The Vipp Jaswal Report show

The Vipp Jaswal Report

Summary: Heard around the world. Humorous, provocative, and always insightful. The Vipp Jaswal Report digs deep into the stories from people across diverse backgrounds with a depth unheard of anywhere else. Produced by FOX News Radio.

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 From Judge to Joker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Wayne Dyer said “when you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself”. Our guest, Vince Sicari -also known as Vince August- used to be a judge who was given the ultimatum between remaining a judge or following his lifelong passion of becoming a comedian. He chose to become a comedian and what followed was anything but funny. It’s ironic that in order to bring a smile and laughter to the masses that one has to endure personal sacrifice. The other irony is that going from judging others, he is now being judged himself. However, this is America and in this great country we are able to make such choices and have the freedom to do so. Or do we? Listen to his story: Download audio file (040314_VippJaswal_sicari.mp3)

 “Lost & Found: Finding HOPE in the Detours of Life” – Sarah Jakes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our guest is Sarah Jakes. Her journey of life has been one that has consisted of many detours along the way but she hasn’t lost track of her destination. Her new book “Lost and Found” is a biography, yet she is only 25. However, the book has a great story to tell. She was born into a household of a world famous mega-church pastor but became pregnant at the age of 14. She then rose above social adversity to becoming a businesswoman, an on-air TV personality, a writer, and having a blog that averages more than 15 million impressions per week. Listen to her story of going from social adversity to spiritual success: Download audio file (033014_VippJaswal_sarahjakes1.mp3) Sarah’s new book “Lost & Found” is available online from Amazon and Barnes & Noble: Amazon Barnes & Noble

 The People Factor: Do Your Relationships Pass the Test? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our guest today is Pastor Van Moody who has one of the fastest growing churches in the country. He’s been featured on Fox Business, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and his book has been personally endorsed by Joel Osteen. The book, ‘The People Factor’ takes a fresh and direct perspective on all relationships that have an impact on you and those around you. My discussion with him is a powerful one and will cover all angles of today’s relationships from your ‘Friends’ on Facebook, social prostitution, and those relationships closest to you. I ask him about how the pursuit of improving oneself can actually lead to the detriment of your existing relationships and more. This is not your typical show. Its so much more. Take a listen! Download audio file (031314_VippJaswal_vanmoody.mp3)    

 Addiction, Prostitution and Incarceration…A Teenage Boy’s Tale of Salvation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What if the concept of the American Dream is flawed because it encourages us to achieve success but does not teach us how to overcome failure? What if you are so blinded by the pursuit of doing good for your loved ones that you ignore the evil that lurks around them? One of those evils could be drug addiction. It came as a great surprise to me when I explored the backgrounds of people recovering from addiction. They seem to come from the most normal households that symbolize the American Dream. I feel for these parents who work hard and mean well for their children and then see their hopes and aspirations for their kids crushed right in front of their own eyes. When faced with the reality of addiction, some parents become paralyzed because they never thought it could happen to them. Our guest’s story is an inspiring one of a young man who fell victim to drugs but eventually fought back and succeeded. Listen to his heartfelt story: Download audio file (020414_VippJaswal_addiction_John.mp3)

 Falling From “Grace”: A Teenage Girl’s Journey into the Depths of Addiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our story today is one that is closer to home than you think. This is a story of a young woman’s journey into the depths of addiction. Addiction is one of those human conditions that has no boundaries. “Grace” is going to tell us what took her there, and how she managed to get out. It will make you feel fortunate for not having been through what she had to endure, but at the same time will make you feel vulnerable because she is just like you and I. So brace yourself for a story of hope through despair, and a battle of strength over weakness. Her story will grip you in many ways. Listen now! Download audio file (013014_VippJaswal_grace.mp3)

 From Fitless to Fitness: One Man’s Story from Injury Prone Slouch to Fitness Maven | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Find out how to keep your keep-fit resolutions for the new year intact and why keeping fit is more than just about exercise and diet. Our guest, Dr Stephen Karpenko, shares his story of the struggles of his life that led him to the journey of fitness. He shares with us some simple and beneficial […]

 Bishop T. D. Jakes – His Journey of Transformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This man has been called “America’s Best Preacher” by Time magazine. Oprah has called him “America’s Treasure”. He’s a pastor, a motivator, a coach and so much more to millions around the world. Listen to Bishop T. D. Jakes share his own life story of trials and tribulations that make him the man he is […]

 Vipps World of Nonsense: Bond…James Bond! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The name’s Bond…. James Bond….and apparently the reason he says it twice is because researchers have found that the drinking habits of Bond was four times the recommended limit. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook Dr Davies from the UK has apparently spent a great deal of time investigating Bond’s unhealthy lifestyle and has come […]

 Escaping from the Secret Service Bubble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This man swore to take a bullet for the President of the USA but then became disillusioned and left. He then moved on to challenge the political system because he doesn’t believe that the institution of the Presidency is living up to its expectations. Once a Secret service agent and part of the Presidential Protective […]

 Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Twenty Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Remember the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” that came out in the 1990s? It became a major best-seller, with 100 million copies in print and in 54 languages. It also became something of a social phenomenon. The brand holds a place in The Guinness Book of World Records and USA Today named “Chicken Soup […]

 Car Buying Exposed: A Salesman’s Insider Tips to Saving Money and Sanity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The mere mention of buying car will elicit all kinds of emotions among our listeners. You’ll hear some of the worst stories about shady salesmen, or tricks dealerships try to play on customers. But, is this fact or fiction? Would you be surprised to hear that the salesman has very little interest in pulling the […]

 Leading With a Higher Purpose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Bishop TD Jakes, also known as “America’s Best Preacher” by Time magazine shares with Vipp his insights on leadership, in every aspect of our lives. Listen to this compelling conversation here: Download audio file (111413_VippJaswal_jakes.mp3)

 When Religion and Rock Collide – The Story of Stryper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A behind the scenes insight  of the temptations, corruption, challenges and success of the Christian Rock band, Stryper. Listen to lead singerMichael Sweet’s frank discussion of his journey of rock in a world of religion. Download audio file (103113_VippJaswal_stryper.mp3)  

 Redefining Patriotism: Resigning from President Obama’s Secret Service | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hear the story of a Secret Service Agent who swore to take a bullet for the President of the United States but then decided that the President was no longer worthy of his sacrifice. After leaving the side of the President he moved on to challenge the political system because he didn’t believe that the […]

 Vipp’s World of Nonsense: He’s cheating…it’s in his voice. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It seems scientists today have run out of research ideas because researchers at McMaster University in Canada have come up with a profound revelation that men with deep tones are better at attracting women than those with higher pitched voices. They go on to say that men with deeper voices are more likely to cheat. […]


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