. Instead, focusing on certain food groups will be more beneficial than worrying about if you can eat the fruit you purchased from a local grocery store. Picking certain foods over others will help you replenish your body while undergoing treatments. The first thing you want to do while undergoing treatment is finding foods with a detox benefit. You not only want to detox from the cancer itself, but the chemotherapy and radiation that can be toxic and cause unfavorable side effects to your body. Some detox foods to look for in order to help restore your body are those high in vitamin B. Vitamin B is located in all sorts of fruits and veggies, and the darker the color, the higher level and the better for you. Artichoke has been shown to help the liver de-congest and help fight off harmful toxins. Dr. Mike will discuss five ways to replenish your body with food, as well as which foods to add to your diet during you or your loved one's journey through cancer treatment. What You Want To Accomplish by Picking Optimal Foods to Eat: 1. Detox 2. Control inflammation 3. Improve immune system 4. Promote healthy cell growth 5. Make sure the cancer doesn't spread

 Can Chocolate Reduce Body Fat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

New research reveals chocolate's fat burning potential.You may feel guilty after eating chocolate. After all, up until this point, you've been led to believe that it's completely unhealthy and fattening. A recent study, however, actually associated eating chocolate with less body fat. Is this true or just wishful thinking? Dr. Mike gives the scoop on chocolate's fat-burning potential.

 Reduce Hot Flashes without Hormones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

An almost "too good to be true" formulation of natural extracts is stopping hot flashes cold!An almost "too good to be true" formulation of natural extracts is stopping hot flashes cold! It's true: the next-generation solution for hot flashes is EstroG-100... an all-natural, botanical, safe and non-toxic formulation. This is a women's health supplement that is practical and has multiple proven benefits including decreased severity and frequency of hot flashes and an improvement in vaginal dryness. Special guest, Michael Jeffers, CEO of Helios Corp, joins Dr. Mike to explain the benefits behind this revolutionary new formula.

 The Acid & Alkaline Food Guide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In order to be healthy, your body requires an acid-base balance. How can you achieve the right pH level?In the last few years, researchers around the world have increasingly reported the importance of acid-alkaline balance. The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide was designed as an easy-to-follow guide to the most common foods that influence your body's pH level. Now in its Second Edition, this bestseller has been expanded to include many more domestic and international foods. Updated information also explores the myths about pH balance and diet, and guides you to supplements that can help your body achieve a healthy pH level. Special guest, Susan Brown, PhD, joins Dr. Mike to discuss information contained in the guide.

 Acidic Food Causing You to Age? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

An internal acidic environment is damaging to your cells and tissues. How can you reverse this?Most cellular functions require a non-acid environment. This means if you're eating too many acidic foods, your cells and tissues are struggling to function properly. The result can be cancerous growths, cellular damage and even cellular death. Join Susan Brown, PhD, and Dr. Mike as they discuss the danger of an internal acidic environment, as well as how you can reverse it.

 Why You Should Take a Multivitamin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's world, supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals is an absolute necessity.Even the healthiest diets fall short in terms of supplying the optimal amount of nutrients you need... not just to survive, but to thrive. In this segment, Dr. Mike discusses how your health is threatened on a daily basis by hidden ingredients in the food you eat, by environmental toxins right inside your home, and by the effects of chronic stress on your body. By the end, you'll be convinced that nutritional supplements aren't just a good idea in today's modern world, they're essential.

 Boosting Collagen: The Science Behind Younger Looking Skin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of the most visible signs of aging occurs in the skin, where previously firm, healthy collagen strands give way to wrinkling, dryness, and looseness.One of the most visible signs of aging occurs in the skin, where previously firm, healthy collagen strands give way to wrinkling, dryness, and looseness. Fortunately, nature has provided nutrients -- that when applied topically -- can increase your own production of collagen and protect it from the damaging effects of sun, wind and stress. In this segment, Dr. Mike explains the ways in which your habits and environment are aging you, and how estriol cream, vitamin C serum, and vitamin A oil can boost your own natural collagen production to create more beautiful, firm, and younger-looking skin.

 Reverse the Aging Process: Eat for Your Cells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The secret to anti-aging success is that unlike an automobile, the human body is a self-repairing system.In his exciting new book, Never Feel Old Again, scientist Raymond Francis offers a simple road map to anyone who wants to slow (and even reverse) the aging process. As he explains, just like an automobile, the body ages as a result of a lack of maintenance and accumulated repair deficits. The secret to anti-aging success, however, is that unlike an automobile, the human body is a self-repairing system. The key is to eat for your cells, helping them stay in good repair, keeping the body biologically young even though it is becoming chronologically older. Join Dr. Mike and Raymond as they share how you can preserve youth for years to come.

 Protecting Your Health Rights | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What can you do to ensure your health rights are protected and preserved?The FDA was established in 1906 to protect the U.S. public from mis-branded and adulterated foods and drugs. While the original intent may have been honorable, over the years the mission has become tainted by lobbyists and money. James Gormley, an award-winning journalist, editor and consumer advocate with 20 years of experience in health and the natural products field, joins Dr. Mike to discuss ways you can protect yourself against the government's war on health freedom.

 The FDA's Silent War Against Health Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How much health freedom do we really have in the United States? Are your rights being impinged upon without your knowledge?Who controls the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and what are the real goals of this powerful agency? These are the central questions explored in Health at Gunpoint, a book that brings into clear focus the silent war being waged by the FDA against American consumers. Author of the book, James Gormley, joins Dr. Mike to discuss what is happening in the current state of FDA affairs, as well as what steps you can take to make a change.


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