TCK Publishing show

TCK Publishing

Summary: We believe authors can change the world with great stories and messages. Our mission is to help you get your story and message out to more people and make the world a better place. On The Publishing Profits Podcast show, Tom Corson-Knowles interviews the publishing industry's top bestselling authors, publishers, editors, agents, marketers and attorneys to share inspiration, education and best practices. We can help authors and publishers learn how to thrive in the new era of digital publishing. Ebooks didn't even exist 15 years ago. Today, US readers spend more than $5 billion a year on ebooks. Are you taking advantage of this huge shift in reader demand? Tune in and learn how to take advantage of the huge changes in the industry and what you can do to succeed as an author right now. Whether you are just thinking about writing your first book or are a multi-published author, you'll find new ideas to help you take your career and income to the next level. The show's audience includes writers, new and experienced authors, publishers, entrepreneurs, literary agents, editors, graphic designers, bloggers, content creators, marketing professionals, public relations and PR experts, and publishing attorneys. Learn more on the website at

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  • Artist: Tom Corson-Knowles, Bestselling Author of Secrets of the Six-Figure Author, Founder of TCK Publishing, Destroyer of Publishing and Marketing Myths
  • Copyright: Copyright 2015 by TCK Publishing


 59: Guerrilla Marketing, Redshirt Characters, and Social Media with Chris Kennedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:58

A bestselling Science Fiction/Fantasy author and speaker, Chris Kennedy is a former naval aviator with over 3,000 hours flying attack and reconnaissance aircraft. Chris is currently working as an Instructional Systems Designer for the Navy and is an advisory board member of Hampton Roads Writers. Chris’ full length novels on Amazon include the “Occupied Seattle” military fiction duology, the “Theogony” science fiction trilogy and the “War for Dominance” fantasy trilogy. Chris is also the author of the self-help book, “Self-Publishing for Profit: How to Get Your Book Out of Your Head and Into the Stores.” He is currently working on, “The Search for Gram,” the fourth book set in the Theogony universe. In today’s show, Chris shares some powerful ideas and tips for any author who wants to build a platform and create an avid group of loyal readers. Here are a few of the golden nuggets Chris shares in the interview today: * 81% of people say they want to write a book. * Only 10% ever even start to write a book. * Only 1% ever finish a book (if you’ve finished your book, you’re already in the top 1%!) * Why you need to start marketing your book early, even before you publish it. * How to build solid, lasting relationships with your readers on a much deeper level (people buy from those they know, like and trust, so if you want more paying readers, you need to connect with more people!) * How Chris uses Facebook and Twitter to grow his platform and sell more books (without being salesy or pushy). * A few tips on email marketing that you’ll love. * Chris’ “Redshirt” program, where he creates characters in his novels based on real people who apply for the program (these characters are usually killed off, and hilarity ensues). * How Chris leverages the Redshirt program to create a small crew of active supporters, buyers and promoters for every book he releases. * How Chris is selling more audiobooks on ACX (Audible and iTunes) than print copies for his books, and why every self published author should consider getting an audiobook published. * How to get you audiobook published at no cost. * Don’t die with your story still inside you!!

 58: How to Start a Digital Magazine Business, and Why Instagram is Better Than Facebook for Platform Building with Nathan Chan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:36

Nathan Chan is the founder and publisher at Foundr Magazine, a digital magazine for iOS and Android that specializes in curating the most helpful information for new and aspiring entrepreneurs. Nathan started the magazine from his home in Melbourne, Australia on March 3, 2013, fed up with his job and looking for a better life and more meaning. Using savvy outreach and pure hustle, he was able to land interviews with legendary entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Tim Ferriss for the magazine. Here are just a few of the golden nuggets Nathan shares in the show today: * How he took Foundr Magazine from 0 to over 100,000 followers on Instagram in just six months. * Why sharing custom branded quotes on Instagram is so powerful. * How to do your market research properly and connect with your tribe on a deeper level. * Why Nathan schedules six posts a day for his tribe on Instagram. * Why consistency is the key to success, and how to keep giving your audience what they want and love. * How to use hashtags on Instagram the right way for massive exposure. * What S4S means (Share for Share), and how to use it on Instagram to connect with the industry leaders in your field and expand your audience quickly and for free! Learn more at Download the Foundr Magazine app for iOS and Android here:

 57: How to Live an Inspired Life, Destress and Beat Cancer with Lauren Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:37

Lauren E. Miller is the bestselling author of four books including 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out. Lauren is a stress relief educator and founder of Grab & Go Stress Solutions. In this interview, Lauren shares some powerful tips and strategies for de-stressing and creating inner peace, purpose and success in your life. Here are a few of the golden nuggets Lauren shares on the show today: * How to program your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to create more motivation and manifest success, inner peace, happiness and prosperity. * The incredible power of accepting reality for what it is, and how to turn troubles and distress into empowerment and personal growth. * How Lauren overcame breast cancer, divorce and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in her life. * Every day we have the opportunity to love, inspire and help ourselves and others. * How to embrace the true power of your soul, the strength of your humanity and vulnerability. * We are spiritual beings having a physical human experience. * Why you must choose wisely what you focus on and where you put your attention. * How to escape the trap of needing approval from others. * Why you must focus on people before things. * How to accept yourself and love yourself exactly how you are, and how you are not. * How connecting with other people is the key to moving forward, making progress and creating breakthrough results in any area of life. * Why Lauren approaches every situation with curiosity and fascination. She asks, “How can I grow from this? How can I expand? How can I learn from this?” no matter how “good” or “bad” the situation seems at first. * Why you don’t really need do understand why things happen, and how to let go of your need to know everything. * How to get rid of the compulsive need for the drug of approval from others. * You are enough just the way you are! Connect with Lauren and learn more at Lauren mentioned her book Release the Stress Around Breast Cancer with Methods and Mantras for the Mastectomies of Life

 56: Starting a Successful Business No Matter What Happens with Ian Ippolito | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:34

Ian Ippolito founded Rent-A-Coder (now vWorker) and grew the company to millions of dollars a year in sales. vWorker is one of the leading websites in the world that connects businesses and entrepreneurs with high quality freelancers, contractors, and virtual assistants. In this interview, Ian shares his most valuable tips and ideas for success. Ian first got the idea to become an entrepreneur selling egg rolls with his mom to raise money for charity, but it was years later before he started his first business. One of his first businesses was creating and selling software online, which was a cool idea but didn’t really solve a problem for his customers, and that business soon failed. After that, he started Planet Source Code, an advertising-driven website, but the Internet Crash in 2000 obliterated that business. A few years later, he created vWorker (which was originally called Rent-A-Coder), one of the first websites that connected freelancers with business owners and entrepreneurs. He founded the company from the bedroom of his house. Now, they’ve had to change offices three times to keep up with their staffing needs as the company has grown. Here are some of the great ideas Ian shares in this interview: * How becoming an entrepreneur will forever change your perspective on life and what’s most important to you. * How Ian became “unemployable.” * How self-control and willpower is the foundation for success, and how to develop yourself and become emotionally and mentally stronger. * The huge benefits of delayed gratification (and how to become rich). * Some amazing insights into persistence, perseverance and progress. * How to start over when you fail and create success even in the face of disaster and financial loss. For more info about Ian and vWorker, visit

 55: Healing and Reversing Multiple Sclerosis and Degenerative Diseases With Dr. Terry Wahls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:12

In today’s show, Dr. Terry Wahls shares her incredible story and journey of reversing multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases with a healthy diet. Dr. Wahls has firsthand experience with multiple sclerosis as she was diagnosed with it in 2000. In November 2007, she started a new diet based on her own personal research into nutrition. In just three months, she was out of her wheelchair and could walk with a cane. Five months later, she could walk without a cane. And just nine months later she was able to do an 18-mile bike ride! This is a must-listen show for anyone with multiple sclerosis or any other chronic disease that is looking for a natural way to improve their health and help recover. Above, you can see Dr. Terry Wahls before with Multiple Sclerosis and after she reversed the horrible disease by changing her diet. Today, Dr. Wahls focuses on cutting-edge medical and nutritional research on how to reverse Multiple Sclerosis and other degenerative diseases. She continues to educate the public on the importance of good nutrition, exercise and other science-based approaches for disease prevention and even reversal. Dr. Wahl’s diet includes nine (9) cups of vegetables and berries every day, as much of it should be raw as possible or lightly cooked. This includes three (3) cups of brightly-colored fruits and vegetables, three (3) cups of leafy greens, three (3) cups of sulfur-rich vegetables (cabbage famil, onion family, asparagus, mushrooms). For more information about Dr. Terry Wahls, visit See Dr. Wahl’s bestselling book The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles on Amazon. See Dr. Wahl’s TED Talk on Minding Your Mitochondria here.

 54: Traveling the World and Attracting Helpful Beta Readers with Betsy Talbot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:43

Betsy Talbot is the bestselling self published author of several books including Dream Save Do about how she and her husband Warren were able to sell everything they owned and travel the world for four years living a nomadic lifestyle. In the book, Betsy shows readers how to travel the world and turn your dreams into a reality. In today’s show, here are a few of the ideas Betsy shares: * Why she and her husband Warren decided to sell everything and travel the world in their forties (and how anyone can live their dreams and create the life you really want to live). * Why Betsy asked herself, “What would we change about our life if we could do anything?” and the amazing results that came from asking that question. * How Betsy struggled with doubts and nagging questions like, “Who am I to write a book?” * How Betsy became a member of a secret writers mastermind group, and the incredible benefits of joining a select group of excellent authors to mastermind and share ideas. * How to get super clear and ask great questions of experts so you can hone your craft and grow your business faster without wasting their time or yours. * Why she started a blog the day she decided to travel the world, and how her commitment to blogging helped build her author platform. * How she attracted 69 beta readers for her first novel, and the specific instructions she gives beta readers to ensure she gets the right feedback at the right time to make her book the best it can be before she publishes it. * The exact questions you need to ask your beta readers, and exactly what to tell them NOT to do so that you and them both save a lot of extra time and effort. * How Betsy uses a spreadsheet to keep track of all the feedback from her beta readers, and how to decide which feedback to implement and which to let go. * Why “What’s missing?” can be a powerful question to ask beta readers. * Why you want brutally honest, clear communication to and from your beta readers (and in your personal and business life). * Why friends and family make poor beta readers because they lack objectivity. * Why Betsy hires a professional editor after her rounds of beta reading. Resources ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors: Romance Writers of America – The thing Betsy loves about this group is the ongoing education. Members can take online classes in things like building tension or specific plotting strategies from successful authors for only $10. They also have chapter meetings all over the US. Betsy uses Evernote to keep all her ideas in one place backed up in the cloud wherever she travels to. She uses Scrivener to write her books. Dropbox for backing up her files in the cloud. Dream Save Do on Amazon. Visit Betsy’s site at

 53: Creating a Success Mindset and Motivation with NLP Success Coach Andy Murphy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

Andy Murphy is a successful entrepreneur, investor and high-level mindset coach who helps top performers achieve new heights of success in business and life. In today’s show, Andy shares some key ideas and insights including: * How Andy reached the top of the field in sales and marketing in his early 20’s using Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) strategies. * Why where you are today is not who you are, and how Andy bounced back from going broke and losing everything after a massive scandal. * How he had to borrow money just to eat and travel to his first educational conference where he learned how to take his NLP training to the next level and create a totally new business from scratch. * Why Andy provided countless hours of free coaching to hone his skills, get better, grow his business, and get around successful people to grow his own beliefs and mindset. * Why Andy spent over $60,000 on his own self education via seminars and travel so that he could climb to the top of his field. * How to master the learning curve for success, and why a slow start should only drive you to keep working harder and succeed instead of giving up. * How to get in total alignment with what you love and create the life of your dreams, regardless of what may have been holding you back in the past. * How to Design your life, Delete old beliefs that are holding you back, and Install new beliefs that will get you where you want to go. * How to grow your mind muscle for success. * How your Reticular Activating System (RAS) determines what you see and experience and how to program your mind to get you what you want. * Your unconscious mind processes 2 million bits of information every second but your conscious mind can only process 134 bits. That means you have to learn how to use the power of your unconscious mind and not let your old programs sabotage your success. On How to Get the Motivation to Write or Finish Your Book 1) Start with why. Why did you want to write the book in the first place? What drives you? 2) What is that emotion that’s driving you? 3) What does it look like when the book is finished? Andy also shares how to change your brain frequencies to Alpha state for creating new beliefs, and how to escape negative trances like waking up groggy in order to create new habits and results. Learn more about Andy at Check out Andy’s podcast show Mindset by Design

 52: Werewolves, Zombies, and Finding Your Ideal Readers Before the Apocalypse Comes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:20

Chris Fox is the bestselling author of several books including No Such Thing As Werewolves. He works as an engineer writing and creating iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch apps. Chris started out as an Executive Vice President at a major mortgage bank until the Financial Crisis hit. He decided to switch to a customer service job, and in his spare time in between answering customer service calls began to write his first novel. Here are just a few of the great ideas Chris shares in this interview: * Why every first draft is terrible, and how this knowledge can help you be more productive and less stressed. * How writing a novel is almost exactly like writing iPhone apps (and why Chris recommends a little bit of plotting and preparation to save you a lot of time in the writing process). * Why Chris “starts from the end” when he comes up with a new book idea, and how he crafts his books around his very best scenes. * Why Chris is always working on two novels at once (one in the writing stage and one plotting). * How Chris just wrote the entire first draft for his newest book in just two weeks (14 days!) * Chris’ schedule for success (hint: it starts at 5am with a trip to the gym where he spends his time working out and thinking about his writing). * Why Chris always sets a goal to write 5,000 words in one hour (and how he uses Freedom to block his internet and be more productive). * Why writing is like a muscle, and how to work yourself into having a literary six-pack even if you love Dungeons & Dragons as much as Chris does. * Why you MUST find your target audience and ideal customer so you can get more book sales without wasting time on unproductive marketing strategies. * How Chris uses Google AdWords to sell more books and earns a great profit doing it (this is a BIG IDEA for you novelists so pay close attention!) * How Chris uses Amazon keywords to sell more books. * How to learn more about your ideal readers from the shows they watch, the books they read, and where they spend time on the internet. * How to turn your unproductive web surfing time into super-sales producing activity that you’ll love and enjoy even more. * Why Chris hired an Author Assistant to help him wit market research so he could spend his time more productively attracting potential readers on forums. * How Chris uses Amazon Associates affiliate links to track his ROI and marketing results so that he knows what advertising actually makes him a profit. * The scientific basis for Werewolves (yes, they really are real!) * Why you should never mention your book in forums, and how to use forum signatures to sell more books instead (interestingly enough, I met Chris through this post on the Kboards forum). Other Mentions Toastmasters – Chris recommends authors go check out a Toastmasters meeting in your local community. CellScope is the startup Chris works at. They create really cool devices like a microscope that connects to your iPhone. Chris is working on developing an awesome app for the Apple watch called BeatShuffle. Chris and I both highly recommend reading and re-reading Getting Things Done by David Allen.

 051: How to Podcast Like a Pro and Reach Millions With Your Message with Daniel J. Lewis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:31

Over 25% of Americans listened to a podcast show in the past week. Are they listening to you? Daniel J. Lewis is an award-winning podcaster. He helps others launch and improve their own podcasts for sharing their message and succeeding in business. He’s the founder of The Audacity to Podcast. In today’s show, Daniel shares some amazing tips on how to create, produce, grow and monetize a podcast show and get your message out to millions of listeners all over the world. Here are a few of the awesome idea Daniel shares in the interview: * How Daniel started his first podcast in 2007 using trial and error – and how easy it is today for anyone to follow his system for starting a podcast. * Why finding your message is the most important thing you must do in order to create a successful podcast show (the technology is easy today – finding your message is what matters most). * Daniel’s entire guide to starting a podcast show in 60 seconds (it includes using Bluehost for web hosting, Bluberry Powerpress plugin for WordPress, Libsyn for audio hosting, publishing a blog post, and syncing your RSS feed from Powerpress into iTunes). * How to get your podcast show to stand out from the crowd and find a loyal audience of raving fan listeners (two of his top tips are focusing on creating high quality educational and entertaining content, and creating the right quantity of content). * How the Cereal podcast got over 5 million downloads in its first month. * How Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast hit #1 on iTunes with 10-15,000 downloads. * Why Daniel started his Once Upon a Time podcast. * The only two components of your podcast shows that iTunes uses for search rankings (Title tags and Author tags) and how to optimize them for SEO and attracting more listeners and podcast downloads on iTunes. * Why your ID3 tags are worthless for SEO (but still may be important for listeners on older mp3 players and online). * Why you must have great podcast cover art to attract more listeners and make your show stand out from the competition. * How to monetize your podcast and make money as a podcaster. Resources Daniel’s SEO for podcasters course:

 050: Mastering the Craft of Writing with Historical Romance Novelist Deanne Gist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:10

Deanne Gist has rocketed up the bestseller lists and captured readers everywhere with her original, fun historical novels. She has received four RITA nominations, two consecutive Christy Awards and rave reviews her books. With three-quarters of a million trade books sold, her awards include National Readers’ Choice, Book Buyers’ Best, Golden Quill, Books-A-Million Pick of the Month, Romantic Times Pick of the Month, Award of Excellence, and Laurel Wreath. In today’s show, Deanne shares her inspiring story of overcoming rejection and becoming a bestselling traditionally published author. Here are a few of the ideas and tips Deanne shares in this interview: * How joining Romance Writers of America (RWA) and attending industry events and educational lectures transformed her career and helped her master the craft of writing. * Why Deanne listened to every single educational cassette she could get her hands on from RWA on writing, publishing and marketing for authors. * How Deanne landed her first agent in 1997 but didn’t get her first book deal until 8 years later. * What “Head Hopping” is and why you should never do it in your writing! * How to convey character’s emotions and feelings through body language (Hint: read books on body language to learn more on this important tool for communicating in your writing and personal life!) * What a “Motivation Reaction Unit” is and how to ensure that you provide your characters’ motivations before they act, NOT after (and why this is so important to keeping your readers happy and engaged in your book). * What a Critique Group is, how to find one or form your own, and how to nurture these powerful relationships for creating longterm success. * Why you should never make the same mistake trice in your writing. * How to never mix up your characters’ eye color or other features again! * Why Deanne uses actors like Jude Law and Sandra Bullock as inspiration for some of her characters to help her visualize them when writing. * How to study and research for your books. * Deanne’s powerful and effective writing process that allows her to create a masterful novel every year. Deanne uses a circa binder for plotting and planning her books. Each binder has six sections: * Characters – including bios, photos, background info, and more. * Plotting * Research – including documents and important ideas and information gleamed from copious research. * Setting * Publicity * Notes Recommended Resources for Writers Deanne highly recommends the following books for writers: Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain The Writers Journey by Christopher Vogler on archetypes and plot structure. Anything by Michael Hague on plotting. Deanne’s 11th book Tiffany Girls comes out May 5, 2015 at Join Deanne on her blog, on Facebook, 

 049: Become an Idea Master – How to Model Successful Authors, Entrepreneurs and Publishers with David Favor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:17

In today’s show, David Favor and Tom Corson-Knowles talk about great ideas – how to find them, model them, and use them to transform your life and your career. Here are just a few of the things we talk about on the show: * How to skyrocket your learning speed and achieve your goals faster by modeling successful people. * Why Kindle is the major market for books today, and why you better focus your marketing efforts on promoting your Kindle eBooks on Amazon. * Some awesome tips for self publishing, managing your book listings and more. * How to contact Amazon support to help you solve almost any problem with your Amazon listing. * Some amazing data on the market size for physical books and eBook sales, and why there’s going to be a $10 Billion decrease in global physical book sales and a $10 Billion increase in eBook sales. * How to stand out as a self published author and get your books published in the right markets, platforms and formats to maximize your income. * How to deal with piracy, hackers and ripoff artists who are trying to steal your book, ideas and copyrights. * How to harness the power of the internet to create your own media empire to promote your books and business online 24/7. David Favor is a technology genius, bestselling author and successful entrepreneur. You can learn more about David at Get David’s book Beautiful Business Codex on Amazon here.

 048: How to Create a Lifestyle Business and Live Your Dream Life with Tyler Basu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:42

Tyler Basu is the bestselling author of several books including Lifestyle Business Blueprint. He is the founder and host of the Chatting With Champions podcast and a sought-after consultant. At a young age, Tyler read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and that book inspired him to start a business and learn how to become a successful entrepreneur. Tyler became a serious student of personal development and a seminar junkie, attending numerous seminars including Peak Potentials’ Millionaire Mind Intensive. His mentors also included Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins. Tyler decided to start in sales and tried everything from door-to-door sales to direct sales and network marketing. He learned how to sell and invest in real estate as well. In 2011, Tyler started his blog with WordPress and started writing articles about personal development and business based on the lessons he had been learning from books, seminars and successful business owners. In 2012, he started interviewing entrepreneurs for his new podcast Chatting with Champions. Today, Tyler has recorded and published more than 80 interviews with inspiring entrepreneurs. In 2013, Tyler wrote and published his first book on Amazon. Tyler just recently released his newest book Lifestyle Business Blueprint where he shares the 5 key strategies entrepreneurs from all over the world are using to create a lifestyle business. These 5 strategies are: Blogging Tyler recommends using WordPress (see the free training videos at Blog Business School to learn how to build your own professional blog). In the book, Tyler shares the case study of Joel Brown from who earns a massive passive income from his blog. Podcasting You can earn money from a podcast with sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and by selling your own products and services. His book has more info on how to start your own podcast show. Information Marketing This includes writing and publishing books and creating video courses and digital products. Tyler mentioned Udemy for creating and distributing your own video courses, as well as Clickbank. Freelancing With freelancing, you can turn your skills and passions into instant jobs and income. Coaching and Consulting With coaching and consulting, you can help others achieve their goals and dreams. Here’s a few more things we discuss on the show: * What a lifestyle business is and how to create one that aligns with your personal goals, values, and skills. * Why you have to be willing to put in 10x the amount of effort to succeed (thanks to Grant Cardone’s book The 10x Rule. See the interview with Grant Cardone in episode 27 here.) * Why you need the right systems and team to create a business that gives you the freedom to focus on doing what you love and enjoy most with your life. * How to create passive income with affiliate marketing. * Why Consistency is the #1 most important principle for success. * Why strategies only work if you have the right mindset and follow the principles for success (Tyler shares 7 of these principles in his newest book). * Why spending time each week reflecting is so crucial to learning and applying lessons learned from your own experiences. * How Tyler used case studies to help improve the book and attract more pr...

 047: How Writing Can Heal Trauma, Abuse and Emotional Pain with Elizabeth Garrison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:42

Elizabeth Garrison is the #1 Amazon bestselling author of Wounds of the Father: A True Story of Child Abuse, Betrayal, and Redemption. Growing up, Lizzie suffered from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, and overwhelming feelings of shame and low self confidence. In today’s show, Lizzie shares her inspiring story along with some words of wisdom for writers and all people to heal, recover from trauma and live a meaningful life. Here a just a few of the amazing things we talk about on the show today: * How writing can help you heal from trauma, past hurts and negative emotions. * How EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can help you heal and recover from trauma. * How to overcome any obstacle or challenge in life by focusing on a better future (It doesn’t matter where you came from or what happened to you in the past – all that matters is what you choose to do about it and where you choose to go from here). Learn more about Lizzie’s book Wounds of the Father here. Check out Lizzie’s Author website at Check out the EMDR website: Learn more about Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) here. Show Transcript Tom Corson-Knowles: All right. Lizzie, welcome to the show. Tell us about your background and how you got started as an author. Elizabeth Garrison: Well, my background is actually in clinical psychology, so I have a PhD in clinical psychology but I’ve been a writer since I was a little kid. My writing has always been my sort of sanity and peace of mind and healing. So, one of the things — my research all throughout graduate school and throughout my career has been looking at the role that writing plays in healing, so how writing about your traumatic experiences is helpful to overcoming them, basically. And given my own background and my own tragic childhood, one of the reasons that I got into the field of research that I did and the work with kids in trauma was initially because of myself, because of what I had gone though and because healing and helpful writing had always been to my process in healing, that’s where it started and that’s where it began and — but as far as being a writer, I have written for pretty much as long as long as I could hold a pencil. When I was in second grade I begged my mom for a — I was probably the only second grader I know who begged my mom for a typewriter. It was like that was all I wanted for Christmas, the typewriter. And when I got it, I taught myself, she showed me the home row, and then I taught myself how to type and — yeah, and start to wrote stories. I wrote my first book when I was in fourth grade. Obviously, that was not published, but it was like a full — I remember like I wanted to get to a hundred pages, so my book ended at page 102, so that I had officially written a book. So, yeah, and then just recently, I decided — one of the things that I work with kids on is writing a trauma narrative and I had written my own memoir, which is basically my own long trauma narrative years ago, and then just recently decided that I was going to bring it into the world and — until it published, so. Tom Corson-Knowles: Cool. Right. I know the work you focus on is writing for healing and that’s really fascinating stuff and I’m guessing a lot of it came through from your personal experience, your personal stories, so do you want to share real quick kind of your story of what you went through, all of the trauma you went through and then how you used writing to kind of work through that? Elizabeth Garrison: Yeah.

 046: Online Marketing and Ancient Wisdom with Amish Shah. How to Build Million Dollar Businesses with Digital Marketing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:22

Amish Shah is an online marketing legend, entrepreneur and philanthropist. In 2001, he started an affiliate marketing company online and quit his job in 2004.  One of Amish’s companies made the Inc. 500 List of fastest growing companies. He’s sold several businesses for more than $1 million, and is a serial entrepreneur. Today, Amish is building his educational company Deep Origins into a global brand, teaching people about ancient wisdom from yoga to Ayurveda to meditation and other powerful ancient traditions. Deep Origins combines this ancient wisdom with modern science to improve lives and make the world a better place. The company has several products including information on Ayurveda, Alpha Brain Waves, and Ancient Explorers. In the interview, here are just a few of the ideas Amish shares: * Why an entrepreneur’s job is to solve problems, and how Amish uses pen and paper to do it. * How there are two ways to solve problems – internally and externally, and how Amish uses both to plow through any obstacle in life and business. * The internal method: meditation, journaling and writing it out. * The external method: finding mentors, studying ultra-successful people and research. * How hard work helped Amish earn millions of dollars online in a few short years. * How Amish started a website about the TV show Lost and turned it into an online money machine selling Netflix subscriptions through the Netflix affiliate program. * How he uses mobile publishing of magazines, books and audios via Google Play and iTunes to drive loads of targeted traffic. * How Amish uses PPC ads like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads and more * Why every author and online entrepreneur must build an email list if you’re serious about making money online. * Why Amish emails his list 2-3 times a week on a regular schedule at 8am PST and why you should always stay connected with your audience. * How Amish partnered up with the guy from The History Channel who created the series Ancient Aliens. * Why you need to learn how to create great sales funnels to maximize profits online. Show Notes The Shah Education and Exploration 501(c)(3) non-profit Adroll is a powerful advertising tool that uses retargeting to reach your best prospects. Perfect Audience is another great paid advertising tool that uses retargeting. OutBrain is a great tool and platform for using Native Ads to grow your business online. Google Analytics is a great free tool for website analytics. Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool every single website owner should be using to fix website errors and help make better use of your most valuable web pages. Kissmetrics is a good tool for web analytics and split tests. Optimizely is another great tool for split testing and increasing your conversions online. Download the Customer Avatar Sheet recommended by Amish for understanding your target customer and audience better.

 045: How to Get More Book Reviews Without Breaking Amazon’s TOS with Heather Hart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:35

Heather Hart is an international bestselling and award-winning author. She is coach to authors at and owner of With the heart of an author, she enjoys working from home where she spends her time working on her next book, coming up with new and improved marketing ideas, and teaching other authors what she’s learned along her journey to becoming a bestseller. In today’s show, Heather and Tom discuss how to get more book reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and elsewhere. Here are just a few of the things we cover today: * How to create an email list of loyal, raving fan book reviewers who will review your book as soon as it’s published and help promote your work to more readers. * How using a Goodreads giveaway can help you get more book reviews (this only works if you have a print edition at the moment.) * Where and how to write a snippet in the back of your book that can dramatically increase how many readers will leave you a book review. * How to get honest book reviews from influencers in your field like Top 1000 Amazon reviewers and bloggers. * How to use Facebook and LinkedIN groups to find reviewers for your books (and how to avoid the spam trap). * How to get Amazon to delete inappropriate reviews (For example, if someone writes, “I wanted this book in print but only got the Kindle version.”) * How to transform your competition into your greatest allies and marketing assets to build your author platform and find new readers. * How to add value to your network of authors and readers and create true win-win relationships in life and in business. Show Notes Learn more about Heather and connect with her at Check out Heather’s book on How to Get Honest Book Reviews. Traffic Wave autoresponder for building your email list. Amazon Top Reviewers (Remember to make sure the reviewer actually reads books in your genre / niche before you send them a review copy, or you just might get some nasty 1-star reviews!) March to a Bestseller Event


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