Healthy Talk show

Healthy Talk

Summary: Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD, is committed to providing listeners with the most current health information available. His weekly show is the place to listen to respected experts in the fields of integrative health, wellness, fitness, and medicine. Dr. Mike's engaging ability to present complex medical topics in a clear, conversational manner has attracted a sizable following of anti-aging and disease-prevention enthusiasts who have dubbed him "the country doctor with a city education." Healthy Talk is produced in conjunction with the Life Extension Foundation.

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 Ask Dr. Mike: Stage Fright, Bioidentical Hormones & Treating Grey Hair Naturally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk you wanted to know: Are bioidentical hormones synthetic? A friend of mine, who is also a Chemist, says they are. I'm confused! The word "synthetic" often gets a bad rap. What it means is that it's made up in the lab. So, technically speaking, all bioidentical hormones are synthetic since they are made up in a lab. Bioidentical hormones like progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone that are made up in lab have the same chemical properties in your body and have the same effects. It's also important to note that bioidentical hormones don't have to come from plant sources (even though most do). Is there anything natural for treating grey hair? As you age (and largely determined by your genetics), you may notice some grey hairs. However, there are lifestyle factors that can also contribute to grey hair such as smoking, untreated thyroid conditions, and a nutrient deficiency; these can all speed up the process of your grey hairs. Dr. Mike started using DHEA and it didn't take that long, but the grey hair stopped showing up. Amla, sage, alder bark, and heshouwu may also help naturally get rid of your grey hair. I'm very nervous about a presentation I have to give in front of 500 people. My doctor said beta blockers help, is this true? Beta blockers have been prescribed for those experiencing stage fright. Usually, beta blockers are given to heart patients becuase they are known to help control how hard the heart is pumping. They can also calm you down. However, once you start taking these regularly, you can't just stop taking them altogether. Your blood pressure and heart rate can drastically increase and put you at risk for a heart attack. Dr. Mike suggests using a supplement that has a combo between lemon balm and theanine. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Reducing Nerve Pain Naturally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sometimes prescription drugs fail at treating nerve pain, making natural solutions your only hope.If you've been experiencing chronic pain, but MRIs, CTs, and X-rays are showing up with no results, you might be suffering from nerve pain. Nerves run throughout your body and carry signals from your brain to certain parts of your body when you feel something. For example, if you bump your elbow on a door, the nerves within your body will send pain signals to your brain. Nerve pain can result from tissue damage, inflammation, trauma, medication side effects, nutritional deficiencies, or autoimmune disease. Your nerve pain may be described as sharp, stinging, burning pain. If you're experiencing nerve pain, your doctor might write a prescription. However, some of these medications can cause greater problems to your health. Are there natural treatments you can use to treat your nerve pain? Primrose oil N-acetyl cysteine Michael Sugerman joins Dr. Mike to discuss the frustrations associated with nerve pain, as well as the natural treatments available to help ease your pain without any harmful side effects.

 What Happens When Your Doctor Can't Diagnose You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You know your body better than anyone, and it's crucial you always listen to it when you're feeling out of sync.Even though you may think your doctor knows best, you must always remember to be your own health advocate. Oftentimes, doctors are over-scheduled and they might miss a diagnosis that's been causing you to feel out of sorts. It may be hard, but before seeing your doctor you should make a list of symptoms you're feeling, how often you've been feeling that way, and if you've made any recent changes within your health's history. Even though your doctor might ask you questions and request certain tests, it can be extremely frustrating when nothing is being diagnosed; so it's important that you take measures to be as prepared as possible. You know your body better than anyone, and it's crucial you always listen to it when you're feeling out of sync. What should you do if your doctor has run numerous tests but you're still undiagnosed? Known as the Sherlock Holmes of medicine, Dr. David L. Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. Often times, Dr. Vastola uncovers medical problems that have been burdening patients and that other doctors have overlooked. Dr. Vastola joins Dr. Mike to discuss why you should always listen to your body and how you can seek proper medical treatment when you're feeling like your doctor just isn't helping you.

 Fat or Cholesterol: Which is Worse for Your Heart Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is saturated fat and cholesterol as bad as we've been told they are?For decades, fat has been targeted as the number one health enemy, the reason behind your weight gain, and the top risk factor for a potential heart attack. Once fat obtained its bad rep, you might remember seeing low-fat, and non-fat options in your grocery store. You might also remember hearing doctors preaching the HUGE difference in your good and bad cholesterol levels and how if bad cholesterol levels were left unmonitored, it could raise your risk of a heart attack. However, after all these years heart disease remains the number one killer between both men and women. Not to mention that obesity, diabetes, and other serious health issues are skyrocketing. Did doctors have it all wrong? Much of the research behind the low-fat diet craze of the 80s and 90s has been largely discredited, and experts now believe it's actually NOT the main reason behind heart health problems. Is there a direct link between cholesterol, fat, and your heart health? Dr. Jonny Bowden, the Rogue Nutritionist and co-author of The Great Cholesterol Myth, joins Dr. Mike to discuss misinformation being taught by mainstream medicine between saturate fat, cholesterol and heart disease.

 Controlling Body Temperature: New Hope After an Alzheimer's Study | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A recent study shows that hibernating animals activate brain-protective mechanisms that doctors can simulate in Alzheimer's patients.Alzheimer's is a debilitating and progressive brain disorder that damages and eventually destroys your brain cells. This damage leads to loss of memory, brain function, and cognition. According to the Alzheimer's Association, more than five million Americans are living with this disease, and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. Doctors, researchers, and scientists have been working tirelessly to find a way to slow progression and discover potential cures. What is the latest Alzheimer's study? When animals hibernate, their body temperature drops to abnormal levels, which can cause brain cell connections to be lost. However, after hibernation and while the animal's body begins to warm up, these brain cell connections are restored. Hypothermia in humans does the same thing, and even though it can cause damage to other parts of your body, your brain is often unaffected. Scientists at Medical Research Council reduced body temperature of healthy mice to 16-18 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes (temperatures similar of small mammals that hibernate). Researchers then repeated the experiment with mice that carried features of Alzheimer's. They found the regeneration disappeared as the disease progressed, and noted the loss of RBM3. When the mice's RBM3 was artificially boosted, it was enough to protect brain cell depletion and reduced memory loss. What does this mean for the future treatment of Alzheimer's? Dr. Mike discusses the latest study on Alzheimer's and what this means for the future treatment options.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Topical Silver Gels, Vitamin D in HIV Patients & More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you come to know helps ensure healthy choices you can actually live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: How far apart should I take antacids from my medication? When you take certain medications, you change the pH in your small intestine and stomach, which can cause heartburn. Usually, your doctor might tell you to steer away from antacids altogether, or wait a few hours. However, if you're suffering from heartburn (which some medications can cause), Dr. Mike suggests waiting 30 minutes to take an antacid after you've taken your medication. However, Dr. Mike wants to make a note that you shouldn't be taking antacids like candy. If you're someone who consumes four to five antacids a day, you may have a separate issue going on. You may want to try D-Limonene, a supplement for digestion. Life Extension published an interesting study on Vitamin D in HIV patients. The conclusion said that it can improve immunological parameters. What are those parameters? People with HIV often have vitamin D deficiency. In the study, researchers looked at HIV patients taking high doses of Vitamin D and looked at their standard immunology profile. They looked at T-cells, CD4 cells, and noticed three significant changes. First, naive T-cells went up significantly, CD4 cells also increased, and viral low decreased. Vitamin D was helping these patients' immune systems and providing some kind of inhibition on viral replication. Do you think it's safe to use topical silver for open wounds? Silver has been used for centuries as an antimicrobial agent. Silver has many benefits such as acting as an antibacterial and antiviral. Silver is now is available to be taken orally and topically (as a gel). There are some studies done that show positive benefits associated with using silver to help MRSA, a contagious antibiotic-resistant staph infection that can lead to other dangerous, life-threatening infections. Dr. Mike suggests talking to your primary physician before using silver on yourself or anyone else. Can you explain the difference between laboratory studies and clinical studies? A laboratory study is when you use a petri dish, put some cells in there, add in some kind of test material and you see what kind of change happens to the cell. A clinical study is measuring the safety and effectiveness of a new treatment or medication in people. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Living with Schizophrenia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A therapist's journey with schizophrenia.Schizophrenia is a serious, chronic and disabling brain disorder. If you have schizophrenia, it can distort the way you think, your emotions, the way you perceive reality and your overall quality of life. You may experience hearing voices, have delusions, or other psychotic experiences. You may also not be able to function at your job, school of in any of your relationships. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), schizophrenia affects more than 21 million people worldwide. Health professionals often have the experience of working with clients who battle mental illness, but how many therapists actually know what it's like to live with schizophrenia? Therapist James Hickman was diagnosed with schizophrenia in college and has spent his whole life on a journey to recovery while helping others along the way. His personal story is deeply emotional and sheds light on a subject close to many people. Join Dr. Mike and James Hickman as he discusses his personal experience with schizophrenia, and how he's trying to help those battling the disease.

 Sleep Apnea: Retrain Your Breathing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you suffer from sleep apnea, breathing "retraining" can give you the tools to help you breathe, feel, and sleep better.If you've ever missed out on sleep due to a loud snorer next to you, it can make you want to shove your head into a pillow and scream. Or, if you've ever been told how loud you snore, you may not think of it as a big deal. But, you could be suffering from sleep apnea, and it could be causing some serious health damage. Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing repeatedly stops and starts, causing you to snore loudly while also often gasping for breath. Sleep apnea is a serious and dangerous condition that affects an estimated 22 million Americans. Unfortunately, 80 percent of the cases of moderate and severe obstruction sleep apnea go undiagnosed. What is breathing retraining and how can it help treat sleep apnea? Tess Graham author of, Relief from Snoring and Sleep Apnea, a step-by-step guide to restful sleep and better health through changing the way you breathe, shares insights into how breathing restraints can be damaging to your health. Through the book, online breathing course, media interviews and workshops, Tess debunks myths and misinformation about breathing and gives people tools to help them begin to breathe better, feel better and sleep better straight away. Graham joins Dr. Mike to discuss Breathing Retraining for people with sleep apnea.

 Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's always a good idea to really think about why you want to set a goal in the first place.Even if you're comfortable with how your life is going, it's never a bad thing to set goals or New Year's resolutions. However, it's always a good idea to really think about why you want to set a goal in the first place. You may make resolutions and goals with the best intentions; but even if you're the most disciplined and motivated person, you might have difficulty keeping them. Instead of overloading your list, you may want to focus on small, realistic goals. Even though you may want to see immediate results, it's important to understand any changes you wish to make are not going to happen overnight. You may also want to reward yourself throughout your progress; this can encourage you to keep going. Is there a way you can follow through with the goals and resolutions you've made? Listen in as Dr. Mike and Jephtha Tausig-Edwards share how to make reasonable resolutions... resolutions you can actually keep and that can improve your life.

 5 Simple Ways to Slow Aging | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why we age is far from resolved, but researchers have developed some pretty compelling theories.You might have been told that the aging process is inevitable and you can't do anything to escape its course. But, what if what you've been told has been all wrong? Even though you can't actually stop the aging process, according to Dr. Mike, you might be able to slow it down. According to a blog posted on Life Extension, Dr. Mike suggests how you can manage the aging process by focusing on these five theories of aging: Restore your hormones Reduce oxidative stress (Incorporate pomegranate) Ease chronic inflammation (Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, ginger) Preserve cell energy (Incorporate CoQ10) Reverse your biological clock (Incorporate kiwi, oranges) We all age, but do we all have to age quickly and sickly? Dr. Mike discusses the five leading theories of aging and how you can manage them and age in a healthier, more vibrant manner.

 Ask Dr. Mike: A-fib, HIV Medication & Antacids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you come to know helps ensure healthy choices you can actually live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: I was diagnosed with A-fib, but it only occurs on rare occasions. What can I do naturally? Atrial fibrillation (also known as A-fib) is an irregular, rapid heart rate (often referred to as a flutter) that results in poor blood flow within your body. A-fib causes palpitations, weakness, and a shortness of breath. Your A-fib episodes can come and go without you even realizing it, or you may experience chronic A-fib and need treatment. If you're considering taking a more natural approach to help decrease blood clotting and naturally thin your blood, you may want to consider incorporating omega-3 fatty oils, garlic, curcumin, and vitamin E into your diet, as well as 500-1500 milligrams magnesium. If you're someone who can feel an episode of A-fib happening, you may want to try a valsalva maneuver (bearing down or deep cough). My HIV prescription is going to have a $400 co-pay. The medication is helping, but I'm not sure I'll be able to afford this. What can I do? The first thing you might want to consider is calling your insurance company and ask about co-pay assistance to see if they can help you out in any way. You may also want to try calling the drug company, as well as any local organizations that can help with any payment assistance. Is it safe to take antacids every day? NO! If you're experiencing heartburn every once in a while, antacids can help ease the burning symptoms. However, if you have to take an antacid every day, you're not addressing the real problem and are only looking for the short-term relief. You might actually be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This can cause serious problems down the line if left untreated. Instead of popping antacids, you might want to consider talking to your doctor about getting properly medicated, since overusing antacids can deplete your acid level and therefore cause nutrient deficiency. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 The 4 Health Trends of 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There were four top health trends identified in 2014 that will affect you for years to come.It may seem like there has been a continued failure in the healthcare system and drug industry when it comes to misleading and mislabeled products. However, this has led many of you to become fed up and request further research and studies to support new findings. There are also new health trends that seem to appear every single day. But again, you never know whether or not to trust these upcoming health trends and/or demand more research. 2014 was filled with TONS of new diets, new super foods, breakthroughs in medicine, new supplements, and the combination of western and eastern medicine Within this research, The Natural Products Insider recently reported on the four health trends of 2014 and how they will continue to affect you in the years to come. So, what are these four health trends? Integrative medicine is key for the future of public health Trials on natural products Quality standards are improving, but work remains Innovation is primed to continue Dr. Mike discusses the four supplement trends posted on the Natural Products Insider website and why they are extremely beneficial to your health.

 Do Playgrounds Make Healthier Kids? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are many health and social benefits associated with kids who play.Over the years, you may have noticed playgrounds have become more sterile, overprotected areas of parent-directed play. This may lead your child to become under-enthused, unimpressed, and not as active. However, there's a movement to build playgrounds that challenge kids physically and socially, focusing the main point on putting kids in charge of their own play. Letting your children build whatever their imaginations dream up without critiquing every move may open and improve their mental capacity. Author and designer, Rusty Keeler, joins Dr. Mike to discuss why playgrounds help expand your child's social, physical and mental health.

 Identifying & Treating Low Testosterone in Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The medical community is finally starting to recognize the importance of testosterone for women.Testosterone is a hormone that is made within your body and helps maintain sexual function, bone strength, reproductive tissue, and muscle mass. You may think testosterone is only found in men, but women also need testosterone in order for their hormones to stay in balance. In fact, small amounts of testosterone are released into a woman's bloodstream from the adrenal glands and ovaries. If your body is producing way too much testosterone, it can cause your periods to become irregular or even absent. You may also have more body hair (chin, chest, back, etc.) and develop frontal balding, increased muscle mass, acne, fertility issues, a deeper voice, a subsequent increased risk of heart disease, and loss of libido. Depending on how your doctor tests your hormone levels (typically through blood work or saliva), it's also important to list off your symptoms. Just because your levels don't show any abnormalities, doesn't mean your testosterone isn't out of balance. If your doctor has diagnosed you with low testosterone levels, you may be interested in trying testosterone therapy. Testosterone therapy can be taken in the form of pills, gels, creams and patches. Cecilia Lacayo, MD, shares why testosterone is an important hormone for both men and women, and how women can improve testosterone levels.

 The Failing Flu Vaccine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This flu season's vaccine is not protecting you as originally planned.If you've gotten the flu shot for the 2014-2015 season, it may not be working in your favor. According to a statement released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this year's flu vaccine is ineffective against the dominant flu strain. The CDC's director, Dr. Tom Frieden, also stated that it's too late to produce a new flu vaccine, since the production of the vaccine could take approximately four months. The first week of January 2015, the CDC announced the flu is prevalent and widespread in 43 states, and they are expecting more states to become infected as peak season is just around the corner. This means you may be more at risk for complications. You are still able to get a flu shot, but since it's ineffective towards the dominant strain this year, you may want to strengthen your immune system in a natural way. How can you strengthen your immune system? Take a multivitamin Reishi mushroom extract Enzymatically modified rice bran Cistanche deserticola Dr. Mike discusses why the flu vaccine is failing, and ways you can strengthen your immune system so you can stay healthy during the rest of flu season. See corresponding article below: The Failing Flu Vaccine By Alonso Chavarriaga A recent statement released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the vaccine for the 2014-2015 season may not be as effective against a certain strain of influenza virus.  The CDC is particularly worried because this particular strain has always been aggressive, leading to more hospitalizations and deaths.   An Aggressive Virus Mutates Each year around summertime, the CDC begins analyzing flu viruses that are circulating in the southern hemisphere, to get an idea of what we can expect during the winter months in the northern hemisphere.  Based on that research, scientists can predict which strains will pose a threat.  In this case, the strain in question is H3N2, which can cause severe complications in young children, adults around 60 years or older, and those with chronic illnesses such as asthma or heart problems.   The problem is that since last summer when the vaccines were created, the H3N2 virus mutated just enough to make the shots less effective.  Of the 85 flu virus samples collected and analyzed from October 1 to November 22, 52 percent had changed, indicating rapid mutation.  Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the CDC, says that producing a new vaccine for this strain would talk approximately four months; far too long since the strain will probably change again before then.   Flu Vaccines Are Not Totally Ineffective That’s not to say that the flu vaccine is not effective.  There are two types of vaccines available: trivalent, which is generally taken through injection and contains three flu strains, or quadrivalent, which contains four strains and is taken through the nose.  Most people receive the trivalent vaccine, and this year the three strains it included were H1N1, H2N2, and influenza type B.  While the vaccine may not be fully effective against H3N2, it still provides protection from the other two most common strains of flu virus.   Aside from getting flu vaccines yearly, there are natural ways you can improve your immune system.  For example, eating more Reishi mushrooms or taking Reishi mushroom extract with a supplement of CoQ10 can help bolster your body’s defenses and fight viral infections like influenza and swine flu.  Taking in more Ometa-3 fatty acids, primarily found in cold-water fish, can also fight against infections. Lastly, there is Cistanche, which has been called the “ginseng of the desert” and significantly boosts T-cell production.  T-cells, or T-lymphocytes, are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in cell immunity.


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