Launch Your Book with Anna David show

Launch Your Book with Anna David

Summary: A book’s journey is far from over once it’s been launched. In fact, it’s got a whole lifetime ahead of itself. And so while this podcast leads you through writing and launching a bestselling book, its ultimate goal is to help you create a book that changes your career—and your life. The show is a combination of solo question-and-answer episodes and interviews with best-selling authors, entrepreneurs and publishing insiders. It has had over 900,000 downloads, regularly appears on the top 100 career podcast list and is actually funny. Not David Sedaris funny but still funny. Subscribe now so you don't miss an episode, view show notes at and learn more about publishing with Anna David at Don't know where to start? Some of the most popular episodes include "How Do I Get Media Attention From My Book," "A Play-by-Play Breakdown of How James Altucher Launches a Book" and "Chris Voss on How to Negotiate a Book Launch."

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 Sarah Alaimo on Going From "I Can't Write a Book" to Launching Her Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:44

Career happiness coach Sarah Alaimo wasn't planning to write a book, let alone release it. So how did she come to launch her debut memoir? Listen to this episode to find out! WANT TO WRITE AND LAUNCH YOUR OWN BESTSELLING BOOK? GO TO WWW.LAUNCHABESTSELLINGBOOK.COM

 How Do I Re-Launch a Book? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:06

Re-launching your book once it's been traditionally published can be more complicated than you may imagine. In this episode, I walk you through how I did it for my first book, Party Girl.

 How Do I Throw a Book Launch Party? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:34

Your party, no matter how awesome, won't help with book sales. Chances are, you'll actually be giving books away! So why do it? In this episode, I explain why it's worth it. WANT TO WRITE AND LAUNCH YOUR OWN BESTSELLING BOOK? GO TO WWW.LAUNCHABESTSELLINGBOOK.COM

 10 Free Ways to Promote a Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:37

From creating graphics to reaching out to the media, there are numerous ways to bring attention to your book without spending a dime. We go into a bunch of them in this episode.

 What Are the Exact Steps to Publishing a Book? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:07

The crucial steps to publishing a book are writing, editing, cover design, layout and back end Amazon wizardry. This episode walks you through them all.

 How to Get on Podcasts to Promote Your Book with John Corcoran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:43

In this episode, John Corcoran explains how you can promote your book on podcasts, when you should be reaching out and why having your own podcast is the best promotional tool of all. 

 How Did Alex Strathdee Get 40,000 Students to Read His Book? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:13

Alex Strathdee is no ordinary writer. That's because he's as much an entrepreneur as he is a writer. And it's how he got 40,000 students to read his first book. In this episode, we get into all of that and more. WANT TO WRITE AND LAUNCH YOUR OWN BESTSELLING BOOK? GO TO WWW.LAUNCABESTSELLINGBOOK.COM

 How Does an Author Build a Newsletter List? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

A newsletter list is the single most important tool a writer can have when launching a book. But how do you get started—and what do you do once you have? First off, you need to, no matter how daunting it seems and how much it seems like you don’t have time to.

 How Does Pat Flynn Launch a Book? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:30

Pat Flynn is one of the kings of the marketing world and that showed in the way he launched his 2016 Wall Street Journal bestseller, Will it Fly? Because he’s very open about the methods he used, I was able to do research and determine some of his most effective strategies. In this episode, I broke them all down. 

 How Does John Lee Dumas Launch a Book? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:47

The king of podcasting is also quite kingly when it comes to launching a book. This episode breaks down how he blew his most recent release up.

 How to Land a Book Deal With Rea Frey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:50

Rea Frey is the award-winning bestselling author of three suspense novels and four nonfiction books with St. Martin's as well as the CEO of Writeway, a multiple six-figure business that helps connect authors to agents so they can land publishing deals. So how can she help you?

 How Long Does It Take to Publish a Book? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:56

Obviously, the length of time it takes to write and launch a book varies from writer to writer; Anthony Burgess wrote A Clockwork Orange while Junot Diaz took a decade to write The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. This episode breaks down how long not just the writing but also the publishing takes.

 Do People Look Down on Self-Publishing? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:50

One thing I need to tell you right off: there was no bigger snob about self-publishing back in the day than the person writing this post. My, how times have changed. This episode breaks down how.

 What Do I Need to Know to Record an Audiobook? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:28

The audiobook market is a $1.2 billion business but recording and launching your own isn't as easy as you may think. This episode breaks down the sound requirements, what it takes out of you and whether or not you should publish exclusively on Audible, among many other topics.

 What's the Difference Between a Ghostwriter, Editor & Coach? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:52

Do you need a ghostwriter, editor or coach—and what's the difference between those three, anyway? I answer all that and more in this episode.


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