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Summary: RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z Interviews with experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.

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 More Sleep & Less Sugar: Secrets to Leading a Great Sex Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What's the connection between lack of sleep, too much sugar, and lack of sex drive?Not sleeping well is sure to interfere with your daily activities and can alter your mood. You may find that when you're overly-tired, you reach for foods and drinks packed with sugar to help boost your energy. By doing that, not only are you damaging your overall health, but you're affecting your sex drive. What is the connection between lack of sleep, too much sugar, and lack of sex-drive? Listen in as Brad Davidson, Co-Founder and Performance Strategist at Stark, joins Dr. Mike to share the connection between sugar, lack of sleep, and your sex drive.

 6 Weight Loss Myths that Actually Cause Weight Gain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Should you eat less often or five to six meals a day?It seems like every month or so there's a new diet or rule you should be following in order to drop the stubborn weight you can't seem to get rid of. For example, you might have heard that you shouldn't eat past 8 p.m. Or, that you should eat only protein and fat during the day, and carbohydrates at night. Do you know which weight loss myths can actually backfire and cause you to gain more weight? Listen in as Brad Davidson, Co-Founder and Performance Strategist at Stark, joins Dr. Mike to bust the top six weight loss myths that can actually cause you to gain weight.

 Total Arterial Support | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why do you need arterial support as you age?As you age, inflammatory cells, lipids, calcium, and cellular waste products build up within the walls of your blood vessels and form arterial plaque. This plaque can build up and rupture and potentially block your blood flow. This can be extremely dangerous, even fatal. How can you find total arterial support to help keep your cells healthy? Listen in as Dr. Mike shares why arterial support is important as you age and how you can find total arterial support.

 Just ONE Energy Drink May Boost Heart Disease Risk in Young Adults | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Even though it's tempting to boost your energy levels, it's not worth the risk.When you're running on five hours of sleep and the long list of things you need to get done isn't getting any shorter, it can be extremely tempting to reach for an energy drink to boost your energy levels. However, just one energy drink comes with a risk. According to a study by the American Heart Association, drinking one 16-ounce energy drink boosts blood pressure and the stress hormone responses in young, healthy adults. What else did the research find? Listen in as John Higgins, MD, shares information from the recent study, including this new-found link between energy drinks and the risk for heart disease.

 Popping Champagne? Health Benefits of Bubbly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With fewer calories and some amazing health benefits, why not have a glass or two of bubbly?Whether you're celebrating at a wedding, or toasting to the New Year, champagne might be your go-to drink. It turns out that there may actually be some health benefits from popping bottles. For example, while a glass of wine usually contains 120 calories, a four-ounce glass of champagne contains only 90 calories. A recent study also found that drinking one to three glasses of champagne a week can help delay the onset of dementia and memory loss. Will you be toasting to good health this year? Listen in as John Higgins, MD, shares the health benefits of drinking champagne.

 Hour 2: YOU The Owner's Manual Radio 12.12.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this! Straight talk from You Doc, Michael Roizen, MD. Dr. Mike discusses more of the most prevalent health news you need to know from the past week. Plus, find out "What's Toxic & What's Not" from toxicologist and regular contributor, Gary Ginsberg. More from RealAge Metformin Drug: The New Fountain of Youth?

 Happiness & The Power of Giving Gifts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

During the holiday season, the idea of giving drives many people to help in selfless ways.During the holiday season, the idea of giving drives many people to help in selfless ways.  You know what giving does to change the world, but you haven't heard much about what giving does to the giver. Is there any science to back up the idea that giving is good for you, the giver?  The resounding answer is yes.  Dr. Roizen's guest is Jenny Santi, author of the new book, The Giving Way to Happiness: Stories and Science Behind the Life-Changing Power of Giving.  Learn the interesting way your brain is "hardwired" to give, how giving affects your health, and practical lessons on what kind of giving makes people the happiest. Bonus! Happiness is Powerful Medicine

 Hour 1: YOU The Owner's Manual Radio 12.12.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.World-renowned physician, Dr. Michael Roizen, MD, continues to update your understanding of the meaning of health by providing an in-depth review of the most impactful health headlines. He discusses the health news that matters most to you. Dr. Roizen is later joined by Jenny Santi, author of the new book, The Giving Way to Happiness: Stories and Science Behind the Life-Changing Power of Giving. Jenny shares the interesting way your brain is "hardwired" to give, how giving affects your health, and practical lessons on what kind of giving makes people the happiest. Bonus! Real Age Tip Eating on the Run Adds Calories

 Health Benefits of Vacation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Vacation is so important, that many companies are beginning to encourage their employees to use their vacation days.Numerous studies have shown that taking a vacation at least once a year is extremely beneficial for your overall health. Not only does it help relieve stress and give you adventure, but if you're someone who lives in areas where most of the winter months mean frigidly cold weather and gray skies, vacation can boost your mental health as well. Vacations are so important, that some companies, like Diamond Resorts, encourages their employees to take regular vacations in order to stay healthy and happy. Why are regular vacations important? And, what are the benefits of vacationing? Listen in as Patrick Duffy, Global Director of Vacations for Diamond Resorts International, shares why vacations are important for your overall health and why some companies encourage their employees to take vacations.

 Bridging the Gap Between School & Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How can you encourage your children to talk about their school day?Constant feedback for your child and frequent communication between you and her teacher are necessary components in keeping your child on track, and can make an enormous difference in how quickly positive results are seen. Other than having a relationship with your child's teacher that allows for open and honest communication, it's also important to talk to your child about his/her school day. Fostering a positive attitude about learning and going to school is crucial; this can help encourage your child to do well in school and want to learn new things. How else can you help bridge the gap between school and home? Adrienne Weiss-Harrison, MD, FAAP, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how you can bridge the gap between school and home.

 Helping Children with Homework | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What are some healthy homework habits you can teach your children?When it comes to school work, it's important to teach your child habits they can use while working on homework. That means designating a regular location and time to work on daily assignments. Some children get right down to work without much encouragement. Others need help making the transition from playing to a homework frame of mind. Sometimes, providing a ten-minute warning is all it takes to help a child get ready mentally, as well as to move to the place she intends to work. There is no universally "right" time to do homework. In some families, children do best if they tackle their homework shortly after returning home from school in the mid-afternoon; other youngsters may do best if they devote the after-school hours to unwinding and playing, leaving their homework until the evening when they may feel a renewed sense of vigor. How can you help your children with homework? Listen in as Adrienne Weiss-Harrison, MD, FAAP, shares how you can help set up healthy homework habits with your children.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Alternative vs. Traditional Vitamins PLUS Can I Skip a Day of My Supplements? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: I've been trying to cycle my supplements more. I've been taking supplements during weekdays and taking the weekend off, except for a few supplements. Now, of course we all know we should get everything our body needs from food, but realistically that's difficult. We're also not talking about survival levels of nutrients, we're talking life extension/optimal levels. The question is, do you think there are any supplements that are so important to optimal health that they shouldn't be skipped a couple days a week? Unfortunately, this is not a simple answer and the concept is actually very complex. If you need to take a break on occasion and it ultimately helps with compliance for the rest of the days, Dr. Mike says to go for it. If you suffer from pill fatigue and you end up stopping them all every day, then that's not good. Consistency is best, but if taking a day or two off helps, then do that. However, Dr. Mike has a second answer that contradicts this first answer. He also believes that you shouldn't take breaks. You don't really get a break from the toxins that surround you within your environment, or take a break from stress. When you think of it that way and consider the things that are causing your body harm, you don't take a break. Therefore, you really shouldn't take a break from the supplements that optimize your body's well-being. Here's some suggestions to help with compliance: try to take water-soluble vitamins every day, like the B vitamins, vitamin C, and herbal vitamins. Dr. Mike also wants to point out that if you're taking a supplement for a specific condition, don't skip those either. Are gummies, liquids, and mints as good as more traditional forms of supplements like tablets and capsules? It seems like the alternatives like gummies, mints, and liquids are more popular among younger consumers. Again, this answer can be complex. When you first look at compliance, it could be better. People might be more prone to take the gummies, liquids, and mints on a daily basis and wouldn't need a break. However, as far as the purity and getting the effect that you ultimately need from the nutrients, Dr. Mike believes the alternative format still needs some improvement. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at or call in, toll-free, to the LIVE radio show (1.844.305.7800) so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 Ask Dr. Mike: Fighting Colon Cancer & Reducing Tumor Burden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: My brother-in-law has colon cancer. What can he take to fight the cancer and reduce what the doctors are calling 'tumor burden'? There are some things that you can do in order to reduce tumor burden, which is how big the tumor is. You can also do some other protocols in order to improve quality of life. Dr. Mike suggests that the first thing you need to get control over is inflammation. Dr. Mike suggests taking aspirin, curcumin, and boswellia as a way to help reduce inflammation. The next thing Dr. Mike wants you to focus on is boosting your vitamin D levels. The third thing Dr. Mike wants you to do is improve your B vitamin and folic acid levels. You may also want to consider using drug therapy like metformin and garlic. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at or call in, toll-free, to the LIVE radio show (1.844.305.7800) so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.

 A Diet for Your Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What are the top vegetables to eat in order to boost your mind and overall health?Eating healthy is important for so many reasons. Not only will it help you look great, but it can also help you feel great. Unfortunately, many Americans believe it's easier and more affordable to eat fast food and junk rather than healthy food. By eating unhealthy, processed, and high-calorie foods, you're putting yourself at more risk to have health issues later in your life. Why should you be incorporating more healthy foods like fruit and vegetables in your diet? According to new research published in the medical journal Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, eating fruits or vegetables on a regular basis could lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease. What else did the study find? Listen in as Dr. Mike shares the study that suggests eating fruits and vegetables on a regular basis can lower your risk of Alzheimer's.

 Is Parkinson's the Symptom of Intestinal Disease? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

More research is showing a strong connection between your gut and your brain.Parkinson's disease is a neuro-degenerative brain illness where the symptoms slowly get worse over time. According to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation, approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease each year, and an estimated 7-10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease. What are the causes of Parkinson's disease? According to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, a combination of both genetic and environmental causes can be the reason why you may have Parkinson's disease. A study published in the medical journal, Annals of Neurology, found that your gut could be involved in the development of Parkinson's disease. Listen in as Dr. Mike shares the latest study on Parkinson's disease and if there is any insight on what causes this disease.


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