Nintendo Pulse – Nintendo Switch and 3DS News show

Nintendo Pulse – Nintendo Switch and 3DS News

Summary: Nintendo Pulse is our weekly show all about Nintendo. Hear all of the latest news on the Nintendo Switch and 3DS! Born from the combination of the WiiSpot and DS:Life podcast, you can join your hosts Lloyd Hannesson and Stephen Munn as they tell you all about the games you’ll want to be playing, retro games, Nintendo Power and portables!

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 Nintendo Pulse #038 – Hello 2013! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:51

It’s 2013! The world didn’t end, and there is a new Nintendo Pulse! What could be better? In this episode we talk about the Nintendo TVii, used systems able to redownload games bought on them, more Mutant Mudds and more! We hope you enjoy the […]

 Nintendo Pulse #037 – Pre-Apocalypisode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:19

We are back after a long slumber, just in time for the end of the world! Oh the irony! Welcome back to the Nintendo Pulse podcast. In this episode new voice Stephen Munn joins me to talk about all things Nintendo. We of course talk […]

 Nintendo Pulse #036 – Avalanche of News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:12

Here is your Nintendo Pulse! First off we have a bit of an announcement for the show, we are as of this episode moving to a bi-weekly release schedule. So you’ll get 2 episodes a month instead of the normal 3-4. We will continue this […]

 Nintendo Pulse #35 – All About the FREE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:48

We are back with another Nintendo Pulse! Not much in the news area this week, so we instead start talking about all of the FREE that will be available on the WiiU. Free to play, Free demos and more! Enjoy the show! Audio Show Notes […]

 Nintendo Pulse #34 – Bigger is Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:14

So Nintendo surprised everybody with yet another Nintendo Direct announcement which contained the new 3DS that Miyamoto said would never come, the 3DS XL. Hear Edgar and I nearly come to blows over our thoughts on this announcement. Besides Nintendo Direct, we have loads of […]

 Nintendo Pulse #33 – Post E3 Wrap-up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:39

E3 has come and gone and we finally have some concrete details about the WiiU. I don’t know about you guys, but I am STOKED for what the WiiU will bring to the party! In this episode we talk about Edgar’s E3 experience, cover some […]

 E3 2012 – Nintendo Press Conference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:45

Nintendo was last up in the press conference trifecta, and here is our thoughts. We weren't super stoked at all of the announcements, or how they were announced. There was enough WiiU awesomeness there though to keep us excited and ready to run to our local game store to put a pre-order in. What did you guys think of the shows this year? What did you think of our coverage? Be sure to let us know!

 E3 2012 – Microsoft and Sony Press Conferences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:51

Today was a great day for announcements at E3, and the VGPodcasts Crew are here to bring you all the news! First up is Microsoft with the first trailer for Halo, talk of Gears of War and some Assassin's Creed. Sony was up later in the evening with footage from Beyond, God of War 4 and The Last of Us. All in all it was a great day for gamers, with loads of day one purchases being announced. This year's E3 is going to cost me a fortune! We hope you enjoy the coverage, Nintendo's press conference is tomorrow so you can look for the last of our specials in the evening. Have any thoughts or questions? be sure to let us know!

 E3 2012 Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:44

It's E3-eve and we decided to sit down here at VGPodcasts and do out anual predictions on what E3 will bring us. Jeff Ward, the co-host of the soon to be renamed These Dudes on Games show, joins me to talk about all things E3. We start off with some actual news, since Nintendo held a pre-e3 conference this afternoon, but then we get into what we thing Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft will do this year. It was a fun time, and we hope you enjoy it! Stay tuned for more shows coming this week on this channel! We will be talking about each press conference and more. E3 is like christmas for games after all. Enjoy!

 Nintendo Pulse #032 – We Somehow Talk Diablo III, Yep. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Welcome to Episode #32 of the Nintendo Pulse podcast! This show was recorded on the eve of the Diablo 3 launch, and is just being posted! And no, the two aren’t related, just had some technical difficulties that prevented the posting. Diablo aside, it was […]

 Nintendo Pulse #031 – Rayman Shows Off the Wii U | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:12

In this news heavy episode of the Nintendo Pulse podcast we have some actual real honest to goodness Wii U info, kind of. There was a leak of a pre-release commercial for the Wii U game Rayman Legends that we dissect. Also in this episode […]

 Nintendo Pulse #030 – New Super Mario Bros. 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:16

Edgar and I get together to talk about all things Nintendo. This week we have a lot of interesting news to talk about that came form the Nintendo Direct show out of Japan. Gems like New Super Mario Bros. 2 coming in August, and the […]

 Nintendo Pulse #029 – Sleep Deprivation Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:33

In this sleep deprived episode of the Nintendo Pulse podcast Edgar joins me to talk about all of the latest Nintendo rumours. E3 can’t come fast enough so we can bite into some meaty news again. Enjoy! Audio Show Notes What We Are Playing Lloyd […]

 Nintendo Pulse #028 – No News Is No News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

It’s a slow news week here on the Nintendo Pulse podcast, so we make the most of what we have. Send in your emails and voice messages so we have at least that to talk about next week! Looks like devs and publishers are in […]

 Nintendo Pulse #027 – Kid Icarus: Uprising | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:02

Kid Icarus: Uprising is finally out on the Nintendo 3DS, and we are here to tell you all about it! We also bring you news on Epic Mickey, Wii U and more! Audio Show Notes What We Are Playing Lloyd Hannesson: Kid Icarus: Revelations, Crush3D […]


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