The Flipside Podcast with Joshua Tongol show

The Flipside Podcast with Joshua Tongol

Summary: The Flipside is the show that'll "mess you up" in a good way. Joshua Tongol asks the hard questions--boldly saying in public what many people are thinking in private. So chill with Josh and listen to his hilarious stories, thought-provoking questions, and insights about religion, spirituality, paranormal phenomena, healing, pop-culture, and whatever else is on his mind! No pulling any punches. No sugar-coating. Just straight-up real talk for ya! Not only that, he'll also be speaking with brilliant minds, influential leaders, celebrities, and more! Josh is the author of "So You Thought You Knew" and "The Secret to Awesomeness." And with his unique and diverse background, he has become a fresh voice for modern-day spirituality. So get ready, here's a show that will get you motivated, inspired, and possibly make you rethink everything you've ever known. Learn more at

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  • Artist: Joshua Tongol: Author, Speaker, Gadfly
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 Joshua Tongol. All rights reserved.


 You Belong to God Sermon Jam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:59

Why is there a tension among Christians between what they believe in their HEADS and with what they believe in their HEARTS? Why are so many afraid to live from the heart? Have you ever experienced REJECTION? If so, why is it so painful? Why is acceptance so important? It's time to question, challenge and rethink what the GOOD NEWS really is for the world that God loves. Soundtrack: "The Hope Will Return" by FeelyGranyx Photo by Remedios Tongol

 Real Faith for Health and Finances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:04

Do you ever struggle with your health and/or finances? What is faith? When do you know when you have it? How do "feelings" play a role in exercising faith? How important are our thoughts, words and actions? Does consciousness and positive/negative thinking have an effect on the world around us? Is "Christianity" the only worldview that has a grasp on healing? Is "all truth God's truth" no matter what spiritual tradition you may find it in? What is the connection between Quantum energy and healing? These are the questions that Josh Tongol answers in this podcast. Be encouraged by the stories, and be empowered to live an abundant life.

 The Adoption and Inclusion of Humanity | Joshua Tongol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:53

Location: Grace Communion International, Crossway How INCLUSIVE is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Did Christ embrace ALL of humanity or only SOME? Do ALL RELIGIONS lead to God or is CHRISTIANITY the only way? Or have we misunderstood it altogether? What did Jesus mean when He said, "It is finished"? The "CONDITIONAL God" ("I love and accept you only IF you love and accept me") being preached today looks very different from the UNCONDITIONAL love of God that we all know in our hearts. Sadly, much of what is believed as the "gospel" has created so much division, intolerance, hatred and wars. Ironically, many Christians cannot even agree with each other, yet each group thinks God is on their side and against everyone else. It's time to question, challenge and rethink what the GOOD NEWS really is for the world that God loves. This sermon will create a huge paradigm shift for many people if they are open. Please listen to the entire message (5 parts) in order to get the full context of what Joshua is saying. Here are the things that will be covered in the message: -The tension between our head and our hearts The "God of conditions" -Is God's love different than ours? -God's dream before creation (i.e. adoption) -Understanding the love within the Trinity -Understanding the union of God and humanity in the incarnation -"Born again" and historical reconciliation -"Separation" between God and man -The Parable of the Loving Father -What's the difference between believers and unbelievers? -Living as children of God

 Was Jesus FORSAKEN by the Father? | Is God Too Holy to Look on Sin? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:54

WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Is God too holy too look on Sin? Was Jesus forsaken by His Father on the Cross? These are two of the building blocks that make up the evangelical penal substitutionary theory. Why does it matter? How we understand the crucifixion shapes our understanding of who God is and what He is like. And ultimately, our understanding of God's character also shapes our lives. Problems with these ideas: -Based upon a "legal" understanding of holiness and the gospel -Distorts the unity within the Trinity -Goes against common sense -Creates a distorted view of an untrustworthy Father Recommended resources: "On The Incarnation Of The Word Of God" by Saint Athanasius "Stricken by God?" by Brad Jersak and Michael Hardin "The Jesus Driven Life" by Michael Hardin "A New Kind of Christianity" by Brian McLaren "Jesus and the Undoing of Adam" by C. Baxter Kruger "Parable of the Dancing God" by C. Baxter Kruger "Kingdom, Grace, Judgment: Paradox, Outrage, and Vindication in the Parables of Jesus" by Robert Farrar Capon "Razing Hell" by Sharon Baker Soundtrack: "Fleeting Scenes" by ADG3 Studios (Adrien Gardiner)

 Does Sin SEPARATE You From God? | Challenging Penal Substitution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:15

WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Does sin SEPARATE you from God? Is there a great chasm dividing humanity and God because of sin? Is there something a person must do in order to remove this separation? Many Christians have been taught that sin separates us from God. In fact, when some people share the Gospel (GOOD NEWS), they begin with the idea of man being separated from God first. But is this where one should begin? Moreover, this whole idea of "separation" is one of the building blocks of the Evangelical penal substitutionary theory. Please watch this video to see to the problems with penal substitution: Problems with SEPARATION? -It's not Christian -Rooted in pagan dualism and not the Scriptures -Has caused many Christians to suffer mentally and emotionally -Denies the purpose of the incarnation and the finished work of Jesus Christ Recommended resources: "On The Incarnation Of The Word Of God" by Saint Athanasius "Stricken by God?" by Brad Jersak and Michael Hardin "The Jesus Driven Life" by Michael Hardin "A New Kind of Christianity" by Brian McLaren "Jesus and the Undoing of Adam" by C. Baxter Kruger "Parable of the Dancing God" by C. Baxter Kruger "Kingdom, Grace, Judgment: Paradox, Outrage, and Vindication in the Parables of Jesus" by Robert Farrar Capon "Razing Hell" by Sharon Baker Soundtrack: "Perpetual Tranquility loop" by Trix-Music

 Was Jesus PUNISHED by the Father? | Challenging Penal Substitution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:47

WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: What is wrong with the EVANGELICAL GOSPEL? Penal substitutionary theory is at the heart of the evangelical gospel. BUT what if it is WRONG? (Please not that this video is not necessarily meant to give a full-blown alternative theory to the atonement. Rather, it is meant to  merely provoke questions, create dialogue, and point out the problems of penal substitution.) Why does it matter? Our understanding of the Cross shapes our understanding of how we view God. And how we view God shapes the way we live. Problems with penal substitution: -Divides the Trinity -Distorts forgiveness -Contradicts the life and teachings of Jesus Christ -Misunderstands justice -Never found in parabolic form Recommended resources: "On The Incarnation Of The Word Of God" by Saint Athanasius "Stricken by God?" by Brad Jersak and Michael Hardin "The Jesus Driven Life" by Michael Hardin "A New Kind of Christianity" by Brian McLaren "Jesus and the Undoing of Adam" by C. Baxter Kruger "Parable of the Dancing God" by C. Baxter Kruger "Kingdom, Grace, Judgment: Paradox, Outrage, and Vindication in the Parables of Jesus" by Robert Farrar Capon "Razing Hell" by Sharon Baker Soundtrack: "Ambient Night" by Eugene Serov (SZ Music)

 Being the Church (Organic Church) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:33

Are you tired of "going" to church? Sick of superficial, ministry-based-only friendships? Bored of passively listening to sermons at a service? How does the New Testament describe the body of Christ? Let this audio be a challenge and encouragement to those who attend institutional churches. Are you looking for something more? I have been accused of being against the church. That is simply not true. Listen to what it means to BE THE CHURCH.

 Will the Real Gospel Please Stand Up? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:42

What is the real Gospel? Sadly, the Gospel today is no longer GOOD NEWS. In many ways, the "good news" being preached today is really BAD NEWS. Many ministers today are preaching an angry, violent, and judgmental God where GOOD NEWS has lost it's meaning. The gospel of grace has turned into a gospel of performance. The God of peace has turned into a God of violence and hatred. And the God of unconditional love has turned into a God of "I love you IF..." This sermon will create a huge paradigm shift for many people. Some will get upset, while others will be liberated. Please listen to the entire message (6 parts) in order to get the full context of what Joshua is saying. Here are the things that will be covered in the message: -What is not the Gospel -A challenge to penal substitutionary theory -What (or Who) is the Gospel? -Adoption -Identification -Who is born again? -Why did Jesus come and die? -Jesus is greater than Adam -"Receiving" Christ -Saved by whose faith? -Biblical repentance -Why preach the Gospel?

 Healing Training and Challenging Sacred Cows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:24

According to, a "sacred cow" is "an individual, organization, institution, etc., considered to be exempt from criticism or questioning." Throughout the body of Christ there have been many ideas that have been left unquestioned. It is time to challenge them.

 Love, Dating, and Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:18

Is there such a person as The One? Should we kiss dating goodbye? How far is too far? Listen as Joshua Tongol answers questions such as these.

 Is Tithing for Today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:17

Is tithing biblical? A more important question might be: is tithing Christian? Understand what giving looks like under grace.

 The Fast that God has Chosen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:28

Is fasting for today? How should we understand fasting under the new covenant?

 What Does Prayer Look Like Under Grace? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:46

This is a discussion about what prayer can look like when a person is under grace?

 What is the REAL GOSPEL? | Jesus is Greater than Adam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:59

Will the REAL GOSPEL (GOOD NEWS) please stand up! Background music: "Love Forever" Instrumental by DEYCH Photo by Lance Salvosa

 Convicted of Righteousness Sermon Jam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:40

Background music: "Found You" Instrumental by Life and Death Productions Photo by Remedios Jose Tongol


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