MoneyPlan SOS | Build Wealth | Get out of debt | Pay attention, not interest show

MoneyPlan SOS | Build Wealth | Get out of debt | Pay attention, not interest

Summary: Financial Wellness Coach, Steve Stewart, wants to help you eliminate your debt, give you a deeper understanding about credit, and show you how money really works. This is the show for the everyday American who wants to get control of their personal finances and learn how to pay attention, NOT INTEREST! Subscribe to get every new show automatically and receive information on how to pay off soul-sucking credit card debt, how to save money, and how to avoid marketing pitfalls. More at http://SteveStewart.Me

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  • Artist: Steve Stewart, Financial Wellness Coach
  • Copyright: © Steve Stewart


 1, 2, or 5 Talents: God Wants You To Be Rich – MPSOS125 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:04

God wants you to be rich. How do I know? Because Jesus died to pay our debts – so at least we all get to start with a net worth of zero! Also, Jesus also told us the Parable of the Talents. It’s a story of a rich man that went away and left a […]

 4 Steps To Making Smart Purchasing Decisions – MPSOS124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:40

There are 4 steps to help make smart purchasing decisions. Being responsible with your money is very important when trying to get out of debt. We all want our money to go as far as it can and wasting money isn’t being responsible money managers. The better we use our money the more we have to […]

 Three Budgeting Processes That Work – MPSOS123 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:59

CBS news reported that 76% of American households are living paycheck to paycheck. Less than half have three months of worth savings. We are sending our kids to college with no money and over a trillion dollars of outstanding student loan debt. Normal in America is being broke. It’s time to get weird.It’s time to stop managing our […]

 Can You Really Retire Early? Interview with Dividend Mantra and @KraigMathias | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:40

Can you really retire early? Saving a ton of money now and/or building a business could make retiring early a reality! Jason Fieber from and Kraig Mathias from share their stories of saving tons of money so they can retire early, really early! Saving for retirement in non-retirement options Jason and Kraig are […]

 Equifax Got Sued, Jeff Rose’s Soldier Of Finance, and No Free Lunch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

Equifax got sued, Jeff Rose talks about his new book “Soldier of Finance”, and there’s not such thing as a free lunch. Jeff Rose is on a Roll Jeff and his blogger-wife Mandy have just released a new podcast geared towards bloggers and online marketers. It is dedicated to giving you tips, strategies and success […]

 What Happened To PerkStreet? – MPSOS120 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:24

An exclusive interview with PerksStreet CEO, Dan O’Malley about what happened to PerkStreet, what happens to our money, and what about the Perks? One of my soldiers is down Steve Stewart: PerkStreet was that final ammunition that proved you don’t need a credit card to exist and prosper in America: Credit cards used as emergency […]

 The real cost to be a Stay At Home Mom – MPSOS119 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

Our culture is so material-driven that it keeps many of us in jobs we hate, stressed out to the point that it is unhealthy, and disconnected from our own families.  The position of “Stay At Home Mom” has been eliminated in order to achieve the “American Dream”. When we get out of high school and […]

 Stay in your investing seat – MPSOS118 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:29

Most of the time the stock market is boring. Contrary to what the media is preaching the market doesn't do all that much from day-to-day. These uneventful days are just as important as each pitch past a player's bat. Every strike counts towards the total box score and every once in a while there is a big play.

 Baby Step 7: Build Wealth and Leave a Legacy – MPSOS117 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:38

Dave Ramsey’s 7th Baby Step is to Build Wealth and Give. If you’ve been following each step then you have absolutely no debt, even the house, and you have more than three months worth of expenses in savings. I believe there is more to BS7 and it should be renamed Build Wealth and Leave a […]

 Baby Step 6: Pay off the house – MPSOS116 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:46

Pay off the house is Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step #6 Why should you pay off the house early? The American dream is to own your own home (white picket fences are optional). Owning a home free-and-clear means you don’t pay rent or a monthly mortgage payment – you have no obligations on for the place […]

 Baby Step 5 with Rachel Cruze: Save For Kid’s College – MPSOS115 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Special guest Rachel Cruze discusses ways to pay for kid’s college as we talk about Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step 5. Baby Step 5: Save for kid’s college Once we have gotten ourselves out of debt and started to save 15% in retirement it is time to save for our children’s higher education. College expenses have […]

 Baby Step 4: Invest 15% for retirement [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:09

Dave Ramsey’s 4th Baby Step is to invest 15% for retirement. We are halfway through a complete Total Money Makeover and the rest is pretty easy. First let’s review the previous 3 Baby Steps: Make the choice to get out of the debt business by building a $1,000 emergency fund and stop borrowing money Pay […]

 Baby Step 3: Save 3-6 Months of Expenses [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:20

Baby Step 3: Save 3-6 Months Of Expenses. Dave Ramsey’s third Baby Step is to create a fully-funded emergency fund equal to three to six times your average monthly expenses. Why? Emergencies come in many shapes and sizes Car troubles (repairs, accidents, and what I call “beater replacement”) House repairs (roof, HV/AC, fence damage) Unemployment […]

 Baby Step 2: The Debt Snowball Method | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:49

This is Week 2 in the 7 week series of Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps to Financial Peace. Last week I talked briefly about Baby Step 1: Build a $1,000 starter emergency fund. Baby Step 2 is pay off all consumer debt using the Debt Snowball Method. Why is The Debt Snowball in Baby Step 2? […]

 Andres Gutierrez: From ELP to El Machete – MPSOS111 [podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:22

From ELP to El Machete, Andres Gutierrez is the voice of Financial Peace for the Hispanic community. Andres has been helping people with their finances for the past decade but it wasn’t until 2009 that he became “The Hispanic Dave Ramsey” with his own syndicated radio show and a 6 DVD series that teaches Financial Peace […]


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