Bioneers: Revolution From the Heart of Nature | Bioneers Radio Series show

Bioneers: Revolution From the Heart of Nature | Bioneers Radio Series

Summary: The Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature is an award-winning annual 13-part radio and audio series featuring breakthrough solutions for people and planet.The greatest social and scientific innovators of our time celebrate the genius of nature and human ingenuity. The kaleidoscopic scope covers biomimicry, ecological design, social and racial justice, women’s leadership, ecological medicine, indigenous knowledge, spirituality and psychology. It’s leading-edge, hopeful, charismatic, provocative, timely and timeless – like nothing you’ve heard before.

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 Next Gen Farmers: A Land-Loving Story - Severine v T Fleming | Bioneers Radio Series XV (2015) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:38

In the next 20 years, farmland ownership in the U.S. will shift on a continental scale—400 million acres. Yet 70% of American farmland is owned by people 65 and older. How can we help young, motivated agrarians become successful farmers to whom retiring organic farmers can transmit their wisdom? How can we invest in the democratization of our land base? These questions drive Agrarian Trust, started by Greenhorns founder Severine v T Fleming, one of the most visionary leaders in the young farmers’ movement.

 Backlash Moment: Converging at the Crossroads of Identity and Justice - Kimberlé Crenshaw | Bioneers Radio Series 17 (2017) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:17

When Donald Trump rode a wave of white anxiety into the White House, it was part of a backlash to the Obama presidency, one that revealed an increasingly explicit white nationalism and revived an overtly exclusionary agenda: roll back rights and protections for people of color, immigrants, Muslims, women, and gay and transgender people. Then came the backlash to the backlash: a rapidly spreading awakening that all these peoples, movements and struggles are actually connected in one story. Visionary law professor and change-maker Kimberlé Crenshaw shows that it’s only at the crossroads of our many identities that will we will find a story big enough to embrace the diversity and complexity of our globalized 21st century world.

 Wounds To Warriors: In the Wound Lies the Gift - Aqeela Sherrills, Ed Tick, and Eve Ensler | Bioneers Radio Series IX (2009) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:11

Wounded warriors have walked through fire. They carry the scars forever, yet many have somehow managed to heal even the most horrific of their emotional wounds. Rather than turning away from those unimaginable traumas of war, abuse and violence, what can we learn from looking respectfully at their wounds? Our veterans and other survivors are on a transformational, ethical, and spiritual journey. Aqeela Sherrills, Ed Tick, and Eve Ensler share their inspiring stories to help us discover how we might keep the peace.

 Ecstatic Revolt: The New Mythos of Eve - Eve Ensler | Bioneers Radio Series XV (2015) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:55

As the creation story of Judeo-Christian beliefs, the biblical recounting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden has long had profound influence around the world. So what’s it like to be named Eve? World-renowned playwright and activist Eve Ensler explores her own personal journey into her namesake. The provocative author of “The Vagina Monologues” and founder of V-Day to end violence against women suggests there’s another story beneath the traditional story. For her, it’s both very personal – and very political.

 3-D Ocean Farming: Making a Living on a Living Planet - Bren Smith | Bioneers Radio Series XVII (2017) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:21

What if there are ways to sustainably harvest protein and nutritious vegetables from the seas in ways that restore coastlines, local economies, produces abundant food, and sequesters vast amounts of carbon dioxide? Pathfinding ocean farmer Bren Smith has cultivated a breakthrough method of near-shore aquaculture called 3-D Ocean Farming, which has the potential to transform our relationship with the ocean, make room again for the flourishing wild diversity of ocean animals, and launch a novel, delicious and authentically sustainable cuisine along with way.

 Mending the Earth: One Team and Everybody Wins - Tom Goldtooth, Anishnabe Winona LaDuke, Ilarion Merculief and The White Buffalo Souldier | Bioneers Radio Series XIV (2014) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:57

The way we see the world creates the world. If a new way of seeing is needed, what might that look like? Indigenous leaders Dakota-Dine Tom Goldtooth, Anishnabe Winona LaDuke, Aleut Ilarion Merculief and The White Buffalo Souldiers conjure a new paradigm that begins with a change of heart.

 Not Fate But Choice: Reinventing Fire for the Clean Energy Era - Amory Lovins | Bioneers Radio Series XII (2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:27

Reinventing Fire for the Clean Energy Era - The internationally acclaimed energy and design strategist Amory Lovins shows how by 2050 we can run our energy system with no oil, coal or nuclear power. He says we can achieve that vision with clean energy and energy conservation, led by business, without an act of Congress or any new inventions. By making this transition, we can save more than $5 trillion and double the size of the US economy.

 Real Change: The Political Gets Personal - Danny Glover and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins | Bioneers Radio Series XIV (2014) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:18

How can we manifest the world we want, and who we want to be? Actor-activist Danny Glover and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, former CEO of Green For All, show how one sure path to resilience is to build community and social movements. That requires learning how to reach out across our differences – and it gets really personal.

 Natures Phoenix: Fire As Medicine - Chad Hanson and Frank Kanawha Lake | Bioneers Radio Series XVII (2017) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:24

Contemporary Western fire science is integrating what Indigenous Peoples discovered over thousands of years of observation, and trial and error: fire is key to optimizing forest vitality and biodiversity. The merging of these two ways of knowing could signal the end to our misguided policy of fire suppression, and the beginning of fire-resilient communities with a new relationship to one of nature’s most elemental and fearful forces. With fire ecologists Chad Hanson and Frank Kanawha Lake.

 Welcome the Water: Climate-Proofing for Resilience - Henk Ovink | Bioneers Radio Series XVI (2016) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:39

In the face of global climate disruption, two billion people worldwide will be challenged by too much water, and nearly another two billion by not enough. When you fight nature, you lose, says Dutch water wizard and designer Henk Ovink. He’s dramatically demonstrating on large scales how to shift our relationship to nature and to culture - and climate-proof our cities and coasts.

 Circles of Concern: The Secret Sauce of Social Movements - john a. powell and Mauel Pastor | Bioneers Radio Series XV (2015) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:10

From nature’s viewpoint, people are one species. Categories such as race, class, nation, religion and even many gender roles are human constructs. Yet the world is riven by exploitation and violence driven by these perceived divisions at an epic moment of demographic change toward the U.S. becoming a majority minority nation. john a. powell, Director of U.C. Berkeley’s Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, and Manuel Pastor, Director of the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity at University of Southern California, show how to build effective movements to overcome these divisions and come together to solve the planetary emergency that threatens our common home.

 Indigenous Women Rising: Upholding the Hoop of Life - Woman Stands Shining, Patricia Gualinga, Crystal Lameman, Eagle Woman, and Eriel Deranger | Bioneers Radio Series XV (2015) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:55

From the Canadian tar sands to the oil and natural gas fields of North America and the Amazon jungle, Indigenous peoples of the North and South are converging in one struggle. It is also the reconciliation of two different ways of knowing and being, between the head and heart, sometimes called The Eagle and The Condor. Five Indigenous women of the North and South are showing us how to keep fossil fuels in the ground and uphold our part of the hoop of life. With: Woman Stands Shining, Patricia Gualinga, Crystal Lameman, Eagle Woman, and Eriel Deranger.

 Power Struggle: The Unstoppable Rise of the Clean Energy Era - Danny Kennedy | Bioneers Radio Series XVII (2017) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:29

Today in the fossil fuel-induced age of escalating climate disruption, the joker in the deck is the climate imperative to transition rapidly off fossil fuels worldwide. Clean energy has reached the proverbial tipping point - and the smart money is hot on the trail of the clean energy revolution. Entrepreneur and visionary change-maker Danny Kennedy says clean energy not only makes dollars, it makes sense, and this literal power struggle could take us from energy monopoly to energy democracy.

 In Pursuit of Happiness: Becoming Beloved Community - John A. Powell and Grace Bauer | Bioneers Radio Series XIII (2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:41

It's obvious that we're not here for ourselves. That makes no evolutionary sense. There's something larger than us, and to the extent that we can live that and celebrate that, I think we're healthier, and then that's love. So I think if we think of love in this way, and a beloved community in this way, when we hold all this stuff together, together.

 Beloved Community: Hello, My Other Self - Ilarion "Larry" Merculieff and Guadalupe Avila | Bioneers Radio Series XI (2011) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

Hello, My Other Self. In todays radically shifting world, the name of the game is resilience - the capacity of both human and ecological systems to absorb disturbance, roll with the punches and come up standing. Resilience arises from building community - enduring relationships and networks that hold cultural memory in the same way seeds regenerate a forest after a fire. Indigenous leaders Ilarion Larry Merculieff and Guadalupe Avila come from old-growth cultures that have sustained community over centuries and millennia.


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