The iPhreaks Show show

The iPhreaks Show

Summary: A weekly panel discussion about the ins and outs of programming for iOS.

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  • Artist: Charles Max Wood, Ben Scheirman, Pete Hodgson, Rod Schmidt
  • Copyright: © Intentional Excellence Productions, LLC


 113 iPS Launching an App in the App Store with Matt Ronge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:15

01:34 - Matt Ronge Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Astro HQ Astropad @astropadapp 01:54 - Launching Astropad Wacom Tablets 05:10 - Being Unique (Unique Selling Proposition) Clear Sparrow => Gmail 10:05 - Launch Sequence Press Contacts Videos, Demos Elevator Pitch, Press Kit Engage on Social Media 12:34 - Approaching the Press 14:31 - Marketing Towards Non-Press Members (Influencers) 16:14 - Launch Day App-Store Purchase Trial 20:51 - Learning to Launch The Burned-Out Blogger's Guide to PR by Jason Kincaid 22:05 - Marketing: Messaging/Communication/Packaging 25:36 - The Technical Story Behind Astropad TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Optimization & Latency Fluctuations in WiFi 32:02 - Marketing After a Launch 34:16 - Splitting Responsibilities 35:42 - Niche Down ForeFlight Picks Script use for teams for gender neutral environments (Jaim) KanbanFlow (Chuck) HandBrake (Chuck) Hire Chuck for training! Email Rails Testing Coach (Chuck) The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk! by Al Ries (Matt) Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Matt) Findings (Matt)

 112 iPS Apple Pay with Erik Kerber | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:31

02:05 - Erik Kerber Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Target Target App 02:38 - Apple Pay 04:01 - Why care about Apple Pay? PassKit 05:44 - Integration Stripe 09:53 - The API Encryption 12:48 - How To Do/Setup/Use Apple Pay 17:41 - Apple Pay and iOS 9 19:56 - Offline Use 22:16 - Apple Pay and the Apple Watch     27:30 - Pain Points 30:47 - The Impact of Adding Apple Pay to the Target App Picks Demotivators (Jaim) Blitzortung (Mike) Hopper (Andrew) Ham Radio (Andrew) Boy Scouts of America (Chuck) Elixir (Chuck) Programming Elixir: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun by Dave Thomas (Chuck) Reveal (Erik)

 111 iPS Thoughts About WWDC 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:13

WWDC 2015 Videos   02:09 - Apple Music 03:12 - Metal for OSX The iPhreaks Show Episode #160: Metal with Warren Moore 05:04 - The New Swift Features Protocol Extensions 07:15 - Value Types 09:32 - Error Handling 16:02 - Support for Function Pointers from C 20:04 - Lightweight Generics 22:42 - Guard and Defer 27:27 - Xcode Improvements, Autolayout 29:55 - New Core Audio and Core Image Features 34:01 - Testing 38:15 - The Address Sanitizer Valgrind 51:07 - Crash Logs Addition in Xcode7 Crashlytics 54:43 - Installing Apps Without a Subscription to the Developer Program Picks Owen Williams: Apple’s biggest developer news at WWDC that nobody’s talking about: Bitcode (Alondo) neo-Style Lightning Charge & Sync Cable (Alondo) Hardcore History Podcast (Jaim) WebAssembly (Mike) ASCIIwwdc (Andrew)

 110 iPS Design and The Business of Apps with Dustin and Dylan Bruzenak of Iconfactory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:01

Get your Ruby Remote Conf tickets and check out the @rubyremoteconf Twitter feed for exciting updates about the conference.   02:05 - Dustin Bruzenak Introduction Twitter GitHub Twitterrific 02:29 - Dylan Bruzenak Introduction 02:54 - The Iconfactory @Iconfactory 08:54 - Design and User Experience 18:24 - Lessons Learned From AppViz Matt Ronge: Managing Your Psychology as an Indie Dev 27:56 - Positioning Your App Properly Marketing Metrics Login Barrier 34:19 - The Developer Market Dash 37:09 - Niche Market Focus In-App Purchases Cross-App Promotion 45:41 - The App Store Customer Analytics and Reviews Selling Outside vs Inside the App Store Payment Providers FastSpring PayPal Square Stripe Picks FastSpring (Andrew) DevMate (Andrew) Apple API Diffs (Andrew) GOG (Andrew) Sample Code from WWDC Sessions (Mike) Wits (Mike) Listen to other people’s views (Chuck) Ruby Remote Conf (Chuck) World Time Buddy (Dylan) Complice (Dylan) Transmit (Dylan) xScope (Dustin) Slack (Dustin)

 109 iPS iOS Dev Weekly with Dave Verwer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:02

01:44 - Dave Verwer Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 02:30 - iOS Dev Weekly   Ruby Weekly 05:29 - Curating Process Twitter RSS Feeds Submissions 07:17 - Editing 08:39 - Feedback 09:51 - Curation (Cont’d) 10:52 - Sponsorship 15:24 - Curated and Email Marketing Customers Remotive Spam 21:21 - Avoiding Spam Filters Litmus 24:54 - A/B Testing 26:07 - Dave and iOS Development Picks Russ Bishop: More Swift Attributes (Andrew) Silicon Labs Microcontrollers (Andrew) DigiKey (Andrew) ASCIIwwdc (Mike) Lifeline... (Dave) Pink Floyd on Vinyl on YouTube (Jaim)  

 108 iPS Synchronizing Documents & Offline Handling with Mike Ash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:14

01:36 - Mike Ash Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Plausible Labs PLCrashReporter VoodooPad NSBlog, Friday Q&A 06:26 - Synchronization and Collaborative Editing Dropbox 09:41 - Existing Solutions? Differential Synchronization by Neil Fraser 11:32 - VoodooPad Snapshots 14:43 - Common Approaches for Document Syncing Images Audio Text 19:02 - Conflicting Changes 21:56 - Merge Strategy 24:27 - Use Cases, Connection AT&T Mark the Spot App Network Link Conditioner Designing for Real-World Networks 33:51 - Online/Offline Detection, Handling Slow Responses Reachability 39:32 - Retries Slack 41:35 - Dropbox and Document Syncing Problems 42:50 - Support Picks Differential Synchronization by Neil Fraser (Mike) MailRoute (Andrew) SCSI2SD (Andrew) GFood Lounge (Jaim) Calzone's Italian Restaurant in San Francisco (Jaim)

 107 iPS Andrew Talks Arduino | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:54

01:47 - An Arduino is a Microcontroller 03:46 - Where Do You Get an Arduino? Arduino Uno SparkFun Adafruit 05:00 - Getting Started (Equipment) Shields 07:58 - Language/Interface Arduino - Software Functions: Setup Loop 13:07 - Raspberry Pi vs Arduino 16:30 - iOS Compatibility WiFi Bluetooth 4.0 The Core Bluetooth Framework Packetizer Firmata 24:12 - Projects [Kickstarter] Wired In - Wireless Productivity Sign With Arduino & HomeKit Wired In Arduino Esplora Electric Imp 32:24 - Patterns 34:41 - Debugging Picks The 7 Day Startup: You Don't Learn Until You Launch by Dan Norris (Alondo) UIKonf 1995 Keynote: Object-Oriented Programming in Objective-C (Andrew) AmScope SE400-Z Professional Binocular Stereo Microscope (Andrew) Charlie Christian Neck for Telecasters (Jaim)

 106 iPS Metal with Warren Moore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:00

Check out Andrew’s Wired In Kickstarter! Go here to check it out and contribute! 02:53 - Warren Moore Introduction Twitter GitHub Metal By Example 03:58 - Working for Apple => Doing Metal (Transition) 05:15 - 3D Graphics APIs 3D Game Engines (Unity, Unreal) 3D Rendering OpenGL GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) glVertex 11:14 - Metal = Objective-C API     13:11 - The Programmable Pipeline (Shading) Vertex Shader Fragment Shader Shading Languages: GLSL The Metal Shading Language Rasterization 19:40 - Metal Precomputed Render States Explicit Memory Management 22:07 - Draw Call Batching UE4 "Zen Garden" Using Metal API for iOS 8 Revealed at WWDC 25:30 - Testing Metal 26:01 - Who Is Metal For? What Else Can Metal Do? (Besides 3D Graphics) Task Parallelism Compute Programming (GPGPU = General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units) Signal Processing 33:35 - Getting Started with Metal Metal By Example CAMetalLayer 38:15 - Multithreading MTLCommandQueue 41:34 - Metal Adoption and Future Metal For Developers (Apple) OSX Demand? 45:11 - 3D Graphics Programming Resources SceneKit Sprite Kit Core Animation Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics by Eric Lengyel OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.3 by Dave Shreiner David H. Eberly Mike McShaffry

 105 iPS Jaim's Apple Watch Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:19

02:42 - Models Apple Watch Apple Watch Sport Apple Watch Edition 04:51 - iPhone Interaction Battery Life 06:06 - Apps 07:37 - Simplicity and Accessing Basic Information 10:02 - Storage? 12:22 - Bluetooth Connection 13:06 - Notifications 15:55 - Text Input 16:56 - Sensor for Health Features 17:38 - Apple Pay 19:16 - Apps (Cont’d) MLB Zillow 21:00 - Screen Brightness 22:45 - Motion Sensing? Picks SPIbelt (Jaim) Ruby Remote Conf (Chuck) Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman (Chuck) New Star Wars Trailers (Chuck)

 104 iPS Realm with JP Simard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:54

01:42 - JP Simard Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 02:11 - Realm @realm [GitHub] Realm News Realm Newsletter Signup Page 03:59 - Realm vs SQLite or Core Data 06:27 - Getting Started “The Default Realm” 08:17 - API 10:27 - Relationships 11:34 - Inheritance 15:24 - realm-cocoa & realm-java 16:42 - Enterprise Services and Company Sustenance   19:21 - Migration, Updating the Data Model Marco Arment Resources Users 27:12 - Transactions/Onboarding 30:18 - Cascading Deletes 31:40 - Drawbacks, Feature Addition Syncing [YouTube] German Coastguard Sinking - Learn English Commercial Notification Inspection Null Values = Not Supported 37:18 - Getting Involved with Realm Realm Google Group (Mailing List) Stack Overflow [GitHub] Realm Email: 38:47 - SQL Querying 41:26 - Testing Picks desksurfing (Alondo) How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie (Chuck) WorkFlowy (Chuck) Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results by Stephen Guise (Chuck) Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less by S.J. Scott (Chuck) Waffle (JP)

 103 iPS Persistence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:44

02:17 - Persistence 03:08 - Approaches for Persistence NSUserDefaults 06:03 - NSCoding NSKeyedArchiver 07:57 - .plists (Property Lists) 10:44 - Options for Handling Large Elements     SQLite Core Data 12:29 - SQLite & Core Data Pros and Cons Object Graphs vs ORMs Multithreading Undo/Redo Support Different Stores 23:40 - Different Implementations with Core Data Aether 25:29 - Binary 26:31 - In-Memory 27:39 - Using Core Data for the First Time (Gotchas) 30:11 - Third-Party Persistence Frameworks/Libraries Realm YapDatabase fmdb CouchDB 32:24 - APIs, Crashing Issues 35:35 - Tracking Core Data Changes 37:05 - Migration Picks Marcus Zarra: My Core Data Stack (Alondo) NSHipster: NSUndoManager (Alondo) The Lytro Camera (Andrew) Don’t drink coffee as soon as you wake up (Jaim)  iPhreaks T-Shirts are available via Teespring! Visit to reserve yours by Wednesday, May 6th! T-shirt styles include: unisex up to 3x, ladies', hoodies, and long sleeve tees. Teespring also offers international shipping so that all of our listeners have a chance to buy!    

 102 iPS Game Development with Martin Grider | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:59

02:47 - Martin Grider Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog ActionChess Go Tetris For The Win Catchup Abstract Puzzle @abstractpuzzle   09:29 - Interaction Design and Mechanics Make it Playable, Then Add “Juice” 12:25 - Designing for Mobile vs Board Games Touch Interaction 14:30 - Converting Board Games to Mobile Getting the Company on Board Michael Mindes @MichaelMindes For The Win Kickstarter Carcassonne Ascension 17:09 - Copyright Infringement (Cloning) Settlers of Catan Threes 2048 Triple Town 20:54 - Protecting Your Ideas and Partnering with Publishers 23:19 - Getting Help as an Indie Game Dev Marketers, App Store SEOs, etc. 27:02 - App Shopper 28:24 - Technical Aspects of Game Development Cocos2d UIkit SpriteKit Unity Unreal Engine 34:31 - Physics 36:12 - The International Game Developer's Association (IGDA) 39:47 - Catchup Picks Hunter Loftis: We Will All Be Game Programmers (Pete) Indie Game: The Movie (Pete) Eurogames (Pete) The Changelog #151: Rust with Steve Klabnik and Yehuda Katz (Pete) A Swift Guide to Rust (Andrew) Arduino Esplora (Andrew) Analogue Nt (Andrew) L3D (Martin) Game Developers Conference (Martin) GameLoading (Martin) Top Hat (Martin) CumulusPRO Commercial Grade Anti-Fatigue Comfort Mat Area Mat (Jaim)   iPhreaks T-Shirts are available via Teespring! Visit to reserve yours by Wednesday, May 6th! T-shirt styles include: unisex up to 3x, ladies', hoodies, and long sleeve tees. Teespring also offers international shipping so that all of our listeners have a chance to buy!

 101 iPS Work/Life Balance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:43

Related iPhreaks Freelancing Episodes: Episode #071: Freelancing   Episode #087: Freelancing Part 2 02:52 - What is Work/Life Balance? Is There a Perfect Balance? Art > Science 08:29 - Family Time 10:10 - Structuring Your Work Week (Prioritization) John Sonmez of Simple Programmer     [YouTube] John Sonmez: How I Plan My Week Episode #091: Soft Skills and Marketing Yourself as a Software Developer with John Sonmez KanbanFlow Agile Software Development Quadrant II => The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey The Pomodoro Technique 16:30 - Shortening Hours to Maintain Sanity and Maximize Productivity Physical Activity = Essential Doing Nothing is OK; Doing Nothing Brings Clarity. 22:06 - Just Say NO The Freelancers' Show Episode #072: Saying NO The Freelancers' Show Episode #069: Setting Boundaries   Do NOT Tolerate Toxic Clients; Find Clients That Are a Good Fit (Mutual Benefit) Picks Primus and the Chocolate Factory (Jaim) VARIDESK (Jaim) Audible (Chuck) The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz (Chuck) Firefight (The Reckoners) by Brandon Sanderson (Chuck) Going for a run (Chuck)

 100 iPS 100 Episodes of iPhreaks Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:27

Congratulations, iPhreaks, on 100 Episodes!   02:50 - What’s Up, Ben Scheirman? Twitter GitHub Blog NSSreencast 03:30 - What’s Up, Rod Schmidt? Twitter GitHub InfiniteNIL 05:18 - The Evolution of The iPhreaks Show and the Panel 07:32 - WWDC 08:00 - The Amazon Dash Button 09:28 - WWDC (Cont’d) 11:34 - Show Topics: Growth Is Objective-C Dead? The Introduction of Swift 15:10 - Favorite Episodes Episode #076: Finding Jobs Episode #048: Sprite Kit with Jonathan Penn Episode #040: MGPCommandBus with Saul Mora Episode #006: Core Data with Saul Mora Episode #024: 64-bit with Mike Ash Episode #008: Prototypes with Ben Lachman 20:38 - Ben’s Guitar Podcast: @vibratofm Cohost: Daniel Pasco Recording Gear Heil PR-40 Dynamic Studio Recording Microphone Mackie Onyx 820i 8-channel Premium FireWire Recording Mixer Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 27:48 - The Show Process: Scheduling => Final Product Mandy = DevReps Chuck's Podcasting Setup Roland R-05 Studio WAVE/MP3 Recorder Zoom H5 Four-Track Portable Recorder (Ben) 30:40 - Getting Good Sound Derick Bailey Signals And Leaves Podcast WhisperRoom Sound Isolation Booths 37:20 - Listenership: Finding Our Audience Saul Mora’s NSBrief Podcast “Podcast Fatigue” Picks Shanghai (Ben) Scanbot (Ben) (Ben) Electro-Harmonix SOULFOOD Distortion/Fuzz/Overdrive Pedal (Ben) Hire Rod! (Rod) GoPiGo (Rod) The New James Bond Trailer: SPECTRE (Rod) RATIONAL FUNK with Dave King Video Series (Jaim) Shun VBS0200 Sora 2-Piece Knife Set (Alondo) CompareFolders (Andrew) TenFourFox (Andrew) The New Nintendo 3DS (Andrew) Steelheart (The Reckoners) by Brandon Sanderson (Chuck)

 099 iPS Is Objective-C Dead? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:06

Thank you RailsClips Kickstarter Backers!   02:02 - Is Objective-C dead? Will all apps eventually be written in Swift? Will Objective-C’s popularity decline? Replacing/Rewriting Frameworks Updating Code? Legacy Code? Dependency Injection, NSObject iPhreaks Show Episode #85: Prototyping with Jay Thrash 08:48 - Xcode Support 10:18 - Mixing Objc and Swift (Becoming Bilingual) or Choosing One or the Other? Current Apps Using Swift GitHub iPhreaks Show Episode #98: Carthage with Justin Spahr-Summers Gotchas with Using Both Objc = fear, Swift = familiarity Complementary Languages and Options Challenging Yourself as a Developer (Expanding Your Toolbelt) 25:33 - Is there a dying language? 27:05 - If you learn Swift are you disadvantaged if you don’t know Objc? Picks iOS Animations by Tutorials by Ray Wenderlich (Alondo) Elevator Saga (Alondo) (Jaim) CODE 87-Key Illuminated Mechanical Keyboard with White LED Backlighting - Cherry MX Clear (Chuck) Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad (Chuck) Pebble Watch Kickstarter Campaign (Chuck) Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Chuck) Are you attending MicroConf? Chuck wants to know! Tweet him at @cmaxw.


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