Sermons – Wooddale Church show

Sermons – Wooddale Church

Summary: A weekly podcast of Wooddale Church's sermons. Wooddale Church is an interdenominational evangelical church based in Eden Prairie and Edina, Minnesota. You can find more audio and video on our website at

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 Lost Sheep | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: Unknown

1. The Good Shepherd leaves the 99 and looks for the 1 lost sheep 2. The Good Shepherd looks for the lost sheep until he finds it 3. Lost sheep are lost 4. Jesus loved lost sheep so much, he was willing to go to lost sheep places 5. You may be accused of being a lost sheep yourself 6. God wants you to have the heart of the Good Shepherd.

 How the Holy Spirit Calls Us to New Things | File Type: text/html | Duration: Unknown

The movement to things that are new usually requires shedding things that are old. This can be painful and disorienting. This is usually the only way to experience renewal, service, and joy.

 A life of uncommon impact | File Type: text/html | Duration: Unknown

The gospel is for all people.  Jesus uses these two miracles to bring that point home for his disciples.  In Mark 6 Jesus teaches his disciples about compassion and practical responses to need.  He then repeats the miracle for an unlovable people in a throw-away region for whom most Jews thought God had no compassion/concern/love.   The lesson becomes a challenge to the disciples and to us regarding compassion for the unlovables of our world.   

 Why We Love Old Things | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: Unknown

There are 100 different reasons why we resist the new things God brings. We love old things. And we resist new things… even when God has better things in store.

 A life of uncommon trust | File Type: text/html | Duration: Unknown

One of the significant lessons learned as we follow Jesus is the ability to trust God.  Jesus exhibited that trust during his temptation experience in the wilderness.  Three times Satan came to Jesus hoping to get him to act on his own, but each time he exhibited trust in his Father and submitted to his will.  We too are called to exhibit trust in God, no matter what the circumstance.  When we do, we experience and display the faithfulness of God.

 An uncommon invitation to an uncommon life | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: Unknown

The invitation from Jesus to follow him is open to anyone.  In the first century world, this was uncommon.  Only the best of the best could hope for a life as a disciple of a Rabbi.  Jesus’ uncommon invitation displays both the heart of God and the nature of the Kingdom Jesus was building.  The wonder is that he extends that same invitation to us. We have the opportunity to follow this amazing Jesus and discover the uncommon life he has planned for us.

 If you’ve got it, work it | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: Unknown

As Christians, we look forward to Christ’s return with great excitement! In the in-between time, we’ve been given work to do. Just like the workers in Jesus’ parable, each of us has been given gifts and talents to use for God’s glory and the advancement of his Kingdom. You’ve got it. Are you working it?

 Are You Ready? | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: Unknown

We tend to make careful plans about things and experiences we value.  The greatest experience any of us will ever have is when Jesus returns and we are united with him in the fullness of his love.  But have we planned for his return?  Have we found peace with God through receiving his forgiveness?  Do we welcome the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and obediently serve God by loving him and others?  Look ahead and live differently today, making careful preparations for Jesus’ return!

 The Heart of a Prodigal Father | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

The three parables are a calculated response by Jesus to two groups of doubters.  There are the sinners who doubt that God could really love them and there are the self- righteous who doubt that God could really love sinners.  Through a series of 4 parables (the lost son is actually two in one) Jesus employs an increasing intensity and drama to confront both our brokenness and  self-righteousness with the same stunning reality of the lavish love of the Father.

 Past Results | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

The parable of the rich fool is one that is repeated in headlines almost weekly. Life ends unexpectedly. Wills are read and contended. Probate courts decide inheritance battles. The hard work and investment of one person is shared amongst the heirs. Careful planning dies not forego disease and death. But the real challenge that Jesus laid out was to deal with the greed that seeps into every person’s life. Jesus challenged his hearers to think eternally and invest in the certainty of God’s kingdom. How do we do that? What does it look like today? How do we become rich toward God?

 Who is My Neighbor? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

This familiar story was told by Jesus in response to classism and racism that was rampant and unchecked. He told a story filled with drama, intrigue, violence and fear. The apathy in leading characters was appalling and offensive. The compassion surprised and shocked. The power of the story is found in the unlikely hero. The challenge before us all is to ask, ‘Who is my neighbor?’ After answering that question, we then need to further ask, ‘What is my responsibility to my neighbors?’ Jesus had a way of making his audiences uncomfortable.

 Because I Said So | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

Growing up, our young ears were flooded with advice from caring adults. Brush your teeth… Don’t sit so close to the TV… Say your prayers… Eat your vegetables. Did we listen? Sometimes, yes… Sometimes, no. Jesus gave even more insightful instruction during his time on earth. His promise to those who follow his advice? You’ll be able to handle all the storms of life because your life is built on solid rock. Sounds like solid advice to me!

 Persistence, Justice and Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

The challenges of life are many and are often not easily or quickly resolved.  We pray and ask God to work in particular situations and yet it seems he responds more slowly than we desire and we even wonder if he will ever respond.  When faced with this challenge, remember Jesus’ parable which encourages each of us to always pray and never give up.  God hears and God acts!

 That’s Not Fair! | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

The central player in this parable is the owner of the vineyard.  In this surprising and dramatic story, Jesus puts the owner’s (God’s) justice and generosity on display. The action of the owner causes a varied response.   For some, their need/desire for justice cannot allow them to enjoy the owner’s generosity.  For others, the demand of justice is overcome by the delight of generosity and they are grateful and stunned.  The call of Jesus is to embrace, celebrate and participate with God’s generosity wherever He chooses to reveal it.

 Treasure Hunting | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: Unknown

These three stories were the first recorded parables spoken directly to the disciples. Jesus called his closest followers aside and told them these short stories about the kingdom of God. He compared the kingdom to treasures that were familiar to them- buried coins, pearls, and a ‘can’t miss’ business plan. There is surprise and discovery; intense desire and unfettered pursuit. It is about God, his kingdom and those that live wholeheartedly for him. In these stories, Jesus reveals the value of the kingdom and the path to real contentment.


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