Transformation Nation show

Transformation Nation

Summary: A weekly podcast dedicated to awakening, reviving and transforming your life through inspiring stories and captivating interviews.

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  • Artist: Alexi Panos
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013 . All rights reserved.


 EVERY CHOICE MATTERS | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 07:30

Your life, in this moment, is a direct result of a series of choices you've made along the way.  EVERY choice you make matters, even if you don't feel it's impact directly in the moment.  Think about your finances, your waistline, your free time.  Often saying YES to something or someone is saying NO to yourself and your best interests.  Take 7 minutes to get clear about how every choice you make will impact your life, then, start getting clear about what kind of life you're choosing.

 DISCOVERING YOUR MISSION IN LIFE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 27:00

Why am I here?  What's my purpose or mission on this planet?  Ahhh...the big questions;  but what if the answers were so simple?  Everybody and everything has a purpose for being here, and that includes YOU. Having a strong knowing of your mission in life provides you with an inner fire that will light the way to a fulfilling and joyful life.  So, stop questioning what it is and start creating it!  This 27 minute mini-workshop will help kickstart your mission and have you living a life that leaves you smiling from ear to ear.  :

 DOES YOUR STUFF OWN YOU? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:30

True FREEDOM allows the ability to make our own choices in life without being attached to something else.  If we really want to start being FREE and creating lives that we're passionate about, we have to be willing to look at what we're still a "slave" to.  Finances are one of the top reasons why people stay in jobs they hate and never get to live the lives they dream about.  It's time to take control of our finances so that we can then be free to do and be who we want to be.  

 BE YOUR OWN HERO | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 55:00

Every hero shares a similar journey...and the beauty is, we can all follow the same path and be our own hero. What would shift in your life if you took charge and wrote your own story? What could open up for you if you realize your epic win is right around the corner from your greatest obstacle? Dan Adams, founder of The Higher Purpose Project and the man behind Mission Kilimanjaro, brings amazing insight into how you can write your own epic adventure.

 STARTING WITH THE END IN MIND | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 07:00

How would your daily life shift if you lived with a sense of urgency?  What would you do, who would you love and how would you live if you knew it were your last days on earth?

 FINDING YOUR INDIGO | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 45:00

There's no doubt we're entering a new phase of existence- people are beginning to open up more emotionally and spiritually and this paradigm shift requires a new model of living. Spiritual Psychologist Candace Van Dell explains what it means to be an "Indigo Child" and how embracing our innate, authentic selves is the first step in transforming and navigating this new world.

 GET YOUR OWN PIE!!! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 09:00

What if we could live in a space of ABUNDANCE vs. SCARCITY?  What if there was enough "pie" for everyone to not only get a piece...but to have their own.  In today's quickie, I open up about a lesson I learned this past week that truly tested my faith in abundance and trusting my path; a lesson I hope you too can take into your week and apply to your life.

 TRANSFORM YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 44:00

In order to transform any part of our life, we have to have the health to show up and give 100%.  Tara Magalski, of, tells us that what you're "feeding" yourself goes far beyond the food you take in; and how a few small changes could literally transform the state of your health and body.

 TURNING BREAKDOWNS INTO BREAKTHROUGHS | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 9:00

On today's first MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY...I chat about a new way of looking at life's "breakdowns." What if these so called "worst moments of your life" are actually the greatest gifts and the doorway to transformation? Set your week off right with this little dose of goodness!

 TRANSFORMING THE NOW | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 45:00

How could your life transform if you truly could stay in the present moment, be all that you are without apologies and add a little "and" to your world? Find out in this week's episode of TRANSFORMATION NATION with guest Zuyapa Jackson of

 DEMYSTIFYING MEDITATION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:00

How to incorporate meditation and a little dose of spirituality into your daily world.


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