A Closer Look show

A Closer Look

Summary: A Closer Look™ with Sheila Liaugminas features notable experts, newsmakers, elected officials, scholars and clergy on a variety of current event topics including social and moral issues, politics, and medical bioethics. Sheila and her guests put the news of the day into sharp focus from a uniquely Catholic perspective.

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  • Artist: Relevant Radio
  • Copyright: 2009 Starboard Media Foundation


 Faith, Health, Care During Coronavirus: Field Hospitals for the Afflicted 3.31.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:51

Fr. Steve Grunow, Kathryn Lopez: Relevant Roundtable: Catholics in isolation, we’re all shut-ins together; lessons during the pandemic, ways to deepen faith, evangelization; Holy Father’s Urbi et Orbi message, prayer service, blessing of the world: papacy’s defining moment; global Catholicism not locked down. Kathryn Jean Lopez: While many can’t access Mass, for others in the […]

 Relieving Fear, De-Stressing Life at Home During the Pandemic 3.30.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:13

Charlotte Pence: Vice-President’s wife and daughter reach out to families at home with uplifting message in their children’s book, live Q&A, tomorrow. Dr. Gene Neri: Neurologist applies his longtime treatment of chronic stress to much larger population of sufferers in this time of widespread worry and fear; stress is the cause of many related conditions […]

 How We Can Slow & Stop the Virus Spread; How We Can Grow Our Faith & Devotions 3.27.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:16

Dr. Mark Rupp: Infectious disease expert emphasizes importance of self-discipline in social distancing now to help reduce spread of COVID, return to some normalcy in society; warns of virus return if we relax our social distancing measures; updates on latest news on the coronavirus front. John Harper: News roundup on coronavirus front, highlights of most […]

 Prepare for Recovery After Covid Crisis; Reach Students Online for Pro-Life Info 3.26.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:25

Ted Nordhaus: Save Lives, Ready Shovels: A six-point plan to end the Covid-19 crisis and prepare for recovery. Caller, Margaret: Never in the history of the world has all the world economy shutdown voluntarily.  Caler, Joe: treatment claim of NY doctor. Does this change your prognosis? Kristan Hawkins: Planned Parenthood is pushing unrestricted mail-order abortion […]

 Abortion Not an Essential Service; Health & Care During a Pandemic; Time to Be Better Catholics 3.25.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:17

Abby Johnson: As governors order all non-essential services to close, Planned Parenthood claims abortion clinics provide essential services, defying orders; Ohio governor ordered abortion clinics closed, but they didn’t; abortion clinics are using valuable PPEs, protective equipment needed in hospitals. Dr. Tod Worner: Taking and giving care in medical settings and in society during the […]

 Faith at Home: Sacraments, Devotions, Prayers, Curriculum, & Moral Leadership 3.24.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:11

Bishop Thomas Paprocki: Lenten prayer and fasting for the conversion of pro-abortion members of Congress, other political officeholders; practicing the faith during the pandemic with churches closed, no public services, no access to sacraments; obligation shifts to what we can do as faithful Catholics. Dr. Tim Gray: Faith at Home; Providing Catholics abundant resources to […]

 Catholics & Faith in Politics & Coronavirus; Pandemic Impact on the Economy, Jobs, Finances 3.23.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:28

Bishop Thomas Paprocki: Lenten prayer and fasting for the conversion of pro-abortion members of Congress, other political officeholders; practicing the faith during the pandemic with churches closed, no public services, no access to sacraments; obligation shifts to what we can do as faithful Catholics. White House press conference: coronavirus task force update. Dr. Michael Welker: […]

 Life in Rome and Home During Coronavirus: What & How We Can Learn 3.20.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:25

Mountain Butorac: ‘The Catholic Traveler’ stays put with Italy on lockdown; grocery shopping, church closures and staying sane in Rome during Italy’s shutdown; how nearly two weeks of being shut in without Masses, sacraments, social gathering has affected Catholic Rome.  Kari Beckman: Regina Caeli Academy teachers and students learning new lessons from quarantine, help others […]

 Christians in the Time of Coronavirus: Be Like the Early Church; Solidarity, Works of Mercy, Witness Faith 3.19.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:25

John Meyer: Napa Institute starting Novena to St. Joseph to be our protector in this time of pandemic, trials, suffering; Christians must show solidarity & witness to the Gospel; serve others as they need and we are able, as Catholics have throughout history; pray for our Church, priests and people. Mary Graham: Heroic priests and […]

 How We Are Living, What Matters Most; Where Is God In Suffering?; Mass & Communion 3.18.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:56

Fr. Robert Spitzer: How corona-virus crisis provides new opportunities to go deeper in our faith, help us see more clearly what matters most and what, ultimately, doesn’t; mortality rate of this virus puts topic of death out there, people have to confront mortality & adjust to new way of living; Mass & Communion. Caller, Joann: […]

 Shelter in Place: Spiritual, Physical, Financial Health During a Crisis 3.17.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:25

Fr. James Moore: SF Bay area priest on being a missionary evangelist, serving the people during a ‘shelter in place’ order; opportunities to grow deeper in faith during times of crisis; importance of spiritual health along with physical. Brian Battle: Financial markets and economic stimulus plans, best practices all around for nation’s health; ensuring Americans […]

 Pandemics, Prayer and Best Practices: Stay Safe, Calm, Take & Give Care 3.16.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:27

Dr. Paul Kengor: The Spanish flu, personal family accounts related to Ronald Reagan’s family, Prof. Kengor’s family; what we learn from that epidemic about the importance of social distancing; Reagan telling Johnnie Carson ‘it’s time for a common sense prescription’ in this ‘time for choosing’; Biden’s Catholicism.   Fr. Rocky Hoffman: We all need information and […]

 Coronavirus Updates, Info, Alerts, News; Go Deeper Into Prayer 3.13.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:25

Roundtable with guests, Jason Jones describes his recent experience with attempting to be tested for covid-19; and Mary Graham who provides a news sweep; updates on latest news from many angles both nationally and globally; the pandemic and how we cover it.  Fr. Donald Haggerty: Emergency civic mandates on social gatherings and church needs to […]

 St. Patrick: Conversion, Evangelization, Invincible Faith; Coronavirus Update; Keep Praying 3.12.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:26

John Rhys-Davies: Renowned actor (Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, etc.) assumes role of elder St. Patrick writing his ‘Confessions’ in ‘I Am Patrick’; what that role was like to portray; the modern day global impact of St. Patrick’s conversion and ministry. Dr. Philip Chan: on promising medical treatments designed for compromised immune systems & […]

 Coronavirus Impact on Work, Studies, Family Life; Healing Marriages, From Anger to Forgiveness 3.11.30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:26

Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons: Coronavirus response: focus on trust to counter fear, and on the goodness of God; it’s time to follow the Italian public health policy, quarantine at home except for necessary work and food shopping; impact on families of sending professional work, students’ college studies to home. Caller, James: Advice for parents who have […]


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