Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

Summary: Get expert discussions and insider tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Life on Fire TV is for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, and marketers who want to make more, work less, give back, and live happier, kick-A$$ lives. Focus on the four pillars of a Life on Fire: marketing, mindset, networking, and purpose with host, Nick Unsworth to get more done in less time, increase marketing conversions, learn highly actionable, innovative strategies from Nick and guests. Make sure you go to to check out all of the free resources we have for you!

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 134: How to be an unstoppable entrepreneur with perseverance and faith | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:17

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 134 of Life on Fire TV. Today we’re talking about how to be an unstoppable entrepreneur with perseverance and faith! I’ll share exactly how to get back up when your entrepreneurial journey knocks you down, and actually enjoy it. Personally I’ve seen my share of ups and downs throughout my career as an entrepreneur, and something I’ve discovered is that I look forward to the challenges, the obstacles and the beat downs that life sometimes has handed me. In this episode you’ll hear: • When you hit a new level there’s always a new what? (1:30) • The two things you need to enjoy every experience: the good and the bad. (2:10) • What is moneyopoly and how did it bring an extra $30k+ into my biz? (5:45) • How to ignite your own movement (11:40). • And so much more! 
 That may sound strange or even counterintuitive but when I’m excited about getting back up again after a knockdown, it makes the getting back up part easier. Two things have helped me do so: perseverance and faith. Perseverance is knowing challenges are going to come your way, and tackling them head on each and every single time. The backbone of perseverance is a big why. When your journey isn’t just about you or about how much money you’ll make, you’ll find a way lean into the fears, doubts and challenges. And when you are pulled by something greater than yourself you’ll rebound faster from those knockdowns and come back stronger than before. Faith is the second key component of successfully overcoming any obstacle you face. Whatever your belief system if you have faith in something greater than you that faith will help you stay strong. I’ve relied on my faith countless times, and surrendered to a higher power and trusted in that higher power to help me. And countless times it has! When you have faith, and move persistently in the direction of your dreams in any area of your life from business to personal, you’ll find the motivation, drive and power to overcome any challenge that comes your way. When you’re ready to harness your faith and your persistence join us at Ignite 2015! I’d love to see you there and to see you living a life on fire. Thank you for being a part of Life on Fire TV and we’ll see you on the next episode. EPISODE RESOURCES • • Life on Fire on Twitter • Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast • Write a Review on iTunes

 134: How to be an unstoppable entrepreneur with perseverance and faith | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:17

134: How to be an unstoppable entrepreneur with perseverance and faith

 133: How to Launch a Podcast | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:08:49

133: How to Launch a Podcast

 133: How to Launch a Podcast | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:08:49

Show Notes for How to Launch a Podcast: Hey hey! Welcome to episode 133 of Life on Fire TV. Today we’re talking about one of the hottest topics around: podcasting. Obviously you know what podcasting is, but what if you wanted to have your own podcast? Do you know how to create and launch a podcast? Or what the potential pitfalls and the possible benefits of having your own show are? I’ll walk you through the fifteen steps necessary to launch your podcast, get your show off the ground and make it a smashing success. Learn from my mistakes and my wins so you can create a successful podcast, grow your audience, your client base and your revenue! In this episode you’ll hear: • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a video podcast? (7:40) • How I got over 15,000 organic, unpaid views of my show. (15:00) • The 3 S strategy: how to use it to create your podcast. (25:40) • What do 99% of my coaching clients have wrong in their business? (38:30) • How to choose the format of your podcast. (40:20) • And so much more! 
 I’ve learned a lot in the time since this show was first born and I’d like to share with you each step that has helped me go from our initial launch to being one of the top-ranked video podcasts on iTunes. Here are the steps: 1. Choose something you’re passionate about. Get in alignment with your purpose and your passion and create a show based on that. 2. Define your outcome. Why are you doing this and what will you get out of it? What will you give your audience? 3. Research and model. Go on iTunes and see who is doing what. Look at their logos, their descriptions and their categories. 4. Define your ideal customer. Who would you love to work with? That is your ideal customer and that is who you will target with your show. 5. What is your format? Do you want to do interviews, Q&A’s, a scripted format, or a how-to? Depending on your format you may or may not choose video. 6. What is your twist? Before John Lee Dumas started Entrepreneur on Fire no one was doing a 7-day a week show. Everyone, including his mentors, told him he was crazy and it wouldn’t work. He proved them wrong. So what can you do that is unique and will add your own spin? 7. Get your gear. You will need certain gear to make the audio great, so do some research on this. Even if you’re doing video you still need great audio because you can make two shows out of it: one of video and one of audio only. 8. Produce your show. Production is obviously very important. Your intro should frame for your listener what they’ll get out of the show and your outro should be a call to action. And your editing needs to be on point, if it doesn’t sound good people won’t listen! 9. Logo of your show. You need to have an eye-catching logo and include a video icon in your description. If people see the video icon they’ll know you also have an audio version of your show (and you should) so they’ll look for that if they prefer audio. 10. The technology. If you’re doing audio only you’ll upload your podcast to Libsyn. But if you’re doing video you want to host your videos on Amazon S3 and post them on YouTube. Don’t host your videos on Libsyn. 11. Submit to iTunes. Optimize your keywords for the best possible ranking. And be sure to answer your audience’s one burning question: What’s in it for me? 12. Launch strategy. Have five episodes ready to go the day you launch and then release one a day for however many days you choose. After that go back to your normal schedule (once a week, twice a week, three times a week, etc). 13. Marketing your show.

 133: How to Launch a Podcast | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:08:49

133: How to Launch a Podcast

 132: Reinvent Yourself and Bunsiness (Revisited) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 59:40

132: Reinvent Yourself and Bunsiness (Revisited)

 132: Reinvent Yourself and Bunsiness (Revisited) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 59:40

Super successful real estate entrepreneur, Cole Hatter, takes us inside his home and tells us his story of how he walked away from his business completely, only to come back even stronger after his journey of self-discovery! Sometimes in life, no matter how well it appears things are going, we feel stuck. We’re not always aware of it when we’re stuck, but Cole was. He completely disengaged from a thriving real estate business and left the country for 10 straight months to embark on what became a life-changing self-discovery journey. Upon deciding to leave, he had no idea the next 10 months would reshape his entire life. It was a journey of selfless giving to others who have impoverished lives and living situations. In return, he gained the clarity which lead to him propose to the love of his life, build a business that brings in more money than he’s ever made, start a family, and give more than he’s ever given. One of the huge pieces that helped Cole stay focused was accountability, and surrounding himself with people who would hold him accountable to living up to his potential and following through on his commitments. Another secret of his is finding quiet time to plan and think through your decisions. “You are where you are today because of the decisions and mindset you had yesterday.” From there, we hit on purpose, which is the main focus of everything Cole is doing right now. He sums it up with a great quote. “You’re not supposed to just survive. You’re not supposed to figure out a job that pays your bills so you can have an ‘okay’ lifestyle.” Next, on the topic of marketing, for someone who is looking to get better at speaking Cole has a great tip by following his 20/20/60 rule. Assume 20% of your audience is not connecting with you and you won’t win them over, 60% like you, and the other 20% love you. Speak to the 20% who love you. And, on the 4th and final pillar of a life on fire, networking, Cole’s advice is “invest in relationships in any way you can”. You don’t always have to spend thousands of dollars to network with high-caliber people, but you do have to find a way to hear the messages of the influencers in your niche. In addition, he suggests eliminating the relationships with the “toxic” people in your life who are “emotional vampires”. One of Cole’s last tips was his best, which is don’t be afraid of a “no”. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and by hearing no or being rejected it actually just means you’re in the same place where you started. So, never let that hold you back. Thanks for watching! EPISODE RESOURCES Register to Ignite Connect With Cole on Facebook Follow Cole on Twitter Cole’s Website Book: Start With Why by Simon Sinek Book: Simon Sinek Ted Talk Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast Write a Review in iTunes

 132: Reinvent Yourself and Bunsiness (Revisited) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 59:40

132: Reinvent Yourself and Bunsiness (Revisited)

 131: Quit Your Job Now and Prosper With Purpose | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:28

131: Quit Your Job Now and Prosper With Purpose

 131: Quit Your Job Now and Prosper With Purpose | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:28

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 131 of Life on Fire TV. Today I’m helping you figure out how to quit your job now and prosper with purpose. Most of you tuning in are either entrepreneurs or wantrepreneurs (people who want to be entrepreneurs). This show is devoted you! Whether you want to leave your job or you simply want to find that thing that really lights you up, this show is for you. Today’s episode highlights the strategy I use to help my clients who are in the same spot you’re in. It’s the 3 S strategy and I’m going to share the story of my client PJ Dixon to show you how he quit his job and now prospers with purpose - and how you can do the same! In this episode you’ll hear: • What PJ's story can teach you about living your life on fire. (1:50) • What is the 3 S strategy? (4:20) • What's one of the important aspects of finding your purpose? (12:40) • How community plays an impactful role in entrepreneurship. (22:00) • Why investing in yourself is so crucial to success. (25:50) • And so much more! 
 When I met PJ Dixon he had a corporate job and was spending up to 13 hours a day either at his job, going to his job or getting ready for his job. He was grateful for it, but he knew in his heart he was meant to do more. He had a purpose and he was determined to find it and create a life based on it. During his one on one private coaching session with me, we used what I call the 3 S Strategy. We really dug into his life and helped him discover what it is that calls to him. Let’s look at each of the S’s in the 3 S strategy PJ and I used to find his new business and his purpose: 1. The first S is story. What is your story? PJ and I went deep into his story: what were those moments in his life when he felt most alive and most inspired? You can ask yourself the same questions and answer this for yourself. 2. The second S is stance. What is your stance, what is your mission? Once we dove into his story and looked at what makes him come alive, we had to define what it was about those moments that have been so powerful for him. What did he stand for in those experiences? When we answered that question we found his stance, his mission and his movement. 3. The third and final S is strategy. How can you make your stance into a business? This is where the rubber really meets the road, and where most people’s fears and limiting beliefs pop up. They did for PJ! We knew his story and his stance, but how could he take those two things and create a viable, thriving business from them? And when we did come up with the idea for his business that brought up his fears and limiting beliefs: was he really going to be able to support himself with this business? Would anyone pay him to do this for them? Would it, could it actually work? The answer was yes! He started by working with clients one on one, gained some reps in the trenches with them and also gained social proof for his business. And when he attended my Ignite event in December of 2014, his business skyrocketed. He met people who referred their friends to him and his client list grew and grew. He had found his purpose and he was ready to quit his job, which is exactly what he did! Today, because he was willing to invest his time and energy into his life and a new path for himself, he has a whole new future. You can have that too by implementing the 3 S strategy we talk about in this show, and by investing in your future with a coaching program and community like Life on Fire. Listen in to hear all the details and much more on today’s show. Thanks for being here and we’ll see you next time on Life on Fire TV! EPISODE RESOURCES

 131: Quit Your Job Now and Prosper With Purpose | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:28

131: Quit Your Job Now and Prosper With Purpose

 130: Life on Fire Hobbies with Michael O'Neal | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:59

130: Life on Fire Hobbies with Michael O'Neal

 130: Life on Fire Hobbies with Michael O'Neal | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:59

Hey hey! Welcome to episode 130 of Life on Fire TV. I’m super excited to share today’s show with you for two reasons: the first reason is this topic: it’s so critical to living a life on fire! And my second reason is my awesome guest: Michael O’Neal. Today Michael and I are talking about hobbies and the important role they play in living a life on fire. If you don’t know Michael he’s the host of one of the best podcasts out there today: The Solopreneur Hour. Check it out here ( I brought him on the show because I recently decided to take up a hobby and I needed help in choosing one. Michael introduced me to the world of audio equipment and autocross racing; I’ve been hooked ever since! But this episode isn’t about me, it’s about what hobbies can do for YOU. In this episode you’ll hear: • Why are hobbies so important? (1:20) • The balance outside interests will bring to your entrepreneurial life. (5:00). • Can a hobby ever make money for you? (8:00) • Why the journey is more important than the end goal. (9:30) • What losing my grandfather taught me about priorities. (12:05) • And so much more! 
 As entrepreneurs we can easily spend from dusk til dawn on our businesses, but if we add hobbies to our lives they give us an opportunity to gain perspective and add another kind of fulfillment. There are of course times when we have to be head down and completely focused on our entrepreneurial endeavors, but there are times when we can turn off our phones, our laptops and our tablets and spend some time on something that isn’t about business. One of the greatest advantages to being an entrepreneur or solopreneur is time freedom, doing what we want when we want. So why not take up a hobby and enjoy some of that freedom? Take an exercise class on a Tuesday at 3pm, practice the banjo on Thursdays over your noon hour. It’ll be good for your business and for your life! The most successful businesses and entrepreneurs in the world are the ones who enjoy the journey, they have a destination in mind and are working towards it but they enjoy the process along the way. When we add hobbies to that journey we enrich ourselves and create more vibrant, fulfilling experiences as we enjoy the entrepreneurial journey. After you watch today’s show send us a Tweet and tell us what your hobbies are or what hobbies you’re interested in taking up. Thank you in advance for the Tweet and we’ll see you next time on Life on Fire TV! EPISODE RESOURCES • The Solopreneur Hour with Michael O’Neal • The Solopreneur Hour on Twitter • The Solopreneur Hour on Facebook • Life on Fire on Twitter • Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast • Write a Review on iTunes

 130: Life on Fire Hobbies with Michael O'Neal | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:59

130: Life on Fire Hobbies with Michael O'Neal

 129: 5 Ways to Market Your Webinar | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:45

Hey hey! Here we are again with another episode of Life on Fire TV. Thanks for being here and tuning in. Today we’re talking about webinars and the top 5 ways to market yours. I’ll give you the nuts and bolts of the five most effective tactics I’ve used to market my own webinars and my clients’ webinars. These strategies have generated millions of dollars in my own business, and in theirs. On episode 129 we dive into the details of these five tools. In this episode you’ll hear: • How to create a buzz with social media. (3:30) • Why videos are so effective (5:00) • Why you need to help others, before asking them to help you. (8:30) • When and how to share your personal story. (10:35) • A technique that can generate 4x your ROI! (14:20) • And so much more! 
 Let’s get to ‘em! 5. Social media. Social media is a great way to market your webinar because your audience can share it so easily with their people. It’s simple, it’s effective and when done right, will grow your audience. 4. Video. This is the fourth option for marketing your webinars: video. Videos are great because they are easy to share, and you can provide a great deal of content about the actual webinar. In your video give your audience a quick summary of the what, the why, the how and the what’s next about your webinar. 3. Joint ventures. Joint ventures are partnerships, and when you use this technique to market your webinar you need to think about them from that perspective. There are specific ways to create tremendous value using joint ventures - and there things to avoid doing when using this tactic! Who you chose as well as how you approach them are critical components. On this episode I cover both of those points in detail to set yourself up for success using joint ventures to market your webinars. 2. Email. There are really two reasons to use email to market your webinars: to build excitement and buzz about the webinar and then to follow up after the webinar. One key point to remember is to provide value throughout the entire email process, beginning to end. You always want to be giving to your audience! 1. Facebook ads. This is the top way to market your webinar. There’s a lot of versatility with Facebook ads: you can upload your own email list to create a custom audience, and you can reach new people with Facebook ads. On this episode I share details on how to use Facebook ads that has the potential to generate a four-fold return on your investment! Check that out and much more on today’s show. And when you’re ready to dive in even deeper check out our webinar training page here too! It’s a completely free resource we’re providing for you that gives you all of the details we talk about on today’s show, plus much more. Thanks for being here and we’ll see you next time on Life on Fire TV! EPISODE RESOURCES • Life on Fire webinar training • Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast • Write a Review on iTunes


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