A Closer Look show

A Closer Look

Summary: A Closer Look™ with Sheila Liaugminas features notable experts, newsmakers, elected officials, scholars and clergy on a variety of current event topics including social and moral issues, politics, and medical bioethics. Sheila and her guests put the news of the day into sharp focus from a uniquely Catholic perspective.

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  • Artist: Relevant Radio
  • Copyright: 2009 Starboard Media Foundation


 Christians Have to Change Course or Lose Rights & Institutions; Health Care Must Be Transparent, Accountable 6.25.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Rod Dreher: ‘The Benedict and Other Options for Facing the World, the Flesh & the Devil’; Christians engaging creative ways to face and handle the challenges and threats to people of faith; new book on ‘soft totalitarianism’, what we can learn from former Eastern European dissidents. Christians have to see themselves as counter culture; St. […]

 Logic, Reason, Civility & Academia; Politics, Abortion, Law, Courts & Religious Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:21

Prof. Robert George: ‘Climate’ and challenges in academia getting worse; radical abortion laws and the Constitution; what kind of abortion case would make it to the Supreme Court; violation of conscience rights spreading; state of religious freedom in the US and globally. Constitution is silent about abortion; for those of us who are pro life, […]

 Encore: Care & Solidarity for Women, Family, Children, Society; Everyday Heroes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:06

Today’s broadcast is an encore from May 17, 2019. Helen Alvare:  A pivotal moment in serious, honest abortion debate, laws to protect prenatal human life; Intact family structures and education play a role in decreased abortions; need solutions rejecting killing while simultaneously respecting distressed mothers; ‘Solidarity flows from the idea that people are intrinsically social’, […]

 Pro Life is Healthcare, Juneteenth and abolition of Slavery, Constitutional Protection Religious Freedom 6.20.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Louis Brown: What ‘Medicare for All’ would mean in reality; ‘Christ Medicus’ offering Christ-centered health care as politics push to radically expands abortion, limit religious freedom, dramatically undermine person-centered care. Alveda King: Celebrating ‘Juneteenth’, the official abolition of slavery, ‘but what about the babies?, where is the justice for the youngest, most oppressed captives, most […]

 Human Life, Nature, Origin and Destiny; Truth in the Catholic Church 6.19.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:51

Fr. Robert Spizter: ‘Where have we come from and where are we going?’; ‘The Essence of Things’ looks at human life & human nature, conscience, free will; the search for happiness and where it’s found. Objective evidence exists to prove human life; pro abortion rhetoric is not supported by objective evidence. We can’t kill human […]

 Challenges to Conscience, Religious Freedom, Increase; Courts & Cases 6.18.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:21

Peter Breen: Do extreme abortion laws in some states violate the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)?; do citizens in those states have recourse to political/legal measures to challenge those laws?; what’s the latest on David Daleiden’s court battles with Planned Parenthood and judges with ties to them? Stephanie Taub: U.S. Supreme Court reverses Oregon’s […]

 Catholic Educators, Politicians Who Back Abortion as ‘Right’ Ignore Pro-Life Voters’ 6.17.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Fr. Wilson Miscamble: ‘American Priest’, conflicted legacy of Notre Dame’s Fr. Theodore Hesburgh; Land O’Lakes Statement as Catholic educators’ ‘declaration of independence’ from Church authorities, they wanted no Vatican interference; NY Gov. Mario Cuomo’s ND speech defending ‘personally opposed, but…’ position on abortion gave cover to Catholic politicians. Cardinal O’Connor saw the weakness of Cuomo’s […]

 Greatest Good & Joy is Serving Others; How to Measure Success; Christians Building Culture 6.14.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Luke Mickelson: ‘Sleep in Heavenly Peace’, organization that builds bunk beds for children and families in need; “No kid sleeps on the floor in my town”; serving others changes your life; “you want real joy, stop looking at yourself and see how you can help someone else” True joy:  when you stop thinking about yourself, […]

 Bishops Address Church Reform; Witness Heroic Virtue in Venerable Augustus Tolton 6.13.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:21

Bishop Thomas Paprocki: Update from US Bishops conference; Pope Francis declares Fr. Augustus Tolton ‘Venerable’ on path to Sainthood; shrine to Tolton will be established in Quincy, IL, Bishop Paprocki’s diocese; what this means for the Church, people of God & today’s divided culture. Joyce Duriga: ‘Augustus Tolton: The Church is the True Liberator’; biography […]

 Fr. Robert Gahl, Catholic Church on Gender Ideology; Abortion 6.12.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:50

Fr. Robert Gahl: Vatican document ‘Man and Woman He Created Them’; “educational crisis” with challenges of gender theory, false anthropology, human identity as ‘choice’; gender ideology is a heresy that destabilizes the family; document gives us direction. Pope Francis has asserted that all must be bold in proclaiming male and female; gender ideology problem explained. […]

 Abortion Debate Gives Us Chance to Inform Public, Save Lives, Build Families 6.11.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:19

Kathryn Jean Lopez: What we’ve learned in the decades since Roe should change everything; how to work together with ‘pro-choice’ people to make abortion implausible; how Catholics in media best witness to grace, human dignity, & promote unity, common good. Lisa Wheeler: We’ve forgotten how to love; children aborted or in foster care aren’t unwanted, […]

 Protect & Exercise Religious Freedom; Catholics Are Rebuilding Culture 6.10.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Dr. Thomas Farr, Religious Freedom Institute: Equality Act will harm religious freedom; protect religious freedom by exercising it, defending for others; Catholics in the crosshairs in the West and around the world; solution lies in fidelity to the truth.  The Act is not about securing equality, it’s about outlawing disagreement. John Meyer, Napa Institute: Ways […]

 Democrats Target Hyde Amendment; States Target Little Sisters of the Poor; News Wrapup 6.7.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:21

Cong. Marilyn Musgrave: Joe Biden reverses position on Hyde Amendment again, opposing it 48 hours after supporting it; most American’s don’t want taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion; longstanding, bipartisan Hyde Amendment being targeted by Democratic Party. Diana Verm: Little Sisters of the Poor being challenged in courts by 14 states, after winning at the […]

 Bishop Paprocki Applies Canon Law to Pro-Abortion Lawmakers; Pro-Life Women Engage; Hyde Amendment Saves Lives 6.6.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:51

Bishop Thomas Paprocki: ‘Illinois Catholic lawmakers who promoted or voted for extreme abortion legislation are not to receive Communion’; Bishop’s decree cites Code of Canon Law; ‘hope and prayer is that lawmakers reconcile themselves to the Church’ One of the goals of this decree is to provide a clear statement of the church’s stance born […]

 Fr. Robert Spitzer, The Essence of Human Life 6.5.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:50

Fr. Robert Spitzer: New HHS announcement to halt use of stem cells from tissue of aborted babies in government research; unlimited abortion license defies reason, justice, human rights, conscience rights; science must have moral limits; the essence of human life and nature.


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