Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio

Summary: A weekly ‘Doctor Who’ podcast devoted to an open and positive discussion of anything and everything in the Whoniverse, spanning its nearly 60-year history.

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 Cold War Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:52

This week we travel back to 1983 and come face to helmet with one of the Doctor's most familiar classic villains, the Ice Wariors. We enjoy and poke fun at the show, but quickly shut up any time David Warner is on the screen. Link Dump: News 9 Troughton episodes discovered (from across two stories) Doctor Who Magazine gets its own website The Paternoster Gang returns in series 8! 6 New Day of the Doctor Photos SteeMo talks about Capaldi’s wardrobe...and taunts the fanbase about “missing something” about the regeneration. Non-News Doctor Qui - Bill Bailey full orchestra jazz theme cover Jolene slowed down by from 45 to 33 rpm: (original Jolene as reference in case you don’t know it)

 Rings of Akhaten Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:00

We begin our commentary series (again) with Rings of Akhaten with special guest host Shooter, brought in specifically to defend his favorite episode while we all complain and belly ache, right up until Matt Smith starts his speech. Link Dump: Big Finish announces 3 new series of 8th Doctor series Dark Eyes Matt Smith is really just a psycho...from America. Who sings. BBC CONFIRMS MISSING EPISODES FOUND!!! Will the cybermen be the ones to kill 11? BBC America spilling the beans, again.

 Children of Earth: Day Five | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:09

It has been a long journey, and at times we all felt like giving up, but we are finally on day five of Torchwood: Children of Earth. Unfortunately, it was one of the hardest hits we've taken yet. We discuss the horror of the process laid out by the government, the insidious nature of the 456, and Jack's "finest" hour. Link Dump: David Tennant interview in GQ A brilliant fan-made new intro turns everyone’s head The Ninth Doctor’s anniversary e-book “Beast of Babylon” is published and reviewed An Unearthly Child filmed 50 years ago this week Summer Falls and Other Stories available for pre-order UK Doctors Revisited schedule Tardis Blueprints revealed

 Children of Earth: Day Four | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:10

Our horrendous trek through Children of Earth is nearly over, but we still have to endure the worst of it as we discuss Day Four. The 456 have made their demand and we begin to see the frailty of human cohesion as those we elect to lead and protect us begin to show their true colors. The sense of hopelessness is all consuming in the penultimate episode of CoE. Link Dump: Moffat: Capaldi to be ‘fiercer’, maintaining Scottish accent New Zealand Mint issues gold anniversary coin The Doctors Revisited finally making it to the UK The Day of the Doctor on DVD and BluRay A Classic Doctor “Protest”?  Which leads to... Davison in the 50th? Doctor Who now on Hulu

 Bonus #1:Jeremy Bulloch Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:42

As a bright spot in the darkness of all this discussion of Children of Earth, we offer an interview we did recently with Mr. Jeremy Bulloch, a.k.a. Boba Fett and Hal the archer from The Time Warrior.

 Children of Earth: Day Three | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:13

The stakes continue to climb as the 456 finally arrive and make their wretched demand of humanity, and Jack shows his darker side. We discuss the criminal element of Torchwood, Jack being a bad ass, Jack being a monster, and why the 456 are so menacing. Link Dump: The Day of the Doctor poster released 50th anniversary details revealed (75 minutes!!!!) Spoiler free pics from Christmas special filming John Hurt talks 50th anniversary special (spoilers) Doctor Who's Line is it Anyway

 Children of Earth: Day Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:22

This week we follow Gwen (and Rhys) and Ianto's attempts to rescue what remains of Captain Jack Harkness as Frobisher and Dekker receive mysterious instructions from the 456 to build . . . something. We also discuss the choice some Whovians make to avoid the series all together, the impact of CoE on parents vs. non-parents, age appropriateness and turning your kids into cynical citizens, and where the ball got dropped between Children of Earth and Miracle Day. Link Dump: Catherine Tate “Would Be Happy” to return to show Original ‘Tenth Planet’ script found, minus regeneration Christmas Special script read-through Get an official 7th Doctor sweater to go with your 4th Doctor scarf Doctor Who "Risk" game at Forbidden Planet.

 Children of Earth: Day One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:48

We continue our look into the extended Whoniverse by examining some of the spin-offs the show has spawned, and starting the torturous but amazing third series of Torchwood: Children of Earth. Given the nature of Children of Earth, this episode of Gallifrey Public Radio will be explicit. Listener discretion is advised. Link Dump: Peter Capaldi on the cover of Doctor Who Magazine Christopher Eccleston's message to the BFI Moffat acknowledges the regeneration limit More Peter Jackson rumors Three Doctors on screen, kinda A talking sonic screwdriver pizza cutter.

 A Novel Whovian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:46

This week we start our look at the extended Whoniverse with a small sampling of novels. We get drawn into the whole "book vs. movie" aspect and the theater of the mind. We also discuss "canon" and whether the books are crucial or extraneous. Here are the books we read and a brief synopsis of each: Camera Obscura (2002) 8th Doctor; joined by Fitz and Anji; Victorian England. A series of disruptions in time are causing strange occurrences among the locals (telepathy, multiplicity, etc.). The Doctor must partner with nemesis the Sabbath -- who has claimed one of his hearts to facilitate time travel -- in order to locate the source of the problem. Fear Itself (2005) 8th Doctor; joined by Fitz and Anji; 22nd-century Mars & Jupiter. Believed dead in a space station disappearance, Anji must forge a life for herself without the Doctor. Amid growing xenophobic tension and the Earth military on the brink of war (due to recent Dalek invasion), Anji hears the station may have survived, but in investigating, finds a struggle between a harsh “Professional”, feral survivors, and alien attackers. Human Nature (1995) 7th Doctor; joined by Benny (Bernice); England 1914. (Sound familiar?) At the hands of the Aubertides, the Doctor has been stripped of his knowledge of being a Time Lord, leaving him to believe he is a history teacher at a boys’ prep school. Benny is left to try and restore him, while fending off an alien takeover. Just War (1996) 7th Doctor; joined by Benny (Bernice), Roz and Chris; England 1941. The Nazis are somehow winning the war, due to an inexplicable military advantage that must be stopped to “restore the timeline”. The Also People (1995) 7th Doctor; joined by Benny (Bernice), Roz and Chris; The Worldsphere (Time Unknown). A treaty between the Time Lords and the powerful People is threatened by a murder that cannot be left unsolved, and Benny is forced to make decisions that could save one life, at the cost of billions. The City of the Dead (2001) 8th Doctor; joined by Fitz and Anji; ~2005 New Orleans. As a result of bone charms, Wiccan and voodoo magic, elemental spirits and the haunting of the Doctor’s dreams by “The Void”, a demon summoned by a supposed friend. Link Dump: Jenna Coleman Confirms the S8 Filming Start Date (Some Spoilers) Some answers for Moffat's plotholes William Hartnell rare TV interview found The TARDIS in Earl’s Court (according to Google)

 The Clock Strikes 12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:37

The new Doctor has been announced and we can't help put pull apart every nuance and detail of the revelation. It's a whole podcast full of opinion, reaction, speculation, and jubilation as we discuss the possibilities that come along with the new face of our favorite Timelord. The BBC announcement advert for Capaldi, and the inclusion of John Hurt’s “Doctor” at a key position Peter Capaldi's letter to the editor of Radio Times More of Moffat’s lies?

 Rule #1: Moffat Lies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:44

The BBC announced today that they will be revealing the 12th Doctor this coming Sunday. This comes mere days after SteeMo claimed to only be in the early stages of casting. The timing couldn't be better as Jay and Keir spend this weeks podcast talking about all the lies we've heard from our favorite brilo haired welshman. We discuss rumors about the 12th Doctor, 50th anniversary, and just general fibs from the current showrunner. Here are a few of our favorite "untruths": Moffat to SDCC: “I’ve lied my arse off about the 50th” Steven Moffat has promised storyline "closure" in Christmas special A Who-Blog’s Breakdown of Moffat’s Five Latest ‘Hints’ Make sure to share your some your thoughts on "Less than Honest Steve" in the comments below. Link Dump: Peter Capaldi as a new frontrunner candidate for 12th BBC releases statement about SDCC trailer TARDIS Studio tours 50th special will be simulcast globally

 Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:22

The Doctor has had many companions, but this week we pay tribute to the Earthling who could possibly be described as his longest, most understanding, and best friend, "The Brig". Link Dump: Moffat: I’ve Lied My Arse Off About the 50th 50th anniversary special comic con trailer description UNIT recruitment film My Immortal Brigadier (A Nicholas Courtney Tribute Video)

 The Valeyard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:53

This week we take a look at one of the most infamous villains (both in the fiction and out) to ever spar with, well, himself. The Valeyard has come up more times than coincidence allows lately, so we've decided to take a look back and help everyone understand who this notorious Master-wannabe really is. We revisit his introduction in Trial of a Timelord, examine his forays into literary works, and explore some of the trivia surrounding this treacherous Timelord. Link Dump: The Dalek maize maze Murray Gold’s orchestral teasers for the 50th The BBC Prom (and appearances) Series 1-7 Bluray Collectors Edition

 Whovians Are Brilliant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:53

In the wake of our brief vacation, we decided to take some time and brag on our fellow fans. Whovians are a fantastic breed and they will never stop surprising you with their diversity and acceptance. This week Jay and Melissa discuss some of the encounters we've had with wild Whovians. Link Dump: Royal visit to the TARDIS 4th Doctor Time Capsule Box Set Murray Gold to premier new song at the Proms First look at David Bradley as the 1st Doctor Tardis console pics Jay’s blog post about Texas Comicon

 Who Tech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:39

No one can deny that the Doctor has some really awesome gadgets. We go and buy toy replicas just so we can have a small feeling of what it's like to have such amazing tech. Well we decided to talk about all those wonderful gizmos and dig into what makes them so great (or sometimes, infamous). Is there anything you feel we missed or didn't explore deeply enough? Let us know your favorites in the comments below. Share which sonic screwdriver is your favorite, tell us what you think is the greatest one appearance item. Link Dump: No BBC confirmation of lost Hartnell episodes being found Tennant wins Emmy for Clone Wars voicework Christmas Special director revealed Prince & Duchess of Cornwall to visit the set The Matrix a seed idea for the Wachowski's movie?


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