Torah Means Teacher: Lessons from the First Five Books of the Bible: Dr. Nahum Roman Footnick ~ Inspired by Dennis Prager and many more… show

Torah Means Teacher: Lessons from the First Five Books of the Bible: Dr. Nahum Roman Footnick ~ Inspired by Dennis Prager and many more…

Summary: The Torah Means Teacher podcast welcomes you! Please join our discussions and sit in our Torah study class held at Congregation Beth Yeshurun in Houston, TX. The class is lead and taught by Dr. Nahum Roman Footnick. Dr. Footnick is not a Rabbi, nor does he work for the synagogue (and his views expressed are not necessarily those of the synagogue). Rather, in 2010 he was simply invited by the rabbis of the shul to host a class. A short time after, his classes became quite popular. Because Dr. Footnick teaches the Torah in manner that makes it accessable for all (Jews, Christians, atheist, and anyone), he was asked to record his sessions for references and for those unable to attend. Now those recordings are available to all as a FREE podcast. So, if you have ever had an interest in: God, Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), the Bible, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Hebrew, Sumer, Philosophy, Psychology, NLP, Hypnosis, Egyptology, Archeology, Science, Miracles, Aliens, Angels, Despotism, Communism, Liberty, Americanism, Israel, Ethics, Morality, Holiness, Goodness, Evil, Free Will, and much, MUCH more then you will enjoy Torah Means Teacher as all these areas are frequently discussed in one manner or another. Nahum utilizes commentary from many sources. Most dominant are Dennis Prager, Jacob Milgrom, Nahum Sarna, Umberto Cassuto, Nehama Leibowitz, and of course many other Rabbis like Rashi, Rambam, Ramban, etc.

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  • Artist: Dr. Nahum Roman Footnick, Philosopher and Seeker of Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013 Torah Means Teacher (Footnick Enterprises, Inc.)


 TMT 066: Exodus 23:1 -23:7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:17

Hooray! We start a new chapter in this class.  These verses are fascinating because they are so applicable to both our micro and macro world views.  Below are the relevant verses.  If you have any questions, you can share them below in the comments area. Exodus 23 (NIV) 1“Do not spread false reports. Do not […]

 TMT 065: Exodus 22:27 – 22:31 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:42

This week we get more information regarding some verses from last week’s podcast.  We talk about the history of “7 days” in  a week.  Why the “8th day”?  Also, we discussing some meaningful ideas around kashrut.  Sorry, cannot find the essay I referenced in the class. The verses covered are Exodus Chapter 22 from […]

 TMT 064: Exodus 22: 24 – 22: 30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:59

In this class there is a bit of a recap as well as some more information regarding the questions and challenges from last class.  Much of the explanation comes from Talmudic sources.  Eventually, we pick up where we left off and continue to verse 30.  Below are the relevant verses: Exodus 22 (NIV) (24 in […]

 TMT 063: Exodus 22:21 – 22:27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:55

This week we cover some very interesting and applicable verses.  The class has some interesting dialogue and debate regarding the verses covered which are Exodus Ch. 22 verses 21 – 27. Below are the relevant verses. Exodus 22 (NIV) 21“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt. 22“Do not take […]

 TMT 062: Exodus 22:20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:57

One verse?  Yes, one verse is what we cover in this class.  Actually, one of the students sent an email regarding some information on magic and Judaism.  Here is a link if you’d like to read some of it.  I encourage you to purchase the book as you would benefit from contributing to the publisher […]

 TMT 061: Exodus 22:17 – 22:19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this podcast I do a little review of the last class, and then we pick up at Exodus Ch. 22 verse 17.  We cover three profound verses Ex. 22: 17, 18, and 19.  While they may seem antiquated, cruel, or perhaps just strange; I think after listening to this class they will hold new […]

 TMT 060: Exodus 22:09 – 22:17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Apparently you must hit the “record” button to record something.  I did not do that at the start of the class and only caught it half way through the class (thankfully I figured it out eventually.)  So when I got back to my studio I proceeded to record myself giving the class to… myself. Eventually the […]

 TMT 059: Exodus 21:33 – 22:09 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome back!  This week we cover Exodus Ch. 21 verse 33 and actually make it to a new chapter… 22 verse 9!  As I mention on the intro to the podcast I apologize for the occasional sniff that you might hear.  I use several microphones in recording the class in order to better record the […]

 TMT 058: Exodus 21:26 – 21:32 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:05

Who knew that learning about goring oxen laws could be so interesting!  And don’t worry if you missed the last class, this week’s class begins with a bit of a review of the previous class.  Then we continue from Exodus Ch. 21 verse 26 and make it to verse 32.  Below are the relevant verses: […]

 TMT 057: Exodus 21:22 -21:25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:50

Hold on for a ride.  This week tackle three difficult verses due to the vague and ambiguous language (in Hebrew at least).  We cover Exodus Ch. 21 verses 22 – 25.  Thank you for listening and if you’d have any thoughts or opinions you’d like to share you can do so in the comment area […]

 TMT 056: Exodus 21:12 – 21:21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:40

This week we cover Exodus 21:12 – 21:21.  There are more discussions on slavery, theft, murder, what to do with murderers,  manslaughter, and so much more! Thank you for listening… Below you will find the relevant verses: Exodus 21 (NIV) 12“Anyone who strikes a person with a fatal blow is to be put to death. 13However, […]

 TMT 055: Exodus 21:3 – 21:13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:38

This week we cover Exodus 21:3 – 21:13.  The discussion includes further analysis of the Eved Ivri (Hebrew “Slave”) and Amah (“Female Maidserveant”).  Towards the end of class we begin discussing the theme regarding: What to do with murderers? Here are the relevant verses from the beginning of Exodus Ch. 21: 1“These are the laws […]

 TMT 054: Exodus 20:19 -21:2 (JPS) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:09

This week the class returns from the winter break and we resume our Torah study.  This class covers finishes Exodus Ch. 20 and goes into the very beginning of Ch. 21. Below are the relevant verses: Exodus Ch. 20 (JPS 1917) 19And the LORD said unto Moses: Thus thou shalt say unto the children of […]

 TMT 053: Exodus 20:18-24 (or 15-21) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:12

After the Torah relates the Ten Commandments it relates back some narrative information, and that’s what we begin this weeks class with – covering Exodus 20:18-24 (NIV) or 15-21 (JPS). Exodus 20 (JPS -1917) 15And all the people perceived the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of the horn, and the mountain smoking; and […]

 TMT 052: Exodus 20:14-17 (17-20) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:58

This week we finally complete the TEN COMMANDMENTS… Hooray!!!  And we continue into the following verses in Exodus.  There is much to discuss regarding some of the issues “Do NOT Covet” and the following verses bring up. Below are the relevant verses: Exodus 20 (JPS -1917) 14Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house; thou shalt […]


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