The Scope Radio show

The Scope Radio

Summary: The Scope Health Sciences Radio highlights the topics you want to know about to live a happier and healthier life and informs you about leading-edge research and trends in medicine. The opinions expressed are those of our physicians and do not necessarily reflect those of The University of Utah.

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  • Artist: The Scope Radio, University of Utah Health
  • Copyright: © 2013 University of Utah Health


 Are You Drinking Enough Water in the Winter? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:41

Over 90 percent of your body is water. It’s usually not too hard to get the amount of water you need in the summertime – but in the wintertime, it can be a little more difficult. Registered dietitian Julie Metos talks about the importance of staying hydrated in the winter and introduces ways to obtain water that you may not have thought about. She also discusses what counts and what doesn’t count towards your total daily water intake, as well as what type of water is the best.

 How to Talk to Your Teenager About Suicide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:24

Are you worried that your teenager is considering self-harm or even suicide? It can be difficult to bring up the delicate matter, but Dr. Tom Miller and Dr. Jim Ashworth go through several “what if” scenarios to help you know how to approach the subject and what to ask your child. They also provide useful information regarding resources and what you can do as a last resort.

 How to Stay Active During the Colder Months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:03

Some people tend to get busy with the holidays and forget about exercising. With the weather getting colder you may just want to stay in and do less. Physical therapist Linda Scholl says it’s best to keep your gym membership active during winter but also talks about some of the alternative exercising techniques to stay healthy and active in case you don’t want go to the gym on those colder days.

 My Newborn Baby Looks Yellow – Should I Be Worried? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:27

Newborns are commonly susceptible to jaundice. Ideally, the liver begins to function after birth and the abnormal yellow coloration goes away, but sometimes the yellowness persists. Dr. Cindy Gellner explains the symptoms, types, causes and when you should seek treatment.

 The Dangers of Frostbite | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:23

Whether you work outside, are an outdoor enthusiast or simply shoveling your walk, when it gets this cold, frostnip and frostbite are real dangers. Because one of the symptoms of frostbite is numbness, you might not even know you have it until it’s too late, which makes it especially dangerous for kids. Dr. Vivian Lee and Dr. Amalia Cochran talk about what happens to your skin when it gets too cold, the symptoms of frostnip and frostbite, what to do and not to do and why frostbite is usually treated by burn experts.

 Tips for Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:11

In a few weeks, over 25 percent of New Year's resolutions will have already been abandoned. In six months, more than 50 percent will be broken. Dr. Kirtly Jones asks women about their resolutions, talks about how they should and shouldn't think about them, and gives some tips and tricks to beat the odds and succeed this year.

 New Years Resolution: No ER Visits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:25

Get back into shape, eat healthier, be happier, quit smoking – a few of the better-health resolutions for the new year. And while those are all good resolutions, emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen shares with you the New Years resolutions he thinks are important if you want to stay out of the ER this upcoming year.

 What Does it Mean to be Healthy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:16

It’s your New Year’s resolution to be healthier in 2015, but have you ever paused to consider what that means – to be healthier? Dr. Tom Miller says it’s not that complicated. It’s just about doing, and avoiding, a few things. Take sixty seconds to find out, and you might actually keep your resolution this year – and feel better too.

 Shoveling Injuries and Preventions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:42

The snow is falling, and that means you're shoveling. You might be surprised to find out shoveling snow is a common cause for physical therapy and possibly surgery during the winter. Physical therapist Linda Scholl talks about the types of shoveling injuries she sees coming in around this time of the year, and tells you how to prevent them.

 Health Care Insider: Barriers to Improved Health Care IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:00

Dr. Ross Koppel from the University of Pennsylvania asserts that government needs to regulate electronic health records. Expounding upon a previous interview with The Scope, Dr. Koppel discusses problems with the current system, why it's nearly impossible to fix those problems, and what should be done to improve electronic health systems.

 What Moms Want for Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:55

Generally it’s mom who's responsible for making Christmas happen for their families. They do it all: wrap the presents, stuff the stockings, send out the cards and often neglect themselves. Dr. Kirtly Jones asked some mothers what they want for Christmas. Some of the answers you’ve heard before, some might surprise you. Regardless, you’ll get some good gift ideas that will make this Christmas season less stressful and more enjoyable for mom. Moms, be sure to tell us in the comments what you want for Christmas that would make your life easier or less stressful.

 12 Dangers of Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:40

Each year, more than 10,000 people in the United States go to the ER for injuries related to the holidays. Without singing them out, emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen goes through his list of the 12 Dangers of Christmas. From decorative tree ornaments to mistletoe, Dr. Madsen talks about common holiday injuries you might already know about and a few you probably don’t.

 12 Toys to Not Get Your Child This Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:50

Not all toys are created equal, and not all toys are created safe. Dr. Nathan Bexfield lists 12 toys that may look fun, but could hurt your child and don't belong under your tree. He also gives some guidelines for buying safe toys in the future.

 Why the Flu Shot Isn’t as Effective this Year and What that Means for You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:22

You may have heard that the flu has "mutated" this year. You got your flu shot, but are you still safe? Dr. Tom Miller addresses the questions you might have. He tells you what to do if you start feeling flu symptoms and how taking action right away could quicken your recovery.

 You Can’t Get the Flu from the Flu Shot – But Here Are Some Reasons People Think You Can | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:51

It’s true that the flu shot contains the flu itself, but it won’t make you ill. Dr. Suzan Terry lists reasons why people think they may have gotten the flu from the flu shot and describes what’s actually happening to your body after you receive the vaccine.


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