The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio show

The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio

Summary: The show deals with tips, tricks, and advice in regards to computers and technology. The show also features interviews with leading personalities in the Toledo, Ohio area, leading figures from around the world, indie artists, commercial artists, and A FEW SURPRISES.

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  • Artist: Ms Computer Lady
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 TECHNOLOGY ISSUES: Cloud Computing 6/18/11 @ 1:30 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Stop by the Ms. Computer Lady Show as she begins her 4-part series on cloud computing.  Part 1 will deal with the basics of cloud computing.  What is it, have we've experienced it already and don't know it, and special announcements regarding updates.  What are those updates and do they include ustream?  Going to have to come by the show to find out.

 TECHNOLOGY SAFETY: CELLULAR PHONES CONCLUSION 6/11 @ 12:30 p | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady for the conclusion of the series regarding technology and safety tips regarding different devices.  This specially-scheduled edition will as part of its agenda review current information regarding cellular phone safety, expand the safety factors regarding computers and cellular phone safety, and more tips will be answered in regards to prevention of cellular phone hacking. Make sure to stop by with your questions.

 Technology Safety Issues: CELLULAR PHONES 2 6/4/11 @ 9 a | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady for part 2 of the series regarding technology and safety tips regarding different devices. A review of last week's show will be brought forth, as well as current information regarding cellular phone safety. Expansion regarding the question about cellular phones and computers will be answered.  Tips in regards to prevention of cellular phone hacking will be discussed. 

 Technology Safety Issues: CELLULAR PHONES 5/28/11 @ 1:30 p | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady as she starts a new series regarding technology and safety tips regarding different devices.  There's been talk lately surrounding the safety of cellular phones.  How safe are they REALLY?  Are there safety tips we aren't aware of?  Are there brands of phones that are safer than others?  Not that the other questions aren't important, but here's one that surprisingly is rarely asked.  Is is safe to use your phone while you're on the computer?  You'll have to stop by the show to find out because the answer MIGHT surprise you.

 LIVE REMOTE: R&B Dream In Color Event 5/21/11 @ 11 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady as she returns back to Detroit MI for the special late-night LIVE REMOTE from the R&B Dream in Color Event @ the Music Hall: Jazz Cafe. Hear the voices of indie artists themselves as they give their views regarding challenges indie artists now encounter and the technology that now defines their career.  They include up & coming recording artists Kendrick Hardaway, Jay Michaelz, neo-artist JOURNEY and EMI Gospel artist D. Reed, J. Stokes, Alize King, and Trezz Larry. 

 Is It True There's An iPad 3? THE FEATURES 5/14/11 @ 1:30 p | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Rumors surface but it's important to know the facts. Join Ms. Computer Lady as she concludes this 2-part series regarding this question:  "Is There an iPad 3?" According to many media and Internet sources the iPad itself revolutionized the computer world in ways unimagined. All of sudden they're talks about the release of an iPad 3. There are sites displaying different prototypes of what it could look like. Are they actually facts? And if there is a forthcoming iPad 3 coming out what are the features?  All would have to come to the Ms. Computer Lady Show to find out.

 Is It True There's An iPad 3? Part 1 5/7/11 @ 5:30 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Well here come the rumors.  The iPad 2 is breaking records as far as sales are concerned.  According to many media and Internet sources the iPad itself revolutionized the computer world in ways unimagined.  All of sudden they're talks about the release of an iPad 3.  There are sites displaying different prototypes of what it could look like.  Are they actually facts?  Well come to the Ms. Computer Lady show and find out in part 1 of a 2-part series.

 What's This About Windows 8? THE FEATURES 4/30/11 @ 1:30 pm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady as she concludes this series about the upcoming Windows 8 operating system.  The show will concentrate on what the features are in Windows 8 and how they compare to those in older Windows operating systems.  Ms. Computer Lady will also expound on the advantages and disadvantages of installing beta releases into your computer system.

 What Is This About Windows 8? 4/23/11 @ 3:30 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady as she dives further into what the rumors are about the upcoming Windows 8 operating system.  Part 2 will expound what Windows 8 is, the new features and what to look out for when it comes to bea releases.  There will be a review of Part 1, as well as Ms. Computer Lady's theory as to why there are those who still use older operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2000, Windows ME and unbelieveably Windows 95/98.  Everything you need to know before Easter/Resurrection Sunday.

 What's This About Windows 8? Part I 4/16/11 @ 1:30 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

When it comes to a large amount of PC (personal computer) operating systems, the latest one out there is Windows 7.  There are those who still operate Windows XP and Vista.  Unbelieveably, there are those who still use operating systems such as Windows 98 and Windows ME. Well lookout because talks about Windows 8 is on the horizon.  What is Windows 8?  Any new features?  When's the anticipated release?  Find out in Part 1 of a 2-part series.

 Ms. Computer Lady Interviews Ms. Dara Bragg 4/15/11 @ 6 p | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady for a special EXCLUSIVE broadcast featuring Ms. Dara Bragg.   Find out first hand about the upcoming events this month including the Success in the Arts Seminar slated for tomorrow, her credits in stage productions from "A Woman's Worth" to the one of the upcoming  produtions "The Romance", technological involvement with stage plays, and what's in store for her for the remainder of 2011.   

 Ms. Computer Lady's Interview With The Urban Beat 4/9/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

WELL GOING TO TRY  THIS AGAIN.  On one of Toledo, OH's premier radio stations WIMX Mix 95.7 FM, Ms. Computer Lady returned to The Urban Beat with host Mr. Larry Whatley a couple of weeks ago. Get the opportunity to hear the re-broadcast of this interview and hear from the words of Ms. Computer Lady about Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC, the updates on the business and about the Ms. Computer Lady Show, the challenges of bouncing back from when there's a life-altering situation, and her take on the future of computers including the smart phone.

 When Ms. Computer Lady Was Interviewed On The Urban Beat 4/2/11 @ 1:30 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

On one of Toledo, OH's premier radio stations WIMX Mix 95.7 FM, Ms. Computer Lady returned to The Urban Beat with host Mr. Larry Whatley a couple of weeks ago. Get the opportunity to hear the re-broadcast of this interview and hear from the words of Ms. Computer Lady about Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC, the updates on the business and about the Ms. Computer Lady Show, the challenges of bouncing back from when there's a life-altering situation, and her take on the future of computers including the smart phone.

 LIVE REMOTE: Be Seen Be Heard 2011 in Detroit, MI 3/26/11 @ 1:30 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Join Ms. Computer Lady for her FIRST live remote broadcast of 2011 in Detroit, MI for the Be Seen Be Heard event. In summary, the Be Seen Be Heard event is where up & coming recording artists have the opportunity to be in front and perform for top A&Rs from such record companies as Epic Records, Interscope Records, Music World Entertainment, and Atlantic Records, These top record company representatives explain what they are looking for in new talent that they sign. There will also be a Question & Answer portion of the program. After the event, participants have an opportunity to sit down one-on-one with an A&R, have their music reviewed and/or get private face time to ask questions about breaking into the business. Ms. Computer Lady will be on hand to interview different participants and A&Rs that will be part of the event. Hopefully the logistics works out so that all will have the chance to call in LIVE to speak with those participating in this event that you don't want to miss

 Overview of the iPad2 Part 2 3/25/2011 @ 6 p.m. EST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Need to know more about the iPad 2? Join Ms. Computer Lady as she continues her analogy regarding the iPad 2 during this special broadcast. Ms. Computer Lady will expound on the changes for this iPad2, the estimated costs, and predictions for the rest of 2011.


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