Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord

Summary: Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.

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  • Artist: Intuitive Astrology with Molly
  • Copyright: Copyright Molly McCord (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 The Art of Trapeze: Surrendering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

Surrendering can be confusing, unexpected, and trigger many unconscious emotions in us. There's the difference between voluntary surrender and not wanting to let go, and how we may be holding ourselves back from something greater. In this special episode, I share with you the wisdom I've learned about surrendering and why it is absolutely vital for us to practice in order to continuously live life to the fullest.  Plus, this weekend only (June 22 and 23), you can get a free copy of my book that describes this energy numerous times. Download a free copy on your iPad, Mac, tablet, Android, or smartphone ~ The Art of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey of Soaring, Surrendering, and Awakening   Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot!

 The Art of Trapeze: Soaring | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:00

The sensation of soaring is one of the most uplifting feelings we can experience: trusting, daring, moving, gliding towards a dream that makes our heart sing. Have you experienced in this in your life lately? In this special episode, I invite you to connect with the joy found in the sensations of being in alignment with what you want - and going for it.   Plus, this weekend only (June 22 and 23), you can get a free copy of my book that describes this energy numerous times. Download a free copy on your iPad, Mac, tablet, Android, or smartphone ~ The Art of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey of Soaring, Surrendering, and Awakening   Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot!

 Missed Connections, Separation, and Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Many people have found Soul Mates, Twin Flames, and other key relationships recently, and yet these connections aren't "lining up" - can you relate? I'm hearing this theme from a lot of clients, so it's timely to share with you the reasons, wisdom, and understandings around why separations and "missed connections" are occuring. There is a Plan B (and Plan C, Plan D, Plan E, etc.) And good news - it's ALL Divine!   Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 Intuitive Astrology with Rick DiClemente | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

The brilliant Rick DiClemente is back to share his intuitive astrology insights with you as we embark upon summer! What energies are coming up and how will we continue to evolve? We'll be talking about "The Exquisite Zodiac" and the main themes we have the opportunities to work with. Rick also has new videos up on YouTube to help you understand the archetypes and energies in astrology - check them out here. Molly and Rick will provide guidance on how you can make the most of the astrology in your life. Have your astro chart handy to see how the transits are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at Sign-up for Rick's astrology newsletter here. Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 Multi-Dimensional Approaches to 3D Structures | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Shine your light and honor your spiritual growth as a gift back to humanity! This empowering show is going to assist you in working with third dimensional structures from multi-dimensional approaches.   Part of the ongoing shift we are moving through is learning how to infuse your Divine imprint into your life in new ways and to initiate higher levels of energy in the physical world. Learn how to react less, detach more, and infuse more of "you" as needed. See you there!   Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 May Edition: Answers to Your Top Spirituality Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Once a month, Spiritual Guidance and I answer your current questions about spirituality, consciousness and astrology! This show covers whether affirmations are only band-aids, what it means when psychics are "wrong", the validity of multiple spiritual messages, what is the definition of a Twin Flame, and more.  You can submit a question for next month here! Astrologically, we'll talk about Jupiter and the cycles of expansion and abundance we experience as the biggest planet in our solar system moves through one sign a year. Jupiter leaves Gemini and moves into Cancer in late June and the energies will shift us forward more. Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 Spiritual Mastery: Boundaries, Discernment and Solitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Our spiritual mastery evolves in numerous ways, and as we advance, we connect more deeply with the themes of Boundaries, Discernment and Solitude. What do these energies specifically teach us? What is showing up in your life that you need to pay attention to right now? Join me as I share messages from Spirit, cosmic wisdom, and Divine insights to empower your understanding of these energies and why they are blessings (even when they don't feel like it). Astrologically, we'll look at Saturn in your natal chart to see where the energies of Boundaries, Discernment and Solitude will show up regularly for you in this lifetime. Have your astro chart handy to see how the transits are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 The Spiritual Purpose of the Ego | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

We hear a lot about how "bad" the Ego is and that we must get away from it, destroy it, and make it small. But the Human Ego actually plays a very important role in our growth when it's put to Divine Purpose. Discover how to make the most of this energy in your life and why you need your Ego more than you know. It's your friend, not your enemy - promise! Astrologically, we're going to look at Mars in your chart for more clues about how your Ego shows up and what it needs to do its job. Have your astro chart handy to see how the transits are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 What is Heart Consciousness? - Mar 13,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:00

REPLAY by Popular Request - What is Heart Consciousness and how does it "look" in the Real World? What does it mean to live from a place of full Heart openness? Join Molly as she shares the three distinct levels of heart energy and explains how each one offers a much-needed gift for full conscious living. This understanding will shift, shift, shift how you feel about yourself, your relationships, and all you can create with pure Love! Then we will discuss the significance of the Pisces energy at this time! The last New Moon had 7 planets in Pisces and this unique stellium means a lot to humanitys evolution - and for you. Have your astro chart handy to see how the energy is showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at  

 Identifying Your Spiritual Blindspots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

We all have them: those pesky blind spots we can't see but are often unconsciously guiding us and controlling us and staying out of sight, out of mind (or so we think...) In this show, we're going to talk about how you can follow the breadcrumb-clues your Soul has given you about what these blind spots are so you can see them with fresh eyes and higher Love. And to help you find more specific information about your spiritual blind spots, we're going to have an astrology chat about Chiron. Have your astro chart handy to see how the transits are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook Twitter

 Being A Spiritual Black Sheep In Your Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Did you read the title of this show and say "YES, that's me!" Then welcome to an empowering chat about why you chose to be a unique energy in your family - because believe it or not, you absolutely wanted to be the Spiritual Black Sheep for many awesome reasons.   Filled with cosmic understanding, we'll dive into the gifts your family offers your soul; why you choose this role; and how everything is set up Divinely by the choice of your soul.   And we're moving through eclipse season - how are you feeling? Molly will talk about the April 25th eclipse and the next one on May 9th. Have your astro chart handy to see how the eclipses are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who actively shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook

 Insights about Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Kindred Spirits - Jul 11,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

REPLAY by Popular Request - Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Kindred Spirits are important energetic relationships that offer us many gifts, as well as opportunities for healing and growth. Molly speaks from personal experience to share the differences between each energetic relationship and discusses why we are experiencing all of them at this time. Plus, Molly will also share relationship themes that have been coming up as Saturn makes his way through Libra. Mars in Libra will be activating these energies even more this summer, so enjoy the guidance on how you can make the most of this time. Have your astro chart handy to follow along! (Get a free birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who plays the roles of writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. She shares consciousness-raising wisdom that pushes past the Ego-Mind's limitations, and moves us more fully into our heart-centered intelligence. Your greatest power is found in your Heart Consciousness - and she helps take you there.  

 Completing Healing and Returning to Joy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Raise your hand if you feel DONE with healing cycles! Many of us have been in the healing paradigm for a long time and we feel tired from it after lifetimes of unconscious and now conscious work. So let's celebrate how far we've come and return to the joy that is our natural birthright. Even while others may be starting their healing cycles and/or working through it, you are ready to take on your joy! We'll talk about owning your healing completions, incorporating joy into your life, and tips to break any unconscious needs you may have to heal others.  I'll also discuss the April 25th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio  and provide guidance on how you can make the most of it. Have your astro chart handy to see how the transits are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Celebrating over 10K FB likes! Woot, woot! Facebook

 Choosing A Spiritual Path In The Real World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

Many of us are opening up to more of our spiritual gifts and choosing to express our authentic Selves in the world - yay! But with these choices come shifts and changes in our lives related to relationships, work, family dynamics, and more as we reveal more of who we really are. From a cosmic perspective, we are hugely supported in making choices to end something "safe" in order to move forward for our own growth Join Molly and special guests Shannon Laackmann and Virginia Blank as we each discuss our "real world" experiences of going bigger, sharing our talents, and choosing a new path for professional and personal fulfillment. Shannon and Virgina host a weekly radio show every Monday night on Blog Talk Radio. Learn more about Shannon the Psychic Cowgirl and her services on her website. Meet Virginia and discover her healing skills as an empath, intuitive, clairvoyant, and hypnotherapy talents right here. Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who actively shares her gifts as writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular website, Conscious Cool Chic

 All About Akashic Records with Ines Martens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

(Date changed from 4/14) What are the Akashic Records? What information is held in this energetic space that relates to your life now? How can the Akashic Records assist you in transformation, soul growth, and tapping into your innate power? Professional Intuitive and Akashic Visionary Ines Martens is here to answer all of these questions and more in this special episode. Ines will share with you the types of energy clearings that can be performed within your Akashic Records, and give you powerful insights about how to remove karmic energy, vows, soul contracts, agreements, patterns, belief systems, blocks and more in your life. She offers wonderful wisdom about how we are always given the power of choice at any point. Plus, Ines is giving you a special deal on personal sessions - tune in for details! Meet Ines and discover more about her work on her website:   Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular website, Conscious Cool Chic


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