Ginghamsburg Church Podcast show

Ginghamsburg Church Podcast

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  • Artist: Ginghamsburg Church
  • Copyright: ©Copyright 2018, Ginghamsburg Church


  FIXER UPPER: FIXER UPPER: RE-VEAL your true potential | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:15

What would a FIXER UPPER be without The Big Reveal? That moment when against all odds the longed-for vision becomes a reality…amazing! And when our lives experience that Big Reveal what becomes evident is equally amazing. Join Pastor Chris and the Ginghamsburg community this weekend to experience warm hearts, cold treats and music to get the blood movin’– FIXER UPPER: RE-VEALING your true potential

  FIXER UPPER: FIXER UPPER: RE-BUILDING piece by piece | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:04

For whatever reason, God doesn’t zap humans into PERFECTION. There’s something about the journey, the PROCESS of life-renewal that makes the heart of God glad. This weekend in worship we’ll discover what it means to be equipped and engaged into the community of Christ as the life-pieces are being rebuilt. Do YOU have the guts to take on a full–life renovation? FIXER UPPER: RE-BUILDING piece by piece

  FIXER UPPER: FIXER UPPER: RE-PAIR with grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:42

The home improvement industry is going gangbusters but let’s be honest. It's our lives we want to fix up -  not just the houses we live in. Jesus came to heal the BROKEN-hearted. Do YOU have the guts to take on a full-life renovation? Join Pastor Chris and the Ginghamsburg community for week two of this series... FIXER UPPER: RE-PAIR with grace  

  FIXER UPPER: FIXER UPPER: RECLAIMING your full life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:43

Who doesn’t love a before and after story? When ugly, unlivable houses are transformed into beautiful, inviting homes it’s amazing! And when God’s deep love does it’s work on the raw materials of our lives - the possibilities are absolutely beautiful. Do YOU have the guts to take on a full–life renovation? This weekend we welcome Pastor Chris Heckaman to our Tipp City campus- launching a brand new message series…  FIXER UPPER: RECLAIMING your full life  

  Shift Happens: SHIFT HAPPENS: embracing God’s NEXT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:22

We usually think of God’s presence in terms of past traditions or static practices, but truth is, God is in the change. SHIFT HAPPENS - and while God’s character never changes, God’s Spirit actively lives and moves into the next space of our lives. Join us for true worship and celebration as Pastor Chris joins Pastor Mike to share our weekend message… SHIFT HAPPENS: embracing God’s NEXT  

  Shift Happens: SHIFT HAPPENS: be the change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:41

In weeks of deepest heartbreak it's easy to feel there's NOTHING we can do to impact the broken world we live in. We completely underestimate how much influence we do have, especially in the lives of those closest around. Join us in worship this weekend as Pastor Mike shares a strong word to encourage dads, grandpas - and any person who seeks to make a remarkable difference in their world. SHIFT HAPPENS: be the change  

  Shift Happens: SHIFT HAPPENS: dancing through change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:58

Life gets crazy - stuff happens! - and how we navigate through the challenges makes all the difference in the world. Join us in worship this weekend as we learn a few new "moves" for stepping forward into God's best NEXT.  SHIFT HAPPENS: dancing through change  

  Shift Happens: SHIFT HAPPENS: letting go of fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:07

SHIFT HAPPENS. Let’s face it: everybody experiences shift from time to time. Jobs change, health declines, relationships turn and our emotional equilibrium is thrown off course. How can we embrace God’s best NEXT without successfully navigating change along the way?  Join us for a fresh season of change at Ginghamsburg - a brand new series - and the promise of God’s best NEXT for each and every one of us.   SHIFT HAPPENS: letting go of fear  

  ACTIVATE: ACTIVATE ADVENTURE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:22

Most of us want a life-giving faith, but our daily habits so easily get stuck in “life-ruts” and nothing moves forward. What if the first step were to RISK? To risk yourself to lose something in order to gain an adventure far greater? What if THAT was Jesus’ first challenge to you?   Join us as we kick off a new-year, six-week series  - discovering KEY BREAKTHROUGHS for every area of your life...   Week 1: ACTIVATE ADVENTURE

  Down To Earth: Down To Earth:  Shine Like Stars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

The  message of Christmas is  clear: the people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light. The Light invades us, warms us – and changes us. Hope fills our hearts and begins to reflect out into the world, not for our sake but for HIS name’s sake. Christmas calls us to come full circle in faith. Join us this weekend in worship as we bask in the afterglow of the miracle of Christmas…   DOWN TO EARTH: Shine Like Stars

  Down To Earth: Christmas Eve Worship: Be Loved - Do Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:22

Join us this Christmas Eve for one of seven candlelight worship celebrations at our Tipp City Campus:  1, 2:30, 4, 5:30, 7, 8:30 or 10pm.  Worship will be live streamed at the 1, 5:30 and 10pm worship times. Children’s activities through 7pm worship; ASL through 8:30pm worship. Or, join us at our Fort McKinley Campus, 3721 W. Siebenthaler in Dayton, at 5:30 or 7pm, or The Point Campus, 506 E. Main St. in Trotwood at 5:30pm. DOWN TO EARTH: Be Loved. Do Love. 

  Down To Earth: Down To Earth: An Obedient Servant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:59

"Obedience" has never sounded particularly exciting, but when faced with the worst possible life-scenario, Mary discovered that obedience was really just saying a courageous YES to God - opening the door to new possibilities and moving out into the miraculous.   Join us for this fourth weekend of Advent as we baptize God's smallest miracles and celebrate huge possibilities...   DOWN TO EARTH: An Obedient Servant

  Down To Earth: Down To Earth:  A Sacrificial Servant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:51

When the God of the universe comes down as a baby, GREATNESS gets redefined. Success now serves, favored sons wash feet, lives are laid down. It's the Christmas you may not have heard about - so join us this weekend as Pastor Mike delves further into Philippians 2, discovering what happens when Heaven comes...   DOWN TO EARTH: A Sacrificial Servant

  Down To Earth: Down To Earth: A Humble Servant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:08

Nothing in all the vast, created universe could prepare us for God coming down as a helpless infant. And, there's nothing in all the imaginations of the world that could make sense of Jesus the son of God intentionally positioning himself as a mere servant identifying with the lowest of lows. It's enough to confound the mind, to contrite the heart. This changes everything.     Join us for the second weekend of our Advent series.

  Down To Earth: Down To Earth: Love Does | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:51

As Advent '15 unfolds we find ourselves in need of something - someone - to trust. A person who, rather than being far away and detached, could be close-up, approachable, accessible. Join us in worship this weekend as we open the book of Philippians to lay a backdrop of rich understanding of what - or Who - has come to live among us.   DOWN TO EARTH: Love Does 


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