Starseed Radio Academy show

Starseed Radio Academy

Summary: Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet. Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar. Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.

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  • Artist: Starseed Radio Academy
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 Robert Morningstar: UFOs, Mars and The Great Pyramid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Robert Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City. He is a specialist in photo interpretation, analysis and computer imaging, and Associate Editor of UFO Digest Magazine. As an FAA-licensed pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor with more than 25 years of flying experience, he has had close encounters while in flight. Robert has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and has published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception.  His work in the JFK Assassination is cited in major books on the assassination, and he has written extensively to expose NASA's use of 'Disinformation Technology' in suppressing evidence of extraterrestrial life.  He's a regular lecturer at the Edgar Cayce Institute in NY, a Tai Chi and King Fu Master. His thesis on the connection between Mars and Egypt, called The Four Faces of Mars and A Night to Remember, offers extraordinary evidence to demonstrate a direct relationship between The Giza Pyramid Complex in Egypt and a particular region of the planet Mars.  We are honored to welcome him to our show.

 The Teton Meetings/Walk-Ins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:00

Inside the Grand Teton Mountain in Wyoming is an interconnected space-time continuum; a kind of star gate where a galactic gathering takes place Jan 1-7 and July 1-7of every year. This gathering has been in existence for hundreds of years, and has been revealed to humans as early as 1708, when the 14 generation experiments were first put in motion concerning star seed bloodlines on the planet that were to be journaled. Because of the delicate balance to be held through bloodlines, it was decided that a selected group of souls would be in charge. They would be keeping the records from start to finish, including decisions from these meetings each year, determining which bloodline and souls would participate throughout this 14 generation experiment. Some souls chose to incarnate through all of the 14 generations, while some only dipped down every 7 generation, which would be twice in the experiment. Others chose not to incarnate at all, but to "walk-in" as needed to seed, water, fertilize, or harvest some aspect of the intended course of human history through these procedures. Those aboard "spacecraft" who chose not to incarnate at all were part of the "genetic engineering team" which assisted in matching bloodlines to bring about the intended effect.  144,000 beings will be brought inside the Teton'severy 45 minutes for the duration of the meetings, and some will go more than once.

 Meg Benedicte: Unified Field Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Evolutionist and Vortex Bio-Energetic Healer, Meg Benedicte discovered early on that she had a unique gift for seeing subtle energies and could identify the vigorous traumatic patterns that relate to dysfunction and ill health. Over the years, she has become a notable pioneer in Bio-Energetic Healing, first through her own transformation and eventually working with clients spanning the globe. Through her extensive research, Ms. Benedicte has created an original and powerful healing approach utilizing vortex energy, the distinctive proprietary process known as Unified Field Therapy®. In this healing program, Ms. Benedicte helps her clients to quickly change their lives by altering out-of-date systems that limit the human experience. Currently, Ms. Benedicte is sharing her unique wisdom and the dramatic findings of her research with ever widening audiences in teleclass/webinars, various speaking events, online radio shows, blogs and articles, and in her book, "Soul Realized".  As channel to the Sirian Council, Meg Benedicte has developed a holistic-based business that offers services and products to guide people out of a collapsing, toxic world system of disease, divorce and depression into a newly forming world reality of vibrant health, heart-centered community, and personal evolution! Visit and

 Summer Solstice with Kathryn Brinkley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

We are so pleased to bring Kathryn Brinkley back on our special Solstice show!  She is a writer, lecturer and journalist. Her popular book titles are "Jewels for the Soul: Spiritual Reflections" and "Affirmations for the Heart and Soul", as well as being the co-author of the international bestseller, "Secrets of the Light: Lessons from Heaven" which she wrote with her husband, Dannion Brinkley.   She's a Healer, Counselor and publisher of the acclaimed online publication, Kinetics Magazine: Awakening to Ascension.   Tonight Kathryn will be joining us to talk about the significance of the Summer Solstice, and the importance of aligning our lives with the natural, and sacred rhythms of the moon, the Earth, and the Cosmos.   She will share the simple ways we can prepare for the season ahead with simple affirmations and rituals that will attract powerful change and abundance into our lives.  

 "Trickster" - Revealed by Lavandar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

This commentary on Trickster, Holy Trickster, Divine Trickster, Seduction Trickster, Physcial Trickster, Tribal Trickster and Supreme Trickster and the Global Effects,  has been in the making for over 19 years.  Through many different eyes and paths, have I witnessed the coming and goings of trickster and coyote among the people on the planet.  Some I learned firsthand and barely escaped with my soul still intact.  Others I witnessed as they fell or flew directly into the abyss without a second glance.  Over these years it has been brought to my attention more than once that there are eagles out there flying and they seem to be molting in mid air.  Meaning, their feathers seem to be dropping and their flight path is not as smooth as it once was.  And in some cases they are missing in action. MIA's of the eagle kind. There was a time when the gathering of eagles was a priority so that unison of purpose would have a better chance of manifesting.  But as I witnessed the trickster energy being allowed to play on the planet without any guidelines, none whatsoever, and beings just set about allowing everything to play, then it wasn't too long until the chaos started to effect the eagles in bird form and in human form.  It is with this notice that I finally have terminated all of the revisions of this written commentary on trickster and finally send it out to those that can see through my eyes and can hear the message written in their own language of discernment.

 Nibiruan Council and Jelaila Starr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:00

As a contactee, messenger, and channel for the Nibiruan Council, Jelaila Starr is focused on getting the 9D Nibiruan's message of hope out to the world and continuing her counseling work.  With the Nibiruans, she assists starseeds and walk-ins with multidimensional ascension tools along with an accelerated program for DNA recoding.  She is also a Spiritual Business Coach, helping you to do what she did - walking away from her successful 3D business world to answer the calling to a career with a higher purpose.

 Mary Magdalene Bloodline: Producer Rene Barnett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

René Barnett is a life-long researcher and a veteran reality television producer specializing in entertainment specials, series, documentaries and reality-based programming. Her producing credits include Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, Unmasked: Exposing the Secrets of Deception, Strange Universe, Places of Mystery, Guinness Book of Records Primetime and many others.  She recently produced her first feature film, the critically acclaimed Bloodline, an investigation into the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and the shadowy organization, the Priory of Sion.  This film and its implications will be our topic of the evening.  René has also been a past managing editor of UFO Magazine and currently is the host of popular radio talk show NightVision Radio, found at The website for Bloodline: The Movie- Chat room and switchboard will be open, thanks to our team: Mystic and Purple Sage, and thanks also to our co-host, Sierra.

 Stories of Pleiadean Line Up May 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

It's the end of Pleiadean Line Up for May 2011, and we've been getting reports from our community about wondrous happenings over the past week.  We thought you'd enjoy hearing their stories, so we've invited them to come on the show and share their experiences with everyone.  If you had some "high strangeness", sightings, or greater activations, please call in and tell us about it! Lavandar, Arielle and Sierra will offer insights, and Mystic and Purple Sage will be hosting the chat room and switchboard to forward comments/questions.

 James Gilliland of ECETI Ranch / Pleiadean Line Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

ECETI stands for "Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence," and that's what goes on at his place.  Located near Trout Lake, Washington, his ranch is a vortex of energy that attracts over 3000 sightings of UFOs each year, and has been there for over 10 years.  Unlike the Billy Meier contacts, James welcomes people to share the experience, since his ranch is one of the hottest spots on the planet for ET contact. His website is where you can see it for yourself.  A recent documentary about these unprecedented events shows their potential to change the course and destiny of humanity.  James has appeared on many high profile shows, such as Coast to Coast, The History Channel, ABC and FOX news, and written for major publications like UFO Magazine. It's so appropriate that he's joining us on Pleidean Line Up, which Lavandar will be talking about lin the first part of the show. Many thanks to Mystic and Purple Sage for hosting the chat room and switchboard, and to Sierra, who will be cohosting with us on the air.  Don't miss this one!

 Breakaway Civilization/ Author Richard Dolan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

We are pleased to have Richard Dolan return to our show to share his experience at the Wake Up Now conference last weekend, as well as more information about his book, co-authored with Bryce Zabel, called "A.D. After Disclosure".  This topic is relevant to all starseed people, as it is part of the reason you came at this time.  He'll also talk about his recent article called "Breakaway Civilization." He has also appeared on many specials for The History Channel, SyFy, BBC, and elsewhere. In 2006, he was host for the TV series SciFi Investigates. Richard’s writing is widely seen as ufology’s gold standard, and is among the world's most prominent UFO researchers.  He is considered by many to be the world's pre-eminent historian of the subject. Sierra and Arielle will be hosting the show, as Lavandar may not be able to join us this week. Time permitting, Arielle will share the story of how her galactic journey with Lavandar began seven years before they met. The chat room and switchboard will be open and we thank our cohosts, Mystic and Purple Sage for being on our team!

 Wake Up Now Conference Report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:49:00

We just returned from the Wake Up Now Conference in Albuquerque, and it was delightful to meet so many of our starseed audience there.  In this show, we'll be hearing from several starseeds who were there, and will be sharing their experiences with you.  We had a very productive trip, and deeply thank you for your support which helped make it happen!

 Dr. Synthia Andrews: Energy Awareness and Consciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Synthia Andrews is a naturopathic doctor, teacher and author with a 30 year background in massage therapy and energy work.  She is a Reiki Master, is trained in advanced bodywork and energy modalities, and is an authorized teacher of the Jin Shin Do® Foundation.  She was a faculty member at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy for 15 years and taught in the Medical Massage program with CCMT in conjunction with Hartford Hospital.  In addition she teaches classes at the Kripalu Yoga Institute and speaks at local, national and international forums. As a teacher, Synthia is focused on helping people develop and use their energy awareness. For the past 20 years she has joined her husband, research-author Colin Andrews, in the study of consciousness and spirituality. (Colin was our guest for last week's crop circle show.) Her medical practice aims at the emotional and spiritual factors of health and healing. Synthia is co-author of four books, the soon to be released The Path of Energy; Awaken your Awareness and Expand your Consciousness, and Acupressure and Reflexology for Dummies, The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012 , and The Complete Idiots Guide to the Akashic Record . She currently maintains a private clinic in Guilford, CT. where she sees patients and teaches classes in energy awareness.   She can be reached at or She will be speaking on the embodiment of consciousness in Albuquerque New Mexico on May 1, and at the 2012 Power Places Tours conference at Chichen Itza in December 2012. Later in the show, Arielle will give you some effective exercises and tools for manifesting prosperity and abundance in your life.

 Crop Circle Expert Colin Andrews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

We are honored to have as our featured guest Mr. Colin Andrews, the world's leading authority on crop circles, an internationally best-selling author, who, in 1990, advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's cabinet on the mystery, while supervising the largest crop circle surveillance project, "Operation Blackbird", and amassing the world's largest database on crop circles.  His accomplishments are too numerous to mention in full here, but can be found at  They include television appearances on 60 Minutes, 20-20 with Barbara Walters, Good Morning America, Sightings, Unsolved Mysteries, and Coast to Coast with Art Bell.  He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2009 by the Paranormal Research Group, joining ranks with former astronauts Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell.  His first internationally best selling book, published in 1989, "Circular Evidence" was chosen by Queen Elizabeth for her prestigious summer reading list, the first time a book of this kind was ever chosen. Lavandar will be interviewing him live, so don't miss your chance to call in and speak to this very distinguished and courageous pioneer.  

 Sacred Sound Masters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:00

Our featured guests this week are John and Elaine Von Nuding from England, who are Ambassadors of Light and Sound revealing their discovery and how it resonates with higher vibrational codes of ascension. A lot of their focus is on the new starseed children and their insight for these kids, so don't miss it! Also our friend from Australia, Takeli, will call in and share details on her upcoming trip to Maui, HI, which she calls Maui Light Activation Tour which will be on Pleiadean Lineup, May 12-21.   Our starseed friend Marcie took a recent trip to Mt. Ida and has agreed to read from her journal of her amazing story about quartz crystals. Bravo to Marcie for sharing this.   Our resident health expert, Belva Bloomer will also share her weekly "Belvalation" health lessons.

 ET Hybrids and Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This is a personal story of courage in the face of unimaginable trauma. Our cohost, Sierra, is a Desert Storm veteran, an intuitive Pleiadean starseed since birth, and survived an abduction that left her carrying a hybrid child; the child who would be taken before delivery. Her gripping story traces the challenges she overcame, including being used by the military in the human/hybrid ET experiments orchestrated by the grays. Her brave and heroic actions to keep the baby are thwarted when she makes an appointment with a physican. After asking countless questions, she is taken inside Norad at Colorado Springs and shown only a partial truth, but enough to make her go underground for 10 years, off the grid. Later she experiences a Walk-In who assists her to bring her peace of mind and continuing adventures as part of a starseed experiment. This very inspiring account of her own experiences may shake loose some deep unresolved issues in others, but her example is one of shining triumph and a source of hope for others.


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