A Closer Look show

A Closer Look

Summary: A Closer Look™ with Sheila Liaugminas features notable experts, newsmakers, elected officials, scholars and clergy on a variety of current event topics including social and moral issues, politics, and medical bioethics. Sheila and her guests put the news of the day into sharp focus from a uniquely Catholic perspective.

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  • Artist: Relevant Radio
  • Copyright: 2009 Starboard Media Foundation


 Why Celibacy? Reclaiming Fatherhood of the Priest; Mass of the Americas in DC 10.11.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:44

Fr. Carter Griffin: Why Celibacy? Reclaiming the Fatherhood of the Priest; why we need celibacy now more than ever, a celibate priesthood of true, spiritual fathers. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone: Mass of the Americas at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; first-ever Pontifical High Mass of the Americas, to be celebrated by […]

 Getting Work & Leisure Right; Learning from John Henry Newman 10.10.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Michael Naughton: Getting Work Right: Labor and Leisure in a Fragmented World; rightly ordered active and contemplative life gives us roots in a world that only gives us the superficial; Catholic understanding of vocation, human dignity, and the common good. Often what we do on Saturday, we should do on Sunday; begin early, ordering […]

 Defending David Daleiden; Abortion & the Catholic Strategy  10.9.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:02

Charles LiMandri: Latest updates from the David Daleiden court cases defending his work exposing abortion industry illegalities; ‘gag order’ attempt on Daleiden’s videos extends to his courtroom testimony; legal defense details.  Terry Beatley: Reformed, converted former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson’s full exposure of abortion industry lies, strategy to convince Americans abortion is a woman’s right; […]

 Endangered in Syria; Religious Freedom Challenged 10.8.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:31

Relgious Freedom Challenged in Supreme Court Keisha Russell, First Liberty: Supreme Court cases will heavily affect religious ministries; marriage and gender definition, religious freedom and alleged discrimination at stake in multiple cases Do Not Abandon Middle East Christians Jason Jones: Catholic Social Teaching is not partisan politics; Syrian pullout exposes vulnerable Christians, other religious minorities […]

 Amazon Synod; Supreme Court Session; Women in the Mass 10.7.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:57

Supreme Court’s new sesssion; Amazon Synod; Celibacy; Women’s Role in the Mass Is Church teaching about priestly celibacy, women’s role in the mass and marriage at risk? How is the Amazon Catholic region different from the rest of the world’s Catholic Communities? What cases will the Supreme Court be ruling on in the new session […]

 Transcendent Beauty in Music; Spiritual Underpinnings at Home 10.4.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:45

Michael Kurek: ‘The Sound of Beauty: A Classical Composer on Music in the Spiritual Life’; music theory and the role of sound in God’s creation; music speaks to the mind, emotions and spirit. The role of music in Catholic liturgy, evangelization. Carrie Gress: ‘Theology of Home: Finding the Eternal in the Everyday’; the language of […]

 Pope John Paul II 1979 US Visit; St. Francis Feast Day; Lessons for Our Time 10.3.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:57

Monsignor Stuart Swetland: Pope John Paul II’s visit to the US in 1979, his message to the UN, homilies and messages; public show of faith by Catholics then compared with now, what we can learn; St. Francis of Assisi’s global popularity, what has come from that in art and devotions. Freedom exists to become who […]

 Guardian Angels, Unseen Spiritual Realm, Reasons to be Catholic 10.2.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:30

Fr. Robert Spitzer: ‘The Essence of Things’; reasons to be Catholic; answers to usual questions from doubters, skeptics about why people remain in the Church; feast of the Holy Guardian Angels & existence of the transcendent, spiritual realm of saints, angels, and their importance in our material and spiritual lives.  Angels watch over us and […]

 Hesburgh Impact & Legacy; Reclaiming Common Sense in a Post-Truth World 10.1.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:44

Fr. Wilson Miscamble: ‘American Priest: The Ambitious Life and Conflicted Legacy of Notre Dames’ Fr. Theodore Hesburgh’; evaluating the extent and importance of Hesburgh’s legacy beyond the Notre Dame, on Catholic politicians, academics, theologians, other Catholic Americans. Cuomo speech at Notre Dame set the stage for Catholic politicians to have plausible moral alibi; book  outlines […]

 Professionals in Public Life Answering Discipleship Call 9.30.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:24

Peter Breen: Former State Rep., current Thomas More Chief Legal Counsel, accepts call to run again for public office to reform government, stop corruption, challenge officials involved in scandals & unjust laws; Catholics must engage public debate, shape moral policies, establish just laws. Steve Auth: Longtime successful securities, investment, financial, economic expert in NYC high […]

 The Human Factor in Leadership; Great Lessons and Legacies in Family Life 9.27.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:22

August Turak: Critical lessons I learned from my father; The X Factor in Leadership Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks; Brother John: A Monk, a Pilgrim and a Purpose of Life Dr. Tod Worner: Evangelization & Culture journal on beauty, goodness & truth of a full, faith-filled human life Paul Scofield and the art of […]

 Big Abortion Aggressive in Legal Cases, Media Campaigns 9.26.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:23

Peter Breen: Thomas More Society legal defense of David Daleiden, updates; inside the courtrooms and behind the scenes in Daleiden case hearings; legal defense of IL doctor against extreme state law requiring OB/GYNs to inform pregnant patients of abortion options. Evidence shows: babies were being harvested alive, fully intact with beating hearts. In the same […]

 Fr. Robert Spitzer: What is Truth? Transcendent Attributes of God as Perfect Truth 9.25.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Fr. Robert Spitzer: ‘The Essence of Things’: Living in a ‘post-truth’ world, cultural concept of truth as dissolved into people’s own opinions and personal stories, emboldened by celebrities, media, academics; Oxford Dictionary chose ‘post-truth’ as 2016 word of the year; have to say ‘Stop!’ to this nonsense. The idea behind science: based on one methodology […]

 Impeachment News, Protecting the Vulnerable; Asia Bibi, Human Life and Religious Beliefs 9.24.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:22

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry: President doing the correct thing, releasing transcript of Ukraine call; International religious freedom addressed at UN, renewed promise of US role in protecting religious minorities from persecution; need to get the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to the House floor for a vote; honoring Americans who change history for the better. […]

 Prayer & Work, Faith & Life; Sanctifying the World 9.23.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:22

Kathryn Jean Lopez: A Year With the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living; we need time for quiet and prayer to know God’s love and will, and truth about our lives, vocations, direction, faith; what saints who changed the world teach us today. Mysticism is union with God. Deepening our prayer life makes trusting in […]


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