Podcasts - SouthBrook Christian Church show

Podcasts - SouthBrook Christian Church

Summary: Podcasts from SouthBrook Christian Church

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  • Artist: SouthBrook Christian Church
  • Copyright: Copyright: (c) 2018 SouthBrook Christian Church


 Genus and Species | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:35:54

Jesus hung out with fishermen. He talked about fish. In Matthew 13, he describes his Kingdom as being like a net that is lowered into the sea, catching fish. There are two kinds of fish. Fish in an aquarium are one kind. These fish can swim,...

 Soft Petals & Sticky Thorns | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:27:28

The rose embodies what love is. The velvety softness of rose petals demands to be felt—the embodiment of tenderness. But God knew when he designed the rose that the very softness that makes it a thing of splendor also leaves it easy prey to...

 Grander Vision Living | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:33:26

To see people from a worldly point of view is to see them only as material beings. But you will not look into the eyes of a person this week for whom Christ did not die. The non-worldy point of view is to spiritualize people. They are not only a...

 The Power of Story | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:40:23

God is real by us being honest about our weaknesses, and bold to tell the stories of God making us strong. This is what God has been up to all along. Because stories have power and stories are how we connect. Stories are how we know we're in this...

 Living in 3D | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:29:35

There are three steps to living in 3D. Develop Friendships by engaging in the lives around you. Simply live your life and let it be open to those who are in your own circle of influence. Discover Stories by showing genuine interest and learning what...

 The Single Greatest Gift | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:37:20

The single greatest gift you can give another person is to introduce them to the God who loved them so much He came in the form of His Son Jesus Christ. In Acts 8, Philip took three actions. (1) Philip listened to the Spirit's leading. Be willing to...

 This Story Is Not Finished | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:40:43

This story is about pain, patience, peace, proof, praise and passing. Jesus' followers felt the pain of the disillusioning event of His suffering. They were patient as they brought their spices of doubt and waited to see if Jesus was real. They...

 This Tree Is Not Dead | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:43:47

Sin broke us. Sin brings a brokenness that leads to death. By His wounds, we are healed. There is a brokenness inside of you that you cannot fix. Only God can.Come to the tree that is not dead. Come to the healing tree. Come under its healing power...

 This Man Is Not Yeshua | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:31:29

As Jesus stands before Pilate and Herod, as the crowd shouts out their craziness, as He faces a certain death and unbearable pressure, we may question what Jesus does here, and even more, by what He doesn't do.  The thing is, the crowd is kind...

 This Robe Is Not Royalty | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:34:40

There's no pain we face that God isn't aware of. Jesus himself faces bullies. Not only do his punishers inflict physical pain on him, they mock him. They dress him in a robe fit for a king as they taunt and ridicule him. In many ways, some of the...

 This Garden Is Not Eden | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:34:40

The story of humanity began in a garden, Genesis 2. Eden. The story of humanity ends with a garden, Revelation 22. The Tree of Life. The destiny of humanity was determined in a garden. Life is lived in this garden. This garden is not Eden. It is the...

 Building Others Up | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:34:48

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

 In Your Anger Do Not Sin | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:32:40

In your anger do not sin, and do not let the sun go down while you are angry. When our anger tanks are filled, we are capable of all kinds of sin. We may speak careless, cruel words. We may end up physically expressing ourselves, through behaviors...

 Speaking The Truth In Love | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:41:25

This week, we're talking about "speaking the truth in love." How can we tell each other the truth with respect and concern? How can we have difficult conversations when sin and brokenness threaten our relationships? How can we, as a community,...

 Bearing With One Another | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:34:28

The reality is every one of our relationships—even the best—is going to experience upside-down-ness. It happens. To everyone. The challenge is we don't always know how to handle our upside-down-ness with Scriptural wisdom and a godly...


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